Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1540: (???) The whole point of excitement

The Port of Seville is located in the southern part of the Iberian Peninsula, in the lower valley of the Guadalquivir River, about a hundred kilometers south of the Gulf of Cadiz, and has a population of hundreds of thousands.

The Guadalquivir River flows through the city, and the buildings in the urban area still retain the appearance of the Moorish rule. The land here is open and flat, with an average elevation of less than 100 meters, and most of the land is fertile alluvial. The plain is very conducive to agricultural planting.

However, the Spaniards do not want to develop plantation here!

Because, compared to the lucrative sea trade, the return of the planting industry is really too low and too low...

Therefore, this is the only coastal city with an inland port located at the mouth of the Mediterranean Sea and close to the Strait of Gibraltar. It is a matter of course to use its geographical advantages to develop shipbuilding, transportation, logistics and trade transactions that are related to Spain’s national strength and economic pillars. .

Especially after the discovery of the New World by Columbus, there began to be the "Indian Islands (the New World of America) Trading House", which monopolized the overseas trade of Spain and almost the entire Europe (mainly the Americas), allowing Seville to become a city. It has developed into the most prosperous economic port and city in Europe.

In this regard, European countries are obviously very jealous.

But there is no way. The Kingdom of Spain is now Europe’s most powerful maritime nation. They have an invincible fleet. They can simultaneously fight on land and sea with European powers such as the Netherlands, Austria, Britain, and the Ottoman Empire on the sea and on the land of the New World. And don't let the wind fall.

This is the era of the Spanish Invincible Fleet. Although other countries are jealous, such as the United Kingdom or France, they can only engage in small actions in private, wanting to continue to erode Spanish overseas colonies, and easily dare not go directly. Flirting the Spaniard's whiskers.

Of course, other European countries did not dare, but it does not mean that the Li family fleet from the East of the Ming Empire did not dare!

Isn't this?

Amidst the stunned forces of various European countries, the commander-in-chief of the Spanish Invincible Fleet and Admiral of the Kingdom of Spain, Pietro de Barudis, announced in a very high-profile manner the official war on the Li family fleet of the Ming Dynasty, and today, a week later , After the formation of such a huge fleet with more than one hundred warships on the sea outside the port of Seville, began to slowly move south.

That's right, there are more than one hundred ships.

And they are all dedicated battleships, the sailors are all Spanish navy soldiers, there is not even a sufficient armed merchant ship or transport ship in the formation!

After driving for a long time and seeing everything going smoothly, the commander-in-chief of the Spanish Invincible Fleet and Admiral of the Kingdom of Spain, Pietro de Barudis, finally stroked the railing of the bow with satisfaction and looked at this place under his command. Proud of the huge Spanish invincible fleet.

This is where Spain has the confidence to dominate Europe and even the world.

And now, they are about to give the Oriental who came here from a distant country and began to provoke their Spanish majesty a good-looking!


At this time, a young officer in a military uniform came behind the commander-in-chief of the fleet, Barudis.


"Is it Alonso?"

"Just say anything, don't hesitate."

Barudis glanced at the other person, and seeing the other person's expression seemed a little hesitant, he chuckled lightly, and then said straightforwardly.



"I also asked the captain of the businessman Gianloneme de Espinosha. They all talked about it, saying that the Li family fleet is not easy to deal with."

"Those Orientals, their naval guns have more than double the range of ours. They can maintain a high hit rate from 800 to 1,000 yards. They are also terrifying. In addition, they are fast and the ship is also big. There are at least one hundred guns on each side of the ship, and the firepower is extremely terrifying!"

"In this way, we don't seem to have a good way to deal with them."

The young officer Alonso said what he was worried about. In his opinion, it was the trouble for them to find a small fleet with only five ships, but with faster speed and longer range. It's definitely not easy.

Especially the other party is not like the European countries. Those Daming people from the Far East do not have their own land and port here in Europe, nor do they have to guard a certain place and prevent their invincible fleet from attacking. The action is not very promising.

Anyway, if he were the admiral of the Li family fleet, he could leave as soon as possible. No matter how powerful the invincible fleet is, what can he do with him?

Of course, if he were the admiral of those five ships, he might be able to do some more terrifying things, and the crazy behavior that can cool him from the soles of his feet to his forehead just thinking about it, he just dared to think I didn't dare to say it.


"Yes, of course I know what you said!"


"Didn't we order the fleet from Las Palmas to go north?"

"What we have to do is not to completely wipe them out. We only need to capture or sink one of their ships and obtain their guns and ship-related data."

"Once we obtain those things, no one can shake the hegemony of our Spanish kingdom!"

Think of those Protestants and the arrogant and domineering in the New World, the Dutch, Austrians, and the increasingly dishonest British and Ottoman navies who don’t pay attention to Spain’s warnings and threats, and that Pedro de Barudis smiled coldly and subconsciously touched the admiral's sword on his waist that was awarded to him by the King of Spain himself.

As long as he obtains the data on the artillery and ships of the Li's fleet from the declining Ming Empire from the far east, and then studies and imitates them, he believes that by then there will be no one in Europe and the New World. Is the opponent of the Kingdom of Spain!

By then, after the Kingdom of Spain dominates Europe and the New World, it will go south to Africa and completely drive away the Li family forces from Africa. Surely it will not be difficult?

Moreover, he heard that the Dutch are organizing expedition ships, seeming to be preparing to recapture the interests of the Indian Ocean and the Spicy Islands Islands?

At that time, their Spain can wait for them to fight first to lose their strength, and then follow them, take India and Java in one fell swoop, and then seize the money bags of the Dutch and the Portuguese!

Especially the Portuguese...

Barudis knows that the Portuguese recently, whether it is Abokoruk or those large and small chambers of commerce, have done a lot of little actions at all!

It's a pity that their luck is not good, Portugal is about to die, and coupled with the successive blows by the Ming people, I don't know if it can be relieved?

However, it would be best if it could not be slowed down and continued to decline, because, in that case, Spain would be able to annex Portugal grandiosely.


"How soon can we reach the waters near Madeira?"

After thinking for a while, Barudis asked suddenly.

Now he doesn't want to care about the life and death of the Portuguese, nor the conspiracy of the British or the Dutch. He just wants to get to Madeira quickly and take down the Li family fleet and get the things he hopes to get!

"Report to the admiral!"

"The fleet is too big, I'm afraid it won't get up quickly, and now it's taking advantage of the headwind from the side, the subordinates estimate that it will take at least seven to eight days to reach Madeira."


"A week?"


"I hope that those Orientals from the Ming Empire will not run away!"


"Should not?"

"Why not, if I were them, I guess I would run too!"



"Didn't we have given orders to the fleet commander of Las Palmas, they will try to go to Madeira first and drag the Ming people there?"


"Can they hold it?"


"If you don't seek to fight and annihilate the enemy, but just let the enemy fear and maintain their existence, the subordinates think it should be fine."

"After all, there are only five giant warships in the Li family fleet, and they have to guard and suppress Madeira at the same time. I am afraid that the Ming people will not be too relaxed, and they will not be able to separate the warships to deal with the fleet of Las Palmas."

"and also!"

"The Portuguese are very tenacious. They will certainly not let a group of people from the far east occupy their ports and cities easily. Don't worry about that!"

The young officer Alonso replied loudly, trying to comfort the admiral of their invincible fleet as much as possible, and at the same time comforting himself.

"Well, I hope..."

Nodding, the commander-in-chief of Spain’s Invincible Fleet and Admiral of the Kingdom’s Navy, Pietro de Barudis, said nothing more. He just turned around silently and looked at the dozens of large Spanish square sailboats behind him. Ship) and dozens of medium-sized two-masted three-masted warships of various sails are fascinated by the fleet.

This time, after he informed His Majesty the King, he dispatched a full 150 large and medium-sized warships, carrying more than 3,000 cannons and tens of thousands of soldiers. As long as the enemy does not run, he will definitely be able to control that Only the Li family fleet of five ships remained in Madeira.

Of course, he also heard that Gianlonimo de Espinosha talked about the battle of Comoros at that time, and knew that the Li family fleet had strong guns, but this time, it was different from those merchant sailing ships. They are all battleships here. When the time comes, after the arrangements are made, they will directly attack Madeira from all directions at the same time. Even if the Li family fleet's ships are no matter how powerful they are and cause certain losses to his fleet, he is confident enough to defeat them. Enemies from the far east!

Because he is not afraid of any loss!

The invincible Spanish fleet and courageous Spanish naval soldiers will certainly not be like those cowardly merchant pirates who will not patrol after a loss. They will rush to the enemy with gunfire and attack the enemy indefinitely. Close shelling or jumping to gang battles, even if you lose one-third or more of the warships, you will not hesitate!

In fact, Barudis is not worried about losses at all!

After all, the Spanish Invincible Fleet is a terrorist fleet with more than a thousand large and small ships (some of them are small and medium-sized armed merchant ships or transport ships). Even if the fleet he brought out this time is damaged by more than half, he can only get the ship of the Oriental Daming Man. The data of guns and ships is worth it.

But then...

When the commander-in-chief of the Spanish Invincible Fleet, the admiral of the Spanish Navy, Pietro de Barudis, and his officers were thinking and looking forward to, what they did not know was:

Not long after they left the port of Seville in mighty force, their squadron set out from the port of Las Palmas, the more than 20 ships, large and small, had successfully invaded Madeira’s In the port.


"Captain, the Li family fleet is not here!"

"The workers on the dock said that their people had been evacuated quietly last night, and none of them were left. There are no people from them here, and there is no ship for them!"

A group of soldiers who were ordered to investigate the city and the dock rushed back, and reported to the squadron commander who was taking the soldiers on the dock and enjoying the squadron commander’s pointing and surprised glances. .


"Do you know where they went?"

The squadron commander of the Invincible Fleet was actually prepared, otherwise, why would they attack the port of Madeira so easily without firing a single shot?


"The captain of a merchant ship who entered the port in the morning said that in the evening, he saw five huge black ships heading north."





"not good!"

"Quick! Immediately arrange for the two clippers to set off north and report the situation to Governor Barudis!"

The squadron commander's face sank, and then turned around and gave an order to a herald.



The messenger ran straight to the berth on the dock.

Soon, the two three-masted square-sail armed clippers sailed out of the port, and then under the blow of the south wind, they quickly bulged their sails and adjusted their direction, and began to accelerate toward the northwest.


At this time, above the sea, the five giant ships of the Li's fleet are continuing to drive quickly downwind in the east-north direction.

At this time, the speed of the five ships reached more than twelve knots in a tailwind, which made the sailors and captains on the ships that occasionally see the passing of the Mediterranean Sea estuary look dumbfounded.

Obviously they have never seen that a ship can run so fast, so agile and still not fall apart when it is built so huge?

Of course, as for what those people thought, Annie didn't care, because at this moment, she was comfortably swaying and dozing on the fishing net hammock on the bow, enjoying the cool sea breeze.





"Hey! Why are you dangling? If you have nothing to do, go fishing?"


Annie didn't know how many times she saw Song Yifeng come and swayed and stopped talking, so she finally couldn't help but ask if she was a little impatient.


"Are we really going to fight the invincible fleet of those Spaniards?"

"I heard they have thousands of warships!"

"That's not the small sampan of the Japanese pirates, are you sure you want to go?"

That's right, Song Yifeng was worried about this, because Annie only said to let the fleet head north toward Spain and the Mediterranean. If she said what she was going to do, of course she thought that the other party was definitely going to trouble those invincible fleets.

"Of course not!"



"Then we are now..."

Song Yifeng was startled, and then there were more questions in his mind.

"you are stupid!"


"Our boat is so spicy, why do we have to fight with them?"


"Actually, we are going to sneak attack on their lair now!"


"Let's take advantage of the opportunity of their large fleet to leave the port, to bomb their home port and military port, to **** them off!"



Song Yifeng was stunned. He didn't expect Annie's plan to be like this.

"Didn't those Portuguese say it?"


"If we go to war with the Spaniards, they are willing to rent Madeira to us temporarily, and they will not even pursue the Malay Governor. So, let's fight Spain!"



"They must be using us?"

Those Portuguese were uneasy and kind, and Song Yifeng knew it with her ass, so she didn't want to really fight with those Spaniards and the opponent's invincible fleet.



"But it doesn't matter. If someone is willing to secretly supply us with shells and gunpowder, then things are much simpler!"


"Anyway, next, let's turn the Mediterranean Sea upside down!"

*. (`▽′)*.

In Annie's view, it must be impossible to occupy the large cities and ports in the Mediterranean!

Because that requires a lot of troops, and also needs to fight dozens or even millions of enemies to defend the places where it was defeated, and unless she is willing to create people again, she will directly come over one hundred and two hundred thousand. The musketeer or something, but that was too much trouble after all, and Annie obviously didn't want to do that.

Therefore, the five ships in his hand are like pirates, and they are directly engaged in a raid in the Mediterranean, sinking enemy ships, merchant ships, bombarding enemy ports, cities or military ports, and then hitting them and running away. If it is smashed directly, it will definitely not be a big problem.

She wants to let the invincible fleet know what kind of terrible consequences she must pay to fight directly against her!

And ah, they are different from pirates. They don't grab things or kill people and set fires easily. They just destroy each other's military and commercial facilities and paralyze ports and ships.


"But, it sounds dangerous..."

Hearing that Annie was about to rush to the Mediterranean Sea to fight with only five ships, Song Yifeng always felt a sense of horror.

It was as terrible as she was always caught and stripped by a terrible monster when she was dreaming at night, and then threw it into her mouth to chew!

"Do not worry about it!"


"If we can't beat it, let's just run!"


It really doesn’t When Annie wants to come, at most all the countries in the Mediterranean will be enemies with her, and then organize hundreds of thousands of ships, and even more terrorist fleets to encircle them. That's it?

But she is not afraid, because their boat runs fast and the sea is big, she will definitely not worry about being caught by the enemy.

Besides, it's too boring lately, and being chased by a lot of ships...

Her Grand Admiral Anne just thinks about it now and finds it fun and exciting, so she will definitely not miss it anyway.



(● ̄ ̄●)



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