Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1550: |????) Fengqi Dongfang, illuminating China

Under normal circumstances, starting from the port of Madeira or Las Palmas and heading to the New World in the direction of ocean currents and monsoons, it will take at least five to eight weeks even if the wind is smooth, and those loaded with goods Slow cargo ships often take three months or more to arrive.

However, that is the general situation.

And the big, fast-running flying scissor giant iron keel battleships under Little Annie and her are obviously not in those ‘normal’ ranges?

So, just three weeks later, they set off from Madeira Port, successfully arrived in the New World, and entered the port at St. John's Port where Li Huamei and others landed.

However, what is different from the treatment of Li Huamei and others is...

The New World has long received all kinds of news from the Mediterranean, the great achievements of the Li's second fleet, and the fate of the Kingdom of Spain and the invincible fleet. Therefore, they received a warm reception here. The governor of Cuba, the Spanish pirate leader who ruled the Caribbean Sea, and another “ally” of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce. After receiving the news, within three days he hurried from Havana to the Port of St. John’s by a fast boat and begged to see Li. The devil admiral of the home fleet.

"What did you say?"


"Li Huamei and the others are hot idiots. The guys are no longer here in the New World?"


"They remodeled the ship and installed a lot of supplies. They bypassed the Pernambuco Port two months ago, planning to go across the Pacific Ocean and head back to Daming directly from the Pacific Ocean?!"


Unexpectedly, they all came to the New World, the last stop in the Americas, and they could still make a big shot again, and Annie was a little messy on the spot.

So that, looking at this so-called ally in front of me, watching the titular Governor of Cuba and the Spanish pirate leader Vázquez de Mardenade who ruled the Caribbean Sea is extremely flattering towards him, looking at each other. She faintly felt that the special and delicious food of the "New World" was a little obstructive.

"How can they do this..."


"People specially brought the big ship all the way from Daming to chase..."


You know, Annie came all the way and hit almost all the enemies on the ground. Even the Spanish Invincible Fleet was tossed by her to voluntarily seek peace. It was almost impossible to surrender unconditionally. She was planning to surrender with Li Huamei and the group of bad guys. Show off your big ship and record well, but the result...

Those bad guys, it doesn't count when they get to the New World, they want to cross the Pacific Ocean, verify the theory that the earth is round, and directly complete the feat of sailing around the earth and returning to Daming?


"Your Excellency Grand Admiral?"


"They bypassed the southernmost port of Pernambuco more than two months ago. According to their speed, they should be on the other side of the Caribbean Sea, in the Inca Empire on the western coast of the New World. Is it a side?"

"If you set off now, might you still be able to catch up?"

Vazquez de Maldenard carefully suggested to the little girl Grand Admiral of the Li family who was a little mad, but after speaking, he changed his mind again:

"Of course!"

"If they have already set off from the Inca Empire and started to officially enter the Pacific Ocean, you and your fleet will probably be difficult to find..."

Anyway, in his opinion, if Li Huamei and her fleet were still near the coast of the Inca Empire, it would be easy to find, as long as you walk along the coastline, you can definitely find it. After all, a dozen ships are not so. It's so hidden!

But once you enter the Pacific, there is really no way.

Without knowing the precise route of the other party in advance, he rushed to the sea and went to the largest ocean in the world to find an ocean-going fleet with only a dozen ships. The difficulty of that kind of thing is in Vazquez de Vazquez. In the eyes of Maldenard, the pirate leader, it is probably not much different from finding a needle in a haystack.

Among other things, when they plan to looting the Spanish treasure ship or cargo ship of Diogo de Esconte, even if they know the date and specific route of the other party’s departure in advance and go to ambush in advance, they will often do so in ten times. Seven or eight times, he would go to the air, so he didn't have much expectation about going after Li Huamei's fleet and finding each other.

Moreover, he saw that the five warships in the second fleet of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce are all big ships, and there are no knowing how many gun positions are on the light side, plus the complicated and numerous sails, presumably above it. There must be a lot of sailors, and ships like that are definitely not suitable for dangerous voyages across the Pacific Ocean.

After all, there is no fixed route in the Pacific Ocean, and there is no place for supplies along the way. Although there are no stormy waves and dangerous reefs, long voyages alone are enough to destroy an unsupply fleet.

"I didn't find it again..."


"Annie, what shall we do? Are we going to bypass the New World and also go to the Pacific Ocean to chase them?"

Listening to the explanation and suggestions of the pirate leader Vazquez de Maldenard, Song Yifeng himself was a little at a loss and didn't know what to do.

After all, they struggled all the way and finally found here in the New World, and came to this place far, far away from Daming, but in the end, sister Li Huamei and the others went back to Daming from the other side of the New World, and they still couldn't catch up. The other side, it was really frustrating.



Annie is also considering and hesitating.

"not going!"


But soon, thinking of the need to cross the entire ocean to return from the Pacific, and thinking that even those flying scissor warships built by herself might take a month to bypass South America and two months or so of boring time to cross the Pacific, she immediately. Retired.

"It's not fun at all!"


"do not care!"


"You go back to Daming on the same route by sailing by yourself. People are leaving, so they won't cross that boring Pacific Ocean!"


With that said, Anne hatedly walked out of the temporarily renovated house in the port of St. John's.

She chased all the way from Daming to here, orbiting most of the earth, but in the end she still did not catch up. If she continued to chase, she would have to chase Daming. In that case, she would simply wait in Hangzhou. Just do it, why bother to chase here all the way?


Annie certainly wouldn’t admit that she was guilty or did some stupid things, so she decided not to play peekaboo games with that nasty Li Huamei group of bad guys. They love how to play, she’s anyway. I don't care, and I won't accompany it.


"Shall we go back by ourselves?"


"Annie, how about you? Are you not going back?"

First, he was taken aback and blinked. Song Yifeng, the incompetent second admiral, finally reacted. She vaguely knew what Annie said, so she quickly stood up and chased after her, feeling a little at a loss. Asked indifferently.

"People are going to play in other worlds first. Those boats can be driven back on your own. The Pacific Ocean is very dangerous. You had better not chase them, but if you drive back on the same road, just don’t stop for too long in the middle. Say you can't go back to Hangzhou in front of their bad guys?"



ε=(ο`*))) alas

"Anyway, that's it, goodbye everyone!"


After finishing talking, Song Yifeng, the first mate, many sailors around, the doubting Cuban governor, the Spanish pirate who ruled the Caribbean, Vazquez de Maldenard and others were all in full view. Under the blue sky, Annie disappeared directly into a blue light, and was nowhere to be seen.


"my God!!"

"She she she she... she, why did she disappear suddenly?!"

"What's the matter, is she really the devil?"

"Or, is she a witch?!"

Unlike Song Yifeng, who has already had a certain degree of immunity to Annie's methods, and even witnessed more incredible situations with his own eyes, and the first officer and the sailors who came along from Daming, Vazquez de Mardena Seeing Anne's disappearance in an instant, De almost didn't stare at his black eyeballs.

Although he hadn't seen the burning of witches in the church, he had never seen a situation where the little girl suddenly disappeared like the little girl just now.


"The Grand Admiral is the supreme true God bestowed upon us by the heavens, and he cannot be understood by the savages of the Fanbang!"

Seeing Anne disappeared, the first officer felt a little bit. After mocking the Spanish pirate contemptuously, he knelt down on one knee with the other sailors, saluted and silently marched in the direction of their disappearance. Praying.



"Annie is a fairy, how could it be something like a witch or a devil?"

Song Yifeng didn't kneel down, because she and Annie were best friends, so she just stood in a sense of sorrow among the kneeling crowd and sighed.


"True God? Fairy?"

Vazquez de Maldenard obviously does not know what it is, because he only knows God. As for everything else, in his opinion, all are false gods, and all those who believe in false gods are all different. Christians!

Of course, he is a pirate, he doesn't care about so much!

So, seeing so many people kneeling down, he thought about it seriously, who had a wide range of beliefs, and then asked his subordinates to kneel down on his knees.

You know, regardless of what true gods, false gods, or immortals are, in his opinion, they are definitely not ordinary mortals, they must have supernatural abilities, and they also saw it with their own eyes just now, so for them this kind of presence For pirates fighting for their lives at sea, it is always good to have more mysterious power of shelter.


In the eighteenth year of Chongzhen, the second year of the summer was granted by the Empress.

In the Pacific Ocean, I have been in the windless zone and in the storm zone. I faced the stormy waves and suffered countless hardships. I sailed for more than six months, passed through Guam, and finally repaired in Naha for a week. Li Huamei and others, who had also lost two large ships and hundreds of sailors, finally returned to Hangzhou Port in the Ming Empire safely and sailed into the Qiantang River.


"Look! What kind of ship is that?!"

Just entering the Qiantang River, Li Huamei saw it at a glance. In an independent port not far from the familiar and somewhat unfamiliar Hangzhou City Wharf in the distance, there was a boat that had already rolled up. Fan's giant battleship, and at a glance, there are still more than a dozen or twenty ships?

So, of course, Li Huamei was the first to exclaim after seeing the medium-sized Fu ship and flagship Chunshen that was more suitable for long voyages.


"What a big boat, how can they be so big?"

"do not know."

"Never seen..."

"I saw it. There are at least hundreds of gun ports on one side alone. It's terrible!"

"Oh my god, wouldn't it be the kind of giant treasure ship that the legendary Sanbao **** used to sail to the west?"


"No! Look, the one over there that hasn’t put the sails away. Its sails don’t look like a lucky ship. It looks more like a European schooner like the Galen. There are several spinnaker sails fore and aft, which is very different from Daming's boat."


"Couldn't it be the Portuguese or the Dutch who occupied Hangzhou?"

"No, look, there is a Da Ming banner on it."


"It seems that there is still the banner of our Li Family Chamber of Commerce?"


"It just hangs there, why is it impossible?"


"It really is……"

"Could it be the general surnamed Li of Daming Navy?"


"So, that's Daming navy master?"

"It must be!"

I saw the huge sailboats in the distance that seemed to be military piers or water villages, Yang Xi'en, James Rudwei, Xingjiu Baimu, Yi'an Dukov and those who joined the Li family fleet on the Chunshen ship. People, such as Janus Pasha, Frio, Christina and others also followed in exclamation and loud discussions.

Then finally, they came to a conclusion, that is: Those ships must be navy divisions of the Ming Empire, and they seem to be the same as their Li Family Chamber of Commerce. They are ships under the command of General Li?


However, what everyone didn't know was that behind them at this time, the British man, Charles Huisen, looked a little gloomy, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"It should be..."

"What to do, admiral, do we still have to enter Hong Kong?"

After the discussion, James Rudway squeezed away from the crowd, walked to Li Huamei's side and asked worriedly.



"We haven't committed anything. We are just going home. Why don't we enter?"

Frowning a little bit, and finally, with a wave of Li Huamei, he issued a decision to let the fleet move forward and drive directly into Hangzhou Port and dock.


"Admiral, Daming's maritime prohibition, and the warnings that the officials gave us before..."

James Rudway is still a little worried, because the Li family fleet was banned by the sea and forced away by those officials. Now it is back, and the number of ships has increased. He is worried that he will be made things difficult, especially Daming now. Already have a stronger fleet?

"It's okay!"

"They saw us and didn't come out to intercept, then there is no problem, let's go in!"

"Look, there seem to be a lot of European-style ships in the port. It's okay. If that's a big deal, you will say that it is your ship?"

"Furthermore, we didn't bring any goods when we came back this time. If the sea is prohibited, as long as we don't sell the goods and let people go up and down, presumably those officials won't be too embarrassed by our Li family."

Li Huamei said this as if it were comforting James and everyone, and as if comforting herself.


Nodded, James Rudway didn't think much anymore, and let the ship sail slowly against the Qiantang River under the sea breeze.

But then...

What Li Huamei and her followers never expected was that they had just landed at the port and received a warm welcome from Song Yifeng and others, who had already returned to Daming quickly, and among them, there was even that organization. The voyage caravan almost arrived in Hangzhou with Song Yifeng and Lilu Agote and others.


"This is how the same thing?"


"Why are you still in Hangzhou?"

"And Lilu, why did you come to Daming?"

"By the way, those big ships outside, and these people...what the **** is going on?"

Seeing so many people welcoming each other, there were many soldiers and officials among them, and then I looked at my former crew member and my friend Lilu in Nanyang. Seeing all this in front of me, Li Huamei felt very kind, However, she felt strange and surprised at the same time, and she had no idea what was going on here.


"Sister Huamei, do you know?"

"In order to find you, Annie and we accidentally beat the whole world!"

"But all right, now you are finally back!"


"The queen's will is here, you will soon be canonized as Dinghai King of the Ming Empire, very powerful, right?"

"There's more!"

"Thanks to Annie, the world's seas have now been conquered by our Ming Empire, and now that Ming has imposed a sea ban, all public and private merchant ships can go to the world to do business!"

"Also, your Li Family Chamber of Commerce, or the current Daming Navy, is already the overlord of the Seven Seas!"

Song Yifeng stuck out his tongue mischievously, and then went straight to tell all the general things while Li Huamei and others were at a loss.

Thanks to Anne’s blessing, Song Yifeng has also been named the number one princess in Seoul by the Empress Daming. He has become a great noble and the princess of the Kingdom of Korea. This makes her not know how to talk to her master and brothers after returning. Let's explain what is good.


"Ding Haiwang?"

"Seven Seas Overlord?!"

"This, this is impossible!"

"When we were away, what happened here in the Ming Empire?!"


Listening to Song Yifeng's words, Li Huamei and his first followers, such as Yang Xien, Charlie De Huisen, Jamludvi, Xingji Baimu, and Yi An Dukov, all exclaimed.

"All right!"

"Stop talking for now!"

"Her Majesty's messenger has been waiting for you for a long time, so let's go and take the order first!"

"Don't you know that the little court of Nanming finally surrendered on the initiative not long ago, and now it is the time of employment. I heard that Her Majesty the Queen also said that you will be the Minister of Commerce in charge of customs!"

"But you must be the prime minister of the cabinet. Uncle Li is the great hero!"

"It's a pity, Annie won't come back..."

"But luckily she doesn't come back, otherwise I don't know how to canonize her!"

"It's okay now, as if you only need to worship her as the only **** officially recognized by the Ming Empire..."

Song Yifeng, who led the way in front, talked endlessly, and then Li Huamei noticed that Song Yifeng’s clothes seemed to be decorated like royal?


"By the way, I don't seem to see Annie. Has she gone home?"

After hearing Song Yifeng talk about Annie, Li Huamei, whose mind was already in a mess, suddenly remembered that there was really some lazy little guy who was left in their private house in Hangzhou. ?



"You'd better go to the house quickly and get your decision first, and when I turn around, I'll talk to you in detail!"

"Don't look at those boats, they are all ours now, I will take you out for a stroll another day!"

"Hurry up with me!"

At present, the admiral of the Da Ming navy, the admiral of the East China Sea, Li Huamei, and the envoys of the commander, the commander of Jingwei, and the governor of the capital of the five armies, are waiting in Li Huamei’s private house. Therefore, Song Yifeng does not want to waste time. He just leads the way. Signaled the soldiers in front and the officials and businessmen who wanted to talk to them and quickly stepped aside.

"Our ship?"


"I don't remember that we Lijiashang would have that kind of terrible big ship, even Hangzhou or the whole Daming didn't have that kind of ship!"

Li Huamei was even more confused. You know, after she came back from a trip around the world, it seemed that she had been shopping for more than a year. Why now, Song Yifeng said that the big ships belonged to them?

Even if such a big ship is built, I'm afraid it won't be built in more than a year, right?


"I'll talk to you later!"

"Hurry up!"


"The shipbuilding technology of those ships, we Daming now have it!"

"In Danshui City, it is now working overtime to build. A few ships have been built a while ago, and they are now undergoing trial voyages. By all accounts, we all have nearly thirty large ships of this kind."

"Listen to Uncle Li, he wants to build at least more than 100 ships!"

After Song Yifeng let the soldiers block the crowd, the officials and the wealthy businessmen, he continued to talk endlessly, while letting Li Huamei get into her luxurious four-wheeled carriage with her.

It was her car as the head of Seoul, and it was given to her by Her Majesty the Queen.

However, other people, the people Li Huamei brought back, she didn't let them get into her car, just let them walk behind.


"Who is Uncle Li?"

After getting in the car, as the four-wheeled carriage with the shock absorption system began to move forward slowly, Li Huamei, who gradually relaxed, couldn't help but asked a little strangely.


"I don't know either..."

"Anyway, people only know that his surname is Li and he is still a big beard..."

For a moment, Song Yifeng thought for a while, and finally she was shocked to discover that even though she had been with the other party to destroy Japanese pirates and conquered the Japanese country, she had stayed on the same boat for a long time, but it seemed that she herself still didn’t know the big beard. The captain's name?


Li Huamei was a little bit inexplicable. She couldn't get the answer. As she thought about it, her mind couldn't help being more confused.


"Oh, don't say anything, you come with me first!"

Finally, Song Yifeng stopped saying anything, because there were too many things to say, and she might not be able to finish it for days or nights, and she didn’t know where to start, so she decided to wait and take it back. Say!

"and many more!"

"We haven't paid the tax yet..."

"No problem, right?"

At this time, Li Huamei, whose mind was in confusion, remembered her boats and the gold and silver she had brought back.

"What tax?"

"We have the final say for the entire Ming Dynasty. Who dares to collect taxes from our officers and soldiers?!"

With that, Song Yifeng proudly raised her chin that was already a bit pink and fat at this time, no longer like the pointed round chin when she was sailing the world.

"Official army?"

"When have we become officers?!"




"How could it have changed so much, I was still thinking that after I came back, I would use those dozen ships to fight against Japanese pirates..."

"Japanese pirates?"

"Aha! Sister Huamei, the Japanese pirates were beaten to the ground by us as early as a year ago!"

"Let me tell you, now the entire Wa country is a subordinate country of our Ming Empire, and their shogunate recently issued a letter of credence to express surrender."


"how so……"

" I'll talk about it when I go back. There are so many things that I don't know how to explain."

"It must be from the time you left me and Annie..."



As the voice of the conversation in the luxurious carriage in front of us gradually stopped, this team of musketeers backed by horseback gradually approached the gate of Hangzhou City.

Not far away, after seeing the approach of the team and the carriage, the Da Ming officers and soldiers who guarded the gate hurriedly shouted and opened the largest gate, intending to let the team enter the city from the main gate, rather than from both sides of the gate like ordinary people. The smaller side door enters.



For the fourth anniversary, welcome everyone to commemorate the commemoration of staying claws in the original author!

*. (ˊΩˋ*)*.


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