Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1430: Wasteland reclamation by the council

The battle in Magnolia has been going on for four full days...

Although the council and those self-proclaimed righteous guild alliances are numerous and powerful, so far, they have not captured the entire city of Magnolia!

Moreover, not only did it not fall, but it also paid a heavy loss that was disproportionate to the number of defeated "Fairy Tail" guild members!


Outside the city, Sting Ucliffe of the Saber-toothed Tiger, the strongest magician of Mermaid Heel, Kagura Mikaziqi, who possesses the sword of a grievance, and some high-level members of the Senate's army The high-level wizards of other guilds discussed the countermeasures in this camp.

"According to reliable sources, the "Fairy Tail" guild’s Fire Dragon Naz and "Fairy Queen" Elisa and others have returned and entered the city of Magnolia, becoming the new guardian boss for us. The capture of Magnolia added a lot of uncertainties..."

"So, our previous arrangement must be rearranged!"

"and many more!"


"Is such that……"

"I would even like to know what levels were added after those people came back?"


"Not much, just these three places, here, here and here!"

An officer of a council pointed out three positions on the sand table in Magnolia City, and planted a heraldic flag belonging to the "Fairy Tail" guild on it.

At this time, most of the outer area of ​​the sand table has also been planted with small green flags of the council, showing that the guard bosses originally stationed in those blocks, gardens, bridges, yards and ramps have all been given by them. One was defeated.

However, in the core area of ​​Magnolia City, those close to the central area of ​​the church could not penetrate in one direction, let alone attack the last Magnolia Cathedral.

"Then who are guarding these three new levels?"

At this moment, Kagura Mikhaziki frowned and asked.

"This place by the river was originally only one of the four elements of the troublesome original "Ghost Dominator" guild, that is, the water element Jubia Rox! "


"After the reinforcements of the "Fairy Tail" guild came back, the ice-shaped wizard Gray Falpasta also joined this level. One of them controls the water, the other can turn the water into ice, and cooperate with them. Very tacit understanding...In short, so far, at least three teams, more than 70 powerful wizards have been planted in their hands. "

"As for this place..."

"It is Naz, who is known as the Fire Dragon, that is, the Dragon Slayer of Fire and the daughter of the re-emerged Hatfilia Consortium, Lucy Hatfilia and the Transcendent Hobbit are stationed there. ."

"Of the three of them, Naz, the Fire Dragon, is the most difficult to deal with. He is very resistant, has excellent fighting skills, has a super high level of blood and defense, and has super fire attacks, especially those who are overtaken. After taking a high altitude, one deep breath can completely wipe out all the attackers, and you can't even run away!"

"But be careful with Lucy, the Astral Sorcerer. She has a lot of keys. She can also use the Gemini Astral to replicate the power of our Sorcerer. It can greatly assist the battle of the Fire Dragon Naz, which is very difficult. ."

"So, the key point of this level is how to eliminate the blue cat and the Astral Wizard first. At that time, whoever is to attack this level must pay attention to these two points. This is us. "Destroyed" important information obtained by more than a hundred talents."

"As for this last place..."

"It's the straight avenue guarded by Elisa Shukalto, the'Fairy Queen'. She has nothing to pay attention to here. She can only attack by force. This is the only way!"

"Because once she enters her sight, she will launch the most violent attack on the intruder. All kinds of attack methods are very fierce and terrifying. She will use her unknown weapons and equipment in the shortest possible time. The invaders cut it into pieces or smashed into meatloaf!"

"No team can hold on for thirty seconds in front of her, none of them!"

"prior to……"

"We thought she was the kind that could be killed by a large number of people, so we sent three hundred elite Luen Knights, but it turned out..."

After finishing talking, the army of the council could not help but touch the cold sweat on his head secretly. Although he did not say what the result was, it was basically explained by the fact that the "Demon Tail" flag that represented the other party was inserted on the sand table endure Some things are up.


"In that case, leave the fairy queen to me!"

"However, I can see that you can't use human tactics to deal with her. In that case, her power will definitely be raised to a terrible level by the technique! Moreover, the team must not exceed three people, so I need to choose two. Famous wizard, one support and one long-range striker!"

When the officers of the council finished the explanation, the Kagura Mikaziqi from the mermaid's heel who had just spoken coldly hummed and automatically asked.


"Since the most difficult "Fairy Queen" has been fixed by Kagura, our Sabre-toothed Tiger Guild will be responsible for the other two places!"

"to be frank……"

"I have started to like this game that can be used with all my strength and without scruples!"


Without waiting for other guilds to speak, Sting Ucliffe of the Saber-toothed Tiger also sneered and took the initiative to take the task of highlighting another place.



"I want to know, since we have all hit the'fairy queen' Elisa now, who are the remaining places, and why can they be guarded in a more central place?"

"Could it be that there is a guy more terrifying than Elisa,'Fairy Queen'?"

At this time, a wizard captain who didn't know which guild was talking.

Although their guild is not well-known, the fact that he was able to survive all the way to the present, and successfully conquered two levels, is enough to prove that he is indeed extraordinary.

"This is what I'm going to say next..."

After introducing the reinforcements of the "Fairy Tail" guild to everyone, the officer of the Council Knights in military uniform and armor stretched out the metal rod in his hand and pointed to the few in the middle of the sand table that still had the "Fairy Tail" inserted. "The place of the guild's coat of arms.


"There is also only one person guarding this empty square. You may have heard of his name before, yes, it is-Kildas Clevey!"

"Personally known as the'Fairy Tail Strongest Sorcerer', the s-rank Sorcerer is absolutely superior to Elisa! He uses shattering magic, that is, the ability to instantly smash or decompose objects."

"It is said that Magnolia City is deliberately transformed into a shape that can be deformed and moved to avoid accidental destruction every time he returns to the guild. There is also a special'Kildas' mode for this?"

"So far, a team of five people, a team of ten people, and a team of forty people have come to fight against him, but all of them have failed. In total, fewer than twenty people have fled back..."

"Next, this place."

"It is guarded by Laxus Dolea and his Thor congregation. I won’t say more about it, because until now, we have not found the'Medusa' Aiba Gelin petrified eye. Ability method, but the council is already urgently producing a batch of anti-petrochemical glasses, which can be delivered by tomorrow night at the latest."

"At that time, it shouldn't be too difficult to form a group of forty people to defeat them."

"The last four places..."

"The guards in front of and behind the church are the'Seven Dependents of Purgatory.' They are the members of the "Devil's Heart" dark guild that attacked Sirius Island. At present, it seems that they should have been incorporated by the "Fairy Tail" guild. "

"On the left side of the church, is Brunotte Stega, the vice president of the original Dark Guild "Demon's Heart". He uses gravity magic. It is said that he has an extreme personality and is very combative? "

"On the right side of the church, there is a big white rooster and a khaki kobold. Their specific abilities are unknown, but some people have seen that they seem to have gained huge abilities and can become as tall as the church. exist?"

"At last……"

"It's this huge place at the entrance of the church. No one is guarding here, but here, at the entrance, there seems to be a sleeping, shrunken..."


Hesitating, the officer of the Rune Knights struggled for a while, and then he explained his confusion.


"Yes it is!"


"There have been no dragons in this world!"


"Are you sure?"

"Not a lizard or something?"

When the officer of the council said that, the wizards present all exclaimed.


"It's not clear for the time being. After all, our people are still unable to make it through, so we can only temporarily entrust residents to help them to see.


"Since there are powerful wizards stationed in other places, if it is the most important church gate, it is not impossible to be guarded by a single dragon?"

"and also!"

"Everyone, seven years ago, when we attacked Sirius Island and made us think that the "Fairy Tail" guild was completely destroyed, and then disappeared, do you remember the dragon? "

"Now, we have enough reason to believe that the dragon at that time was probably also captured by the "Fairy Tail" guild! "

"And right now, it's at the door of the church in Magnolia."

After the explanation, the officer put away the metal rod, and then silently looked at the sand table of Magnolia City, and planned to give more to the wizard captains or guild leaders present. Thinking time.


"Wait, I have a question, what's in the church, has it been investigated?"


"It's not clear for the time being, but from the current situation that the residents of Magnolia City are entrusted to help us investigate, maybe, the president of the "Fairy Tail" guild, the Makarov and the little girl Annie · Hasta must be inside! "

"Haven't seen it?"

"No, even if it is a resident of Magnolia, that dragon won't let in..."

"It seems to be right, Makarov and the little girl must be inside!"

"totally agree!"

"It makes sense..."



"I'm still the same sentence before, can't we just destroy that **** technique?!"

After being silent for a while, a hideous face, dressed in a pirate costume, did not know which guild's wizard was yelling.


"We have long invited the magicians of the Magic Academy to see them. After seeing them, the old magicians who have studied the technique very much have nothing to do. Therefore, we can only go according to the rules set by the enemy. Beat them."

Another officer of the Rune Knights spoke helplessly.

"I have a problem here too!"

"I want to know, what about those of us who were killed, where are they now?"

"it's here!"


"But isn't this our occupied zone?"


"We sent people to see it, and they are all well, but they are trapped in the cell. Our people can't get in, and they can't get out."

"Of course, the defeated guard bosses of the "Fairy Tail" guild are also here, but they are in another cell area. "

"But the worst is..."

"Unlike the "Fairy Tail" guild cell, which has rooms, a yard, and people who deliver food and water regularly, there is nothing in the cell of our detainees. They have to squeeze on the grass in this park. Starving, some people can't help but start eating turf. "



"It seems that before we go to war, we have to eat our stomachs? It's better to bring some food with us?"

"It should be..."

"I understand!"

"This is probably the reason why they stated in the technique that we have to conquer the city within seven days? Otherwise, they will starve to death?"

"I'm afraid it really is like this..."


"Those "Fairy Tail" **** actually hook up with the people of the Baram Alliance. They are indeed an evil guild, and they should have been crushed and disbanded long ago! "


"Okay, everyone can stop for a while. It's useless to be anxious now. I also want to know, how many people are we arrested now?"

After everyone discussed for a while and found that there was still no good solution, another Sorcerer Captain asked again.

"It has been counted."

"Including the soldiers of the Knights of Luen, there are a total of 3,023 people locked up in that surgical cell!"

Upon hearing someone's question, a female officer of the Knights of Luen, who was in charge of logistics and statistics, came out and reported an accurate number aloud.

"Three or three thousand people?!"

" is there so many?"

"That "Fairy Tail" is really scary! "

"This is terrible, if the church is not laid down in seven days..."



"In any case, there are still three days left. We must conquer the church in Magnolia at all costs and gain control of the art!"

"at all costs!!"

"Do you understand everything?"

Finally, at this time, the speaker of the council who had been silent for a while, Guran Doma suddenly stood up and reprimanded the officers present and the wizards of various guilds with loud orders.






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