Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1527: ?(*?)? Persian cat

Two days later...

The Mughal maharajah of the Indian peninsula and a great businessman, Chaimenlin Afmad Nagopur, saw that his own rescue fleet could not beat the Li family fleet, and his own port and shore guards were also affected. After fleeing in despair, he hadn't directly hung the white flag and surrendered. After being hung on the mast in the wind and sun for five days and five nights, he lost at least a few dozen catties of fat. He also swears in the name of their various gods, saying that he is willing to serve the Li family fleet and the Grand Admiral Anne as the master for life?

There is no way, because Zamenlin Afmad Nagopur was not a strong-willed person, he was just a nouveau riche and a money worshipper.

In fact, he relied on luck and took the wind of Westerners to open up India, and succeeded in earning massive wealth and gaining the position of local lord of the Mughal dynasty, and then monopolizing the trade of India. For people who are extremely lustful, surrendering in the presence of force majeure is normal.

In fact, as early as two days ago, Nagopur had repeatedly stated that he would surrender.

But the result...

That demon-like little girl, the Grand Admiral Anne Hasta even ignored it, and insisted on hanging him on the mast for two days and two nights, causing him to suffer another two days of sin, and he was completely destroyed. After being soaked in the cold torrential rain for one night and then being exposed to the sun for two days, he almost died and returned to the arms of the Ganges mother.

But fortunately, what makes Nagopur grateful is:

The terrible and great Grand Admiral Anne, the other party finally forgave him and accepted his surrender, and he was willing to become a franchise chamber of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce under the Nagopur Chamber of Commerce, so that he could finally drag his hurt body and fearful mood. , Returned to his private house in heaven full of wine groves and naked dancers.

Therefore, after Nagopur surrendered and surrendered, the ports of Madras, Ceylon, Calicut, Goa, and Karachi finally no longer had any obstacles to the Li family, allowing the Li family’s caravan to be here. Unhindered, free trade, and enjoy the same extremely low tax rate as the Nagopur Chamber of Commerce.

However, it is a pity that this time the fleet led by Annie is not here to do business. They are here to find people and open up trade routes. Therefore, Nagopur is willing to "actively" join the Lijia Chamber of Commerce and open all ports and traders. Standing, it doesn't seem to be of much use to them?

Immediately after accepting the Nagopur Chamber of Commerce, Annie did not care whether the other party was sincere or fake. Anyway, after their five warships were supplied by Calicut, they set sail directly according to the clues provided by Nagopur and others. Basra in the Persian Gulf drove slowly.

Because the people in Nagopur said, at the beginning, a Da Ming Li’s admiral named "Li Huamei" had indeed been to Calicut City and had a serious conflict with the Nagopur Chamber of Commerce. After that, the group The people quickly led the fleet to sail in the direction of the Persian Gulf. Since then, they have never seen the fleet from Da Ming again.

Because the Nagopur Chamber of Commerce only controls the coast of the Indian peninsula. On the Persian Gulf, there is mainly an Arab power Woodin Chamber of Commerce. The people of the Mughal dynasty in India have always been at odds with each other, so there is no trade. So they don’t know where Li Huamei’s fleet is now and where it has gone.

Therefore, Xiao Anni had to lead her fleet of five super-giant ships, with the flags of Daming and Li's hanging high, in the horrified and puzzled gazes of the Arabian and large sailing ship owners and crew. Down, along the west coast of the Indian peninsula, drove straight into the Persian Gulf.

"Grand Admiral!"


"The city in front should be Basra, we are almost there!"

Putting down the telescope in his hand, pointing to the port in front of the river where the rivers meet at the end of the Persian Gulf, to the big city where a lot of sailing ships dock or enter and exit at this time, the chief mate on the side turned to face a certain time. The little girl dozing off while playing backgammon with Song Yifeng reported this.



"Where is it coming soon, how far is it spicy, enough for us to play a few more games!"


Glancing at the outline of the city on the coastline in the distance, and counting her fleet's current speed of less than ten knots, Annie curled her lips and returned her somewhat blurred gaze back to that. On the Go board, he continued to pick up his white chess and fight with Song Yifeng.

"I'm down here!"

☆? (o*?w?)?o


Song Yifeng knows how to play Go, and he doesn't know who the opponent learned from, so that the opponent quickly accepts gomoku. Today, he is also very comfortable playing Go?

Anyway, Annie found out that when she usually bullied those cute young whites (such as Tosaka sisters and some dumb guys?), the unfavorable gobang strategy suddenly didn't work here, so ah, now she is in a hard fight. She doesn't care about Basra or Li Huamei, she just wants to win the opponent's game before the chessboard is filled with black and white twins.


"Are you going to Basra?"

"That is the legendary prosperous Arabian city in the Persian Gulf?"

Song Yifeng stood up from the deck, and then looked towards the direction of the fleet for a while, and found that it was indeed far away, but only a faint outline could be seen, she nodded, then turned around and sat down in front of the chessboard. .


What? What?

"Hurry up! It's here for you, hurry up, isn't it just a broken city? What's so good about it, it's far worse than Hangzhou anyway!"


As soon as the other party sat down, Annie couldn't wait to start urging, and asked Song Yifeng to hurry down and don't waste time.

"Of course it depends!"

"The scenery and people in every part of the world are different, and the architectural styles are also different. In addition to looking for sister Li Huamei and others, we also have the idea of ​​traveling around the world, so of course I want to see it! "


"All right!"

"Be careful, I'm three in a row!"

After Song Yifeng refuted Xiao Anni's words, she didn't even look at the chessboard, and directly placed a black **** next to the two black pawns, so that they formed a line to force Annie to return to prevent interception, and then she Only then can you take the initiative.




(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Four Lian!"



Annie shot the white ivory chess piece directly and ruthlessly on the gloomy wooden chessboard, and made a very textured clash. At the same time, the three original chess pieces above formed a quadruple. situation.

"Aha! They won!!"

?*. ?(ˊ?ˋ*)??*.

Then, without waiting for the other party's reaction, Annie directly cheered loudly.

Because once one side of Gobang forms a four-game position first, and the opponent does not discover and intercept it in advance of the third game, it is a lore, and it cannot be undone anyway.



Song Yifeng couldn't help being shocked when she saw that Annie was in a row.



"It's okay, those who lose will be drawn tortoises on their faces!"


With that, Annie picked up a brush, and after being soaked in ink, planned to paint on Song Yifeng's face.

"and many more!"

However, before the pen and ink touched his face, Song Yifeng hurriedly reached out to stop it.

"This is not right!"


"Before there were no three chess pieces here, I remember they originally only had two!"

"I see, you are cheating!"

Song Yifeng just glanced at the chessboard for a while, and then she saw a little bit of the doorway, and angrily wanted to grab the brush from Annie's hand.



"Don't talk nonsense! Someone cheated, do you have evidence? This is obviously that you didn't pay attention to playing chess, and then you want to deny it if you lose!"


How could Grand Admiral Annie cheat? She would definitely not admit that kind of thing easily. Besides, the other party did not have any evidence. Therefore, while avoiding Song Yifeng's hand, she wanted to go to the other party's picture. The chubby face that was a little blushing in the sun was painted.


"Of course I have evidence!"


Standing aside with his waist pierced, Song Yifeng directly pointed at the chessboard angrily.



"That's just a chessboard, it's not evidence, and it can't speak!"


Annie was pretty sure that when the other party looked at Basra, she absolutely did not see what she did, because the other party’s eyes could not grow on the back of her head, and the first officer just did not pay attention to what she did, so, Regardless of whether it is personal or physical evidence, the other party has none!


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Don't say it, the chessboard just can talk!"

"If you don't believe me, see for yourself!"

However, what made the confident little Annie feel a little surprised is that Song Yifeng also confidently pointed to the chessboard again.



Looking at the chessboard, then at Song Yifeng, Annie obviously didn't know what the other party wanted to do.

"You count the number of white chess pieces and the number of black chess pieces by yourself!"

Song Yifeng did not answer, but angrily motioned to Xiao Annie to count the pieces on the chessboard by herself.

"Just count!"


Isn't it just counting the pieces? Annie can count that kind of thing in less than ten seconds!

"Thirty, thirty-one, thirty-two..."




Finally, Annie quickly realized what the other party said that the chessboard can talk, because ah, when she just made small moves, she seemed to have forgotten some very important things?

"Ha ha!"

"You have nothing to say now, right?"

"My black chess is the first move. That is to say, just after you made that move, the number of our chess pieces should be the same, but you can look at it now, and your white chess can never be more than my black chess. , You can see, you actually have thirty-two white chess pieces, but my black one only has thirty-one pieces. Do you dare to say that you didn't cheat?!"

Pushing his waist, Song Yifeng smiled triumphantly.

This is Gobang, not Go, and there is no such thing as'catch the pieces'. Therefore, the number of pieces on both sides can be calculated. If there is cheating, you only need to count the pieces on both sides. The same failed, so now it’s time for her Song Yifeng to draw a big tortoise on the face of a messy little girl with a brush in order to avenge her yesterday!



"Why is there an extra piece? When did it accidentally fall in?"


Annie stretched out her hand, picked up a white chess piece from an insignificant place from a corner, and then looked at Song Yifeng.



"Now the number is right, you just lost!!!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

First, without a red face and a heartbeat, threw the white ivory chess piece straight into the round big-bellied chess pot, then Annie looked at the stunned Song Yifeng shamelessly.


"Damn it!"

Song Yifeng grabbed another brush directly, then dipped it indiscriminately, intending to smear it on Annie's face.



"You're talking nonsense! It's just that a **** fell in by accident, and they didn't lose!"


"Regardless of!"

"Anyway, if you cheat, even if you lose, stop and let me draw one!!"

After speaking, Song Yifeng rushed forward directly.



Annie fled while waving the pen in her hand, she didn't mean to admit it at all.


"You stop me!!"

"I'm not drawing tortoises anymore, I'm drawing you as a Persian cat head office?"

"Hurry up!"

Soon, the two admiral girls, one big and one small, began to frolic on the battleship "Xiang Feihu".

While playing with hip-hop, they also spilled ink everywhere, chasing directly from the stern to the bow, and from the bow to the stern, making them and many innocent crew and sailor gunners. There was a lot of black ink on his face, but he didn’t dare to care or scold, so he stood innocently and looked at.


ε=(′?`●))) alas


While Xiao Anni and her fleet were heading towards Basra, at the port of St. George on the west coast of Africa, Li Huamei and others were ready to leave and head north to the Mediterranean and the North Sea after the supply was completed.


"We have already taught the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce severely, and sank several of their slave ships in the artillery battle. Now that we don't rush to pursue them to defeat them in one fell swoop, why should we leave Africa here? "

Li Huamei's subordinate, Xingjiu Baimu watched the fleet slowly sailing out of St. George's port, and then looked at this huge continent, he couldn't help but feel a little aggrieved and asked their Admiral Li Huamei.

"No way."

"Xingjiu, they are local snakes, and we are the river dragons, hit them, let them know that we are great!"

"And if it continues and causes them to dispatch more armed merchant ships to retaliate, and even make them resort to their Spanish and Portuguese navies, then we will be in trouble."

"We can't stay here forever and spend with each other, not to the Mediterranean, nor to the North Sea, or to the New World, right?"

"Besides, our ship can't stand up to consumption, but it can't be careless!"

Shaking his head, although Li Huamei really wanted to teach the wicked businessman Gianlonimo de Espinosha, who declared war on the Li Family Chamber of Commerce and mainly engaged in slave trade, drug trafficking, and illegal hunting, a profound lesson, but, Mindful that this is Africa, far away from the territory of Ming Dynasty, and thought that she might not be able to replenish new ships here, there is no way, she can only decide to accept it when she sees good, and temporarily avoid the enemy's edge, first go to the Mediterranean and the North Sea to see. .


"I totally agree with the admiral's opinion!"

"Long time..."

"Their strength is not bad, and there are many ships. We should not entangle them too much."

At this time, Yi'an Dukov, another follower of Li Huamei, also stood up and persuaded.


"It's enough to hurt them. If you continue to fight, the situation may continue to escalate. In this unfamiliar Africa, we must not go crazy."

The mature and respectful Yang Xien spoke out. Obviously, he did not want to be consumed by a local snake force in this unaccompanied place, in this remote Africa, because there are too many uncertain factors, and they really can’t bear it. Take the risks of unknowns and failures.

This is just like the situation in the battle for hegemony between Chu and Han. Han Gaozu Liu Bang could always lose, but if the King of Chu loses once, he will lose all the games!

Now, the situation of their Li Family Chamber of Commerce is the same as Chu Bawang. Although they defeated Espinosha’s ship in several confrontations, they even sank a lot, but once they Li Family Chamber of Commerce lose once , Then it's really over.

Because they only have so few ships, they are here to travel the world and do ocean-going trade and seek development and growth, not to fight Westerners.

"All right!"

"Stop talking, let's go!"

"I hope that Gianlonimo de Espinosha will become more acquainted after receiving the letter from me. Don't continue to make things difficult?"

"Let's go!"

"Going back to your posts, we are going north to the Mediterranean. I don't know what the situation is there. Everyone cheers up!"

Clapping his hands, Li Huamei signaled that this matter was just going on, there was no need to continue the discussion, and began to urge everyone to go away and work on their own affairs.




Seeing that the resolution had been made, everyone who felt that there was no problem suddenly agreed, and soon returned to their posts, and then these large and medium-sized boats were blown by the southeast wind, and the sails were blown up. Started to accelerate toward the north.




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