Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1415: (??ω??)Angry Birds

It was because the president of a miserable little girl didn't want to believe in certain things, so, as a last resort, Gajru could only ran to find his partner, Lebi, and quickly found him.

Of course, in addition to Rebby, he also found Elisa and Jubia, and after following some things that Rebby had already told, he added angrily to the tragic little boy he had just encountered. The girl president and the other party refused to believe his situation.

"You mean..."

"Although Annie caught the two members of the "Devil's Heart" guild, she stubbornly believed that they were you looking for someone to pretend, so she took them away and refused to take you to find Chairman Makarov. ? "

Hearing Jajiru's accusation, Elisa couldn't help but frowned.

"Yes it is!"

"The two guys were turned into two little birds by President Anne, and then we said something. She just didn't want to believe it, so she left by herself."

"Probably...that direction!"

"Elisa, what should we do now?"

After reporting all the things he knew, Gajru stretched out his hand and asked in a certain direction.


"This island is so big, it must be impossible for us to find Annie!"

"As for President Makarov..."

"It's too far, too late, because we don't know if "Devil's Heart" has sent more people here! "

"and so……"

After pondering for a while, Elisa quickly made up her mind, and then when she stretched out her hand, a flare gun appeared in her palm.


"It's definitely not easy for people from the Dark Guild to come to Sirius Island!"

"The matter is urgent, we still notify all other people immediately, end today's trial ahead of schedule, and let them return to the temporary resident to gather immediately before making plans!"


Then, after loading the flare gun, Elisa raised the magic weapon in her hand so high, and pulled the trigger.


boom! ! !

A huge firework exploded suddenly over the sky above Sirius Island, emitting a strong light and loud noise, and it was suspended in the sky for a long time without dissipating for a long time.

"Gajiro, and Lebby!"

"You two immediately returned to the temporary residence to meet Lisana and Miraj, and then waited for the others there. Jubia and I will now go to Wendy and Meister first, and we will go back as soon as we find them!"

"Remember, if you find the enemy again, try not to fall in love with it. Try to send a signal to report the position by yourself. We will definitely arrive as soon as possible. Do you understand?"


"Let's go!"

Elisa quickly made a decision, and once again glanced at the flare in the sky that foretells'an enemy is coming', and after a glance, she took Jubia and quickly ran in the other direction. He disappeared into the sight of both Lebby and Gajiro.


"If President Annie was willing to believe me, that signal would have been sent half an hour ago!"

Watching Elisa and the two hurriedly leave, watching the signal from the sky, Gajru, who had a lot of injuries on his body, said with some regret.

"That one……"

"Gajiro, did President Annie really say that at the time?"

"She said that you were deliberately looking for someone to act, and she also said that it was my plan to use this to trick her into taking us to find Makarov, so as to find the tomb of the first president of Mebis?"

"Yes it is!"


"Gajiro, you shouldn't have said you were going to President Makarov!"


"Why? You think I lied to her too?!"

"of course!"

"Think about it, the two guys who attacked us, one was a big cock, and the other was a big dog... plus many animals on this Sirius Island are very strange, and some can talk. It’s really hard to convince President Annie that it was not something we specifically asked to lie to her..."

"Especially if we played her once?"


"Then what shall we do now?"

Gajiro thought for a while, and felt that what Lebby had said was a bit reasonable.

"I don't know, but let's go back first!"

"Elusa is right. We don't know how many of those guys are left. The key is that everyone is scattered at the moment. If we are attacked again, the situation will be very bad!"


"Lebby, you are right, let's go back first..."

boom! ! !

Suddenly, just as Gajiro and Lebi were discussing and preparing to go back, there was a loud noise, and when they followed the sound, they saw:

On the west side of the island, on the cliff with a wave shape, there is a huge pillar of fire rushing straight into the sky?


"What's that? Did that fellow Naz bump into the enemy?"

Upon seeing this, Gajru immediately wondered if Naz had encountered an enemy.

Because he knew that there was no need to fight in the second round of trials. Even if the different groups of the trial meet together, there is no need to fight. Now, since there is such a big pillar of fire, what hasn’t been said is for sure. It was Naz who ran into the enemy and started fighting.

"Do not!"

"That's not Naz's move, it's the enemy!!"


"Gajiro, we will go back to the temporary resident immediately!"


"Back to the station?"

"But... shouldn't we go to support now?!"

"can not go!"

"If you continue to disperse, you will definitely be defeated by everyone. We will immediately go back to the round, Miraj and Lisana!"


"I'll listen to you."

Jajiru didn't insist. After hesitating for a while, he still turned around resolutely and ran in a different direction from the explosion and fire, following Lebby's stride.


At this time, at the place where the explosion occurred, a strange man was standing on the edge of a cliff in the shape of a wolf head, watching not far away that he had just produced a huge explosion, and the shape of the flame was as straight as a huge tower during the explosion. The'Pagoda of Flame' that rushed into the sky was knocked to the ground. At this time, the four people who had been unconscious or seriously injured, curled their lips in disdain.


"It's so boring..."

"The "Fairy Tail" guild known as the number one in the Fiore Kingdom, the strongest existence in this justice guild alliance..."

"Are there only kids and cats left?"

He hadn't been serious just now, he just warmed up, and then casually put a "flaming tower" magic, these useless guys all fell.

In this situation, he, who has always liked to fight against the strong, even sneaked into the island in advance, so he was really boring!



"It's like this in people's guilds, blame it, uncle, do you have any comments?"


Annie, because my guild is full of children and cats, so I was very proud, just appeared not far behind the other party and asked crisply.


Yi yi

"In addition to children and cats, there are actually birds, don’t believe me!"

() Hey!

Then, Annie hurriedly offered a treasure, raised her hand, and showed her ugly and crooked and twisted cage made of tiny vines.

Inside the cage, there were two hapless little birds. At this moment, after seeing the weird person turning around in front of them, they suddenly began to scream fiercely, as if they were very excited?


Another little girl...

"Fairy Tail?"

Seeing that it was another child coming, the strange man glanced up and down at Annie, and quickly saw the flame on the belly of a doll-like toy bear standing on her shoulder, which seemed to move. The color of the demon tail coat of arms, then, he nodded clearly.

"I've heard..."

"It is said that the new president of the "Fairy Tail" guild is an interesting guy. Not long ago he was so bold enough to ignore the council's order and even attacked the council's army..."

"That funny guy, isn't that ridiculous little girl you?"

Seeing Anne walking step by step, the weird who vaguely knew Anne's identity hugged his arms like this and teased indifferently.



"It's true that they are the president, but they are not funny!"


"By the way! People are catching birds and playing, are you going to come and play together, it's fun?"


After raising the birdcage in her hand to the other side triumphantly, Annie asked maliciously.



(However, Tibbers knows that the nasty little master of his family has actually made up his mind when he asks this question. Obviously the other party’s opinions and answers are not important. It must be very soon, the other party will become a bird. One of the two birds in the cage.)


However, the strange weird didn't pay attention to Annie's words, but sneered with his lips.

"Don't play?"




"That person had to..."


"Catch you to play together!"


"Wonderful thought!!"


Suddenly, Annie hit the opponent directly with a ‘Wonderful Idea’, and let the fairy magic that can reshape reality and change the essential structure of the world successfully hit the opponent in an instant.



Unfortunately, Annie discovered that after being hit by her attack, the other party did not turn into a bird directly, but a piece of wood?


"I have known your abilities a long time ago, I guess, they are... you used that kind of magic to become, right? They are Cavaz and Yumaz?"

With that said, the man quickly discovered that the cage in Little Annie's hand, the two unusually behaving little birds, had calmed down together, nodding their heads, apparently confirming his doubts.

"I do not know!"


"Anyway, they were changed from a big dog and a big cock. Now people can't tell who is who!"


"That one……"


"Shu, don't you really want to come and play together?"


While speaking, Annie walked towards the other party again.



Ye Zhijian! !

It's a pity that the other party seemed to see through Anne's strategy, and while hurriedly stepping back and continuing to maintain a safe distance from her, with a wave of his hand, countless leaves were like darts, lasing directly at Annie.



boom! boom! boom! boom!

When the explosion sounded, Annie was instantly submerged in a fierce explosion, and the dust also submerged her figure in an instant.




Huh! !

Without waiting for the dust to disperse, the strange man shook his spirits, and then hurried to the side, avoiding the two shining long spears that shot at him dangerously, just watching them put him behind the place where he was just standing. The big tree in smashed to pieces and flew towards the distant sky.


"The power is very powerful, it really deserves to be the president of the "Fairy Tail" guild, and the shield is also very strong! "

Seeing the dust being blown away by the sea breeze, and watching the little girl who was still standing on the spot but surrounded by a faint green shield, the man who broke into Sirius Island finally began to get serious.

"I am Azuma!"

"The Devil's Heart" is one of the seven family members of Purgatory. The use of magic is the lost magic "The Arc of the Tree", little girl, what is your name? "

After posing for a fight, Azuma asked in a deep voice, looking at the little girl in the distance.

Although he knows what the guild president of "Fairy Tail" has, and has heard many rumors, he really doesn't know what the other party is a little girl and the name of the other party, and he has never inquired about it. .


Now he thinks that the opponent will be a qualified, so he decided to remember the opponent's name and defeat the opponent in the next duel.

"I won't tell you!"


"Also! You are not an Azuma, you will soon become the third bird of others!!"


The vine bird cage that Annie wove is big enough, but now it only contains two little birds, but it is a bit less, so she wants more!

"is it……"


The sword of the branch! !

Burst Claw! ! !



"Shining spear!!"


boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

Soon, the two sides fought on the cliff with the form of a wolf like this, and let the branches, leaves, fruit condensed by magic power, piercing missiles and magic missiles, etc., bombarded indiscriminately here. Screamed.



"What's going on over there?"

"do not know……"

The fierce battle and terrible explosions in the distance, as well as the black smoke that went straight into the sky, let Elisa and Jubia, who were looking for Wendy and others, saw it.


"Go and see if Wendy and the others are over there!"

So, of course, Elisa gave up her original search direction, and was going to follow the sound, fire, and smoke to see where the battle was going to see who was attacked by the enemy again.


Jubia didn't say much, and followed Elisa without saying a word.


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