Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1529: (????`) Hook up Miss Sister

The Li family fleet, with the dragon flags of Admiral Daming and the Admiral of the East China Sea, was now driving mighty and mighty on the expanse of the East China Sea of ​​Daming.

During the voyage, they had encountered many merchant ships from Daming, Silla, or Wa, and even some pirate ships of unknown origin, but the Li family fleet ignored all those small ships. The fleet is heading northward on its own.

Because their destinations are Dagukou in Tianjin and the old leader of Shanhaiguan in the Bohai Bay. They are going to fight against criminals and invaders, not to fight pirates.

At this time, the front of the fleet was led by ten of the fifteen flying scissor battleships left by Anne, and behind it was followed by hundreds of those armed merchant ships and big-bellied transport ships seized from Southeast Asia.

For example, those medium-sized large-masted square sailboats, medium-sized North Sea three-masted sailboats, large three-masted square-sail wide-body ships, and large North Sea three-masted sailboats, etc., of course, there are also many ships that do not know which large Where did Admiral Beard get the large and medium-sized lucky ships.

In this way, the Northern Expedition fleet of the Li family of Ming Dynasty, with such a posture that shocked the other merchant ships, sailed all the way to the north with the wind.


"To the east is in the direction of Yizhou. The business station of our Lijia Chamber of Commerce was destroyed by the slave builders, and the property was robbed by slave builders. I heard that many shopkeepers and buddies were taken away. Go shelling and teach them a lesson?"

"If you send a few warships to turn now, you will be able to reach Yizhou in the evening at the latest, and then come back after the shelling is over, you should be able to catch up with the fleet within three days."

At this time, when the bearded Admiral of the East China Sea was propping his hands on the guardrail of the high platform at the stern, looking at the huge fleet behind him and wondering what he was thinking, a lieutenant walked behind him to sign up and suggest.

"Do not!"

"Now the front line of Yizhou is the area where Jiannu and Nanming are at war. We don't need to join in the excitement and extravagance."

Without even thinking about it, after listening to the lieutenant's words, the beard directly rejected the other party's proposal.

"Remember, this time, we are going to raid Shanhaiguan and Dagukou to cut off the retreat of slavery and conquer the capital. This is what I am waiting to do. It is a matter of priority and priority. Yizhou's business. We can remember first that sooner or later we will settle the settlement with the slaves, and we are not in a hurry."

"and also!"

"Since the major military affairs have been set, don't hesitate and hesitate, and don't worry about it. Do you understand?"

After the refutation, the beard patiently explained it again, and then reprimanded it slightly.


"The subordinates are wrong!"

The lieutenant hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to mention the idea of ​​going to Yizhou to teach slavery and avenge the treasurers.


"This time, after entering the Bohai Bay, you will lead the squadron to the old leader, and I will lead the main force to raid Dagukou. I must attack before noon on the 21st, no mistake!"


"The admiral, don't worry, if there is a mistake, I will come to see you at the end!"


"I won't let you issue a military order. This time it's just a test of the reality of slavery. To be honest, our military strength is indeed a little weak, but we always have to try it."

"If it doesn't work, let's withdraw it!"

"Admiral! It must be possible!"


"Hopefully, it would be much easier if the Grand Admiral and them were there..."

While talking, the beard suddenly remembered the Li’s Grand Admiral, who was said to have arrived in the Indian Ocean and wanted to be temporarily unclear, and no new news came back.

"The admiral, don't worry, the chief admiral and them must be fine."

"It's just that the Indian Ocean is too far away from Daming. The speed of ordinary merchant ships is too slow. It takes two or three months to make a round trip. When we return from the fight to build slaves, we may also receive new news."

Seeing that the main general, Bearded, seemed to be a little shaken, the lieutenant hurriedly said comfortingly.


"For two months, no matter whether we win or lose, our fleet will definitely return to Hangzhou or Danshui, so we don't care!"

"Let's go!"

"Let's go to the command room below to study and study again to see how our rifles are used against the cavalry."

After a sigh of relief, the beard decided not to think too much, and instead patted the lieutenant on the shoulder, and then pulled him to the strategic command room below the deck.

In fact, they have discussed the tactics of building slaves and siege of cities many times. The enemy infantry did not care too much, because with the flintlock Miner rifles in their hands, the two-legged savages have They can't get around them at all, the only thing they need to worry about is the cavalry who are rushing to and fro.

But, considering the ultra-long range of the flintlock Miner rifle and the terrifying power that can penetrate the ship's plate, the cotton armor and iron armor of the slave cavalry must be unstoppable.

However, regardless of whether the opponent is able to resist it, they will definitely not be wrong if they arrange in advance, be cautious and deduct more.


"Admiral please!"

At this time, in the port of Basra in the Persian Gulf, a little girl with a bad heart, the admiral did not know that the bearded admiral of the East China Sea she stayed in Daming had been so bold that she dared to lead most of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce’s combat power and The ship sworn to the Northern Expedition, and has already passed Yizhou, and is about to leave the East China Sea and enter the Bohai Bay to launch a formal attack on Jian slaves.

Of course, even if she knows, Annie will definitely not care, because she is now preparing to leave Basra to go to Africa to find the thief Li Huamei, and what she cares more about at this time is those who are coming to see her off. "Friends" who have met not long ago.

Among the crowd, when they saw Little Annie and her men stepping onto the ship, which was bigger than the giant Arabian ship, Amina Annifou, Deniya Itihad, and Fahima The three of Hane laughed and waved goodbye to the funny little guy.



"Sister Amina, do you really want to travel the world with us? At that time, people can still let you be the admiral and let you lead several big ships to come back to fight the bad guy Wooding!"


"And Sister Denia and Sister Faumma, do you want to come together?"


Yes, after getting on the boat, Annie, who turned around and lay on the guardrail along the side of the boat, finally couldn't help but started to dig someone's wall to her face.

Because, among the three big and small sisters below, that Amina is super good at cooking and the food is delicious, and is one of the people that Annie really wants to poach away! And of the remaining two, one of them can dance and sing, and the other is pretty good at dancing with swords and swords, so Annie felt that she could simply invite them to get away together, and none of them would be left for the uncle Woodin villain. Down.





"Stop it, we won't leave Wooding."


"Annie, pay attention to your safety on the road. Next time, when you pass by Basra, remember to come back and visit us!"

That kind of thing sounds a bit shocking, so it is obviously impossible for the three of Amina Annifou, Denya Itihad, and Fachima Hane to agree to it. In fact, they are still She was so scared that she had to pretend to smile and wave her hands vigorously to reject Annie's kindness.

Although, they also feel incredible and hopeful that Anne, Song Yifeng, and the previous Li Huamei and other women can show their faces and become admirals and do some career. However, let them do the same, and even rebel against the army. Ding, they must not dare.



"What's so good about that Uncle Wooding, why do you care about him so hot? You don't have to stay with him when you come here to be the admiral?"


"It's a big deal, for the ships outside the house, let you command one for each of you!"


Annie began to behave in a good way again, and directly promised the benefits.



However, the three women on the pier below the trestle looked at each other a bit. Look at me and I see you, no one dares to respond to Annie's invitation again.

"Forget it, do whatever you like!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

"People don't think there is anything good about being spicy!"



At this time, not far behind the three women below, Abraham Yiwen Wooding, the owner of the Wooding Chamber of Commerce, was standing in the crowd with a cold face and without a word.

He saw and heard, that hateful little girl, the other party wanted to directly annex them as an ally, but it was not counted that he rejected them strictly. Now before leaving, he is still constantly moving towards him. His three wives instilled some terrifying ideas that shocked the world, and they wanted to dig someone out of him, which is really unreasonable!

Therefore, Wooding decided:

From now on, it’s better to let my wives as little as possible to contact the women on the boat. Whether it’s the former Li family owner Li Huamei or the hateful little girl in front of you, the admiral, try to let them go with that as little as possible. This kind of contact with foreign women saves the other party from consciously and unconsciously instilling in his wife those terrible things and sinful ideas that are contrary to the Persian Gulf and certain folk customs here in Arabia?

"Goodbye then!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

"Sister Amina, Sister Deniya, and Miss Fazhema, you must take care!"


"The next time I have a chance, I will come back to see you!"

*. (⌒⌒*)*.

Seeing that the last invitation failed, there was no way, so Xiao Anni had to lie on the edge of the ‘Xiang Feihu’ ship, and began to wave her hands vigorously to bid her final farewell to the three big and small sisters.

Then, her flagship finally began to slowly drive away from the stone trestle bridge of the pier, and then raised a sail, with the help of the positive wind, slowly moved towards the distant place that had already stopped. The other four ships on standby on the sea outside the pier sailed away.

"Goodbye, Annie!"

"Remember to come back to see us next time!"

"Also! Remember to bring gifts!"

Seeing that Little Annie finally left, and stopped telling them those terrible things, Amina Annefu, Deniya Itihad, and Fachoma Hane were relieved at the same time, I didn't forget to wave to the opponent vigorously.


At this time, Abraham Yiwen Wooding continued to stand aside with a black face, without saying a word, only slightly embarrassed and waved with his wives.

Because he noticed, that nasty little guy didn't even look at him any more before he left, let alone say goodbye to him!

That's really outrageous...

God is here, that little guy, what does he regard as the patron of the Wooding Chamber of Commerce, in her eyes, is his Wooding still less important than his three wives? !

Of course, dissatisfaction in my heart is dissatisfaction, and Abraham Yiwen Wooding will certainly not easily engage in evil with the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, which is now in the limelight and still has strong boats and guns.


Think of the Gianloneme de Espinosha on the east coast of Africa, the German-less Western merchant who is mainly engaged in slave trade, drugs, illegal hunting, and plans to invade them in Arabia and the Persian Gulf. He is insignificant. Chadi grinned.

Yesterday, he received news from Africa that Li Huamei’s fleet fought the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce on the coast of Africa several times, although in the end Li Huamei’s fleet was a bit cheaper and destroyed the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce. Several slave ships, but she seemed to be driven away by the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce in the end?

Because, as Woodin knew, the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce mobilized a lot of ships to stand by near Sofala in Africa, all over the world looking for news about the Li family fleet.

But now, the five Li's fleets here in Basra have plunged into the east coast of Africa without knowing it. Surely, something interesting will happen at that time, right?

In short, Abraham Yiwen Wooding made up his mind silently:

Since that little guy is so arrogant and rude, he might as well not tell him about the current situation on the east coast of Africa for the time being. Their Wooding Chamber of Commerce can pretend that they don’t know anything, and they don’t know anything. First, wait for the little guy’s fleet. Fight with the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce, and then wait until the two sides are about to fight, they will go south again, take advantage of the fisherman's profit, and solve the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce once and for all, and put an end to the European invasion. Conspiracy in the Arabian Sea?

At that time, they will not only get benefits, presumably the Li Family Chamber of Commerce and the little girl Admiral, they will definitely be grateful to their Wooding Chamber of Commerce, right?

After the Wooding Chamber of Commerce has taken the east coast of Africa and dispelled those Europeans who should not have the idea of ​​the Arabian Sea, they may then have the opportunity to talk to the Lijia Chamber of Commerce about the reciprocity of trade between the Indian Ocean and the South Sea. .


The more I thought about it, the more I realized it was feasible, Woodin couldn't help laughing.

He decided, and when he looked back, let Nieppe's squadron make relevant preparations. com then asked Hashim to prepare the main battleship of the Wooding Chamber of Commerce, and wait until the time is right, until the five pioneering fleets of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce in front of them meet on the east coast of Africa and give them to Espinosha. After a certain loss of the Chamber of Commerce, the main force of their Wooding Chamber of Commerce went south to Africa and took the opportunity to expel those Europeans!


"Woodin, are you thinking about something?"

At this time, as the Li family fleet went away, Deniya Itihad returned home, and at a glance saw Woodin who was smiling terribly because he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Do not!"

"It's nothing, my little birds, it's too hot here, let's go back first!"

Of course, Abraham Yiwen Woodin didn't say what he was thinking about, but smiled and stretched out his hands, hugging his three wives, and then, under the **** of his entourage, went straight to leave the dock here.


o(`0)o monthly pass, monthly pass, monthly pass


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