Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1414: ?'?'? People are not fooled!



In this dense forest on Sirius Island, a dog-headed monster wearing an armor and holding a samurai sword is fighting Jahjiru.

"watch out!"


And while the two were fighting, there was a funny big white rooster trying to harass, making Gajiro, who was already very embarrassed by one-to-two at this time, had no choice but to cope with it. There were many more wounds on the iron scales.



I don’t know what happened to Lebby. How many enemies are there on this island?

Although Jajiru was not afraid that the two in front of him were said to be members of the Dark Guild from "Devil's Heart", when one of the opponents attacked at close range and had a sharp knife, and the other was unable to defend against long-range attacks, his The situation was gradually getting worse under his urgency and certain worries.






Jajiru had just avoided the egg lasing magic of the big white rooster behind him. Before he had time to fight back, he was stabbed at him with a knife by the dog-headed monster samurai, and he had to stab himself. His hands turned into iron dragon sticks to resist.

But even so, his hand that turned into an iron dragon stick was still deeply stabbed by the opponent's samurai sword. The painful pain made him miserable, but he could only bite his teeth to resist it.

However, what is even worse right now is that there is that awkward big **** behind him. If this goes on, he will definitely be ill-advised!


What, what to do

Looking at the dark guild member who claimed to be Yumaz's "Demon's Heart" in front of him, looking at the other party with a grin and deliberately wrestling with him with a weapon, he wouldn't let go. Gajiro knew that he had to think of a solution as soon as possible. That's fine, otherwise it would be really dangerous.


"go to hell!"

Sure enough, at this moment, the big white rooster behind, the guy who called himself Cavaz rushed over again, and opened his mouth to him again, seeing the powerful and numerous egg magic. It will be attacked again soon.

"Hey! The guy who eats iron in front, what are you doing here?"

? ̄?????



"Why is there such a spicy **** here?"


At this time, just as Gajru was preparing to fight the enemy to the death and never make any reservations, the cute voice of a little girl suddenly came over, making Gajru, who was originally a little desperate, shocked.



"Come and help!"

After hearing the sound, Jahjiru made a decisive decision and started howling directly.

He knows that he is safe now.

Because the most powerful wizard in their "Fairy Tail" guild, the guild leader, and the top ten holy wizards have arrived, and in front of each other, the two hateful guys in front of them are sure There won't be any waves.



"not good!"

"Is Makarov here!"

Hearing Jajru’s words, the attackers Cavaz and Yumaz stopped in shock, and then stepped back for the first time. When they got out of contact with Jajru, they did not forget to exclaim and turn their heads towards the sound. Looked in the direction of the past.

But then

Where does the sound come from and what Makarov is there?

At this moment, standing there is not some terrible, thin old man they are afraid of and imagined, but just a little girl who looks harmless to humans and animals and carries a stuffed bear in her hand. That's it

"This guy!"

"I can't spare you"

I found that the person was just a little girl I didn’t know. I only knew that the leader of the "Fairy Tail" guild was two of Makarov’s attackers. I felt that I was severely humiliated by my IQ, so , They stared at Gajru fiercely again, ready to launch a new attack, planning to eliminate the "fairy tail" magician whose body would turn into iron.


"They are members of the "Devil's Heart" Dark Guild, come here to help defeat them! "

However, Jajiru ignored the threats of the two men, and immediately relaxed his vigilance, and quickly explained the seriousness of the matter to the little girl who was walking towards them step by step.

""Devil's Heart""


"Why are they here"

?????⿴x33 novel mobile terminal: tts:ヽ.

Annie said that she seemed to have heard of that guild somewhere, but what was even more strange to her was how strange people came to the island. The old Makarov didn’t say that this is their "fairy "Tail" of the guild, are there no outsiders in the forbidden area of ​​the guild?

It’s impossible. Forbidden land or something, it’s just like what is shown in TV and movies, that is, just let outsiders sneak in and play, and at the same time use it to restrict oneself, but the enemy is not responsible for any consequences. local




Jajiru didn’t have time to answer, because, at this moment, the two difficult enemies once again united to attack him, so he had to subconsciously raise his hand and steel it, ready to go first. Resist the enemy's attack.



Seeing those two guys who dared to ignore them and want to continue beating their own guild, of course Annie wouldn't let each other succeed!

"Don't you hear people talking!"


Therefore, the two green fairy magic ideas that can reshape reality and change the essential structure of the world hit the two enemies who dared not to defend her, and instantly changed the two of them. It became two little birds that fell to the ground.

叽 x



"Finally saved"

After seeing two more running little birds out of thin air on the ground, but the enemy was nowhere to be seen, Gajru breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Jajiru was not afraid of those two enemies, he still didn't want to smash the dark guild people inexplicably. After all, it would not do him any good, especially at this time.



Seeing that the enemy was recruited, Annie gave a cheer, then rushed over and grabbed them directly, just like that, grabbing them by the neck and holding them in her hand.



"It seems I can't tell which one is the big **** just now"


Looking at the one in the left hand and then the one in the right hand, Annie said that she didn't seem to have turned both of them into birds, so that now she couldn't tell which was which.

"That's right! Jajiru, what is going on again, why did you suddenly fight with them"


If she couldn't tell Anne, she didn't care about it. She continued to hold them in her hand to maintain her transformation state, but she didn't forget to ask Gajru in a sharp voice.

The second trial of the s-rank wizard’s promotion was to find the tomb of Mebis within six hours, and now more than three hours have passed, the other party didn’t hurry to look for it, instead they fought with others here. It's really strange.

"I do not know!"

"I was attacked by them just now, and they also said to get rid of all the people in our guild."

"and also!"

"They also said that their large army is coming soon, President Annie, let's go to the former President Makarov and tell him about this!"

Thinking of something, Jajiru hurriedly urged loudly.



"Look for Makarov"

? ̄? ̄



"Ha! I know, you don't want to let people take you to find the tomb, and then deliberately find these two dumb guys to act in a play?"


Annie suddenly felt that she seemed to have seen through the other party's conspiracy.

The other party wanted to trick her into taking him to find Makarov with that kind of crooked way, and then find the grave, something that could only deceive ordinary children, she would definitely not be fooled easily!

"Reby, is she hiding aside, waiting for someone to take you to find the old man Makarov"


Just now, if the other party didn't tell me to go to Makarov, maybe Annie really believed it!

"Let her come out!"


However, now the other party is pretending to be unable to beat the two guys who are not very good, and even after he appears, he will take him to find Makarov, that kind of simple deceit. How could she grow up to Anne, how could she be easily fooled?



"But, Lebby isn't here, I just let her run away first!"

"and also!"

"President Anne, I really didn't lie to you, they are really members of the "Devil's Heart" guild, and they really said to do those terrible things! "

"The seriousness is beyond imagination, you should hurry up to find the former chairman of Makarov, and then inform everyone of this matter!"

Seeing a certain disgusting little girl actually looked left and right and took aim with great interest, as if she really wanted to find some hiding, non-existent Rebbi, Gajrou would do it. Urged again griefly.

He doesn't understand, why doesn't the other party believe what he said? He is the kind of treacherous person who does everything in order to find the grave? He came to participate in the assessment, just to find someone on the pretext of helping Rebby It's just a fight, no one cares about winning or losing



"People don't believe it!"


"That fellow Lebby is cunning, so he can't be fooled by you!"


You know, for that cunning and cunning Lebby, Anne was very impressed, saying that she didn't want to be tricked by the other party again.

"Aren't you here?"


"Forget it!"


"You should think of a way to find it slowly. If they are going back to the station, they won't play with you!"

???? ̄? ̄????

After looking for it, she found that she didn't find a guy named Lebby, so Annie had no choice but to give up, then took the two prisoners she had caught, and walked slowly towards a temporary resident.

"President Anne"


"Chairman Annie!"

"I really didn't lie to you, I swear!"



After yelling a few times behind him, he found that a sad little girl ignored herself at all, and went straight into the woods and gradually disappeared. After he didn't know how to explain it, Gajiro hesitated for a while, and had to be cruel. He stomped his foot fiercely, and then chased in the direction where Lebby had just fled.


"We can only find Lebby first!"

Since the president of a certain miserable little girl is unreliable, Gajiro felt that he should quickly find Reb, and then ask Reb to find a way to quickly notify everyone who is scattered on the island at this time. , It’s better to let everyone be more vigilant or stand up



"Ha! Tibbers, look! That guy is really an idiot!"


After a long time, after discovering that Gajiro had indeed run far, Annie finally walked out from behind a big tree and said thiefly.

Yes, she just said that on purpose!

Because she felt that the "devil's heart" guild or something was not really important. She deliberately pretended not to know and didn't make any reaction, so she deliberately let those guys come.

She just wants to see what interesting things those bad guys are going to gather on this boring desert island today.

The s-level promotion assessment was so boring, she was not allowed to participate in the President Anne’s, so when she saw other fun things, something more interesting than being a referee, she would definitely welcome her. Attitude.

As for whether the arrival of those people will cause an accident in the annual assessment in the guild, she will not care about it!


"These two guys"

After making a face toward the place where Gajru disappeared, Annie raised her hands and looked at the bird in her hand for a long time, and then she quickly hit Made an idea:

"We will make a cage with vines later, and then see one catch one, see two catch one pair, turn them all into little birds or birds, and then take them back for Big Sister Miraj"

? ̄? ̄? Hey!

Annie is already thinking about it. At that time, if things can be controlled by her, if Miraj doesn’t know and really wants to prepare a stew with a knife, she sees the small animals to be slaughtered suddenly become under the knife. The appearance of a big living person who is still fighting back will surely be able to frighten the other party.

"Let's go, Tibbers, let's just continue to stroll all the way back!"


Anyway, Annie herself is not too big to watch the excitement, so what happens to the development of things, even if there are really powerful enemies, even if the assessment has to be ended early, it will definitely not affect her to find for herself. Have fun.


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