Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1436: |????) One tennth power of Anne...


Kratos stabs forward fiercely, and there is an extra hole in the body of the giant flame bear, and then more shadow flames madly gush out from the breach, making the skin protected by the divine power in his hand burn instantly Two layers were dropped and the scorched muscles were directly exposed.

   But fortunately, under the divine power of countless Olympus gods, his body, which was almost ready to be burnt and burned to the bones, quickly returned to its original shape at an astonishing speed.



The skin that had just recovered was added three charred claw marks on the chest with a hint of fleshy aroma by the giant flame bear. While eating pain and roaring, he had to give the other Chaos Blade in his hand. Blocked another paw from the giant bear.

"go to hell!"


  ’! ’

  : Roar~!

In this way, the two sides fought for more than 30 minutes, until Kratos found out that there was no other way but the flame bear was more and more courageous, and had to plan to move the target to find a certain Chaos Demon God’s. When it was troublesome, the other party threw him to the ground all at once, and then another **** sat down fiercely toward his back waist.

   Boom! !

  As the flames raged, a unilateral ravaged began...


  ! o

   At this time, Annie, who had been watching from a distance, saw:

After passing by her own bear cubs that fell from the sky and was still burning big **** weighed and tortured, following a fierce battle between the two sides crawling on the ground, not long after, that came from a plane of ancient Greek mythology. , Also claimed to have killed countless gods and demon gods. He who has the titles of "God of War" and "Spartan Soul" and so on, is not a good uncle, that is, the bald head and tattooed Kratos, he was also not After learning well, there are patches all over his body, his face is cruel, his claws are sharp and he likes to play with fire, Tibbers hooked his ankle with his claws, and then dragged one foot directly in front of her.


   "Hey! Uncle, are you okay?"

   "But you are really good at fighting. Little Bear has burned you several times, discounted your hands and feet, and twisted your head twice. You still have nothing to do with this?"


Seeing the guy who was dying, and even the divine power was about to be burned out, but still not dead, Annie couldn't help but squatted to the opponent in a strange way, and stabbed the chubby head with a branch. Bare shoulders.

   "It's amazing!"

   "Are you Greek gods who are so easy to kill?"


   While talking, Annie squatted to the other side again, and used the numbers in her hand to poke the opponent's creak and the pieces of abdominal muscles that were as hard as iron.


   It's a pity that this uncle is not an animal. Otherwise, she would have to let Tibes cut two pieces of meat and roast it to see if the meat of the so-called Greek gods would be more competitive than ordinary small animals?


Kratos did not speak, but struggled a bit, and found that his hands and feet were not obedient, just moved his fingers, he could not control it at all, nor could he grab the chaos blade that was dragged aside and humiliate him in front of him. After his own Chaos Demon God launched any attack, he could only stare at the opponent fiercely.

   If his eyes can kill people, if he has the same abilities as the Gorgon or Medusa, he will definitely attack the Chaos Demon who has turned into a little girl in front of him now.



   "You still dare to be fierce?!"


   "Look for a fight!"

Snapped! ☆╰╮o

   Seeing that the other party dared to stare at herself, Annie walked aside of course, and then directly tapped the other party's bright head with the wooden stick in her hand.

   "Make you fierce!"


   "Let you stare!"


   "Let you not learn well!"


   "You still watch! What are you looking at!?"

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  o—dole!

Although Annie’s playful beating is not very harmful, it is extremely insulting. The eyes from Kratos to Annie are full of vicious, crazy and bloodthirsty rays. It can be seen.



"I will fight so much today. I will tell you now, I am really not a big devil. Or else, I won’t beat you now and let you go back. When you recover from the injury and feel confident. Come here again and let Little Bear beat you to vent your anger, do you think this will work?"

If it was an ordinary person or an ordinary idol who was beaten by Tibbers just like that, he would have died a long time ago, and now that this guy is so resistant and pitifully beaten, Annie feels that he will hit him directly. It's a pity to die or burn, maybe you can put it back, and wait for the other side to heal the injury next time, so that the bear will continue to beat him up and let her continue to look at it?

   Anyway, she couldn't leave here during this time. Finally, a fun and interesting guy came here, and she could fight with Tibbles Bear to see for herself. Annie always needs to cherish it a little bit.


At this moment, Kratos gritted his teeth, his mouth was still full of blood, and he continued to gasp hard, and continued to stare at Annie with that fierce eyes, completely ignoring the gestures she said. To understand is to ridicule him.

   He was careless just now, he shouldn't be confronting the giant bear burning with flames.

   He should take the opportunity to take the opportunity to kill the little girl Demon Mage in front of him. In that case, I'm afraid it is a different situation now, right?

   But there is no way, he failed, because of his carelessness and conceit, so he is lying here now.

Kratos knew that now, let alone resisting, he couldn't even stand up or pick up the Chaos Blade again. Apart from expressing his unwillingness and endless indomitability with his eyes, what he really is. There is no way.


   "Are you not convinced even if you lose?"

   Annie could see that the unlearned uncle in front of her was obviously not convinced.

   So, she felt that she had to think of some good ways to let this bald-headed uncle know her Lord Anne's cruel methods?

   "How about this!"

"Aren’t you very good? Then they resurrected all the Greek gods who were killed by you, and then reluctantly gave them two or three times stronger, and then you go to beat them again, and wait for it to be done. Come here again to attack people, what do you think of this suggestion?"

  Ghostly, Annie thought of a good way to punish the other party. That is to ask the other party to brush the second eye, and to increase the power of all the bosses by two or three times and not clear the boss’s memory?

   "It's so decided!"

"Tibbers, you can drag him back. The next guest is coming soon. If you see him thrown here so miserably, it would be impolite to scare away the guests. ?"


   After speaking, Annie waved her hand directly to reset the opponent's world, and directly adjusted the world from the ‘normal’ difficulty to the ‘hell’ difficulty, and then signaled the bear Tibbers to drag the opponent back quickly.


  Tibbers didn't say anything, of course, it can't actually speak?

Anyway, it just leaned over and hooked one of Kratos's feet with its claws, and then dragged it to the other side's ancient Greek mythology plane, ready to follow Annie's instructions, even if it was It became paraplegic all over, but the guy who was still slowly recovering with divine power was thrown into the opponent's original world.

   As for what the opponent will end up after being thrown back, then it doesn't care.


"Do not!!"

Hearing what Annie said, I thought that I would once again face the Greek gods who had been wiped out by myself, and they were strengthened by two or three times. Even if they were fierce and firm like Kratos, they couldn’t help but feel a little bit stronger. Loudly roared in grief.

   It's a pity that a certain bear didn't pay attention to his roar, and still dragged his feet to a certain plane of ancient Greek mythology, and a bad little girl also ignored his protest.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}   "Goodbye~! Shu, you must be strong!"

  ヾ Bye~Bye~

Soon, as Annie waved to the other side, as a certain bear struggling to throw, the opponent flew high, whirled and was thrown into the plane of ancient Greek mythology, and disappeared in this plane. The fusion point disappeared in this public plane area.


   "Finally, it's a little quieter."

  Ε=)) alas

   However, after solving the bald monster who ran to find trouble and making sure that the opponent was playing a two-week goal game, and would not come to trouble herself for the time being, Annie had to think about some other things.

There is no doubt that in the next time, there will be countless people who want to attack her, the great demon king. She must not be able to passively stay here like this. In that case, she will be bound by those endless guys. We are so annoyed that we don’t even have time to eat and sleep!

   So, she must quickly think of a slightly better way to work with peace of mind.

   "Hey! Tibbers, do you know what we should do now?"


   No way, after thinking about it, Annie, who felt that there was no good idea, asked a certain bear who was walking back towards her side after throwing out the ‘garbage’.



"No way!"

   "How can a world that is so spicy that it blows up all at once, it's too cruel, it's almost the same if it's less!"


   "It doesn't seem to be a good idea to wait here all the time...they guys are bothered all day, so that they don't have to do serious work these days, let alone take a good nap..."

  Ε=)) alas

   It doesn’t matter what the work is, the important thing is that the nap is not implemented. That is the place where the bad guys are extremely guilty and absolutely cannot be forgiven!

"and many more!"



   Suddenly, Annie seemed to have come up with a good solution or a bad idea, so she jumped up in the same place, yelling and cheering.

   "Since they all say that they are big demon kings, they should just send real big devil kings to their world!"


   "Let those big demon kings suppress in that world one by one, if that's the case, then no one will have time to come here to annoy people anymore!"

  *. *.

   "Yes! Just spicy!"

   After that, UU reading cheered little Annie and waved her hand, and a large group of burning shadow flames was slammed into the sky by her.

Then, when it rises to a certain highest point, it bursts abruptly and instantly, transforming into a flame elf that makes countless stars dotted, and then a flame elf in a world, and they spread out and fly in an instant. Into the world of different planes.

   There is no doubt that those elves are all clones of Annie!

And their task is to suppress that one, the innumerable ones, that is, the 10n-order plane world at the same time when Annie's body is suppressing this plane fusion point, to prevent, assimilate or burn that one. The children of the plane in this world will never let them have any chance to grow up and come here and fight against her!



   "They can be others too!"

   "Don't tell me, I'm going to go back to sleep! Hurry up, Tibbers, let's go and connect with any one, and then become the evil devil!"


   said, after making a huge bad bear instantly smaller, Annie grabbed one of the other's legs, and rushed directly into the tree house.


It didn’t take long for this plane fusion point to restore calm here, and a certain robot, Xiaobai, who turned into a maid, looked around and found that no one had broken into this place anymore, so he went back to the tree house and was busy. It went to its own housework.


   ask for monthly pass

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