Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1435: ?(???)? Those days of being the devil



Annie is a little unhappy recently.

Because ah, she is obviously doing good deeds, she is clearly trying to keep those worlds from collapsing, but there are some bad guys who think that everything is caused by her, although it is indeed caused by her, but she Now she is working hard to maintain and repair the world of the order of'ten to one hundred squares'. She is really not a great devil who destroys the world!

It's a pity that those bad guys don't want to listen to her explanation...

Anyway, during her week as the Great Demon King (standard earth time), Annie has cleaned up at least two sons of each world plane with more than slaps, and sent at least one million guys to leave early. On the mysterious journey of death.

But it's useless!

Because Annie found that there were still a steady stream of guys on the way and about to come here.

They are so stubborn that she is the instigator, even if she is the instigator, even if in fact she has explained it many times, and is trying to do something completely different from what their bad guys think, but those guys are I don't believe it, I still want to attack and defeat her world's enemy, and defeat her super devil?

Just like now!

One with a bald head, pale skin color like a corpse but very strong muscles, there is a scar on the corner of the right eye, a huge vertical scar on the abdomen, and a bright red engraved on the body and head, and spread to the left eye and cheek. Weird tattoo, with a beard on the chin that is inversely proportional to the hair, holding two short blades with chains on the handles and full of blood on the top, and the eyes are using that kind of emotionlessness, not because of her. It was a little girl who had the cold eyes with no other feelings in it, and the weird person who was staring at her, the other person came to her tree house alone.



While Annie was staring at each other, the other person was also staring at her. The two of them were silent with big eyes and small eyes, and no one was in a hurry to speak first.


Kratos is thinking...

That's right, he is the Spartan nation from Greece. He has served as a commander in the clan, nicknamed the "Spartan Soul". He also became a new generation of God of War because he became an avenger and eliminated Ares. That Kratos.

He has suffered conspiracies, became a doll in the gambling game of the gods like a chess piece, suffered betrayal and abandonment like a nightmare, and has taken the blood oath and embarked on the path of the atonement of the gods.

He fought with the Titans and witnessed and caused the destruction of Olympus...

The Greek gods who died tragically under his chaotic double-blade were the **** Zeus, the queen Hera, the sea **** Poseidon, the Hades, the queen Persephone, the goddess of wisdom Athena, the sun **** Helios, and the fire God Hephaestus, God of War Ares, God Envoy Hermes, Death God Tanathus, Dark God Erepos, Goddess of Discord Eris, Goddess of Destiny Laksis, Atlopus, Crow Trust and the three goddesses of vengeance Alekto, Tissifone, Mogaila and so on.

As for other existences, such as the Titans, ancient monsters and other inhuman monsters that are no less than the gods, they are countless!

When he killed Zeus who had betrayed him and let the Greek gods all perish, his world was about to return to chaos. At that time, he was ready to choose to commit suicide, end chaos at the cost of his own death, and bring the power of hope. When left to humans, Athena in the form of a dead soul appeared in time and told the terrible fact that the world was about to collapse due to external forces.

Then, he came here, and saw the little girl with his own eyes, and saw the so-called **** of chaos who tried to destroy the world.


"Is that the **** of chaos who wants to destroy the world?"

Finally, when the two people in the eyes were a little impatient, Kratos moved and asked the little girl not far away for the first time.

"God of Chaos?"


"That's not it!"


"The bald-headed uncle, whose name is Annie, Anne Hasta, is not the **** of chaos that you are talking about!"


Although knowing that the other party must have come to make trouble for herself, Anne would not know anything about the kind of boring title that the other party inexplicably pressed on her head, such as God of Chaos, or the Great Demon King and the Devourer of the World. recognition.


"You are not the master here?"

Kratos did not rush to conclusions, and certainly did not choose to believe Annie's words lightly.

"The master here?"




"It seems that this is indeed someone's house, but they are really not the "God of Chaos" you said!"


The ‘God of Chaos’ is utterly ugly. It’s incomparable to her ‘Daughter of Darkness’, ‘Daughter of Flames’, and so on, so Annie will definitely not accept it.


"It seems that you are indeed the **** of chaos."

Kratos nodded slowly, and slowly squeezed the two Chaos Blades in his own hands. The muscles all over his body began to tighten uncontrollably, and he began to move continuously under the influence of his will. The whole body is filled with the hope from Athena, the anger of Sparta, the ice of Poseidon, the flames of Ares, the thunder of Zeus, the ghost of Hades, and the time and space of Cronus and so on.


Now he is ready to fight and kill the gods again, just like the Greek gods that he beheaded, the Chaos Demon God in front of him will surely be beheaded by him under the Blade of Chaos!





"You bad guy is still unreasonable anymore. People clearly say that it's not a ‘God of Chaos’, why don’t you listen to it?!"


Seeing the other party's small movements to adjust the amount of power, where does Annie still don't know what he wants to do? Therefore, she was a little uncomfortable and unwilling to give her such a name, so she directly refuted her angrily.



"I have killed countless demon gods, and I know their lies... The **** of chaos Anne Hasta, the world will has told me that you are indeed the culprit who wants to destroy the world, you can't deceive me. ."

His eyes began to flash with divine power, and the expression on his face gradually became cruel. Kratos said that he had seen through the details and tricks of the demon **** on the opposite side.

If the other party wants to change into the appearance of a little girl, and also wants to use lies to deceive him to leave, then the other party is doomed to be disappointed.

Because, soon his Chaos Blade will pierce the opponent's chest mercilessly, drink the opponent's blood, absorb the opponent's divine power, and finally cut off the opponent's disguised ridiculous head until it shows the original So far!



"If you don't believe me, you still have to ask, if you don't believe me, I'll fall down!"


Seeing that the other party was still as stubborn as the people before and unwilling to listen to her own words, of course Annie didn't want to continue speaking, so she glared at the other side viciously.

Anyway, it's been so many days. There are more than one or two bad guys who were picked up by her directly or indirectly on the mysterious journey of death. Now that there is such a stubborn big bald head, it doesn't seem to be a big deal?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


After confirming the target, Kratos stopped talking nonsense, and continued to clenched his Chaos Blade, and an orange fire ignited on the blade.



That's right, Kratos attacked.

Suddenly, without any warning, and regardless of whether the enemy was prepared or prepared, he ruthlessly slammed the chaos blade burning with the divine fire in his hand toward the opponent’s neck, toward that. The white and tender little place was swept over!

According to his previous experience, he felt that the other party would definitely avoid or block, otherwise, that small neck, something that might be able to pinch off his two fingers, would definitely be cut by his Chaos Blade. A small branch is usually cut off easily.

Nothing can stop his Chaos Blade, even the Greek gods or those ancient Titans and monsters can't do it!

clang! !

However, with a crisp sound, Kratos's continuous attack like a gust of wind and rain that Kratos originally wanted to continue had to stop abruptly and temporarily.



Because he saw it, a dark red shield with firelight suddenly flashed around the opponent, so that his Chaos Blade could not break through its limits at all?



"Bald bad uncle, don't you feel surprised?"



"The mage I have killed has eight thousand without ten thousand!"

Kratos paid no attention to spells. In his impression, there had never been such an unbreakable shield. After a while, he would let the little girl and the Chaos Demon God do it for her. Ignorance pays the price.



"Are you really that powerful? But, they are not ordinary mages!"


You know, her Queen Anne is the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful kind of arcane archmage, it is definitely different from the kind of hacked mage that the opponent has seen before. of.


"Before, the mages who died under my double-edged blades, they probably thought the same way as you at the time!"

With that said, Kratos walked towards the little girl step by step, and at the same time he stepped on the dirt and grass on the ground and he stepped on scorched black footprints.

Since the opponent's shield can't be broken at a long distance, he should get closer and use his supernatural power to smash it a few times at close range, and that is not a big deal.

"Shu Mi..."


"Can't we talk about it? It's not easy for people to see you as a half-hearted God of War. Why don't we talk about it?"


"People are really not the kind of bad guys you imagine!"


Annie didn't want to fight now, because after a few days of fighting, she was already a little impatient, she just wanted to stay here for a few more days, to stabilize this place again, nothing more.


"I know violence can't solve the problem, but it can solve you!"

With that said, when the two sides approached a sufficient distance, Kratos violently violently, took a leap, and flew to Annie's, and then the two burning chaos blades in his hand moved towards him. Her lava shield was cut down.

Bang! !

Sure enough, it was almost the same as Kratos had imagined. After a close range of slams, the opponent's shield was indeed broken by him.

Although the dark red flame on the shield burned him into pain, and he almost couldn't help howling, but after experiencing the torture of countless curses and all kinds of suffering, he still groaned abruptly. He went back, and let the double-edged caster continuously chop towards the neck of the Chaos Demon God.


A ray of blood surged, and blood shot out from the neck of the chaos god, directly dyeing Kratos's eyes red.


Is it so easy? !

Subconsciously, Kratos felt something was wrong, because if the "God of Chaos" was such a good opponent, the Soul of Athena would not show up and warn him personally.

Therefore, at the moment when he staggered with the opponent's weak and **** body, he quickly put away the double-edged blade in his hand and did the relevant work.

! !

boom! ! !



Kratos was really right. The God of Chaos is really not so easy to kill. The other party actually put a fake incarnation and made him explode at the moment of killing, so that the terrible darkness The red flame swallowed him directly.


?( ̄??)???+

"The bad guy has a big bald head, are you fooled? See if you dare to be a little judge?!"

Hahaha?? (???*)

Farther away, Annie appeared on the grass, and then just stood there mocking a bald head swallowed by flames unscrupulously.

"Your flames are terrible..."


"I am fearless!!"

However, in the blazing flame, a pale-skinned man slowly walked out. At this moment, even if the double-edged blade in his hand was burned red, even the skin on his body was burned to the point of peeling off. , Even though he was enduring the endless pain of constant burning and rebirth, but he still walked out without being timid at all.

His steps are very firm, although the enemy is difficult to deal with and very cunning, but Kratos is fearless!

Because, he has encountered countless difficult and stronger enemies, and those people, without exception, became the dead souls under his blade!

He firmly believes that the little girl in front of him, the Chaos Demon who pretends to be a little girl, will definitely be the next one!


ε=(′ο`*))) alas

"Since it's so hot, you want to fight, let someone have fun with you!"


"By the way, have you seen someone's little bear?"


Seeing the bad guy stepping out of the sea of ​​shadow flames and walking towards herself step by step, Annie suddenly smiled and asked.


However, Kratos did not answer.

"I must have never seen it before, right?"




"Come out, me to death!!!"


"Roar~! ! ’

??????: Ow!

With a roar, as Annie slammed his hand, a stuffed bear was thrown above Kratos’s head, and suddenly became huge when he pierced the blade of Chaos into its abdomen with a wave of his hand. Then, in Kratos's astonished gaze, he slammed his **** down on his head with scars and red tattoos!

boom! ! !


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