Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1409: ?(???)??? La la la~!

The things that have troubled Lucy all day and night have finally solved the mystery!


According to the rules of the "Fairy Tail" guild since ancient times, under the sign of the former president of Makarov, the new president Xiao Annie announced on the second day that the "Fairy Tail" guild of this year will participate in the S-level wizard. The list of relevant personnel to be assessed by the guild, something that bothered Lucy and made many people in the entire guild abnormal, is obviously this.

This year’s S-level wizards’ promotion test venue will be set up on the Holy Land Sirius Island of the "Fairy Tail" Guild. The eight participants who participated in the test will be:

Atelias Naz Doragnil, Gray Falpasta, Jubia Rox, Elfman Strauss, Kana Arupelona, ​​Fili De Justin, Rebbie Markugarden, and some very strange Meester Glad.

Among the above eight people, each can choose a companion, and then go to Sirius Island to participate in the trial.

However, only by passing the assessments of the S-rank wizards in the guild, namely Elisa, Miraj, and Kildas, and completing all the tests, can they succeed and go smoothly. Promoted to be the new S-rank wizard of this year's "Fairy Tail" guild!

In other words, the "Fairy Tail" guild will have eight people participating in the assessment every year, but there is only one winner who has the opportunity to be promoted to an S-rank wizard! And it's just a chance, because the guild's assessment of the S-rank wizard is very strict, and based on the original principle of Ning Que Wulan, sometimes it may not be promoted for several years.

Of course, a certain one was directly recognized as an S-rank wizard by the former president of Makarov without an examination, and was then mixed into the position of the current president, and at the same time, he was also a horror of the top ten wizards. Except for girls?

But anyway, after seven days...

In Harukion Port, everyone once again came to the place where this dream began, where Little Annie and Lucy first met. Fortunately, they met here. Otherwise, I’m afraid of "Fairy Tail." The guild will not be as prosperous as it is today, and it will not have a strong but very disturbing little girl as its president.

of course!

All that is not important, what is important is: now Xiao Annie is holding her arms, sitting on the guardrail of the magical power sail giant with the huge "Fairy Tail" crest, and looking up at it. Those selected players brought their respective partners to Haruhiwon, a city port with a well-developed fishing industry, on time.



Annie has seen it. Gray’s partner is Lucy’s name. Anyway, she has forgotten the Protoss... and Jubia’s partner is Lisana, who just returned from Edras. Elfman’s partner is the Alba Glynn who can wink and turn people into stone, and the green-haired guy’s partner is a strange guy named Pigusrow, an unknown scarface man looking for But it was Wendy, and Lebby was looking for Gajiro who didn't learn well and liked to wear earrings, nose rings, chin rings and eyebrow rings. Kana's partner seemed to be an excited Lucy.

And in the end...

Naz, the lackey, the partner that idiot was looking for, is undoubtedly the blue cat Hobby who can fly and doesn't use any other farts?





Half an hour later, as all the selected members and their partners had boarded the ship on time, as the sailing magic power ship left the port and sailed into the deep sea, Annie finally couldn't help it, and turned her head towards the same. Sitting not far from her, the slender old man in a beach shirt asked aloud.

"Bad old man, just say, why isn't his name on that list?"

(???) Hey?

Annie has been stubborn about this for several days. After all, others can have fun, but she just can't participate. Such things, if uncle can bear her, President Anne definitely can't bear it!


"What, what list?"

When Anne suddenly asked this, Makarov was a little baffling.

"Of course it is the assessment list of that S-rank wizard!"




"Anne, you are clearly the president of our "Fairy Tail" guild, and at the same time a holy top ten magician certified by the council, what do you want that S-rank magician for? "

"Who doesn't know that you are the strongest wizard in our guild?"

Makarov said dumbfoundedly.

You know, the so-called S-rank wizards are nothing more than their "Fairy Tail" and a sort of classification of some powerful wizards within the Justice Guild Alliance. It's just a kind of internal Yes, it is similar to the title of honorary position, but the'Holy Ten Great Wizards' is the highest honor recognized by the entire Fiore Kingdom and the entire continent, and it is also the strongest wizard certified by the council!

Now this little guy obviously has the supreme honor of the'Holy Ten Great Sorcerer', but he still wants to go back and participate in the assessment of the kind of small-scale S-rank Sorcerer. What is it?

"But people just want to participate..."


Annie was still a little unwilling, especially when she saw the large group of guys on the lower deck talking happily, making her even more unhappy.


"You are a referee!"

It is absolutely impossible for the little guy in front of you to participate in the S-level assessment, it will be impossible in this life!

"Strictly speaking, you were also involved, didn't you?"

Therefore, Makarov can only find a way to divert the opponent's attention as much as possible, so as to save the opponent from getting up and down, which will have some bad effects on that very important S-rank wizard assessment ceremony.

"But the referee is not fun at all!"


"It's better to be an examiner with Elisa, Miraj, and Kildas!"



"Don't think about the examiner's affairs!"

Hearing that Little Annie mentioned the matter again, Makarov didn't even think about it, so he shook his head and firmly refused the unreasonable request.



"Why? Everyone is an S-rank sorcerer, so why can Elisa and the others be examiners, but they can only be judges?"


That's right!

Anyway, Annie felt that if she couldn't be selected and become an examinee, it might be a good choice to become an examiner and directly participate in it?

But now it's okay, I can only be a referee, and I can only watch it eagerly, so what's so fun? !


"You're not just an S-rank Sorcerer, you are also the strongest Sorcerer of the "Fairy Tail" and the'Holy Ten Sorcerer'. If you become an examiner, it will put pressure on Naz and the others. too big. "

Makarov still shook his head firmly and refused.

He wouldn't say that he was actually afraid that a certain bad girl would not take the shots lightly or severely, but accidentally defeating all eight players, it would have a serious impact on the overall morale of the guild. !

Like Karna?

The other party participated in the S-level wizard assessment for four consecutive years, and then was brushed down for four consecutive years. That kind of cruel thing has had some very bad effects on the child. It is said that the other party has already begun to be autistic and stressed. They are all so big that they have some extreme ideas, and they even wanted to leave the "Fairy Tail" guild for a while!

So, if this unreliable and powerful little guy is allowed to participate in it this time, God knows what kind of turmoil will be made in the end!

Anyway, Makarov absolutely doesn’t believe that this angry little guy in front of him will be like Elisa and Miraj. He will obey his instructions, take care of the players’ thoughts and take care of the players’ thoughts. Will release a little water at the time, so that some players who meet the requirements can pass?



"I had known that I would not ask you directly for the'S-rank Sorceress' of Rao Shizi!!"


Annie had already regretted it a little. If she knew that there was such a fun thing, she would definitely not clamor to ask the other party to admit that she was an S-rank wizard.

Now look at it. Did you shoot yourself in the foot by yourself?

At that time, she really shouldn't have done it like that. Sure enough, everything was all Xiao Xiong's fault! !



"The Holy Ten Great Wizards are not fun at all!!"


In addition to the S-rank Sorcerer, the'Holy Top Ten Sorcerer' is obviously also one of the culprits. That name invisibly isolated himself from most of the interesting activities. This is Annie. Never thought of it.


"Since I'm talking about the'Holy Ten Great Wizards', then..."


"When will you be able to return my silver badge of the'Holy Ten Great Wizards' to me?"

The other party almost forgot without mentioning Makarov. It seems... Since one time, after this awkward little girl took her badge to play, she never said that she wanted to return to the original owner?

Although the badge is not necessary, Makarov felt that if he could wear the badge on his chest when he went to the new council meeting, he would be more or less hostile to them. The guys in the "Fairy Tail" guild have some deterrence?




(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"People snatched it by their ability, why should they return it to you?"


"They just won't give it!"

?( ̄??)???

After speaking, Annie jumped directly off the guardrail along the side of the ship, and then ignoring the obstruction of a bad old man, she rushed towards the people on the lower deck!



"Shall we discuss it?"



Sighing, helpless, Makarov, who saw the other party's shame, had to give up and smiled bitterly like that, watching Little Annie ran into the crowd and began to quarrel with the group of children.


"Today's sunshine is really good. The sea route to Sirius Island is not close. Maybe I should get fishing gear and go fishing?"

Looking at the bright sun in the sky, and then at the children who laughed and laughed, Makarov felt that all this was the most precious thing that he needed to protect in his life, so he stopped saying more, but ordered Nodded, shook his head again, then turned around and walked to the cabin with his hands on his back, intending to take out his fishing gear, and then go fishing for an afternoon.

If the harvest is good, maybe they can hold a barbecue party on the boat at night? Then, two days later, in the morning of the day after tomorrow, he should be almost able to reach Sirius Island.

But then...

Two hours later, when Makarov was fishing leisurely at the stern of the boat, when the hook began to move, when he saw the shadow of a big fish hovering under the surface of the water, when he was standing up and ready to pull the hook at any time when……

Puff! !

Something that didn't know what it was hit the surface of the water so hard that he frightened away the big fish who had waited for more than an hour to arrive.


So, with a sluggish expression, he used the gradually stiff neck and slowly looked behind him.



"You don't let people play, and people don't let you play!"


That's right, it was Annie who just threw something to the sea to scare away the big fish. She deliberately retaliated against the other party for not allowing her to be a contestant and for not allowing her to be a reviewer. She is so vengeful, careful, and obsessed with retribution!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


Petrochemical generally opened his mouth wide, and saw that he had worked hard for more than an hour, but he was ruined by that bad guy when he was about to reap the results. How could Makarov stand it?


"You stop me!!!"

So, of course, he was frustrated and picked up another fishing rod. After jumping off the chair, he waved the fishing rod and threw it at some nasty, nasty little girl.



"You can't fight!!!"


"Don't run!!!"




"Master, you called the wrong person!!"


"Naz, you stepped on me!"



"Who! Who slaps my old mother in the ass!"


"Lucy, your clothes were hooked!!"


"What, what?!"


"Asshole, asshole!"

"You all die to me!"


"Open it, the door of Aquarius!!"

"not good!"

"stop it now!"

"Don't summon Aquiya!!!"

"Lucy! Stop it, we are now in a boat!!!"


Rumbling rumbling...

Soon the whole ship turned over directly on the sea, but fortunately, this magic sailboat still sounds sturdy, even if it has been hit by the tsunami in Aquiya, even if it has been overturned. , But still intact?


"That's it! Who can turn the boat over again?"

"Let the president go..."

"Which president?"

"Anything will do!"

"Anyway, both will be huge magic!"

"makes sense......"


?( ̄??)??? Ask for monthly pass, ask for recommendation

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