Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1541: (?ω?) I am coming, I see, I conquer!

The sky started to light up.

There is still a misty cloud on the sea in the distance. It is because the water vapor after the evaporation of the seawater is liquefied and the small water droplets are floating on the sea with only breeze. When the sun comes out, wait until the sea breeze starts. Blow, they will soon disperse.

And with the red light on the horizon becoming more and more two, the city of Seville, which monopolizes the overseas trade of Spain and almost the entire Europe, controls the Strait of Gibraltar, and has unique geographical and economic advantages, will usher in again. It's a brand new day.

As of today, the Invincible Fleet has set off for a full five days, and the port of Seville is still prosperous here and has not been affected in any way.

Every day, there are at least dozens of large and small commercial ships coming and going here or temporarily docking from the Mediterranean or the New World, or the North Sea of ​​Africa.

In this era of great voyages, the port of Seville is obviously the one that eats the most dividends of the era, and the Spanish royal family also makes a lot of money, so that there will be so much money to establish The invincible fleet traveled across the Mediterranean and the New World with it.

In this era, Spain is undoubtedly the strongest maritime kingdom, as can be seen from the prosperity of the port of Seville alone.

At this time, on the high tower of the fortress on the top of a hill next to the pier, two soldiers in armor and holding a long-handled battle axe were standing guard.

Behind the two of them is a big bronze bell for alarm, but it hasn't been sounded for many years. Therefore, the two of them stood guard here just to behave, and they leaned directly against the wall last night. I slept all night without being noticed, and no one even came to investigate the post, because neither they nor their chiefs believed anything would happen.


"It's really sleepy..."


"Louis, from last night to this morning, how many ships have entered the port?"

One of the soldiers stretched his waist first, and then asked a little dazedly towards the companion who was rubbing his neck.

Standing guard here is a beautiful thing, relaxed and happy, and you can sleep. The only downside is that you can’t get extra oil and water like the **** who maintain order on the dock.

You know, the owners of the slower ocean-going sailing boats are very fat, and you can easily get a lot of benefits from the private owners who don't have a backstage if you just find a little bit of trouble to make things happen!

Whether it is a few silver coins or taking away some scattered goods, it is a real benefit. With the accumulation of small amounts, the final monthly receipt may be more than the two of them standing guard here in the tower. The number of soldiers is at least many times better.


"I don't know, maybe there are ten, right?"

The soldier put on the heavy helmet again after rubbing his neck, and then held his long-handled battle axe and continued to stand on guard.

"Ten ships?"

"It's a bit less."


"Isn't it because of the Li family fleet incident?"

"I heard that they occupied Madeira. Many merchant ships from Africa and the New World were forced to stop temporarily in Las Palmas, for fear of being snatched by the Easterners when passing by Madeira."


"However, this world is so big, even the terrible female thief from the far east has come here in Europe."

"It's not easy for those who run businessmen on the sea. Those Da Ming people in the East, think about it, I feel terrible."


"That's not terrible to describe..."

Hearing what his companion said, the Spanish soldier Louis, who was looking at the sea with his weapon in awe, nodded in agreement, and then added:

"I went to the pub yesterday and heard a lot of news."

"It is said that Li Huamei, the oriental female thief who has been to Seville before, is not bad. She just likes to use strategy and diplomacy to paralyze her enemies, and then take advantage of the enemy's unpreparedness to kill her by surprise. It's difficult to get around, but her fleet strength is just like that, and the few ships she brought are also very ordinary, nothing special."

"But the devil fleet led by the evil Admiral Hasta is different..."

At this point, the soldier Louis couldn't help but pause.

"I heard that although the opponent has only five warships, they are very large and very fast. The range of the artillery is very far, even farther than our shore artillery, which is very incredible!"

"No one is her opponent..."

"Also, I heard that she still likes bombarding ports and robbing cities?"

While speaking, the soldier Louis came to his spirits, and then, seeing his companions who seemed to be very interested, he no longer cared about the empty sea in the distance, but began to vow to speak:

"Think about it, under normal circumstances, the bigger the boat, the slower the speed, right?"

"But that devil admiral's ship is different!"

"It is said that they are the largest ships in the world, and they are also the fastest!"

"It's so fast that even the medium-sized three-masted fast-rigging sailboats we see here are no match for them. That kind of ship that goes against common sense, I'm afraid that only the devil can make it!"

For this, this low-level soldier named Louis couldn't understand.

In fact, he also heard that even the best shipbuilding engineers in Seville’s largest shipyard could not understand why, so Admiral Barudis led the invincible fleet to attack. While preparing to fight the arrogance of those Orientals, there is also the purpose of trying to get those Oriental ships or cannons?

Of course, those things are just rumors, and they just listen to them, and it's not their turn to worry about it.


"I heard about this too."

"In the beginning, the devil admiral set out from the far east, but as soon as she reached the Spicy Islands, she defeated the Portuguese Malay Governor Doyle Lopez Di Preira, and then forced António Van Kuhn, who had descended on the governor of Guava in the Netherlands, even robbed an entire Far East fleet of Hedram Joachim Bergstone of the Swedish Navy!"

"That Bergstone was unlucky. I heard that he was dismissed as soon as he returned to Sweden, but it was a pity that he was not sent to prison."

As he spoke, the gloating soldier smashed his mouth with some regret. It seemed that it was regrettable that the legendary admiral who had not seen the Swedes was unlucky or was sent to the guillotine?

After all, although Sweden's navy is not very strong, it is also one of the competitors of the Kingdom of Spain. If they see the navies of other countries unlucky, they will be happy or gloat for misfortune.

"It's terrible to think about it!"

"The Dutch and Portuguese are not low on the Spicy Condiment Islands. Even the British, French and us Spaniards can't intervene in those spice transactions, right?"

"It turns out..."

"That terrible Eastern Devil Admiral, they just relied on five ships to lay down the entire spice archipelago, occupying most of the spice market share there, and the price of our spice ingredients here in Spain has risen. It's almost two or three times."

At this point, the soldier couldn't laugh, because he found that it was not just the Portuguese, Dutch and Swedes who seemed to be unlucky. Their Spanish market was obviously also affected.

If this continues, I'm afraid that fewer and fewer goods will be shipped back from the East and Africa, or simply be monopolized by those Orientals. I don't know what will happen in the future!

"Isn't it?"

"More than two or three times, it is estimated that it will increase again in a while!"

"It's almost more expensive than gold."

Speaking of the prices of those spicy ingredients, the other soldier, Louis also slapped his tongue.

"Are you afraid you don't know yet?"


"what do you know?"

"I heard…"

"There are also East India that produces spicy ingredients, and now they have been shot down by the devil admiral!"

"A prince and big businessman from India became the minion of the devil admiral. It is said that a while ago he also sent a lot of ships and tens of thousands of people to receive the interests of the east coast of Africa. We, the big businessman Zhan in Spain Lonimo de Espinosha's territory was robbed, and now she has been beaten by her to run to the New World to take refuge."

"Tsk tut!"

"It's so pitiful. That guy was originally a big merchant and nobleman with a big face. Even the king invited him to dinner. He didn't know how much he made in the trade of gold, gems, ivory, leather, and slaves in Africa. But now, the dozens of ocean ships that were originally beaten have left over a dozen poor ones, and they almost didn't go bankrupt!"

The more the soldier said, the more excited he became. At this time, he didn't care about the fact that the hapless businessman was actually a Spaniard. He only knew that he would be happy when he saw those rich businessman who were unlucky. It is more perfect when it sinks into the sea.

"I know that too!"


"In that case, the Spice Islands, the Indian Ocean, and Africa are now the sphere of influence of the Li's Chamber of Commerce from the East?"


"you do not say!"

"Don't you don't know yet, do you?"

"The Portuguese explorer and the ivory businessman who dominates West Africa, Fernan Siruvella, also took the initiative to open the market to the Li family not long ago. He was not forced to open the market. If he dares not to open up, Preyla and Espinosha's end is his role model!"

"That cunning old Portuguese..."


"No wonder..."

"It's no wonder that our Spanish Invincible Fleet Commander-in-Chief and Admiral of the Royal Navy, His Excellency Peter de Barudis, will suddenly announce war against them, the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, and it's no wonder that we will lead the Invincible Fleet to the south towards Madeira."

"The Li Family Chamber of Commerce has already threatened our Spanish rule of the world!"


"Always teach them a profound lesson, or just drive them away!"

"Otherwise, let her run to the Mediterranean Sea and to make trouble in the Strait of Gibraltar, where can we Europeans survive?"

Five boats in a mere area can turn several oceans upside down. This made this soldier feel that the devil admiral of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce is indeed a well-deserved reputation, and it is definitely more scary than any ghost ship or legendary sea monster!


"Yes, I really should teach them a lesson."

"And, do you know?"

"This reminds me of the Mongols hundreds of years ago. At that time, I heard that our ancestors were beaten so badly. Fortunately, their emperor died at that time, so all the terrible demons ran back. Fighting for power, otherwise, I’m afraid we won’t have this powerful Spanish kingdom today."

"you're right…"

"However, hundreds of years have passed, and now they are here again, and this time, their Orientals came by sea. I don't know what it will be like in the end?"



Having said this, the two soldiers involuntarily calmed down together, not daring to imagine that terrible thing.

"Okay, okay, that kind of thing is not something we people should care about, regardless of him!"

"If you want to fight, the navy will fight. We are not sailors, so we don't care about those!"


"makes sense!"


"It's still early, and the sun hasn't risen yet. It's really sleepy. Or, let's squint for a while?"


"It's almost dawn. If you go to bed now, you will be seen by people, and you will have to have a whip at that time!"




"It seems that another boat is coming..."

Suddenly, the soldier Louis seemed to have discovered something, and he craned his neck to look at the misty sea level on the horizon.

"Let me see…"

Seeing this, another soldier on the side stretched out his hand and picked up a simple, non-retractable monocular telescope next to him and began to observe.

"Yes, it's a ship!"

"I seem to see their mast..."


"The flag I don't recognize, it's too far, I can't see it clearly, but the **** below must be good for fishing again!"

Putting down the binoculars, the soldier said with some envy to the soldiers and tax officials who had just taken up duty at the port.

Because they don’t know the flags, it proves that they certainly don’t come to the port of Seville often, or they can recognize them from far away! Rather than coming to the Port of Seville often, it is certainly not a big businessman with a backstage. Here, it is inevitable that their Spanish officials will make things difficult and ask for money.


"Or, let's guess, where did those boats come from?"

"I bet one riyal!"

"That's from the New World, dare you?"

With that, the soldier Louis suddenly took out an irregular silver coin and placed it on the window sill of the high tower.

"Gamble, gamble!"

"I bet they are from Africa!"

Upon seeing this, another soldier unwillingly took out an equally irregular silver coin and viciously photographed it on the window sill.

"Look at it!"

"Which chamber of commerce is it..."

Just look at the flags hung on the ship and recognize the nationality of the ship or the style of the flag of the Chamber of Commerce. Soldiers like them who stand guard at the towers of the pier every day can roughly tell where the opponent came from!

Because the ships of each chamber of commerce and each country generally take that kind of fixed route, and the goods shipped are also fixed. They don't even need to go to the dock below to ask them to guess that they will not leave. ten.

At this time, in the distance, the sun gradually rose, and the ships that appeared on the horizon became bigger and bigger.

"I still can't see clearly..."

"Damn it, the sun is rising from behind them, I can see it is blood red, I can't see the color of their flag at all!"

"Get it, let me see!"


"I really can't see clearly, but don't worry, wait and see, I think I will definitely win in the end!"


"Dream! I will definitely win!"

After staring for a full ten minutes, the sun rose higher and more dazzling, and at the same time, the outlines of the ships in the distance became a little clearer.



"Not good! That ship..."

At this time, the soldier Louis who was looking at the binoculars in his hand finally realized something and began to exclaim.

"What's wrong?"

And his reaction naturally attracted the attention of his companions.


"That boat feels so big, please see if it is!"

"Under normal circumstances, when we look so far, where have we seen such a big ship?"

"Moreover, it seems that there are exactly five ships..."

Passing the binoculars to his companion, the soldier Louis did not forget to explain suspiciously when the opponent began to look around.


"It's really big..."

"and many more!"

"Five ships? That's right, five big ships?!"

"That flag..."

Finally, the soldier with the telescope seemed to have realized something, and opened his mouth, his eyes rounded, slowly lowered the telescope in his hand and looked at his companion.


"Devil Admiral!"

Almost in unison, the two exclaimed the terrible name they least wanted to hear.

In their opinion, the invincible fleet led by Admiral Barudis, who should have been waiting for them in Madeira, was now annihilated, but now it's better to have appeared outside the port of Seville?


"Hurry up and sound the alarm!!"



Dang~! Dang~!

Dang~! Dang~! Dang~!

Soon, in the orange light of the dawn, the copper bell that hadn't ringed for at least a few years began to ring hurriedly on the tower above the port of Seville.



"So, that city in the distance is Seville, the nest of the enemy fleet?"


It was already bright. Standing on the bow of the flagship'Xiang Feihu', Annie, who was advancing at full speed with the sun and sea breeze on her back, could see clearly the big city in the distance by the mouth of a big river even without a telescope. contour.


"Report to the Grand Admiral, that is the Spanish city of Seville!"

"At least…"

"The two Portuguese guides on our boat said that!"

At this time, upon hearing the chief admiral's inquiry, the chief officer who was standing at the bow of the ship hurriedly reported the truth.

According to the guides in Portugal, the main force of the Spanish Invincible Fleet was stationed there before, but now most of them have gone south to Madeira, which was abandoned by the Lijia Chamber of Commerce. The current Seville defense is empty. It's a good time to hit the opponent.



"Let the artillery prepare for battle!"


Grand Admiral Anne said that she has seen it now, she is here, and she is ready to conquer here.

Of course, she was just conquering, she didn't intend to occupy it, and she didn't have the ability to occupy it for the time being! Moreover, she was going to play a big one, to play around with those guys who dared to declare war on her.


"Pass the order!"

"Everyone, get ready for battle!"

"The gun is loaded, ready to turn, let them follow the flagship!"

Ding~! Ding~! Ding~!

Soon, with the first lieutenant's order, the small bronze bells on the five ships of the Li Family Fleet of Ming Dynasty were also ringed.

Immediately afterwards, those who had already eaten and drank before dawn, and had been on standby for a long time, the sailor artillery began to run busy on the deck, and put the dark and smooth ones on the surface because of the early morning sea. The fog above caused the barrels with dewdrops. UU Reading slowly pushed out the barrels, exposing their hideous muzzles.



"Everyone moves, whoever dares to be lazy will spank someone!"


"Azhisha, what do you want to do?"


"If you dare to run away, people will spank you again, and it's the kind of spanking you take off your pants!"


Seeing that a certain pirate maid hadn't learned a lesson, she wanted to touch the side while leaning against the ship's edge and didn't know what she was thinking, Annie directly stared at the other person and threatened.


ヾ(⌒?⌒*)u Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month?_

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