Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1549: Q(`⌒?Q) establishes supremacy

At dusk on the third day after the Great Battle of the Tyrrhenian Sea, before sunset, this huge epic naval battle that took place in the middle of the Mediterranean bath was involved in almost all the major Mediterranean forces and the navies of various countries. Reluctantly decided the victory or defeat.

The commander-in-chief of the Ottoman Navy, Hedem Afmeedo Pasha, and his North African ally, the pirate king Barbarossa Fasr Hereding, sank the last ship that was surrounded and blocked by them. After the large Spanish Galeon-type military ship caught dozens of Spanish sailors, the Pasha had to give an order and take their remaining dozen ships still in the formation and voluntarily retreated.

As for the ships that had broken up, they couldn't take care of them for the time being, because a Spanish fleet appeared in the distant horizon, and they had to go.

At this time, far from the horizon at sea level, I saw Pasha’s warship slowly turning towards the retreating Spanish Invincible Fleet Commander-in-Chief, the Spanish Navy Admiral Pietro de Barudis and his more than twenty The warship did not choose to pursue it, but ignored the enemy's remnant ships to turn and flee east.

The Pasha army's active retreat is equivalent to officially declaring that Spain's invincible fleet has won the final victory in this great battle in the Mediterranean.

But actually...

In this battle, both sides who participated in the war suffered extremely heavy losses. In the end, nearly a thousand warships and various armed ships on both sides were not burned or sunk and were able to return. It is estimated that there are no less than one-third remaining.

Moreover, even the remaining ones are almost all damaged in various degrees and cannot be repaired in a short time. Therefore, it can be said that this is a war without a victor!

Although Pasha of the Ottoman Empire and his pirate coalition failed, they did not seem to lose more besides the loss of ships.

The same is true for Barrudis, the commander-in-chief of the Spanish navy.

Apart from gaining the title of the so-called final victory in naval warfare, they did not necessarily lose fewer ships than their enemies, nor did they get any practical benefits at all. They were just wasted in vain. It's just about my own strength.

As for suppressing the heretics of the Ottoman Empire, it is completely the same as before the war!

Because, before the war, the fleets of heathens and heathens and merchant ships had been suppressed by the Invincible Fleet in the Mediterranean Sea and the troubled place of the Black Sea, and they could not really run out of the Mediterranean Sea for the Spanish kingdom’s maritime hegemony and overseas. The colony poses the slightest threat, and now it just continues to maintain the original status quo.

"Did you run away?"

"It seems that this war is finally over..."


"According to the order, the Ottomans have escaped. Now send half of our ships out of the fleet, gather our ships in this Tyrrhenian Sea, and rescue the soldiers who fell into the water and all the enemies that the captives saw! "

"As for after gathering, you can go to the nearest to replenish and repair the ship..."

"Remember, let the captains of those ships that are relatively intact and tell them that although we have won, there may be remnants of enemy ships nearby. Let them not be careless!"

Seeing that the flagships and ships of the **** pagans of the Ottoman Empire disappeared completely on the eastern sea level, Barrudis, who was very exhausted both mentally and physically, turned to those conditions not much better than him. The officers ordered.



The two officers responded and ran directly to pass the order.

Soon, more than ten relatively intact large warships in the Spanish fleet with more than 20 warships were in groups of two, leaving the queue of the Barudis flagship, and heading towards the Tyrrhenian Sea. Cruising in different directions, they started to carry out the order of their commander-in-chief.


"What about those Orientals?"

"Have you received the latest information about them?"

Finally, with a sigh of relief and no longer worrying about the **** heretics and pirates, Barudis turned to ask about something he cared more about.


"So far I haven't received any news about those Eastern ships!"


"Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, shortly after the start of the battle, a ship once reported that those Easterners took the initiative to leave the battle soon and went north."

"We had several ships chasing after them, but then there was no news..."

An adjutant behind Barrudis recalled it, and looked through the document record with him. He did not find that he had more information about the Eastern ships, so he could only continue with what he knew. Report again.




"not good!"

"Quickly, we can't continue to gather the ships, nor go to the port of Naples in Italy. Let's go directly back to the Strait of Gibraltar!"

After pondering for a while, Barudis, who had a relaxed and faint look of loneliness, didn't know what he thought of, but suddenly his face changed drastically, and then he hurriedly changed the order he had just given not long before.


"Sir, is there any question?"

Seeing the appearance of the commander-in-chief, the Spanish squadron admiral Garossa asked strangely.

"I'll tell you later!"


"Let the helmsman turn, we will immediately return to the Strait of Gibraltar and go forward at full speed, the sooner the better!"

Shaking his head with an ugly expression, Barudis did not answer the question of his confidant, and regardless of the other party's doubts, he directly gave the order without any doubt!



The Garosha didn't dare to ask more, so he stood up and saluted, and then ran towards the stern of the boat.

Before long, after separating nearly half of the ships, the Spanish fleet, which appeared to have its own damage, began to slowly spare a large circle on the sea, and then headed towards the western Mediterranean exit. Sail away from the Strait of Gibraltar.

"Hope to catch up..."

Barrudis is very worried about the Spanish coastal ports and the situation in the Strait of Gibraltar.

Because, as the commander-in-chief of the Spanish Invincible Fleet and Admiral of the Spanish Navy, he knows the current status of the Spanish Invincible Fleet better than anyone else.

In fact, the five invincible fleet expeditions to the British since Philip II, the huge military force of nearly 700 warships and tens of thousands of soldiers dispatched successively, has severely depleted the maritime power of the Kingdom of Spain. The Battle of Downs a few years ago, it can be said that the kingdom of Spain lost its face, and it was almost impossible to suppress the Netherlands and other places in the north.

Although Spain's invincible fleet has improved a lot after several years of development, the battle in the Tyrrhenian Sea has almost wiped out the reserves of several years!

Can result...

The most important thing is that the ultimate goal of the Eastern ship that I wanted to capture was not achieved. Instead, the Easterners flew to the north, and if the Easterners did some terrible things, such as destroying Spain along the coast. If the ports are merged, then their invincible fleet is likely to fall apart, and he, the commander of the fleet, has to take the blame and resign!

Therefore, thinking of all the above possibilities, he only felt distressed. He just wanted to return to the Strait of Gibraltar as soon as possible, and then see if he could stop those cunning Orientals from doing that kind of work with the fleet remaining there. What might happen?

As for capturing or intercepting the opponent, at this time, he really didn't dare to think too much.

In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, the first year of Tianshou Lidong.

When the Empress of the Ming Empire came to the top, Ding Ding set northwest and began to formally give orders to the world, the continuous naval battles here in the Mediterranean finally slowly came to an end.

Now the entire Mediterranean knows about the invincible fleet that took place in the Tyrrhenian Sea, with the invincible fleet led by the admiral of the Spanish navy, Pietro de Barudis, and the armed forces of the Italian businessman Paolo Chantelio The Merchant Ship's "Combined Fleet" confronts the Ottoman Navy Commander-in-Chief Hedem Afmeedo Pasha and the North African pirate leader, Barbarossa Fasr Hereding Chantelio, the king of pirates in the Mediterranean, who dominates the Mediterranean The super sea battle led by the "Black Sea Fleet" was ultimately the victory of the Kingdom of Spain.

However, it was a tragic victory!

Because the Invincible Fleet itself also sank or burned down and destroyed at least about 300 warships. Nearly 30,000 sailors were killed or missing, which is a huge loss of strength!

However, what is even more frightening is that during the three days and two nights of the war between the two sides, the instigator, the devil admiral from the East Ming Empire, led her devil fleet out of the battlefield and went north to Genoa, and began to frantically sweep the northern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. The major European ports in Spain will burn most of the piers, shipyards, warehouses, and other important facilities that belong to Spain's sphere of influence, making the powerful Kingdom of Spain and the remaining invincible fleet even worse and indignant.

Although the commander-in-chief of Spain's invincible fleet and the admiral of the Spanish navy, Peter de Barudis, led the remaining fleet to hurriedly hurried behind, but in the end, he did not rush back to the Strait of Gibraltar in time.

Before he led the remnant fleet to return, the large and fast Li family's fleet once again hit the Strait of Gibraltar and faced the dozens of warships left behind. Under the confrontation, the Li family's fleet successfully destroyed and wounded more than a dozen ships. After the ship, the magnificent place rushed out from the narrowest part of the strait, completely defeating Barudis's plan.

In November of the first year of Tianshou, the winter solstice.

Seeing no hope of victory, the Kingdom of Spain was exhausted and suffered heavy losses. After struggling for two months, it finally had to compromise with reality, head south again and lay down the port of Madeira, and the rumors will continue. The port of Las Palmas will be fought again to completely blockade the Daming Li's fleet heading to the New World and Africa's shipping routes. The fleet issued a truce of credential and sent envoys for peace talks.

In the end, outsiders would not know what treaty and agreement the Invincible Fleet signed with the devil admiral of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce.

But anyway, after this battle, the countries along the Mediterranean Sea and all the forces have suffered heavy losses, and they are no longer able to dominate the Mediterranean. Even the invincible fleet has officially fallen from the altar of the ocean hegemon, and there is no longer a dominance. The splendor of the ocean.

At this point, the Demon Admiral Anne Hasta of the Daming Li Family Chamber of Commerce and her devil fleet finally stopped, and no longer tossed the nervously weakened Mediterranean countries.

Soon, it was Christmas Eve of the same year...

Lilu Agote, the leader of the private chamber of commerce in the North Sea Netherlands, personally came to the Port of Madeira, and before Christmas, sent a commercial North Sea battleship and a letter from the New World to the devil admiral of the Li family fleet.

That letter was actually written by Li Huamei to Lilu Agote two months ago. They obviously didn’t know what happened here in the Mediterranean. Anyway, the letter only told Lilu about Li Huamei’s difficult situation and righteousness in the New World. Intend to investigate related matters south of the New World.

As for the current whereabouts of the first fleet of the Li's Chamber of Commerce, it is temporarily unknown.

At the same time, Lilu Argote also brought the North Sea countries’ commitments to open ports and trade agreements to the Li’s Chamber of Commerce, and sincerely hope that the Li’s fleet will not go to the North Sea and the Nordic waters to make trouble in the same way as the Mediterranean. One game.

"Probably that's it..."


"The ship promised to you, our Chamber of Commerce has already sent it, and now you can dispose of it yourself."


"As an ally, I still hope to ask you not to go to Beihai again. Our Argotel Chamber of Commerce will try to persuade the North Sea countries and chambers of commerce to let everyone open the port and a certain amount of trade to your Lijia Chamber of Commerce."

"So please, please."

Standing in the governor’s mansion in Madeira, looking at someone sitting on the main seat in front of him, he wiped his face with his greasy hands while reading the letter written to him by Li Huamei. The girl devil admiral, Lilu Agote didn't know what it was like.

To be honest, if she didn't panic at all, it would be absolutely impossible!

You know, she almost witnessed the fact that during this period of time, she had witnessed the fact that the opponent smashed the Ottoman Empire, defeated the pirate King Hairedin, conquered the Chantelio Chamber of Commerce in Italy, and defeated the Spanish Invincible Fleet's encirclement and suppression by Italian force. The feat of a ship dominating the Mediterranean!

Therefore, Lilu Argod, as well as all the forces in the North Sea Nordic countries, do not want this terrible little guy in front of them and the other's more terrifying fleet to go to their North Sea to show off their might.

"We turned out to be an alliance?"


It was the first time that Annie saw this young and beautiful girl in front of her. It was about the same size as Song Yifeng, but she was already the leader of a large chamber of commerce.

So, out of curiosity, she couldn't help scanning Li Huamei's letter and the opponent's face many times.

"All right!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas

"Then people won't go to Beihai for now!


Since the other party has an alliance relationship with the Lijia Chamber of Commerce, it is just like the Wooding Chamber of Commerce in the Persian Gulf, and they took the initiative to show their favor, and they are sending battleships and market share. Therefore, Annie reluctantly. Nodded and agreed.

"Then we will go to the New World tomorrow!"


Anyway, Annie originally had no plans to go to the North Sea, and now that the other party provided specific clues to Li Huamei's idiots, she would not go to the North Sea at all, and it would be better to go directly to the New World, which is the America.

"Go to the New World tomorrow?"


"Isn't it Christmas tomorrow?"

"You are going to sea at this time of Christmas?"

Suddenly hearing Annie say this, Lilu Argod couldn't help feeling a little weird.

You know, they had to come to the Argote Chamber of Commerce because they were commissioned by Beihai, and they arrived in Madeira before Christmas, and planned to spend Christmas here, and waited until after Christmas to make plans.

"why not?"


"What is Christmas, and what is it for the guy named God to celebrate his birthday?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Blinking, Annie, who knew what the other party meant, turned her head aside with disdain.


"I forgot that you all came from the East..."

Started for a moment, and then Lilu Argote quickly recovered.

Because she remembered, don’t look at the little girl in front of her who is also a blond European, but it is said that the other party is not from any European country, but from the East. Therefore, the other party and the other party’s blackheads Like the black-eyed crew members, it seems that they are all pagans who do not believe in Protestantism or Catholicism?

As for the pagans, Christmas Eve and Christmas are of course not taken into consideration.

"That's it!"


"Leave tomorrow! Go to the New World!"

*. (^▽^*)*.

Regardless of what the other party thought, Annie stood up from her position directly in the frolic, then waved a roast turkey leg, and made the decision to set sail tomorrow.

After all, she just saw it, and the letter said that Li Huamei and their idiots were bullied by a Spanish governor named Esconte, and they were squeezed to the southernmost part of the New World. Therefore, she was annihilated. The admiral must definitely need to save them and groan.

Of course, UU reading probably doesn’t need to fight when going to the New World this time, because Spain has surrendered to her. After the Governor Esconte of the New World receives the news from the Mediterranean, it must be Don't dare to do anything to her or Li Huamei.

In the winter of the first year of Tianshou, after nearly two months of repairs before and after the Port of Madeira, at noon on Christmas Day, the devil admiral of the Li family and her devil fleet finally set foot on the New World to search for Li Huamei and Li Huamei. The last journey of the Patriarch of the Chamber of Commerce.

They did not bring the newly built commercial battleship, nor did they bring the Spanish ships or the Jackdaw that they had captured. Instead, they commissioned Lilu Argot and her Chamber of Commerce to organize the trip on the other side. When the East is engaged in a friendly business fleet, remember to take back their ships that are parked in the port of Madeira.

Of course, you have to bring the countless European specialties that are filled with the cabins that others have "given them for free"?



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