Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

: One thousand five hundred and twenty-eight

Little Annie, who holds the title of Admiral of the Li family, has just led the Li family’s fleet to the Basra port terminal in the Persian Gulf and anchored the ship. She has not had time to do something, such as finding delicious and fun things, or going shopping. At that time, another group of people came directly to the door and blocked them directly in the dock.



"What do you want to do, do you want to fight too?!"


Look at the strange uncle who is headed, and then look at the three beautiful sisters behind him who are staring at him, and then there is a burly and strong thug and a group of people holding scimitars and muskets behind them. Dog legs, Anne subconsciously thought that the other party must have been with the fat man again, like the Tumen prince and businessman Chaimenlin Afmad Nagopur, who specifically came to find trouble and gave her smoke. .

Anyway, Annie has figured it out a long time ago. Some people just don’t think her family’s fleet is big, they just like to make trouble for her, and they are especially exclusive. They are not allowed to do business in the local area and face such a group of bad guys. , Such as the ones in front of you, there is definitely nothing wrong with directly defeating them.


"Do not!"

"I didn't mean to fight with you..."

"In fact, I remember, aren't we already allies?"

When I heard the unfriendly interrogation of the little girl at first, the head of the visitor, that is, the strange uncle who looked dangling and bare-chested even in clothes, scratched his head, and looked at him with a puzzled look. Little Annie who spoke to him asked rhetorically.

Then, he began to look carefully at the group of people who had just gotten off the super warship that was a few laps larger than their giant Arabian ship.

The other party hung the banners of Daming and Li's family, and he was very familiar with that banner. This is why he decided to come and check it out personally after receiving the news!

Moreover, he also saw that the opponent had a total of five warships of this kind, only one of them got on the deep-water pier in Basra and got down to such a group of people, but he didn't know why, but he also saw at the same time that the opponent did not seem to have it. Seeing that the other party is unloading, it seems that it is not an ordinary armed merchant ship?



"What ally, people don't know you, who is an ally with you?"


Seeing that the other party didn't seem to be asking for trouble, and she kept saying that she was an ally, Annie couldn't help feeling a little baffled.


"All right!"

"It may be that the transmission of information is lagging behind. It's no wonder, after all, the sea is too big. So, let me introduce myself first?"

"I am Abraham Yiwen Wooding, the head of the Wooding Chamber of Commerce. These three are my wives, Amina Annifou, Deniya Itihad, and Fachama Hane, who It’s my **** Hashid Al Naidi."

"As early as a month ago, Ms. Li Huamei, the owner of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce, had been here, and then we reached an agreement..."

Having said that, Abraham Yiwen Wooding slowly spoke about the ‘alliance’ agreement they had reached with the Li Huamei fleet.

Anyway, probably because of beliefs, religions, and ethnic reasons, the Persian Gulf has always been occupied and ruled by Arab chambers of commerce, and it is extremely exclusive. And more than a month ago, Li Huamei and his Li family fleet came here. Then, like now, Abraham Yiwen Woodin went directly to the door. After some negotiations, they probably reached an alliance intention. The general situation is:

First, the Li family fleet does not intervene in the Persian Gulf waters, including commercial operations.

Second, the Lijia Chamber of Commerce and the Wooding Chamber of Commerce established a common front and unanimously resisted the European invasion of the Persian Gulf and East Asia and Southeast Asia.

Third, if the Li's Chamber of Commerce clashed with Europeans in the Persian Gulf, the ships and forces of the Wooding Chamber of Commerce will provide assistance as appropriate, and vice versa.

"This is the basic situation."

"I saw it, you also hung the banners of Daming and the Li family, is it possible... You haven't received the letter notified by your Li family's head?"

Wooding felt a little strange, because of that kind of important matter. It stands to reason that even if Li Huamei wants to travel the world and cannot return, she should find a way to write a letter and send someone to inform her chamber of commerce and fleet as soon as possible. And now, this one should also be the Li family fleet, and it is very likely that the crew members of the main combat fleet did not even know the news?


"Which of you is the admiral of this fleet?"

With that said, Abraham Yiwen Wooding began to take a look at the blond little girl who had just spoken to him, and then quickly rejected it, because the other party looked like a'European', so he must be sure It won't be the admiral of the Li family fleet.

Therefore, it is most likely that the little oriental girl who is a little bit bigger and another middle-aged man who looks very powerful.

In view of the fact that the powerful woman Li Huamei was the admiral and patriarch of the Li family fleet before, he felt that the Li Family Chamber of Commerce should be respected by women, so she subconsciously felt that the admiral of the chamber of commerce was probably the little oriental girl.

"They are!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????


"This is the Chief Admiral Anne Hasta of our Li family fleet, and I am the second Admiral Song Yifeng. As for this one, he is the first mate and acting captain of our flagship battleship "Xiang Feihu". At the same time He is also responsible for commanding and coordinating the work of the rest of the fleet."

At this time, without waiting for the stunned Uncle Wooding to say something, seeing the other side's unpleasant eyes always aiming at him, Song Yifeng coldly hummed and said directly.


"She is the chief admiral of your fleet?"

"It's unbelievable..."

Abraham Yiwen Wooding was indeed a bit stunned. When he saw that the owner of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce was a woman, he had already noticed the maverick of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce, because in their Arabia, here in the Persian Gulf, women It doesn't have any status at all, it's just a man's tool.

And now, the Patriarch of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce is not only a woman, but even such a fleet of five powerful large warships is also a woman admiral, and are these two little girls in their ages and teenagers?

And Song Yifeng, who just introduced him, is probably one or two years younger than his Wuding’s youngest wife, Fahoma Hane, right?



"I am very glad that you can come to the Persian Gulf and Basra as guests. As allies and hosts here, I wonder if you can invite you to my private house as guests?"

First I sighed, and then I saw the faces of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce in front of me gradually showed an unpleasant look. Abraham Yiwen Wooding quickly reacted, and then hurriedly smiled and invited the guests. .



Originally, Annie wanted the other party to get out and give way, because she didn’t care if the other party was an ally, or whether she had signed an agreement with the villain Li Huamei, she just wanted to go shopping in the city and find something delicious. I don't want to waste time with this kind of strange uncle basking in the sun and chatting with Hu Kan at the dock!

"If you visit your house, is there something delicious?"


However, after hearing the other party's invitation, she quickly changed her face, and then directly asked Mengmengda with a smile.

If the other party has good food and drink that can satisfy her Grand Admiral Anne, maybe, the agreement signed by the bad guy Li Huamei with the other party, she might reluctantly endorse it or not?

"Of course!"

"Your Excellency, I'm afraid you don't know, right?"

"My three wives in Woodin have their own strengths. Denia is good at martial arts and her swordsmanship is very powerful; Fa Qi Ma is good at singing and dancing, and Amina's cooking skills are quite good. You will see later. Arrived."

"In a moment, I can ask Fahma and Denia to perform for you, and then ask Amina to cook for you, you will definitely be satisfied."

Seeing that the little girl of the Grand Admiral seemed to be a little eager to move, Abraham Yiwen Wooding smiled heartily and suggested.

Anyway, the two admirals in front of him were both little girls, so there was no obstacle for him to let his wife entertain them. Anyway, he wouldn't mind, and it seemed that the pier was not a place to discuss matters.

Of course, the reason why he would not mind is because at this time the five terrifying giant ships with countless gun ports and tall hulls in the port of Basra! If the other party drives a few small sampans, do you think his dignified Abraham Yiwen Wooding will flatter and receive each other?

"It's delicious again?"


"That's good, good! Go now and lead the way!"

?*. ?(ˊ?ˋ*)??*.

It’s good to hear the other party’s hotness, and now I don’t seem to know where to find something delicious and fun, so, even without thinking about it, Annie cheered and urged to go quickly. She was already a little impatient. NS.


"this way please!"

Seeing the success of the invitation and the innocent and innocent look of the other party, Abraham Yiwen Wooding showed a slight triumphant smile in his eyes.


"Annie, wait for me!"

No way, since Annie had decided, and after passing through Nagopur's stall, Song Yifeng, who felt that they didn't seem to be afraid of anyone, also hurried to catch up.


"You guys, come together!"

However, the two admirals were not worried. The conscientious first mate would certainly not easily believe in strangers. Therefore, with a wave of his hand, dozens of heavily armed sailors came down on the boat, and then they followed vigorously. Behind the two admirals and the entourage of the Wooding Chamber of Commerce.


After half a day...



"Eat so full and satisfying..."

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie had to admit that the guy named Wooding’s house was really big and clean. The other party arranged them to eat in this restaurant with a pool, and asked Amina or Falana to cook, she did. It is very full and satisfying.

Anyway, after eating and drinking, with the coolness of the flowing pool water, she was a little sleepy, and she began to wonder whether she should find a chance to **** that guy’s wife away and then take it to the boat. To be her personal chef, Admiral Anne?


I just ate other people's and other people's wives, and now they turn around and grab their wives. Does this seem a bit bad?

Thinking about it, a certain messy little girl couldn't help but get into entanglement. She wanted to eat delicious food every day, but couldn't hold her face to catch other people's wives, so she needed to think again... …Whether it's brewing well?




"His Excellency Grand Admiral Anne, in fact, I have been following your Li family fleet, and have received some news from the Indian Ocean and the Guava Islands in Southeast Asia. To be honest, I never thought that you were so powerful... ."

"That beautiful Miss Li Huamei is here to play the outpost for you, and you are the main force, right?"

After he was satiated and satiated, he had already inquired and confirmed a lot of information at the dinner table, and with the news he had received before, Abraham Yiwen Wooding directly tentatively asked at this time.

Regarding what happened in Southeast Asia, such as the death of the Malay Governor Doyle Lopez Di Preira in the battle, and the surrender of the Dutch Governor Antonio Van Kuhn, he actually knew a long time ago, but , He always thought it was just a rumor, but after seeing those battleships today, he suddenly believed a little bit.

I feel that even if the facts are not like that, even if there is some exaggeration, the results should be inseparable.



"What they led was just to open up the fleet, the main force is actually still in the waters of Daming!"


Daming still has fifteen super battleships and a fortress with a complete manufacturing base, and Anne left all those things to the bearded man.

"Da Ming?"

Wooding pondered, and nodded.

He felt that defeating the Portuguese and forcing the Dutch to surrender must be due to the factors of the main force of the Ming Dynasty, and the current fleet in the Basra port is only to develop the fleet, then it makes sense.


"Admiral Anne, I have a proposal, I don't know if I should say it?"

After pondering for a while, looking at the little girl half-lying, as if eating contentedly, Abraham Evan Woodin considered for a while, finally got upset, made up his mind and asked solemnly. .



"What do you want? Do you want to fight?"


"Do not!"

"It's not a fight!"

"On the contrary, we want to have in-depth cooperation with your Lijia Chamber of Commerce, what do you think?"

Subconsciously, Wooding wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead.

He didn't understand. Why did the other party suddenly say that and wanted to start a war with their Wooding Chamber of Commerce. Could it be that the other party's real purpose in coming to the Persian Gulf and Basra?


"How to cooperate?"

Without waiting for Annie's consent, Song Yifeng hurriedly interjected and asked.


"Is such that......"

Wooding probably said a plan, that is, some commercial and military agreements added to the original agreement signed with Li Huamei, that is, to attack Europe, especially those enemies along the coast of Africa, and then their Wooding Chamber of Commerce will open a part of the Persian Gulf as appropriate. The port’s trade share goes to the Li family and so on.



"Sounds too much trouble!"


At this time, Little Annie spoke again.


Wooding never imagined that his original sincere cooperation would be rejected by the other party so quickly.

"How about this!"


"Simply, your Wooding Chamber of Commerce, like the Nagopur Chamber of Commerce, directly join our Lijia Chamber of Commerce!"



"what does that mean?"

"But, aren't we already allies now?"

Abraham Yiwen Wooding is a bit inexplicable, I don't know what the other party's "join" means.



"Probably it's like this..."


After thinking about it for a while, Annie roughly explained the agreement signed by the Tubang prince and businessman Chaimenlin Afmad Nagopur and their Lijia Chamber of Commerce.


"That's impossible! Never possible!"

"Your Li Family Chamber of Commerce is trying to annex our Wooding Chamber of Commerce?!"

However, after listening to Xiao Anni’s statement, knowing that the so-called “joining” turned out to be for the entire Wooding Chamber of Commerce to join the Li’s Chamber of Commerce, Abraham Yiwen Wooding immediately stood up with his eyes rounded, and The delay refused.

Although the conditions offered by the other party are very generous, but when you think about it, the other party even asked the Wooding Chamber of Commerce to fly the Li family banner. It needs to pay 50% of the trade income to the Li Family Chamber of Commerce every quarter and open all ports and ports unconditionally. At the business station, he couldn't help taking a breath.

Although, in that case, their Wooding Chamber of Commerce also organized a fleet to do business in the Indian Ocean, Southeast Asia and even the Ming Empire, but the harsh conditions, in Wooding's view, are too bullying... Even if the Lijia Chamber of Commerce has opened up the trade and shipping routes between the South and Indian Oceans, but the other party wants to make him surrender to the Wooding Chamber of Commerce, that is absolutely impossible!

"Your Excellency Wooding!"

"If we disagree, then we can only maintain the status quo."

"We respect the decision of the owner, Li Therefore, we are still allies now. We will not trade in the Persian Gulf. At the same time, your Arab merchant ships may not be able to conduct business in our place. trading?"

"Of course, there must be no problem with supplies!"

I was afraid that the two little girls, Admiral Annie and Song Yifeng, would be taken advantage of by the other party. At this moment, the chief mate who had been sitting at his table silently eating food suddenly spoke, and then directly blocked it with an indisputable tone. It is possible for Abraham Yiwen Wooding to continue the negotiations.



"Then continue to maintain the status quo!"

It was obviously impossible for Abraham Yiwen Wooding to surrender to the Li Family Chamber of Commerce so easily, so after standing on the main seat, his face changed for a while, he finally gritted his teeth and agreed with the first officer's point of view.


ヾ(⌒?⌒*)~Monthly pass?


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