Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1443: ?(????) ノ The real gods in the world of swords (…

After failing to ask for a magic weapon from my master, there was no other way. I felt that I couldn’t really sit and watch the fairies on the small island in the east. Li Xiaoyao, who was poisoned by the three guys who knew they weren’t good at first, was first. I went to buy a short iron sword from the blacksmith Zeng Bo in the village, and then borrowed a small boat from Zhang Si, who was a fisherman. When he was ready, he prepared Yang Fan to go out to sea, and went to the place that was said to have many fairies. The fairy island where we live, go to stop those Miao people from doing evil!

Of course, he will definitely not try to fight the Miao people, but he will try to rush to the fairy island before the other party, and then go to inform the fairies in advance, lest the fairies suffer from carelessness. The murderous hands of those thieves?

Ever since, with the short iron sword he just bought and some food and drink on the road, after everything was ready, Li Xiaoyao went straight to the small market and pier in the north of the village.

"Little plum!"

"Buy meat? A purebred black-haired fat pig just killed today, look, it's fresh!"

"Buy some, the three guests in your inn will definitely like it!"

Uncle Zhang, a strong man who kills pigs and sells meat, saw Li Xiaoyao coming to the market and thought he was here to buy vegetables for Aunt Zhang, so he shouted hello to him for the first time and picked up a fresh pig. Show him the thigh.

"Don't buy, don't buy!"

"There are no guests, the guests are gone, what do they like to eat Guan Xiaoye?!"

You know, now Li Xiaoyao is going to go to sea to chase the three Miao people, maybe he will go on behalf of the sky, and stab those bad guys to the heart with a single sword? So, where would he go shopping for them?


"Xiaoyao, do you want to buy shrimps today? The prawns that the boatmen caught this morning are still alive. Why don't you buy some to go back?"

When passing by the fish shop selling aquatic products, the other party naturally greeted Li Xiaoyao, who had said that he wanted to buy shrimp a few days ago.

"Not buying!"


"Vegetable buns, bean paste buns, meat buns, barbecued pork buns, lotus paste buns, and big roast buns..."

"It's selling buns~!"

"Hey! Little plum, do you want to buy buns?"

"Not buying!"

"Buns Chen, the buns sold in your house are not as delicious as my aunt's made them!"

"Li Xiaoyao, do you have soy sauce?"

"Don't fight! Your soy sauce is rotten~!"


After refusing to greet the enthusiastic folks selling meat, fish, steamed buns, soy sauce, fruits and vegetables in the market, Li Xiaoyao finally came to the pier and found the one that Zhang Si said he would lend him. Next to a small fishing boat, and jumped up so quickly, reaching out to untie the rope.



"Boatman, you can take me to the small island in the east, and your reward is indispensable!"

When Li Xiaoyao finally pulled open the troublesome knot of Zhang Siza, suddenly, a delicate voice sounded, and when Li Xiaoyao looked up, he found that the person here was actually a naive, charming and cute person. Maiden?

At this moment, the other party was standing on the embankment, condescendingly facing Li Xiaoyao, who was untying the rope and planning to unpump and go to sea.


It's a pity that if Li Xiaoyao's pretty appearance makes Li Xiaoyao subconsciously have such a little favor, then the Miao costumes on the other party make the trace of goodwill that he has finally turned into doubts in an instant. And full of disgust.

Because, because of some three Miao bad guys, Li Xiaoyao subconsciously regarded the other party as a group of three under the hatred of the house and the black.

"You are really weird!"

"What are you looking at, haven't you seen a pretty little girl? Why don't you leave the boat?"

With that said, ignoring the somewhat sluggish Li Xiaoyao, the Miao girl jumped straight onto the boat, and the impact even made the small fishing boat sway on the water.


"What are you doing on that island?"

Li Xiaoyao did not rush to respond, but asked cautiously.

Before, the three Miao people who lived in his inn wanted to be unfavorable to the fairies on Xianling Island, and at this moment they have already set off on the sea, but now it’s better. Another one doesn’t look like it. A nice little Miao girl, and she said she was going to the island. If there is no connection between the two, then Li Xiaoyao would be the first to not believe it!

"Don't worry about it!"

"Just sail the boat!"

The Miao girl ignored Li Xiaoyao's question, and didn't even care whether Li Xiaoyao agreed or not, so she sat at the bow of the ship so cutely, beckoning Li Xiaoyao at the stern to quickly set off.


"You don't answer my question, and you are so rude, why should I promise to drive you?"

Li Xiaoyao, who was about to put down the rope just now, thought about it, then put it back on, saying that he would not sail anymore, and that the other party loved it.


"You will definitely agree!"




"You! You little girl, how can you beat people indiscriminately?!"

Li Xiaoyao, who was just about to shame and talked to the other party, was directly whipped on his **** by the other party. The pain was so painful that he almost did not jump up and fell into the sea.


"I advise you to be obedient and set sail faster, otherwise, I have more powerful means to deal with you!"


"The Miao people have seen a lot in the past few days, so you are the most ferocious!"



"They have arrived first? How many have come?!"

Upon hearing Li Xiaoyao's words, the Miao girl exclaimed directly, and then hurriedly asked.

"do not know!"

"I know I won't tell you, I, Li Xiaoyao, will never let you guys do evil in our Shengyu Village!"

With that, Li Xiaoyao stretched out his hand and drew his iron sword from his suitcase, indicating that he is not that easy to bully.


Seeing that Li Xiaoyao was able to stand on the floating boat very securely, and the posture was quite good, the Miao girl gave a rare surprise and looked at him up and down again.

"Why are you so nervous?"


"Don't you think that I am in the same group with those people? I tell you, we are not in the same group with those black seedlings!"

"Forget it, let's not talk about this for now, you can quickly talk about it, how many of them have come in total?"

First, she explained a few sentences, and then soon, the Miao girl asked anxiously, she didn't have the vigilant and guarded look on Li Xiaoyao's face holding a broken iron sword at all.



"The leader is a black and fat beard. They have already gone to sea half an hour ago."

After staring at the face of the Miao girl for a long time, I felt that the anxiety on the other party’s face was not as if it were pretended, and the other party did not seem to be with the three Miao people. After hesitating again and again, Li Xiaoyao was going to be. Tell me what I know.

After all, the other person can ask others, and he has nothing to hide.

Of course, he was not so stupid that he would also go to Xianling Island, and then he wanted to stop the three Miao people from telling them.


"Oh no!"

"Is that guy?"


"Don't let them get on the ground first, I have to go back and deploy people..."

With that, the Miao girl whose complexion changed and changed suddenly gritted her teeth, showing a fierce but cute expression, stomped her feet fiercely, and jumped directly from the ship deck to the dam, and then He ran towards the south in a slip, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


"The little girl is pretty handsome..."

"It's just beating people indiscriminately for no reason, but it's really inexplicable!"

Li Xiaoyao, who came back to his senses until the other party disappeared completely, frowned and thought about it, and when he couldn't figure out what the other party was, he shook his head, rubbed his **** that had just been pumped by the other party, and then untied it. The cable, kicked to the dam, and let the boat he borrowed, under the guidance of the villagers in the surrounding villages, swayed undulating towards the east sea.

Li Xiaoyao didn’t care about what happened to the Miao girl and how the folks would arrange themselves. Anyway, he only knew that he had to hurry up and take a shortcut to Fairy Island to see if he could. Can't arrive before the boats of the three Miao people, and then think about how to inform the fairies who live on the island.


What neither Li Xiaoyao nor the villagers of Shengyu Village in the market know is that a certain Miao girl only performed light work, just like a clever swallow, who had just rushed out of the village from the intersection on the west side. She was stopped by a kid who had just obtained a few magic weapons and had just learned how to use them.



That's right, Wang Xiaohu is here!

At this time, he stepped on his hot wheels so slowly, holding a fire-tip spear and carrying the universe circle, Hun Tian Ling wrapped around his arms to be ecstatic, just so stretched. Zhang Yuan's billowing face, pretending to be serious, shouted loudly:

"My master said, I drive this road, and I plant this tree. If you want to cross this road, the beautiful young lady must stay!"

"Hurry up and surrender, Miss Sister, I am here to catch you!"


"Catch me?"

"Why are you arresting me?"

Cautiously stretched out her hand to touch the handle of the short Miao knife around her waist, the Miao girl just watched her interception in front of her. She was also stepping on a burning wheel and holding a burning long spear. She knew that it was difficult to deal with. The enemy asked cautiously.

What the other party said was a bit funny, so she couldn't help but hesitate for a while and didn't really take the other party seriously.

"I don't know, it was the master who asked me to catch it anyway, so I caught it back!"

Wang Xiaohu didn't care about that much. His master was so kind to him and gave him so many treasures. Of course, he must listen to the master.

Now that the master said, let him come to catch this beautiful young lady, then he just came to catch, and where can he control so much?

"Are you robbers?"

"I don't..."

The Miao girl just wanted to say a few more ruthless words, and to see if she had a chance to escape or wait for an opportunity to attack and retreat the little kid who looked less than eight or nine years old, she was shocked to find that the other party suddenly stopped talking to her. , And threw out the long red weird silk directly.

Immediately afterwards, the strange Aya suddenly became very long in the air, and then, like a dexterous long snake, it rolled towards her from a distance.


"Don't think about it!"

Shocked, the short Miao knife on the waist of the Miao girl got out of its sheath.


Only for a moment, only a blade light flashed away, and then the red silk was cut into two pieces instantly by her.

It's a pity that she didn't wait for the Miao girl to breathe a sigh of relief. She was surprised to find that the long red silk was automatically repaired in an instant, and then she did not wait for her to get a second cut, she directly tied her petite body like a zongzi. Usually wrapped tightly, so that she can't move anything except her mouth.

"no, do not want!"

"You villains, let me go!"

"Mother Nanban will not let you go!"

Before she had time to cast other spells, she was captured by the enemy in an instant. This kind of thing made the Miao girl feel frightened, angry, ashamed and afraid, so she began to struggle desperately on the ground.

At this moment, she remembered some terrible things she had seen on the way to Shengyu Village...

Considering that she herself is only fourteen years old and looks beautiful like a flower, she is not even dared to imagine what it will be like when a person is caught by a weird person outside.

"Don't worry, young lady, my master and I won't hurt you."

"Master said, you also seem to have a little aura of the protagonist, so don't run away when you come, you must worship her as a teacher!"


"My master is very good. Miss Sister, you are so beautiful. Master might like you very much~!"

"If you have nowhere to go at night, you can sleep with Master!"

Wang Xiaohu said ignorantly, and flew slowly, grabbing Huntian Ling's end, and directly carrying the Miao girl who was tied into a seductive posture into the air, and then began to move to the other side. The depths of the woods flew slowly.


Sleep and sleep together?


"What protagonist halo? Apprentice? Why apprentice? Why should I apprentice?"

"Let go of me!"

"This girl has a master, you robbers, let go..."


Before the Miao girl had time to finish speaking, she was wrapped in Hun Tian Ling's mouth, and then she couldn't say a word, so she could only sob and struggle to be taken by Wang Xiaohu to some inaccessible forest deep.


Although she could not speak, the Miao girl still struggled desperately, like a worm that writhed crazily.

Coming here from Dali and Miaojiang all the way, she saw a lot of things she saw along the way of kidnapping and bullying men and women, but it was the first time I saw people arresting people and apprentices!

Moreover, she did not believe that the other party arrested her really to make her apprentice, there must be other more evil purposes!

For example, the other party is actually the subordinate of a certain old demon in the mountains, and then grabs him, just to give a certain ugly, obscene and filthy old demon as a furnace or a lady in the village. From now on, oneself is likely to have it. Was locked in a cave until he was tortured and humiliated to death by the opponent?

Thinking about it, the Miao girl who can't get away can't help but feel a little desperate...

She felt that she really shouldn’t have come here alone by herself. It’s fine now. She was caught by a strongman, and no news was sent out. There is definitely no one to save herself, and she may not be able to save herself. What will happen to those wicked people!


"Miss Sister, you are so heavy, I feel sore when I handle it...


Soon, the Miao girl was taken to the depths of a forest by Wang Xiaohu, and then she was thrown onto the grass.

Then, a brisk footstep came towards her.


That's it! That's it!

When a Hmong girl thought that some hideous villain would soon appear and used the absurdity of letting herself be a teacher to do evil things to her beautiful little girl, such as taking advantage of her inability to resist. What is it for her to tear off her clothes?



As the red silk loosened on her body, she immediately regained her freedom and raised her head in a hurry, and she was surprised to find:

Standing in front of her, it was not the kind of cult villains or monsters or monsters she imagined with a lustful smile, but a blond, blue-eyed, non-Central Plains, and was staring at her with curiosity. Year old girl? !



"They are the big flame fairy in Shengyu Village, Miss Sister, what's your name, are you interested in joining other people's sects?"


"The treatment is very good!"


Annie asked with a smile. U U Reading


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(However, Tibbers on the side knows that the smiley appearance of its nasty little master is just an illusion... Now that this Miao girl has been arrested by her, you must listen to her honestly. If you don’t want to, then you must worship at her door. That is, you must worship, and you must worship if you don’t. Otherwise... then you really don’t want to leave.)


"Wh, what..."

The Miao girl was shocked for a long time before she came back to her senses, and then she found out that the things she had just thought about seemed to be crooked, and the weird person in front of her seemed to really just want to force herself to be a teacher, and there was nothing wrong with it. idea?


??????: ask for monthly pass

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