boom! boom!

Explosions, fires, billowing gun smoke, broken ships, masts exposed to the surface of the sea, sailors struggling to survive on the sea holding wooden boards or barrels, countless corpses floating, seas stained red with blood, schools of sharks reveling And the sailing ships that are still catching each other and fighting each other, roaring with fire, and spitting cannonballs or bullets at the enemy, have become the surface of the Tyrrhenian Sea between Sardinia and Sicily. theme song.

The battle lasted for one afternoon and one night. It is now the early morning of the next day. The fog on the sea is so heavy that no ship’s shadow can be seen from fifty yards away. However, even so, the chaotic sea battle is still going on. Continued, the battle continued.

Because both sides in the war know that at most one or two hours, when the sun rises and becomes bright and hot, the dense fog on the sea will surely dissipate by itself. At that time, the war that was not completed yesterday and last night will continue. , And until the two sides decide the outcome.

So far, those who have participated in this sea battle are the main force of the Spanish Invincible Fleet led by the commander-in-chief of the Invincible Fleet and the admiral of the Spanish Navy, Pietro de Barudis, and Paolo Chantelio of Italy. Led by a brigade of armed merchant ships and navy, the Ottoman navy commander-in-chief Hedem Afmeedo Pasha led most of the Ottoman navy, and the pirate king of the Mediterranean, Barbarossa Fasr Heredin. Pirate cluster!

Basically, the powerful marine armed forces that are expected to dominate the Mediterranean in almost the entire Mediterranean have all participated. Therefore, this has been fighting for an afternoon and a night for so long, and the fight has not yet ended. Win or lose.


It is estimated that there are no less than half of the thousands of ships in the two fleets that are intact. The command of the two sides was also in chaos, and the ships of each side were scattered all over the Tyrrhenian Sea, and the fire of war and thunderous artillery had already spread to various places in this sea area.

The thick fog is still filling...

Except for the ships that have discovered that they have started artillery battles or simply jumped to help **** battles, the other ships still shuttled silently in the thick fog, completely ignoring the gun barrels, masts, and the condensation on the sails. The big drops of dewdrops just stared their eyes round, looking at the front and surroundings of the battleship, searching for any possible enemies.

Soon, the commander-in-chief of the Invincible Fleet and the admiral of the Spanish Kingdom’s Naval Admiral Pietro de Barudis led a dozen main forces. In front of the all-first and second-tier battleships, they suddenly found a mast hit. Broken, the upper deck was dilapidated, and it seemed that it had just been withdrawn from the battlefield. At this time, the giant Arabian sails and armed ships were slowly heading south with oars.


"Line up in a battle line and rush past them!"

"Sink it!"

Upon seeing this, I had just experienced a great battle last night, and there was a fire in my heart. In the early morning, the commander-in-chief of Barudis, who came here to cruise and search for the enemy, made a decisive decision, gritted his teeth and reached the cruel one. Order.


"It's a Spanish!"

"Prepare for battle!!"

'quick! ’



In the distance, the Ottoman sailors on the giant Arabian sails and armed ships also clearly spotted the Spanish battleships rushing out of the thick fog that quietly appeared behind them, so they scared them on the spot. I had to shout, and at the same time, the gunners and sailors on the deck also launched cannons or armed guns to the side of the ship to prepare to resist.

At the same time, those rows of oars that were still paddling slowly, seemingly weak, as if they hadn't eaten breakfast, suddenly became strong and firm, and started paddling quickly on the sea?

However, it is a pity that their giant Arabian sailing and armed ship is too big, and the mast was broken in the battle last night, and there is no time to repair it, so their oarsmen Even if you use the power of milking, how can you get rid of the opponents of the Spanish main fleet that are coming down the wind and have only been found within fifty yards?

boom! boom!

Snapped! Snapped!

boom! boom! boom!

Soon, the Spaniards’ first- and second-tier battleships caught up with the giant Arabian sailing and armed ships that were alone. Then, countless artillery shells on both sides and the platoons of sailors on the deck faced each other and merged. There was a bang.

And there is only one huge Arabian sail and armed ship, which is broken and exhausted after the war, and has just been withdrawn from the battlefield not long after, how could this group of Spanish main fleets that are still organized and commanded? opponent?

So, after the third Spanish battleship passed by, the giant Arabian sail-and-armed ship was baptized by hundreds of artillery shells. Finally, with a loud bang, the gunpowder barrel was broken into two pieces. , And then slowly groaned and sank to the bottom of the Tyrrhenian Sea.


"Leave them alone!"

"Go ahead and search for possible enemies!"

Looking at the surviving sailor who jumped into the sea on the giant Arabian sail and screamed in an armed ship, the commander-in-chief of the Invincible Fleet and the admiral of the Spanish Navy Pietro de Barudis did not order the capture, nor did he order the sailors. Instead of wasting ammunition and shooting, we let the fleet move on, ignoring the life and death of the pagan sailors who jumped into the sea to fight the tumbling waves.

If it is in the usual way, he will definitely order the capture or kill it directly!

However, it is not possible now, because the war is still going on and the roaring guns are still sounding in various places, so they must save time and ammunition until the Ottoman navy and the pirates are completely destroyed!

"and also!"

"Collect our ships we encountered along the way and let them join our queue!"

The battle has been going on for a day and a night. The dense fog now is just an opportunity for both parties to breathe and adjust. It is foreseeable that after the fog has cleared, the battle will definitely become more intense. Therefore, as the commander-in-chief and Admiral of the fleet, Barudis must change the chaos and fighting state of the current invincible fleet, organize it early, and then defeat the **** Arab heretics and those **** pirates!

"Alenso, now the fleet is under your command!"

"After the dense fog clears, send someone to the captain's room to call me!"

Standing at the bow of the ship for a while, he found that the dense fog seriously affected the sight of both parties. Barudis, who felt that a large-scale naval battle was unlikely to break out in a short period of time, gave an order to an officer next to him, and then went straight to his. Go to the captain's room.

Obviously, after chasing for three days and three nights, and fighting for one day and one night, he was also tired, and he must hurry up to rest and recover. Only when he regained his energy and waited for the battle after the fog dissipated. There is a greater chance of winning.


The Spanish naval officer didn't talk about it, but just responded loudly, even if he had taken over the command of Barrudis.

boom! boom!

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

The sound of cannons, guns, and shouting and killing still resounded in all directions of this sea area.

At this time, Barrudis’s main fleet was moving slowly like a ghost in the thick fog, and was carefully searching for enemies or friendly forces. On the sea north of the Corsican island to the north, there was something bad. Xin's little girl, the Grand Admiral, is also leading her Li family fleet of five giant ships, carefully groping forward on the densely foggy sea at a very slow speed.

Unlike the sailors on the Tyrrhenian Sea to the south, who had to grit their teeth, although they were exhausted, the Li’s artillery and sailors on the five giant battleships were very comfortable. They were in twos and threes in the cabin or Resting in the corner of the deck, only a few sailors and helmsmen were on duty.

At this time, their ship's speed was very slow, and the sails were lowered by more than half to maintain that safe low speed.

They have to do this, because now the sea is filled with heavy fog, and it may take more than an hour or even longer before the fog dissipates. In addition, they are not familiar with the sea conditions here, if they drive too fast If so, just the draft of their five giant ships, if they accidentally hit the reef or rush into the shallows, then I am afraid it will really be finished.

You know, this place is still the territory of the Spaniards. They would never believe that those Spaniards would be so kind as to give time and opportunity to slowly repair or tow away the ship hitting the rocks or stranded.

Therefore, proceed slowly and carefully, protect yourself first, and wait until dawn before speeding up and waiting for an opportunity to attack the Spanish coastal harbor, which is their best choice at present.


"I'm sleepy..."

At the bow, two sailors sitting on the side of the ship were muttering while beating Aqian.

They were dispatched to guard and watch here at the bow, because now the gondola at the top of the mast is completely useless, and people on the top are like falling clouds, and they can’t even see under the deck, let alone Check out the surroundings.

However, sending them to the bow of the ship is basically of no use, because the fog on the sea in the early morning is too big, and the stern of the ship more than 100 meters can not be seen, and their role can be said to be almost negligible.


"Why haven't you come to change shifts?"

"It's early!"

"It's estimated that there is still one hour left, stop talking, be punished carefully, and continue to be vigilant!"


"What's so vigilant about this. The fog seems to be a little bigger, and there are no people in sight after thirty steps. I think it's better to stop the boat and wait."

"We don't care about this matter. Don't be long-winded, just keep staying."


Gradually, the voices of the two people at the bow of the ship became quieter again, and I don't know if they were on duty seriously or simply just slacking off.



At this time, in the captain's room, a certain little girl was awkwardly asleep on the bed.

There is no doubt that she is obviously the cause of the great battle in the Mediterranean, but at this time she is out of the way and has no heartlessness, and can sleep better than anyone else, Admiral Anne.


Next to her, there is the small and convenient nightdress, with large expanses of snowy white on his arms, thighs and belly. Because the quilt was kicked to the bottom of the bed by a bad little girl, he had to subconsciously hold it. A certain bear sleeps Song Yifeng.

After all, it was the end of autumn in the northern hemisphere at this time. Even here in the Mediterranean, the weather was gradually getting colder. Therefore, Song Yifeng, who was kicked off the quilt in his sleep at this time, looked shivering, a little strange and pitiful.

Of course, the most pitiful one is a certain bear Tibbers!


Because at this time, it is still restrained and suppressed by its mischievous little owner, and can only constantly smell the scent of the stray bear and the warm and tender fleshy touch of the female little human Song Yifeng, but it is completely He couldn't move, even if he wanted to jump up and throw the delicious meat in front of him into his mouth in one bite, he couldn't do it.




( ̄﹃ ̄) Hey...

A certain messy little girl turned over, changed from lying on her back to lying on a pillow, and at the same time, she began to see a trace of crystal clear filaments from the corners of her mouth. She didn’t know if she dreamed of something delicious again. Something out.


Suddenly, abruptly, she opened her eyes suddenly, first hesitantly paused, and then the misty blue eyes with no focus gradually became clear and energetic.





Immediately afterwards, she frowned, it seemed that after some confirmation, she suddenly sat up from the bed and murmured a word of complaint.


At this time, Song Yifeng, who had been sleeping a little cold because of the quilt being kicked away, was awakened as he slept a little.

"Ann, Annie?"

"What's wrong…"

"Why get up so early today..."

She sat up with the little bear in her arms, first looked at the dim light outside the porthole, and then asked strangely.

Because, she knows, in the usual, ah, when it's okay, this guy Annie won't be able to move until it's dawn, and she won't be able to move if she doesn't sleep until the sun is three poles!



"Get up and get dressed, we have guests here!"


"Remember, be quiet!"


Tilted her head and thought for a while, Annie didn't know what bad idea she had made again. She blinked at Song Yifeng, who was still a little confused, and then hurriedly stood on the boat's board and put on her clothes and shoes. .



"What guest?!"

Song Yifeng still didn't know what was going on, but continued to sit on the bed, holding her only little bear that could keep her warm, and scratching her black hair, which had been messed up asleep, wonderingly.

However, Annie didn't answer her question, just after finishing sorting it out soon, she tiptoed out again.

About ten minutes later...

A two-masted gallon ship with a length of more than 60 meters, a height of more than 40 meters, and a width of more than 10 meters. It also has an obvious Spanish warship style. The surface of the middle of the sea quietly chased up to the flagship of the Li family fleet, the'Xiang Feihu', which landed at the end.

After it approached carefully under the cover of fog, a group of guys who looked like pirates in their clothes, and the number was about hundreds, passed quietly under the leadership of a white hooded leader with double knives on his back. The cable climbed onto the deck of the'Xiang Feihu'.


"The vigilance of these Orientals is so low, why is there no one on the deck?"


"Perhaps because the morning is the most exhausting time and the most relaxing time? They have been fighting with the Spaniards for several days, and this situation is normal now."


"There must be someone in the helmsman room above!"

"Come on, Adwal, they wouldn't have thought that we would run to grab the ship in this foggy weather. Everyone, guard the hatches. I'll take care of the helmsman first!"


"We only have one chance!"

"Move lightly, wait for me to drive the boat away, and then start to move!"



The pirates who ran to the flagship "Xiang Feihu" gathered together with their hooded leader and discussed quietly for more than ten seconds, and then quietly dispersed in a tacit understanding.

Then, they began to perform their duties, preparing to walk to the cabin doors one by one without making any major movements as much as possible, preparing to wait for the opportunity to quietly take the ship away.


When the pirate leader named Adwale led people to guard the door of the captain’s room and the two large exits that appeared to be the lower deck and the hanging door of the cargo warehouse, he cast his eyes on the two people who were carrying them. The cat walked up to Captain Edward at the door of the stern wheelhouse.

They have to wait until Edward takes down the wheelhouse and kills the helmsman inside, and then drives away the ship and leaves the eastern queue a little further before they can take action and kill all the people on the ship, and then **** the ship from Spain. A huge battleship that everyone is afraid of and coveted!


However, after waiting for a long time, Adwal did not see their captain Edward touched into the wheelhouse, but only stood in front of the door in a daze after slowly pushing the door open?



As a last resort, Adwal could only shout again in a low voice.


However, what he shouted was like sending a certain signal?

Next second!

From the bow and stern of the warship and other hidden hatches on the side, as well as the captain’s room that was locked and unable to be opened, suddenly a large group of people armed with long guns and short guns were pointed at them. Li family sailor.

There were so many of them, there were hundreds of them, and they filled the entire deck at once.

Then, countless black holes pointed their guns at Adwal and his facing subordinates, so that before they had time to violently resist, they had to honestly drop their weapons and raise them. Hands.

At the same time, a large number of musketeers also poured out of the wheelhouse above the stern, directly pushing the pirate captain Edward back and surrounding them.


First there was an exclamation, and then, Adwal finally knew why Edward stood still at the door suddenly just now.

Immediately afterwards, the entire ship, and even the entire Li family fleet suddenly seemed to wake up, with various sounds and bells ringing. Then, one by one the gun doors opened, and more than a hundred cannons were pushed. Going out and aiming at the pirate ship that was sailing side by side with the'Xiang Feihu'.

Then, the four giant battleships in the fog in front also turned back at this time, directly blocking the pirate ship that wanted to resist or escape, and was blocked by at least five hundred terrorist artillery pieces. Aiming at his muzzle.

There was no hope for the eyelids to escape, and helplessly, the seemingly flexible Galen ship had to honestly raise the white flag and lower its sails.

"a ha ha ha!"


"You bad guys, UU reading still want to sneak up to steal people's boat?"


"Say! Who sent you? And, how do you want to die?!"


Finally, after seeing the situation completely under control, a seemingly arrogant little girl slid down smoothly from the highest mast in a circle, and walked proudly under the gaze of all the pirates. He arrived in front of the pirate captain'Edward' who seemed to be the leader.


Facing the muzzle of countless black holes and looking at the little girl who was rumored to be as scary as the devil, Edward James Kenway paused, but after all he did not say a word. He just closed his eyes in frustration and reluctantly. Throwing down the two extremely sharp double knives in his hand.


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