Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1432: ?(???)??? They will be honest if they starve to death a few more times


The offensive and defensive battle of Magnolia, which lasted for seven full days and paid more than 10,000'life', finally came to an end.

The last force represented by Guran Doma, the new council chairperson and the remnants of the self-proclaimed righteous guild alliance, finally succeeded in attacking Magnolia two hours before the early hours of the seventh night. Inside the cathedral in the center of the city.

There is no doubt that Annie still released the water quietly.

In fact, other people may have been strengthened by the technique, but the most important guardian boss, the black dragon Akunorokia, that is, the goalkeeper Long Wangcai, was actually given by Anne using the technique. If it is severely weakened and restricted, it will not be able to exert its true strength at all. Otherwise, the council and the people of the Justice Guild Alliance, even if they fight for a hundred years, will never want to enter the door of the church!

The people in the council think that they have found the correct "strategy". It is only that Annie has set the restrictions on the black dragon through the spell. For example, if the dragon is not able to shoot with all strength, then they just need to stick to it. After a certain period of time, when the gate is breached, the dragon will fly away by itself and stop attacking. Then the council and the Justice Guild Alliance, which have suffered heavy casualties and almost desperate, can finally engage in the final battle.


When the council and the Justice Guild Alliance walked into the church, they were even more desperate!

Because, at this moment, there are five people in the church. Although they don’t know one of them, the other three are obviously not easy to provoke. They are:

The second-generation president of the "Fairy Tail" guild Prechto Gelberg, the third-generation president Makarov Dolea, the fourth-generation president Anne Hasta, and the fifth-generation president Makaou Empty wave.

And since the other four are all guild leaders, it’s not difficult for the people of the Council and the Justice Guild Alliance to guess. The one that you don’t know is undoubtedly the guild leader, and may even be the legendary "fairy "The Tail" of the guild’s first deceased president-Mebius Viviamílio?

Obviously, the final level now is the guild leader’s level, and the guarding BOSS is the five guild leaders. The last thing they need to deal with is the five "Fairy Tail" guild's strongest wizards of all ages!

Of course, that Macao Kongbo can basically be ignored. Even if the opponent is strengthened by the technique, it will certainly not be put in the eyes of the council or the Justice Guild Alliance, but the remaining four are not big It's the same.

Anyway, seeing the situation before him, the expressions on the faces of the members of the Magic Council and the speaker gradually became ugly.


?( ̄??)???

"Hello everyone!"


"People thought you would never get here..."


As the last BOSS, Annie was naturally the first to speak to those idiots who looked very embarrassed, and apparently finally passed the test of Wangcai and broke in.



"You are really useless. Only the last less than two hours are left before breaking in. Here is the most, most, most, most, most, most, and, most difficult level. There are only two. For hours, you will definitely not be able to make it through!"


Yes, in Annie's plan, this is the last step that the other party can reach!

The ones in front were only deliberately set up by those idiots in the training guild who lacked combat experience. This is different. The church here is purely set up to make the enemy feel desperate. It is definitely impossible to break through. Absolute barrier!

In fact, Annie will not tell them that although there are five people here, there are only four presidents, that is, people other than her take the lead. If the four F4 presidents also fail, they will enter the next stage. In the first stage, when that time comes, she will throw out her little bear Tibbers to play with them!

And if Tibbs the bear is also defeated, she, the true Anne Hasta, might take a shot and give them a lesson (play) severely?

However, Annie knows that if she doesn’t restrain herself, with Tibbers’ Naz’s nasty temper, those guys don’t think there is any hope of victory. They will definitely use all kinds of cruel methods to do it hard. Humiliated and tortured those hapless guys.


"Since you are all here, it will be easier!"

His hair was scorched, and it was apparent that Guran Doma, the chairman of the panel who was affected when he broke through the dragon's breath of the goalkeeper Long Wangcai, looked at Makarov so viciously.

According to Gulan Doma, the one who can call the shots here is probably the former president and honorary member of the new council?

Of course, the other party will soon cease to be.

He has now decided. After defeating the last five, he immediately announced the dissolution of the "Fairy Tail" Guild, the removal of Makarov's position as an honorary member of the Council, and all the members of the "Fairy Tail" Guild. Throw into the prison of the council, and let those guys who dare to provoke the majesty of the council to see what the price will be if you go against the council!


"If you surrender now, I am afraid it will be too late?"

"Believe me, if you surrender the control of the technique, the members of the council will definitely treat you and the members of your guild lightly!"

Therefore, Guran Doma, who thought that he was winning, and that with the remaining thousands of people, would surely be able to give the last five people alive, shouted so proudly.

"This one…"

"Sorry, Guran Doma..."

With a sigh, Makarov could only smile so bitterly, casting helpless eyes at the familiar or unfamiliar guys who rushed to the church and confronted him and others.

"It's not me who has the final say here. I'm afraid I can't consider your suggestion."

There are five presidents here, and three of them are better than one. Where is his Makarov qualified to make a decision?

Besides, now he can also see that the council and the Justice Guild Alliance have also exhausted their energy, and they have been drained of blood by Annie's playful "dungeon". Now it is just the last breath. It's just holding on.

So, Makarov is not stupid. How can he give up when he can completely defeat the opponent and win the final victory?

"and also…"

"Listen to my advice,"

"If you surrender now and quit, might it be too late?"

Makarov began to turn over to persuade the other party.


"Stop talking nonsense with them, get ready to attack!"


"Speaker, this time our team will be the vanguard, and this group of old, weak, sick and disabled will be handed over to us!"

"Everyone, get ready!"


Without waiting for Guran Doma to continue to say something, seeing that time is tight, a team of twenty people on the side can't help it first, and then look at the five people opposite, the old, the young, the small, and the disabled ( One-eyed), they felt that they had a great chance of winning, so they all geared up, stepped out of the team first, and walked to the main hall of the church.


"A bunch of clowns don't need you to take action, I will clean them up alone!"

At this time, the second-generation BOSS Prechto Gelberg became impatient and jumped directly into the field, and outrageously attacked the twenty-person team.

Soon, in all kinds of skills, such as those dark chains, Amaterasu 28th, Amaterasu Hundreds, Ever Dark Shadow, Black Bullets and other messy skills, they will directly bombard those enemies without any kind of politeness. He passed, and quickly killed them all and sent them to prison.


"Time is urgent, hurry! Use the human sea tactics to kill them all!"

"Don't keep one!"

Seeing that one-eyed guy, that Prechto Gelberg was too aggressive and went all out without talking about the stage and strategy when he went on the field. Looking at the time is indeed very tight, so the speaker Guran Doma First, he took a step back, and then gave an order to let those around him start the general attack.

Soon, countless wizards and soldiers of the Rune Knights shouted, desperately rushing towards the inside of the cathedral, and blasted towards the Prechto with all kinds of magic.

At the same time, people outside the church were also noisy, rushing in continuously into the church.

All of a sudden, various powerful magic lights began to light up all the windows of the entire church, and they were extremely colorful in the dark, as if a miracle had descended on this church in Magnolia.

Of course, the residents of Magnolia knew that it was not a miracle, it was just that those guys who united and wanted to bully the "Fairy Tail" guild were attacking the church. If it weren't for that kind of art to protect, I'm afraid that their cathedral would have been razed to the ground by that terrible attack.

Fortunately, the wizards of the "Fairy Tail" guild set up a magical technique in the city to save ordinary people like them from the bad luck that would have been tragically poisoned by war.




"Keep going!"

"kill him!"

Since the second-generation president Prechto Gellberg did not speak martial arts, he used all the most powerful attacks to blast unscrupulously as soon as he came on the field, so the battle between the two sides soon entered a state of anxiety.

Gradually, as a steady stream of fierce and deadly wizards continued to rush in, soon Prechto gradually became a little harder to support alone, and began to appear on his body. Wounds of different sizes.

After a few more minutes, looking at the second generation who seemed to be unable to support it, Makarov finally couldn't help it. After being huge, he also joined the battlefield, who became almost as high as the ceiling of the church, and then the fifth generation. The president with the worst purpose, Uncle Macao also started to use his purple flame magic to beat up the soy sauce behind.

However, that did not stop the council and the Justice Guild Alliance from pushing the determination to the last five BOSS, they still attacked one after another.

In the end, finally, Mebius Viviamío, the president of the first generation, couldn't see it, and brazenly joined the battle group.

And then…

There will be no more then!

Because, women are careful, even female fairies!

Isn't this?

Seeing so many people unite to bully the guild that he had worked so hard to establish, he was uneasy for a long time. Mebius Viviamilio, who was holding his breath for a long time, didn’t talk about martial ethics directly. The two super killer moves of "Law of the Gods" and "Glory of the Fairy".

So, almost in a few short seconds, everyone who entered the city of Magnolia, including many members of the Senate, Guran Doma, and all the members of the Justice Guild Alliance, were all instantly impressed. He was killed by the golden beam of light and the aperture, and after being resurrected, he was all locked in a cell.

Then, when the council army on the periphery of the city discovered an anomaly, they found that they had been defeated and had no other way, but they still wanted to fight with the beasts, they were panicked and outrageously began to order the use of the air-guided warship and the bay. The gunboats of Magnolia carried out a fierce and indiscriminate bombardment of the city of Magnolia!

It's a pity that all the shelling was blocked by the technique...

Then, when a certain dragon appeared in the sky again, and easily destroyed the three aerial warships and all the warships in the bay, the group of dragons’ headless council army and the remaining members of the Justice Guild Alliance remnants So they broke up, and went away in defeat, never staying around the city of Magnolia again.

At this point, the offensive and defensive battle of Magnolia City, the super large copy of Magnolia City, ended with the defeat of the Council and the Justice Guild Alliance!



"It's so boring!"


"People haven't had time to make a move, they just lost everything!"


When everything subsided, in the cathedral that had become empty again, Annie, who was very upset, gave a banshee who didn't speak martial arts, and then looked at Makarov and the second-generation president.

"Go and negotiate with those captives!"


"Remember, let them surrender unconditionally, meet all our requirements, and then sign the magic contract, and then remember to leave a blank in the agreement, and we will add new terms when we think of a good idea. Note that the final interpretation right is given to us!"


"Do you understand everything?"


It was late now, and Annie didn't want to negotiate with the captives at night. Of course, she didn't want to during the day!

Therefore, she planned to leave all the aftermath to the mother-in-law Makarov and the cruel Prechto.


"But, Annie, what if they refuse to surrender and sign the agreement?"

Makarov will definitely not refuse this kind of thing, but there are some things that he must ask clearly.

"Then starve them to death!"


"Anyway, the technique will resurrect them, and then starve to death and then resurrect. If you starve to death a few more times, they will be honest!"


Annie didn't believe it. When starving and dying and living, living and dying, in the situation where life is not as good as death and wanting to die, the heads of those people are really so iron?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"alright, I understand…"

After looking at each other with Prechto on the side, UU read www. uukanshu. Com Makarov nodded slightly, and planned to talk to those people again tomorrow.

As for the evening, I had better take a good rest first, after all, after so many days of tossing, now that the dust has settled, he himself is a little sleepy.

Besides, in Makarov's view, those newly defeated guys would definitely not accept the fact of defeat so easily, and they would definitely not be able to agree without ten days and a half months.

"I'm going back to sleep, goodbye!"



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