Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1429: ?Fight against Magnolia?

Unknowingly, the huge city of Magnolia has been shrouded in a certain ‘surgery’, making it suddenly very different from the past.

Of course, in the eyes of ordinary Magnolia residents or tourists, there seems to be no difference here. Apart from being trapped in the city and not daring to go out easily, they just feel like the street Suddenly there were a lot of weird wizards who danced swords and swords.

But in the eyes of those in the council and the justice guild alliance wizards who responded and participated in the crusade, the city has undergone tremendous changes!

Because, those who are hostile to the "Fairy Tail" guild enter the city, and such a strange message will instantly appear in the "air" in front of them.


Super large city-level instance-Magnolia City

Faction: In contention...

Victory condition: All members of the "Fairy Tail" guild are destroyed!

Failure condition: The city of Magnolia was not captured within one hundred and sixty-eight hours!

background story:

Located in the northwestern part of the Fiore Kingdom, Magnolia was once a prosperous and peaceful town, but when the evil council and its accomplices began their shameless assault on the righteous "Fairy Tail" guild, it was here There will be no peace of the past...

In X791, the evil council dispatched the Rune Knights and many evil guild alliances to invade the city of Magnolia, and unleashed a terrifying shadow of war here.

"Fairy Tail" guild president Anne Hasta took on the important task of confronting the council and its evil minions, leading many powerful members of the guild to defend in the city of Magnolia, vowing to commit the enemy. Destroy all and take the opportunity to destroy the tyrannical council and its accomplices!

In order to protect the residents of Magnolia from the poison of the war, President Anne set up a technique in the city to protect all the townspeople and houses from the damage of the war.

Copy characteristics:

Offensive and defensive personnel can fight with all their strength. No real death will occur in the dungeon. The magic will not harm ordinary residents and all houses and other facilities. The defeated will be instantly teleported to Magnoli. In the temporary prison set up in the Asia City Plaza, the final victor will get all the permissions to ultimately lead the instance and the art.



Seeing the line of clear handwriting floating in the air in front of him, Sting Ucliffe of the Sabre-toothed Tiger Guild sneered. The fist blasted towards the outer wall of a house next to it.

boom! !

Amidst the radiance and the loud rumbling, the house that could be easily smashed by his fist in the past suddenly showed a ‘surgery’ to protect the wall, leaving it unscathed.

"Really can't hurt?"



The roar of the white dragon!

Feeling that he was killed, he couldn't believe it, so he opened a mouth, shot a laser from his mouth, and controlled the laser to blast in the direction of the residents who were watching them in the distance.



Then he soon discovered that the'White Dragon Roar', which was enough to smash ordinary people into scum, did not harm those residents at all, and traces of'surgery' appeared on their bodies, so that he The attack just overturned them and scared them a lot?

Obviously, the information shown in the air just now did not lie. That ‘surgery’ was indeed protecting the ordinary residents and facilities in Magnolia City from magic and war damage.


"This magic, and the writer of this technique..."

"It's really terrible!"

"Sting, or let's not mix with the council, let's just go back?"

At this time, the sword-biting tiger wizard next to Sting Ucliffe, known as the strongest modeling wizard, has blond hair, wears a noble hat and white noble costume, looks handsome and is known as Lufas Noah, who is a red moon bard, suggested hesitantly.

Although he is good at memory modeling magic, he also has some understanding of "surgery", and as terrifying as it is now, you can know and imagine how much knowledge and powerful magic power it needs to maintain by just looking at it. He couldn't have much courage to fight against that kind of existence.

He even felt that if the people who wrote the ‘surgery’ were willing, they only needed to make a slight change to dominate the life and death of all those who entered the city of Magnolia?



"what is your opinion?"

The members of the "saber-toothed tiger" on the side, such as Roger Cheney, Xuena Aguria, and Oga Nanagil, also looked towards Sting, who was headed by him, and waited for their opinions.

Obviously, they also don't agree with fighting the enemy in this technique.

After all, since the person who wrote the ‘shushu’ can use the shushu to protect the urban facilities and residents, he can also use the ‘shushu’ to protect the people of the other guild!

That way, it would be really unfavorable for people like them to fight against the wizards of the opposing guild here.

"Do not!"

"Since it's here, it's here..."

"Then it must not be easy to retreat!"


The "Fairy Tail" guild was No. 1 seven years ago, and our "Sword-toothed Tiger" guild is now No. 1. There is always a difference between us, so take advantage of this. Chance? "

"Although they may have a surgical advantage, we also have an advantage in the number of personnel!"

"The Knights of Luen plus at least a dozen guild elites, thousands of wizards, if this can be lost, our guild has no meaning to continue to exist."

With a cold face, Sting Ucliffe didn't mind at all striding forward and continued walking.


"makes sense!"


"All right, Sting, we all listen to you!"

Soon, the people of the Saber-toothed Tiger made up their minds and walked in toward the south gate of Magnolia City.

"But be careful!"

"I heard that the front is the second district of the BOSS. Dragon Slayer Jagiro Leitfox and his partner Pansha Lili are guarding there. Two guild teams have been wiped out there."


"Although they do seem to be strengthened by the technique, we also roughly know their moves..."

"The Pansa Lili will become bigger, the power and speed will be greatly improved after the transformation, and it will fly, and there will be a magic sword. The fighting ability is also very strong, which is very difficult to deal with!"

"However, there is a time limit for its transformation, but Rog and I will contain it, and we will destroy it when its transformation time is over!"

"And Oga, you are responsible for dealing with Yukino and Rufas against the Iron Dragon Destroyer Sage of Jajru. Your Thunder Destroyer Magic should be useful for him, even if he is strengthened, but hold on until you wait. It must be more than enough for us to eliminate that cat."


"When the black cat becomes smaller and enters the beheading stage, you must hold it, don't let the iron dragon slayer try to get close to the black cat, otherwise, once they get within five yards, The black cat will once again get the chance to transform, and the Iron Dragon Slayer will once again be enhanced in attributes. At that time, we may have to destroy the group!"

"Do you understand everything?"

As he walked, Sting Ucliffe set up combat missions based on the information obtained by other guilds before assaulting.



"Got it."

"rest assured!"

The four nodded in agreement.


"Sting, Minerba led people to the'Three Brothers and Sisters of Beast Soul', is she really okay?"

"do not know!"


"Anyway, let's beat the dragon slayer in front of us now, let's talk about it. It's not our turn to worry about other people's affairs!"



Continue to move forward, ignoring the surrounding Magnolia residents'NPC' who are pointing to them at the door, street or window of the house. The five-man team of the Saber-toothed Tiger is just moving towards it. They walked step by step to the planned attack location that they had decided in advance.

At the same time, the same thing is happening in different areas of the four gates of the entire city of Magnolia.

Countless guild wizards are in groups of three to five, or simply take the entire guild as a group, toward the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild stationed in key areas, that is, the so-called'maggots'. The guard instance bosses of Noria City launched a fierce attack.

For example, in the "Three Brothers and Sisters of Beast Soul", that is, at the East Gate Plaza where Mirage, Elfman and Lisana are stationed, Minerba Orlando’s saber-toothed tiger is the strongest. And with insidious methods, cruel and cruel, women who are good at space magic are leading the magicians are fighting.

"You three, hold that Lisana!"


"You bastards, hurry up! Take that big guy away, go a little further!"

"Damn it!"

"Devil Miraj, give it to me, pay attention to the state of the three, and pull them away!"

"Be sure to block it, don't let them gather together!"

As the daughter of the president, and at the same time the strongest magician of the saber-toothed tiger, Minieba Orlando took two helpers while fighting with Miraj, who was receiving the spirit of Satan. On one side, he commanded the other elite wizards with ease.

Those people were not all members of their Sabre-toothed Tiger Guild, but after learning about the characteristics of this Magnolia City, their group of people from different guilds united and successfully killed that one. 'The Witch of the Sky', Wendy Mabel, the Sky Dragon Slayer, and her partner Xia Lulu, successfully hit the'Three Brothers and Sisters of Beast Soul'.

Now, although she could see that the'Three Brothers and Sisters of Beast Soul' were indeed enhanced a lot by the technique, but compared to their group of twenty-member squad composed of several powerful guilds. In the team, the strength of the opponent's enhancement is not enough!

Of course, if it is a team of forty people, it is hard to say.

After all, it was hard for them to figure it out. Under the influence of the technique, the three brothers and sisters and other BOSS will multiply with the number of people participating in the battle. Therefore, choosing the number of people participating in the battle is very important. of!

But now, their team of twenty people is just right, barely enough for the ‘three brothers and sisters of the beast soul’ in front of them.



Lisana, who was being besieged by a group of wolves and tigers, turned into a huge rabbit after receiving the power of the rabbit, and shot an enemy out.


There are still six enemies around her. The opponent’s tenacity and tenacity, as well as the magic that bombarded her, successfully prevented her from trying to get close to her brother or sister, and then used the technique to quickly restore her strength and strength. Thoughts of injury.

"Sister! Brother!"

"My strength is beginning to weaken. We must hurry up to regain strength together, otherwise the magic power will be exhausted."

So, as a last resort, I held on for a while, and waited until her magical power gradually bottomed out, and when she had added a few more wounds to her body, Lisana, who was in pain, exclaimed that she was also dragged by the enemy in the distance. Elder brother Elfman and sister Miraj shouted for help.

"hold onto!"

"I'll come!"


After Elfman saw that his sister Miraj was still dragged by the enemy’s leader and couldn’t move, he roared, turning his head and hands into beasts, and then turned towards My sister rushed over, wanting to provide some assistance to the other side temporarily.


There are as many as eleven sorcerers around him. Where can he easily rush through if he wants to rush through?


"Sister! Brother!"


Suddenly, Lisana exclaimed!

Then when Elfman and Miraj turned their heads in astonishment, they discovered that their sister Lisana was cut off by a cruel wizard at this time, and then stared. The beautiful heads with round eyes rolled onto the ground with a touch of scarlet in their incredulous gaze.


"Do not!!"


"Kill you!"

"Kill you!!"

In the next moment, Elfman only felt the infinite power rushing, and then, the endless anger dazzled his mind, making him instantly transformed into a completely receptive Beastmaster form, and then his size was even better than the normal Beastmaster form. It's quite a few times bigger.

right now!

Because of Lisana's ‘death’, Elfman was completely violent under the action of the technique!

"Damn it!"

"Who told you to kill her first?!"

At this time, Minieba Orlando, who was in charge of the command, was also stunned.

She remembered that she had clearly warned that the three brothers and sisters of the beast soul must be killed at the same time. Otherwise, if the younger one is killed first, the second child will be violent; and if the second child is killed first, the boss will be violent. ; And if you kill the boss first, it’s even more serious. At that time, the second and third were violent together... But now it’s fine. There is a **** who refuses to obey the order, and takes the lead in beheading the weakest Lisana without authorization. Successfully made the second child Elfman violent?


"Everyone, run! Can run one by one!"

So, after seeing Elfman’s transformed giant beast king rushing towards those **** who killed Lisana, she didn’t dare to stay anymore, and roared like crazy and rushed towards them for the first time. Ran outside the city.

Now the second child of the three brothers and sisters of Beast Soul is violent, they must run out of the city and prepare to do it again, otherwise, how many of them are here is not enough for each other to tear it apart.


"Do not!!"





Soon, behind Minerba Orlando and several smart and powerful wizards, there was a terrible howl.

You don't need to look at it. It must be that Beast King Elfman who is killing those villains who dare to hurt his sister Lisana with his claws, feet, and sharp mouth!

But Minerba and others did not dare to stop or look back, because they had to run out of the instance and wait for Lisana among the three brothers and sisters of the Beast Soul to be resurrected and reset. Otherwise, the Beast King Ai Elfman will chase and kill them endlessly, until all the twenty of them are wiped out!




Hahaha?? (???*)

"Wendy, take a look, Miraj and the others have eliminated the fourth team. You are so stupid. You were hacked to death by someone else without killing any of them!"


"You are a dumb guy!"


As the hidden BOSS after the final BOSS of the dungeon, there is currently no small Annie guarded by a gatekeeper Long Wangcai in the church in the middle of the city. At this time, she is here in the cell area, watching the battle information on the magic screen and laughing and commenting. He said to Wendy and Xia Lulu who were sitting in frustration in their own'cell'.


"I don't want to..."

Wendy lowered her head.

Originally, at that time, she should fly into the sky with the help of Xia Lulu, and then take a'deep breath' and use'Sky Dragon's Roar' to wipe out all the enemies.

Can result...

She was only a little slower, and was rushed up by the enemy and chopped into several pieces. Then she was declared a failure, and she was resurrected and teleported to this empty cell with only her and Xia Lulu temporarily alone. .

Thinking of the terrible feeling of being chopped into several pieces, Wendy couldn't help but stared at the enemy's cell next to him, towards the place with hundreds of people.

Because the person who hacked her to death was in the cell of those hostile camps at this time, but she still remembered those faces clearly.


"If you let us out and do it again, we will never make that kind of mistake again!"

Xia Lulu spoke proudly to Little Annie, UU reading www.uukanshu. com tried to get the other party to modify the rules, and then let her and Wendy out again.


??(?? ̄? ̄)????

With so many people watching, how could Annie cheat?

"It doesn't matter if you are anymore, people should go shopping around first!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!



After speaking, Annie stood up, patted her butt, and ran forward with her little bear.

Although she doesn't shoot at will now, after all, she is the hidden BOSS of the final boss, but she can run around the city and teach some guys who let her meet and make her look displeased.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


(??ˇ?ˇ??) Where is the monthly pass?

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