Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1408: (?·??-) Didn't tell you!

The guild has returned to the usual daily state of playfulness...

As for a certain'recommendation' from the Freshman Council, no one takes it seriously, even if the former chairman of Makarov has publicly announced and warned everyone, but everyone still should What are you doing? No one believed that the new congress really dared to attack their guild cruelly.

   Actually, it was all the confidence given to them by their little girl president, because after the announcement and warning from the former president Makarov, the little girl said in private:

  ‘If the freshman council wants to reorganize again, those bad guys will come and try to ban the disbanded guild? ’


The above is the original words of President Anne, who captured the'Lun Knights' alive and starved the army of those councils for three days and nights, then threatened the new council with force, and finally forced the other party to make concessions. .

   There is the little girl president who is even more lawless than them and the three-badged Saint Ten Sorcerer. The ordinary members of these guilds definitely don't need to worry too much.

   So yes...

In the castle guild hall today, everyone is doing business as usual. They should eat, drink, play, and frolic. There is no one who seems to be under pressure at all. Look like.

   "Huh huh~?"


   At this time, when the time came in the afternoon, a certain little guy finally rushed in from outside the gate, and ran towards the counter where Miraj was at the first time.



   "Annie, good afternoon?"

   "You finally got up?"

   "If you wait a while, we can have dinner together!"

Now Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Lisana live in that big house with Annie, Elsa, Miraj, Lucy, etc., and their relationship is still relatively harmonious, so gradually I dared to make some irrelevant jokes with their little president.

   "It's you guys!"

  ! o

   "Good morning!"


   It’s a pity that Annie doesn’t admit that it’s the afternoon. Anyway, when she gets up, it’s the morning, not too!

However, this is not the time to fight with Wendy and those guys, because her belly is a bit hungry. If you don’t go to Miraj and ask for something delicious to fill your belly, I’m afraid it’s true. Just like those guys said, we have to wait for dinner together.




Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Lisana didn’t say anything. First, they watched the little girl spread her legs and ran to the counter at the end of the big guild castle hall, then turned her head again and continued with them. The topic just now.


   "Lulu, you just said..."

   "Do you really have that incredible ability to predict the future, just like your mother Shaggett?"

   "Is there really that kind of magical ability?"

  Whether it is Wendy or Lisana is really very, very interested in this, and can't wait to learn more.

   "That's right!"

   "Didn't the queen tell you before?"

   "I am her daughter, and of course I have the same ability to predict the future. I had some clues when I was in Adras before, but only recently have I been able to control it a little."

   "Probably that's it."

Seeing that the attention of the two of them had been refocused from a messy little girl to herself, the white cat Xia Lulu triumphantly swayed her little tail with a butterfly hairband, and showed off the usual triumphant. Small eyes said to the two of them.

   "It's amazing!"

   "Xia Lulu, you really surprised me!"

   She and Xia Lulu have always stayed together, and now Xia Lulu has new abilities, Wendy, as a partner, is naturally and sincerely happy for each other.

"real or fake?"

   "Then tell me, I will...who will be the bride?!"

   Obviously, Lisana has some doubts about this. After all, the ability to predict the future is very rare. In most cases, it is just some deceptive magic tricks, and she still hesitates in her heart.


   If Xia Lulu really has that ability, she would like to try it.

  Because for some reason, she is faintly worried about her future. If Xia Lulu can give her a positive answer, she will definitely feel relieved.

  Thinking about it, Lisana turned her head subconsciously, and secretly moved towards the guild hall not far away, and glanced at someone who was arguing with Gray and was about to become a martial artist with short cherry-colored hair.

"This one…"


   "Lisana, I have just been able to control the ability to predict the future, and I can't see that far!"

"right now…"

   "Probably only see what happened within a few minutes?"

   "But I believe that as you become more proficient in the future, it will definitely become more and more useful, and you will see farther and farther, and you will even be able to see things dozens or hundreds of years later?"

   Xia Lulu is very confident about this!

   Because her mother Shaggett told her that she is very talented, and she will definitely grow up to become the greatest queen of the Excit family?

   "Things within a few minutes?"

   "Then Xia Lulu, please look at me first, and see what will happen to me later?"

   Without waiting for Xia Lulu to look left and right, to see what interesting things would happen around her, Wendy leaned on the table and waited expectantly for Xia Lulu's answer.




   "I saw it, you will be splashed with cream later!"

   As she talked, Xia Lulu seemed to be frightened, and she hurriedly backed up a few steps, until she reached the edge of the table, and then continued to stare at the two people in front of her vigilantly.

   After all, her white hair had just been cleaned and groomed yesterday. If she was also splashed with cream, it would not be easy to deal with.


"No way?"

Wendy's face changed, and she subconsciously moved away from the two cake plates that she and Lisana just finished eating. Now there are a little bit of cream residue on them. If they are likely to be splashed, they are undoubtedly The most suspicious thing.


   "That can't happen!"



   "If you want to fight, please stay away from me!"

However, unlike Wendy who was cautiously on the side, Lisana suddenly cheered, stretched out her hand directly, stacked the two plates together, and then carefully fixed them on the table with her hands, and turned her head towards Na. Then they reprimanded them and let them pay attention, and then they looked at Xia Lulu triumphantly.

   "Now I put them away, I want to see, where else can cream splash on us?"

   Lisana smiled triumphantly.

In her opinion, if that kind of thing really happens, it's nothing more than a fight between Naz and Gray, and then she and Wendy are hit by the fish, but now, after she stifles the'future' in the cradle, that kind of thing It will definitely not happen.

   Then, can it be explained from the side that Xia Lulu’s ability to predict the future is actually inaccurate?


   "The future has not been changed, you still have to be splashed."

   However, even though she saw Lisana's movements, Xia Lulu still shook her head firmly, indicating that Lisana's efforts did not have any effect.

   Although Xia Lulu didn't see where the cream came from, she did, and that thing would happen soon.



   "Is it possible that the cream still falls from the sky?!"

   Lisana and Wendy raised their heads and looked at the ceiling of this hall. It was a luxurious and beautiful castle chandelier, and it was impossible for a cake to fall from the top.

and so…

  嘭! !



However, very abruptly, as the sound of a heavy object being photographed on the table sounded, Lisana and Wendy were both excited, and they were instantly given something cold, slimy and still milky white. It splashed on their bodies and faces, and gradually melted and flowed down under their body temperature.

"Hi everybody!"


   "Did you just say something interesting?"


It turned out that Annie took a big butter cake from a far counter and ran over with a plate, and slapped the food in her hand on the table, causing a lot of butter splashes. Come on?


   "Look, I am not wrong, am I?"

First, she lowered her head and took a look at the cream that just flew in front of her, Xia Lulu sighed, then she tiptoed, and carefully stepped forward on the table for two steps before she looked at Wendy who was embarrassed. Talk to Lisana.

   It turned out that it turned out to be the same thing...

   You know, Xia Lulu didn't see how the cream came just now, and now, her heart was finally stunned.



Lisana and Wendy did not rush to talk, but silently took out their handkerchiefs and ran down their faces, and even a lot of milky white sticky things that still flowed to their lips were carefully wiped clean, and then Cai Qiqi stared at a certain little girl with an angry look.



   "Did you dirty you? I'm sorry, but I didn't notice it just now!"


   Although she said apologize, Annie's face didn't show any apology at all. Instead, she had a gloating look?



   "You haven't said yet, did you just play any interesting game?"


Annie just rushed over to join in the fun just because she saw that these three guys seemed to say something very interesting here. As for whether she was accidentally or deliberately photographing the cake on the table, then she couldn’t. Got it.


"there is nothing…"

   "Xia Lulu just said that she has the ability to predict the future for a short period of time, so we are discussing it!"

   "It's okay now, it's all hit by her!"


   "My clothes, and my hair... I'm going to wash it again at night..."

   Wendy and Lisana sorted out the stars on each other's heads again and again in frustration, while glaring at a sad little girl and explaining with very uneasy eyes.

   Just now, Lisana was already very careful, but in the end, they didn't even think of and guard against some nasty little guy.



   "Is it so awesome?"


   "Then Xia Lulu, use your predictive power to show me, this cake, how many bites do I have to eat before I can finish it?"

  What a spicy thing, Annie definitely wants to mix it up!

   So, she first moved the almost messy piece of cake to her, and then excitedly asked a certain white cat.



   Wendy and Lisana did not speak, but continued to clean up the dirt on their bodies.


   And Xia Lulu just opened her mouth and didn't speak either.

   Because Xia Lulu discovered that her ability to predict the future didn’t work with a certain little girl, no matter what she wanted to say or see, the future that happened to her would immediately change?

For example, if she says how many bites the other party finishes, the guy will have to take one more bite to get rid of it; and if the other party finishes eating one minute later, the other party will definitely get it done within one minute now; and just a few big bites can eat it. If it's over, can the other party just squeeze his mouth in one bite?

   So, she didn't know what to say.


"I do not know!"

   There is no way, Xia Lulu turned her head angrily afterwards, not planning to make a good face for a little girl who was specially to tear down the stage for herself.

   "Damn it!"

  A cat would dare to look down upon himself. If it weren't for a smart creature, Annie would dare to swear with the bear Tibbers head that she would surely let the other party fully understand the sinfulness of human nature?


   "Why are you so embarrassed?"

"what happens?"

   Lucy came over at this moment and looked at Wendy and Lisana curiously, which finally alleviated the embarrassment a little bit here.

"Do not!"

"It's nothing…"

   "It's okay, didn't Annie accidentally make it?"

   Wendy and Lisana said separately, and at the same time they looked at a certain little girl who started to eat the cake.



   "This way..."


"Does any of you know why many people in the guild have become weird these days? Some people rush to work, but some people are still the same as usual. What is going on? "

   Lucy was obviously concerned about the things she had observed for a day, because just now Naz went to work alone and rejected her peers, and so did Gray, which made her wonder how she thought about it.

"Have it?"

   "I don't know..."

   Wendy shook her head.

  The time she joined the guild was shorter than Lucy. How could she know something that even Lucy didn't know?

"This one…"

   "You will know tomorrow!"

   After thinking about today's date, Lisana obviously knows something, but she smiled mysteriously without saying clearly.


   Xia Lulu obviously didn't know, so when Lucy looked at her, she just hummed coldly, and proudly put her white cat's head aside.

   "People know!"


  As the president, Annie obviously knows why.


   "Annie, what the **** is it?!"

   Lucy leaned over excitedly.


  ? What? What?

   "Do you really want to know?"

   "Hmm! Hmm!"

   Lucy nodded again, moving closer.

   "People just didn't say, you are so anxious to death!"

   After finishing speaking, Annie directly held her plate and ran without waiting for the other party to react.



   "Damn it!"

   "Little guy, stop for me!"

   "Don't run!!"




   "Look for a fight!!"

Soon, as a little guy scurrying around, and Lucy chasing, many people who were hit by the two crashed and clamored, making this originally harmonious guild hall instantly become The hustle and bustle rose.


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