Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1431: o(*`??)o Stupid humans!


"Do you know? I heard about it. Last night, Kagura Mikaziki, the strongest wizard of "Mermaid Heel", finally succeeded in defeating the ‘fairy queen Elisa Shukalto’! ’"

"Yes! I heard that too."


"That shouldn't be considered defeated, right?"

"Why not count?"

"She took the speaker and a powerful wizard of bow and arrow magic. Under the magic blessing of so many wizards, she played three to one, and she was finally in the situation when our people were harassed day and night without letting the other party rest. I defeated the'fairy queen' in the 80th attempt. This kind of thing is still somewhat invincible."


"You are right, but no matter what, the tactic of defeating the enemy invented by "Mermaid Heel" is really effective. We rely on a lot of people. It is indeed a brilliant idea to send people to harass the enemy day and night. When the enemy is unbearable and reveals flaws, then send the main force to attack vigorously. That is indeed a brilliant idea. "

"The idea is really good, but it takes a lot of manpower..."


"Think about it, about five or six thousand people were killed before and after they were transported to the cell and locked up? As I heard, the cell has been automatically expanded several times."

"More than five or six thousand people, at least eight or nine thousand people..."

"Yes, there are so many?"

"Only more!"


"Today is the seventh day. I heard that the guarding bosses around the church have also been taken down by the enemy's tactics. Now there is the dragon guarding the door?"


"Have the commanders above think of a way to defeat it?"


"Oh... come on, it can't be defeated, you don't know how terrible it is, it can't be defeated!"


"Because it is Akunorokia, the king of dragons, the black feather of the end, the origin of evil, and the end of the world mentioned in the book!"

"Think about it, how could we defeat that terrible thing?!"


"to be frank…"

"The council is now a little bit horrified. If they hadn't found that the dragon seemed to be suppressed, or found that they didn't need to defeat it, they only needed to try to break the church door within a certain period of time. I'm already defeated..."

"Is that serious?"

"Better than you, more serious than all of us imagined!"


"Then what's the point of doing this ‘surgery’?"

"Who knows?"

"Maybe to show the true strength of the "Fairy Tail" guild to the entire continent? Anyway, now their goal has been achieved. "


"It is indeed possible!"

"No? Dozens of large and small guilds, more than 10,000 wizards, a whole of the Rune Knights, and also mobilized so many manpower and material resources and high-level wizards of the council, after this matter, regardless of them In the end, lose or win. I am afraid that no one will dare to underestimate their guild in the future!"

"From now on, their "Fairy Tail" guild can say so. They are the well-deserved number one guild on the mainland, or even the number one in the world? "


While talking, this group of Sorcerer Guild teams who were resting and eating in the "Occupied Zone" of Magnolia gradually became silent and involuntarily began to worry about their future.

"But don't worry, we still have a chance!"

"what chance?"

"Take advantage of the enemy's care, attack into the church, and then gain control of the art, and then continue to suppress the dragon, we will be invincible!"

"So it's like this..."

"I hope everything goes well over the church!"

"There is no way. I have to do it now. Those of us are fine. We just ran away. The council is really hard to beat. They don't want to fight but they want to fight, otherwise it's all over. !"


"Listen, another team is finished. Let's eat and rest. It's our turn, or we will be locked up in a cell, but we will be hungry."

Hearing the long roars of dragons in the distance, knowing that it must be the gatekeeper BOSS of the church in Magnolia, and after the team that attacked the dragon was finished, this one brought his own team. The Sorcerer leader who was grooming here hurriedly comforted everyone, and hurriedly persuaded everyone to eat more.

It's now the seventh day, but they have seen it all. In that cell, many people have been hungry lying on the ground and can't move, but if the cell area hadn't automatically expanded to the riverside because it couldn't fit. , I'm afraid those people don't even have a sip of water to drink!

Anyway, these people don't want to be like the captives. Nearly 10,000 people stared at the river surface less than a few square meters in size to catch fish and shrimp, and many people even fight for it?



Thinking about the bad situation in which the wizards of the various guilds in the cell area and the Knights of Luen faced each other with their swords for a bite, the many wizards present couldn't help but sigh and fell silent again. Then he started eating hard.

They cannot bring food to the cell, but at least they can eat before they die. In that case, it is possible that they can stay for a few more days?

Although it is the last day, they dare not imagine what will happen afterwards, they can only prepare for the present and themselves.

Obviously, the people in the "Fairy Tail" guild are very cunning. After this incident, no matter who loses and who wins in the end, I am afraid that there is a relationship between the wizards’ guild, and between the wizards’ guild and the council. Disputes and cracks will definitely be enlarged, as for what will happen in the future, I am afraid that no one can imagine.


At this time, one of the twenty-person team suddenly stopped eating, but with his eyes rounded, he looked towards a dessert shop opposite the restaurant.


"Hey! What's wrong with you, why don't you eat in a daze?"

Then of course, a good companion patted him.


"Hurry up and help me see, that person... isn't she their president?"


"Which president?"

The president of the "Fairy Tail" Guild! "


"you sure?"

"One hundred percent sure! I was there when they held the first fairies tournament, and I saw her grow bigger with my own eyes!"

"It really seems to be her..."

"But, shouldn't she be in the church?"

"I do not know…"

"Head, what should I do?"

With the exclamation, everyone looked not far away, and soon they all locked on a certain awkward little girl who was shopping leisurely under the scorching sun holding an ice cream.

"Whether it is or not, everyone prepare quickly!"

"Let's see my face later, let's rush up and take her down!"

"But, what if you admit the wrong person?"

"It doesn't matter if you admit the wrong person, there is a technique! In the city, our magic will definitely not hurt ordinary citizens."

"That's what I said, I almost forgot that there was something like this..."

When a group of sorcerers in a certain block were preparing to fight against a little girl president, in the central core area of ​​Magnolia City, the powerful sorcerers of the Magic Council and Some of the main elites of the Justice Guild Alliance are also making their final attempts and strategies against the goal-keeping dragon Akunorokia.


"Steen Ucliffe, you go and drag the dragon with dragon-killing magic, we need twenty seconds!"

"Other people join us and bang the church door!"


"Do your best!"


boom! boom! boom!

On the square in front of the gate of the church, dragons are flying in the sky, and the breath of the dragon is roaring, and on the ground, the wizards on the ground will bear the breath of the dragon and charge towards the gate of the church. Some lucky people Successfully rushed to the gate, and began to cast magic one by one, bombarding the gate indiscriminately.


‘Roar~! ’

The dragon looked back and roared, and the shock wave of sound instantly shattered them into a puddle of explosive flesh.

But even in that case, more magicians and the army of the council still stepped on the **** corpses, rushing to the door of the church like life, and using their weapons, their magic and so on. I think the most powerful means of attack is against the huge one, protected by the technique, but has a clear "health bar", and the door is violently attacked, and successfully makes the scarlet "health bar" mad at a speed visible to the naked eye. Durable degree.





"Use all your means to move towards that gate, regardless of all costs!"

Outside the battlefield, a cunning council chairperson is holding his staff high, letting the continuous army of council councils and the wizards of the Justice Guild Alliance resist the roar and breath of the dragon in the sky, not to die. Rushed towards the gate.

Obviously, he has the kind of determination to break the door even if it is a life-saving pile!

If it were under normal circumstances, his way of commanding people to die, I'm afraid that the magicians and the army would have mutinous long ago!

However, everyone now knows that under the influence of a certain ‘surgery’, they will not really die. At most, they will be transported to the cell after ‘death’ and ‘jailed’?

Therefore, for the chairman of the panel who asked them to die, their "death squads" did not actually have too much distaste. They can still keep order under the order and continue one after another, just to be able to rush to the church. Inside, and then get a little hope of victory that may be very slim.

After all, things have developed to this point, and they have no retreat. If they can't win the final victory, whether it is the council or the justice guild alliance that came to mix it up, all will be done. Unlucky!




"carry on!"

Seeing that the gate was about to be breached, Guran Doma, the speaker of the council, waved his magic wand once again, and then more reserve teams rushed up.

And when the main force of the council was violently attacking the gate of the church, in another corner of the city, a team of wizards that was being repaired was also under the command of their head, and looked surprised at someone in his hand. The little girl who had not had time to lick the ice cream a few bites rushed over.


"Tibbers, kill them!"


A certain little girl who only planned to enjoy a piece of coldness of her own in this hot weather did not mean to play with them at all. She just waved her hand and threw out her little bear Tibbers.

??????: Wow~ Woo!

Soon, a huge hideous plush teddy bear burning with dark red flames appeared in front of the wizards of this team, and it took less than two seconds to use the terrifying claws in its hands, like Chopping melons and vegetables, the wizards of them, men and women, instantly cut into pieces of corpses that smelled of burnt fragrance.


Then, a beautiful female wizard who was preparing to cast a spell at a long distance, so she didn't rush up, before she had time to hit the fireball in her hand, she saw this terrible sight in front of her.


Therefore, after seeing the miserable end of her companions, and seeing the broken corpses almost still being burned and making a sizzling oily sound, she knew it for the first time to revoke the comparison to the flame. The dark red flames on the giant bear came, and there was a little ridiculous fireball.

"You, don't come over!"


"I surrendered!"

Frightened, she threw away her staff and held her hands high at the same time, and gave the giant bear a cute, cute, and cute expression, praying that the other party could see her surrender. Go around her once.

After all, she is still young, and she doesn't want to die here at all!


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbers did not speak, but extinguished the shadow flames on his body, walked to the other side step by step, and lowered his head, looking at the figure and face in front of him, it seemed that he was no better than a certain Miraj Poor female human.)


The female wizard did not dare to speak, nor did she dare to make any other actions, she held her hands so high, and showed the giant bear a sweet smile that was harmless to humans and animals as much as possible.

She was very frightened and perturbed at this moment, but judging from the fact that the other party took the initiative to extinguish the flame on her body, she knew that she was likely to be saved.


(? ̄? ̄)

After looking at the other party for a while, without knowing what he was thinking, the giant bear finally shook his head and turned around slowly.



The female wizard who was beautiful, well-behaved and cute, had a devil figure and a loli face, was greatly relieved.


"Roar~! ’



It's a pity that a certain bear suddenly turned his face, turned around, raised his foot and screamed in exclamation, instantly trampled the scared female wizard into mud, and then ignored her. The yellow, green, and white dross that burst out directly ignited a terrifying shadow flame once again, directly burning her and her companions to ashes.



(Stupid female humans dare to sell cuteness to the uncle Tibbers bear? Didn’t she know that it was because he was not careful that he became a cute little girl? The same moves, so what? Maybe it will take effect twice on Uncle Xiong's body?!)


"Really, really miserable!"

"Oh my god, such a beautiful female magician was stepped on so that her intestines came out..."


"Stop talking, I just finished lunch..."



"Okay, UU reading, they will be resurrected anyway, hurry up, there is no excitement to watch, hurry up and go back to do business!"

"Yes, it's gone! It's gone!"

"It's all gone!"

Soon, as a certain giant bear followed its little owner away, the residents of Magnolia City who ran out of their shops to watch the excitement were pointing and talking. After a while, they soon dispersed and went to work.

After all, in the past few days, they have seen enough of the same thing. The life and death struggle between the two sides, for ordinary residents of Magnolia City, has long been not as fresh as it was at the beginning. And excitement.

They only know that under the protection of the technique, the fighting between the two sides will not affect them, and that's it.


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