Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1442: (`??) True Gods in the World of Sword and Sword (5)




   It smells so good~~

When a certain Wang Xiaohu, who was originally one of the participants, was fooled away by Annie in three or two strokes, of course, in this sunny afternoon, Annie was just such a person, slowly enjoying herself in this forest. Started a picnic that belonged to her alone.


   smashed the burnt mud balls, and inside was a delicious flavor with only a hot aroma. First sprinkle a little cumin and black pepper, and then pair it with a little salt and pepper. The taste is absolutely amazing!



When the meal came to an end, suddenly, Annie saw a guy rushing towards her in a hurry. She was so frightened that she hurriedly stuffed the last thigh into her mouth, and then the three families pulled it out. A big bone, and the evidence was wiped out with a shake of his hand.


   "Master! Master!"

   "Master Anne!"

   "The big thing is bad! The big thing is really bad now!!"

When Wang Xiaohu ran away excitedly holding the gift from Annie, it didn't take long. In less than half an hour, when Annie had just had time to eliminate all the delicacy, Li Xiaoyao rushed into the forest with a roar, and shouted violently. Writes.

   "What's wrong?"


   "Hi~! So full..."

  Ε=)) Ha!

   "I just ate a few'flowers and birds'. They are so fat that they will spit out the oily water as soon as they tear their hands. Not to mention how delicious they are. They are so good now!"

   After burping beautifully, Anne was content to eat while catching her little bear to wipe her hands, while squinting at the screaming Li Xiaoyao.

  In Annie's opinion, fortunately, this stupid guy was a little late, otherwise, her thigh just now will probably be forced out.


   "Master! I am not talking about this!!"

   looked at the pile of bones under his master's feet, Li Xiaoyao was startled, and then quickly recovered, and quickly added with his hands.



   "What's wrong with that? Old man Ding hit you with a **** again? Who told you not to practice swords all day, knowing to go whisper to your two juniors?"


The grown-up’s world is not fun at all. Anyway, Annie can’t understand. In her opinion, these three people know all the time that I’ve been eating and eating. What’s so fun about the saliva? It’s so dirty, it’s better Eat a few more delicious meals, and raise yourself up for nothing!


   "No, it's not like that!"


   "It's another thing!!!"

   Once again, Li Xiaoyao was suffocated by Li Xiaoyao, who turned off the topic, stayed in a daze, and then hurriedly corrected it again, still making the kind of anxious look of scratching his head.

"okay then!"

  Ε=)) alas

   "Then just talk about it, what the **** is it?"


Having eaten and drank enough, wiped her hands, and kicked the leftover bones into the fire to destroy the corpses, Annie asked curiously, wanting to know today’s Li Xiaoyao has any serious things to tell himself.

"Is such that……"


"I just used my secret path to sneak into the room next to the three Miao people, and then I overheard the Miao people say that they are going to the fairy island to the east, and then want to be detrimental to the fairies on the island. ?"

   "That's true, I heard it with my own ears!"

   "Now they are afraid that they have already set off by boat, and they are still holding bright swords one by one, and they have a menacing look, I am afraid that the fairies on the island will suffer!"

In this way, Li Xiaoyao retelled all the content he heard little by little. It was nothing more than the fact that the Miao people decided to take the risk after some conspiracy failed to succeed, and prepared to directly kill the fairy island and then attack the island. Those fairies on the side are disadvantaged?

That was the first-hand information that Li Xiaoyao overheard through the secret road. Then, after the Miao people left the inn, he found here the first time according to the instructions of a certain Wang Xiaohu, and told them Master Anne from here reports on the situation.


"and then?"


   It seems very interesting to hear the story told by the other party. Annie, who is full and full, feels that she can continue to listen. By the way, relieve her boredom?

   "What then?"

   Li Xiaoyao looked dull.


   "After knowing that, what do you want to do now?"



   "Of course I'm going to help! Otherwise, aren't those fairies going to be out of luck?"

   Li Xiaoyao replied in a natural and upright manner.


   "Have you beaten those Miao people?"

   Anne expressed some doubts about this.

Although the mana of this Li Xiaoyao is getting stronger and stronger under the influence of Pan Tao, and his swordsmanship has also made good progress, but if you want to fight the three Miao villains, especially the leader of the Miao people, I am afraid I am still a little reluctant of.

   After all, he didn't have any combat experience. The broken wooden sword just heard a sound when it danced. It really fought. It is estimated that the enemy would be cut to the ground with a knife before it launched an attack.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "This..."

   "I may not be able to beat him, but don't you still have the master?!"

   Li Xiaoyao didn't know what to say. The reason why he hurriedly came here to report as soon as he got the news. Wasn't it because he wanted their master to help?

   If he was confident that he could play, he would have ran away alone a long time ago, where would he stay here?



   "No! Those guys are too weak, people don't want to fight with them!"


   blinked, and looked at the face of Li Xiaoyao who was right in front of him. In the end, Annie didn't want to shake her head and refused the other party's super unreasonable request.

   She has just eaten and she doesn't want to find someone to fight, especially when the opponent is not fun at all, and she hasn't provoke her?



   "Master, if you don't make a move, then..."

"Then what should I do?"

Li Xiaoyao is about to jump in a hurry. Now it is estimated that the three Miao people have found the boat at the dock market and set off. If he doesn’t hurry up, the fairies on the fairy island in the east will really be there. dangerous.

   "Does anyone know what to do with you? Anyway, you can figure out such small things by yourself!"


Annie doesn't want to pay attention to so many miscellaneous things. After all, she is still "distracted" controlling her countless clones playing in other worlds on other planes. Whenever she has time, she just stares at such a useless one. Li Xiaoyao?

   So, a group of fairies who don’t know, are unfamiliar and have never seen before, are they in danger and what matters to her?

   Anyway, she just stares at the protagonists of the world, and then tries to train them, so that irrelevant people wait to contact them. As for other things, she is not in a hurry!


   "Then I'll go and inform the fairies and them, is this all right?"

   I always felt that the three Miao people were definitely not good things, so Li Xiaoyao felt that he had received the news in advance, but if he didn't do anything, he would definitely be overwhelmed.

   "Whatever you want!"




   "Master, can you give me some magic weapon?"

   stood up, just about to run to the pier, set off by himself, and Li Xiaoyao, who went to Xianling Island to report and investigate the situation, suddenly turned back and begged Annie with a shy face.

   "The magic weapon? What magic weapon? Where did the magic weapon come from?!"



   "It's a magic weapon like a little tiger!"

   "Don't you know, he can fly to the sky now, but we still have nothing!"

  Although Li Xiaoyao could only fly a few feet off the ground when he saw Wang Xiaohu, and he was not very proficient in swaying, but, no matter how bad it was, it was flying!

   Besides, seeing the flamboyant spear in the opponent's hand, the Hun Tian Ling and Qiankun circle on his body, and the majestic look of the Hot Wheels at his feet, if they were not envious and jealous, it would definitely be impossible!

In Li Xiaoyao's opinion, that is a magic weapon among the storytellers. Li Xiaoyao still has only one Broken Wood Sword, and he still has to use it with Xianglan and Xiulan on weekdays, but that's damning. Wang Xiaohu has a full set, which of course is very unfair to them!


   "That's because you are too stupid, your spells can also fly, but who told you not to learn it?"

   "Anyway, there is no magic weapon for the time being, I will find a way for you someday!"


   This reminds Annie that she has given Wang Xiaohu so many spicy treasures, but it is really not good if it is not given to Li Xiaoyao and Xianglan Xiulan. It may hurt the enthusiasm of the three.

So, she was already thinking about it. When she was free, she would find a place to get the big ball of light from the main god, and then let the main **** release some fun and interesting tasks for them, so that they would not be too idle. , And also make the original plot line of this world all messed up?

Anyway, people shouldn’t be too idle. Once they’re free, they can easily think about things, such as work or something, let a person be busy from morning to night at 995, 996, and go to the bathroom for only three minutes, so naturally there is no thought It is unreasonable to think about other things like house prices or prices.

   And of course the world is the same!

   If she manages to make the sons of this world plane do evil everywhere in this world all day long, do whatever they want, add chaos to the world everywhere, and make some guys feel utterly exhausted, surely...

   They will definitely have no time to think about other things then?


  The more I thought about it, the more I found it feasible. I felt that I could replicate the appearance of Cuiping Mountain a little bit, and then made some improvements. Annie made up her mind in an instant.

   "That's right!"


   "The magic weapon or something, someone will think of a way for you someday, okay, that's it for today, you should go to your business first! If you want to inform the news, hurry up, as long as you don't die!"


   waved her hand, Annie signaled that Li Xiaoyao could get out, and she had to think about the thing she just thought.

   As for what fairy islands, what fairies or Miao people, she didn't want to care about that kind of thing.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  "But..."

   Li Xiaoyao still hesitated a little, and left like this unwillingly.

   "Nothing but!"

   "You can find and grab whatever you want, anyway, people won't give you magic weapons in vain! Go quickly, don't get an eye-catching here!"



   "Yes! I, I know..."

   Seeing his master angry, Li Xiaoyao could only run away in anguish, but he made up his mind secretly, thinking that he must try to stop the three evil Miao people from conspiring on Xianling Island?


   "Hey! That guy over there, have you seen enough? Why don't you come out soon after seeing enough?!"

   After a while, when she saw Li Xiaoyao running away and seeing that the other person would not look back, Annie suddenly turned her head in annoyance, glared in a certain direction and shouted.


   However, there was no movement over there, there was still only the sound of worms, fish and birds.

   "Not coming out yet?"

   "If you don't come out again, they are going to set the woods on fire!!"


   Annie caught a handful of fireballs and was about to smash them somewhere.


Finally, when Annie was about to set the forest on fire, she saw that she could not hide, a middle-aged Taoist priest who looked sloppy and had a wine gourd pinned to his waist and a sword on his back. Chu Linzi turned out from behind and stared at Annie from a distance.


   "Situ Zhong, the poor Taoist Shushan, is polite here, dare to ask Dao friends, I don't know where the friends come from?"

   first stood in the distance and looked at Little Annie silently for a while, and then looked at the fireball in her hand. After a long time, the sloppy Taoist suddenly asked.


   "Friends of Daoism? People don't practice the Taoism, and they are not your friends. Don't be ashamed to mess around with you, uncle blame!"


   Seeing that the other party didn't seem to want to fight, Annie directly extinguished the fireball, and then clapped her hands, thinking that after she was full, she wanted to sit idle and do nothing, or to find something to do?

   Of course, no matter what, she wouldn’t go with that Li Xiaoyao to the fairy island of some sort of spoils. She didn’t want to be nosy at all!


   "Friends of Daoist joked!"

"Pan Dao has been observing Dao's friendship for a few days. I saw Dao friends recruiting disciples here, and there are disciples who practice upright Taoism and some who practice side sect sorcery... Regarding this, Pang Dao has always wondered. I don’t know where my friend is from, can I help the poor Dao?"

   Yes, he has clearly seen it these days in Shengyu Village.

That Li Xiaoyao, the other party did indeed cultivate the upright supreme Taoism, he didn't know anything else, but only by relying on the other party's practice of that sword technique without the slightest smell of smoke and smoke between the sword and the vagueness of the sword. It made him feel admired, that was two different directions from the Shushan swordsmanship of their heavy killing.

   Of course, what surprised him even more was that Lixianglan and Ding Xiulan, the two human women who practiced the kind of magic?

That's right, for him who vowed to taste the world's fine wines and kill all the world's monsters, that kind of thing is indeed very weird. They are obviously two good women, how can they practice that kind of obsessive monster? Fa, and the rapid progress?


   "I am the flame fairy of Cuiping Mountain!"


   "Cuiping Mountain..."

   Obviously, this sloppy Taoist who claims to be Situ Zhong has never heard of Anne’s Cuiping Mountain and the name of the Great Flame Fairy.

But if it is in another Conferred God world, it will be different, because Cuiping Mountain is very famous. It is not only closely related to the heavenly gods and Buddhas, the dynasty of the world, and the demons of the world~www.wuxiaspot. com~ At the same time, even Sanqing and Daozu, etc. are also courtesy three points, it is really an amazing existence.

   Of course, this is not the world of Conferred Gods, so Situ Zhong had to give up after racking his brains for a while.


   "Friend Flame Taoist, why do you want to teach those two female demons?"

If the other party teaches that kind of upright Taoism like Li Xiaoyao, Situ Zhong probably won't have that much trouble. However, after seeing the situation of the two sisters, Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao, he always felt a little wrong. He has been observing in secret, and taking advantage of the opportunity of being called out by the other party today, he directly expressed his doubts.

   "I have said that, I am not your fellow sloppy fellow!"


   "What is the demon method or the Taoist method for you, can you control it?"



  Oo hum!

After that, I didn’t plan to talk to Annie, who was so sloppy, who hadn’t taken a shower for months on horseback, and could smell a stinky smell from afar, waved her hand and let a lot of dirt out of the ground. He turned up and extinguished the flame, turned and left, and ignored the weird guy at all.


   When the other party reminded Annie that she suddenly thought of something she had to do after eating, that is: to see the practice of her two female disciples, to see if they practice crookedly?


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