Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1428: ?(??^*)?⌒☆Large Dungeon: Attack...

After the council received the unkind and even whimsical letter signed and sealed by Annie and written on behalf of Naz, it was almost immediately after the letter was received. On the day of the letter, the decision regarding the "Fairy Tail" guild was finalized within a short period of discussion.


From the perspective of the council, the letter from the "Fairy Tail" guild does not have much deterrent effect, except that it completely angers them and undermines the authority of the council?

You know, the "Fairy Tail" people have not appeared for seven years, and the current existing "Fairy Tail" guild only has three or two big cats and kittens, and the wizards are even weaker. Poor, even the rankings in the Justice Guild League are extremely low, so it's completely inadequate?

Even if the main force of the "Demon Tail" has returned, the situation in seven years will not be what it used to be. More importantly: The mobile city platform of the "Demon Tail" and the "Nirvana" that it can rely on has been for many years. It was confiscated by the council before being'legally'!

Therefore, the council, who felt that the odds of winning was great, and there should be no suspense at all, so outrageously issued the reward and the'criminal order' for the "Fairy Tail", and at the same time sent a large team of Rune who reacted quickly. The Knights blocked the port city of Harugio, the nearest port city to Magnolia, and formed a large encirclement on the sea and on land, completely cutting off all the possibilities for members of the "Fairy Tail" Guild to escape by sea or land. .

Of course, they did not let go of the sky, and there were also more than three congress floating warships patrolling.

According to the council’s pre-planned plan, this "criminal" operation will be spearheaded by the Justice Guild Alliance and launched a ground attack. The Knights of Luen will be responsible for the encirclement and the final arrest. It is expected that it will take three to five days. The people of "Fairy Tail" were all arrested and brought to trial, and they finally announced the complete dissolution of the "Fairy Tail" guild, a malignant tumor mixed in the Justice Guild League after a week!

The above is the current situation of the "Fairy Tail" Guild and what it is about to face...

In short, the people of "Fairy Tail", this "endangered" guild, which counts the more than 30 main forces that have just returned, and whose total population may be less than 50 wizards, was trapped in Magnolia City. Inside, and the first wait is three full days.

Except for the lucky five people who have already traveled to Hatfield Manor in advance to deal with certain things, such as Elsa, Gray, Naz, Hobby and Lucy, and the hapless Alzac Kenai who has been arrested in advance. Except for this, all the people are currently on standby in their looted temporary guild resident hall.


"He is back!"


"Sarushuk, how is it, how is the current situation?"

Seeing that possessing the magic "sacred feet" can increase one's speed, and when using this magic, the speed of the foot is still the fastest in the "Fairy Tail". After the spy information came back, Makarov was the most worried. And the former president of the two bad old men, Macao, rushed up to inquire.

"very bad…"

Although he didn't want to hurt everyone's confidence, he looked at the guild companions who were all around him and looked towards him. After hesitating, Sarusuk continued to say:

"The main roads from the outskirts of Magnolia to other towns or ports have been blocked by the council's army. We definitely can't get through by land."

"In the air and in the open sea, I also saw their airships and naval fleets patrolling..."


"I heard that, apart from the "Cyan Pegasus" and "Snake Jizhi Scales" that have a good relationship with us, they have not yet expressed any views, nor have they sent personnel to participate in the crusade. The "Saber-toothed Tiger" has replaced it. We have become the strongest guild in the Fiore Kingdom, and there are more than ten justice guilds including "Twilight Ghost", "Giant's Nose", "Mermaid Heel" and so on. "


"There should be more righteous guilds on their way to Magnolia, but because the journey is too far away, they haven't arrived yet?"

After speaking, Sarusuk, who was exhausted and somewhat overdrawn in body and magic, slumped down on a stool beside him, and covered his cheeks with his hands, and didn't know what to say.

"Is the situation so serious?"

Hearing this, the fifth-generation president of Macao turned black in an instant and exclaimed. He had no idea that things would evolve into such a terrible situation.


Makarov also shook his head and sighed heavily.

"It seems..."

"The council is really moving this time. They are determined to completely destroy our "Fairy Tail"..."

Such a big movement not only offered rewards, crusade orders, but also sent naval, air, and air troops. If the council is not serious, it is not intended to avenge private vengeance, and take the opportunity to destroy their guild and take revenge on what Annie did'seven years ago'. Makarov himself would be the first one to disbelieve it!

But what can I do if I know?

After seven years of rest and recuperation, the new council is afraid that it will be restored or surpassed the peak state before the dissolution of the old council seven years ago. Now the other party has made it clear that they want to treat them as "fairy tail". The guilds that respect the council are treated as models. What else can they do besides fighting against it?

"Wendy, you have to protect yourself. If the situation is not good, I will take you away!"


"Lulu, is that exaggeration?"



"That one…"

"Everyone, shall we return this guild resident to the "Twilight Ghost" and then write a letter to the council to apologize? "

"No way, Lebby! Things are not as simple as you think, and now it's useless to do it as you say!"


"It's over, it's going to be over this time!"

"Shut up Wakaba!"


"What are you afraid of? If you are a man, then go with me to fight the troops of the Justice Guild Alliance and the Council!"

"Come on, Elfman, do you know how many of them there are? Even if you don't count the council's army, there are at least hundreds of powerful wizards waiting for us!"

"Shut up!"

"What are you afraid of? President Anne doesn't seem to be worried, let's just wait and see a good show! Don't we still have the Black Dragon Prosperity?"


"That's what..."

After Makaou and Makarov asked and expressed their opinions, Wendy, Xia Lulu, Rebbi, Doler, Vakaba, Elfman, and Gajiro who were next to him also made their comments. They all have different opinions.

In short, except for a few belligerents who didn't worry too much, everyone else was very worried about the next situation of "Fairy Tail."


After seeing everyone gradually calming down, looking at the faces that were hesitant, firm, or sorrowful, Makarov, who was also anxious in his heart, had to look at Annie, the initiator and guild. The current president of.

"Next, what are you going to do?"

Although their "Fairy Tail" guild is indeed strong and powerful, and there are still Anne and the powerful dragon of the end, but they think that they will face the guilds in the justice guild alliance and the Lu of the council. The collective crusade by the Knights of Grace, Makarov still felt very worried and uneasy in his heart.

That level of armed force, Makarov felt that it would be more than enough to directly subvert the Fiore Kingdom!

"How to do it?"


"Nothing needs to be done!"


Annie replied carelessly, she didn't pay attention to the situation mentioned by the thief-running Sarusuk just now.


"The enemy must be attacking soon. There must be a plan?"

Makarov was a little anxious to see that a messy little girl still seemed indifferent.

You know, don’t be afraid of 10,000, just in case!

In case he accidentally loses, he doesn’t care if he himself is a bad old man. He will be locked up like Joseph Pola and used as a man-shaped magic battery by the council, but...there are so many children present, but There are so many girls who are going to slay that crime at such a young age, and that's why he doesn't want to see it.





"Anyway, let's just wait here, wait for them to call the door, and then clean them up one by one.

That's right, Annie planned to do this, and her plan just didn't have a plan!

In fact, in Annie’s view, perhaps she doesn’t need to take action at all. Just relying on the shrunken and weak gatekeeper Long Wangcai lying on his stomach next to the door, if the party goes out, it’s enough to kill those boring guys. We are cleaned up!


It seems too boring to do that!

Her President Anne must give those guys a little bit of hope, so that they think they should be able to win, and then work hard, and finally have a big somersault here. In that case, Would it be more interesting?


Hearing Annie's playful answer, Makarov's eyes instantly rounded up, and faintly felt that a certain magic cell in the council seemed to soon become his free life-long pension for Makarov. Place.

"Don't worry, Makarov, there will be no problem."

"You have to trust Annie..."

"Furthermore, there are all of us here. If it doesn't work, we can still let the black dragon take us back to Sirius Island?"

At this time, Mebis, the first president of the group, spoke, and directly persuaded him with that kind of comfort, and said the way to retreat in the worst case.


"How scared?"

"It's just a crowd of mobs, no matter how much you come, why should you worry about it?"

Immediately afterwards, the second-generation chairman Prechto Gelberg not far away also rarely followed up. Obviously, he did not pay attention to the army of the Justice Guild Alliance or the Council that was about to attack.


"I hope things won't be what I thought..."

Makarov sighed deeply, and then, anxious in his heart, he could only reluctantly respond in this way.


"Oh no!"

"The group of "Ghosts of the Twilight" guild outside is back again, and they also brought a large group of wizards this time! "

Suddenly, without waiting for everyone in the guild to discuss a specific plan, there was a roaring noise outside the guild hall, and then Warren?? Raco, the guy with Psychic Conversation Magic, quickly ran in and shouted loudly. Tao.


"What? They're back again?"

"Dare they come?"

"You didn't hear what Wallien said, they brought someone here this time!"


"Then I will clean them up!"

"I am going too!"


Everyone also screamed in exclamation. However, before they decided to rush out to attack the enemy, to teach those "Ghosts of Twilight" who dared to come a profound lesson, Alba Gelin had already held the glasses and sneered. Walked in.

"No need to go out!"

"I have petrified them all..."

One of the "Thunder Gods", who has the ability to petrify what he sees, even if even the S-rank wizard Elsa is not spared, Eba Gelin is obviously a bit seriously underestimated, so she walked in as she walked in. Holding her glasses, she smiled arrogantly and looked at a little girl president who still didn't respond much and was still'sucking' a glass of juice there.

"President Anne..."

"Do you need me to smash them all right now?"

Like Medusa, Eba Green not only has the ability to petrify what she sees, but also the ability to instantly smash the petrified by her at a long distance, but then, those people will die. Up!

So, if she wants to do that, she needs to ask their little girl president's opinion. As long as the little guy nods, she will definitely do it!


Σ( ̄□ ̄||

"Then let them stay outside for the first time!"




"Someone just thought of a super fun way!"


"Aren't they coming to crusade us? Then, let's just do it!"

(??????????) Hey!

Soon, in the presence of all the members of the "Fairy Tail" present, Annie slowly explained her ‘duplicate’ of Magnolia City.

That's right!

This time, Annie intends to make a personal move, using the magic of Philip Justin, one of the Thunder Gods, to transform the entire city of Magnolia into a large-scale one. Open copy, UU read the book and then let those justice guild alliance and magic council army come in to attack, see if those guys can overthrow all the bosses in the city and the guarding boss Wangcai, and hit it In front of yourself, the ultimate boss?

Under normal circumstances, even if Felid and Lebby work together to cover the entire city of Magnolia and achieve the kind of "dungeon" requirement that Annie said, the time it takes is definitely astronomical. As for numbers, the magic of maintaining is even an impossible task!


With Anne's assistance and guidance, and with her magical powers, they can do it in a short while at most, because she will grow up to be so spicy for her!


(● ̄(??) ̄●)

(Whether it's great or not, Tibbers doesn't want to make more comments. Anyway, it only knows now, and soon, someone will be out of luck...)



The attack on Magnolia City dungeon has started, hurry up and vote for the monthly registration.

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