Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1559: ????? Tibbers is watching...

Latest website: Twin maid sister Ram and Emilia, the candidate for the 42nd generation of King of the Kingdom of Lugonica, went to the village to save the villagers and destroy the Warcraft. The action went smoothly. They finally did it before dark at night. He came back on time with a sullen expression.

"Very good!"

"elder sister!"

"And Emilia-sama, you finally came back."

That's right, it's ashamed.

Because Rem, who was waiting in front of the courtyard of the mansion, saw that their faces, clothes, hair, etc. were all covered with vegetation ashes and traces of black coke smearing marks. If it weren’t for the two of them to be intact, it wouldn’t matter. Rem, who was still a little weak, could be scared out of his soul on the spot.


"Rem, we are back."

Rahm was carrying a certain bear who seemed to overdo it, and he barely smiled on his face.

"We are fine!"

"It went well, but the fire was a little bigger..."

"Rem, you should be able to see it here too, right?"

"It's really horrible. I always feel that it seems to be stronger than my Parker, or even Lord Mezas, who claims to be the most powerful magician in the kingdom!"


"In short, please make sure to arrange someone to prepare bath water for us as soon as possible. Ram and I need to wash up before dinner."

After a dry laugh, Emilia turned around happily, and while walking into the mansion's compound, she blinked and urged the twin maid sister Rem who came out to greet them.


"Yes! I'll make arrangements right away..."

For a moment, Rem returned to his senses and didn't say much, but bowed his head slightly to salute the embarrassed Emilia.

Because of my sister's absence, I took a rest for a long time, so now there are other servants in the mansion helping to take care of it, Rem can naturally order the temporary servants to do things, and she does not need to do it herself, at least not today.


"It's so comfortable..."

"Finally came back to life again..."

The long silver hair was floating on the misty bathroom pool water, and the whole person was lying naked in the water and leaning against the bathtub. Because it was night, the bathroom was foggy and the rippling water surface, so that I couldn’t see it at all. Really, only Emilia, who saw a seductive silhouette and arc, was lying there flushed and moaned, and exhaled heavily.

At this time, a certain plush bear that had been cleaned by Emelia was hung on a hanger beside the bath. It was still dripping water, but it was much cleaner now than when it came back.


"Ram, why didn't you clean Tibbers just now?"

"Although it is indeed very powerful, it is Annie's spirit, and it can be regarded as our side. Are you so afraid of it?"

After soaking for a while, thinking about what happened just now, some confused Emilia suddenly asked Ram who was soaking beside her.

Yes, the bear was indeed cleaned by Emelia herself, and I don’t know what happened. When they started to clean their bodies and enter the bath to soak, Ram said nothing. Dare to wash it, as if you are afraid of something terrible?

In the end, there was no way, she had no choice but to do it for her, and she cleaned the little bear who had done a lot today in the bath and treated it as a reward for the other party.


"No, nothing..."

"Master Emilia, please don't mind too much."

The red-haired twin Ram first glanced at a little bear that didn't seem to suddenly grow bigger, but now it was still hanging on the hanger, and he made sure that the other party would not suddenly violently eat the Lord Emilia or eat Emily. After Master Ya also slapped her **** by the pool, she breathed a sigh of relief and reluctantly dealt with it.

Ram did not choose to tell the truth. After all, Tibbles the bear is so dirty and must be cleaned before returning it to the owner, and if someone must clean it, she definitely doesn’t want it to be herself, but herself. Her younger sister Rem is obviously not going to do that kind of thing, so, as a last resort, she had to let Master Emilia do it herself.

After speaking, she subconsciously glanced at the stuffed teddy bear that was still dripping.

She only hopes that their Master Anne will not give the terrible little bear a chance to move freely in a short period of time. She also hopes that the little bear will not take too much grudges. It is best to take two or three days to take care of what has just happened. Forget it all?

"Is there really no problem?"

Emilia was a little bit inexplicable, she always felt that Ram was a little weird, but she couldn't tell where it was.


"Really, really not!!"

After forcibly explaining two sentences again, Ram stopped talking.

She just soaked quietly in the water beside her, letting her short wet red hair cling to her cheeks, and dripping one or two drops of water from time to time, and a little on her surface. On the cut-off pair of round shoulders, crystal water splashed in the smooth and white skin and the clavicle socket.

"I always feel like you are hiding something..."

"But forget it."

"Anyway, the threat to the village is lifted, and those beasts are probably burned by the little bear. I will definitely not dare to come and wander around the territory in a short time!"

"Ram, you did a great job today!"

Although most of the credit was for the little bear Tibbers who was hanging on the hanger, Emilia still praised Ram who had ventured into the forest.


Ram did not speak, just glanced at a certain toy bear unconsciously, and faintly felt that its motionless and hideous bear face was becoming a little scary?




After waiting for a while, seeing that the little bear still did not respond, and did not appear the thing that worries him most, Ram gradually relaxed.

When Emelia closed her eyes again and lay down by the pool, she also slowly immersed her body in the pool water and submerged all the parts below her chin. At the same time, her eyes were slightly closed, and she began to enjoy the warm water of the pool. The warmth and sense of security that I bring relieved the fright and mental exhaustion during the day.


I don't know how long it took. At this time, the door of the bathroom was pushed open, and she followed Emelia, opened her eyes suspiciously and turned her head to look in the direction of the door.

"elder sister!"

"Master Emilia."

The visitor squeaked immediately, then turned and closed the bathroom door, walked around the stone screen, and walked towards the bath.

It was Rem who came in, and at this time, she was still holding a pile of clothes in her hand, which was obviously used for Emilia and Ram to replace them.

But she didn't say much, just after looking at the two people in the bath, she silently walked to the gorgeous hanger, and hung the skirt belonging to Emilia and the maid of her sister Ram separately. Up.

After everything was done, she did not leave in a hurry, but looked at a certain bear who was also hung on the hanger with a slightly surprised look, and then turned her head back and stood beside the bath.

"elder sister……"

"And Emilia-sama, is there really no problem with this afternoon?"

"Rem also saw it at the time. Outside the window, in the direction of the village, and the forest, all were burned red by the fire. I was worried for you for a long time."

"Can you tell Rem?"

Thinking of the terrible fire at the time, Rem had worried about the fire spreading and burning towards the mansion, but fortunately, the fire gradually went out in the end.


Ram opened his mouth, not knowing where to start.

Because at that time she only saw fire in all directions, but if the giant bear Tibbs, which was surrounded by dark red flames, could control the fire and prevent the fire from burning towards her, I am afraid she would not be like before. It's just as simple as being embarrassed on the outside.

"Let me speak!"

"At that time, after arriving in the village, I discussed with Ram and decided that Parker and I would treat the children and the bitten villagers and lift the curse, while Ram took Tibbs to the forest to eliminate the culprit. ."


Soaking in the water, while enjoying the warmth, Emilia just closed her eyes and slowly told what she saw and knew.

Facts have proved that the stuffed bear Tibbers, the hideous puppet "elf" is indeed very, very powerful!


According to what Emilia, who was staying in the village at the time, saw and heard, it didn’t take long for Ram to leave the village’s enchantment with the bear Tibbers and enter the forest. Soon, with a terrifying roar. When the sound rang, the skyrocketing flames instantly burned and spread.

The fire was so amazing that even Emilia was taken aback!

Perhaps, that's why even Rem, who is far here in the mansion, can see and be frightened?

At that time, if it weren’t for Emilia and the big elf Parker in the village, plus the existence of the enchantment, if it weren’t for them to use magic to put out the fire, I’m afraid that now, except for those forests and those sacked monsters. Besides, the whole village will be burned to white ground by that terrible flame, right?

Fortunately, under the efforts of Emilia and Parker, under the control of the terrifying giant bear Tibbers, they finally managed to control the fire with difficulty and put out the forest fire.

Then, less than an hour later, she finally reunited with Ram who was'returning victorious', and then they couldn't wait to bid farewell to the same lingering villagers for the first time, and fled back to the mansion castle. .

To be honest, Emilia really didn't want to experience that kind of thing again, it was really scary and too exhausting.

"elder sister?"

"Is the situation dangerous?"

Seeing the exhaustion of Emilia-sama and reluctant to say more, think about the terrible fire that I saw through the window in the room at the time, thinking that my sister Ram was in the middle of the fire. Mu then subconsciously grabbed the maid's skirt with his hands tightly on his chest, and asked her sister with a worried expression on his face.

"A word is hard to say..."

"But Rem, you just have to remember!"


"If you don't have your master's order, you must never be alone with Tibbles Bear!"

"and also……"

"In the future, please remember not to provoke it easily!"

"Please remember!"

Ram has really come into contact with and feel the strength of the little bear Tibbers now, so she has to warn her sister about some things.

Having said that, Ram couldn't help but glanced at the little bear hanging on the hanger.

Yes, she didn’t want her sister to accidentally provoke it someday, and then be beaten up, or eaten by it altogether...because after seeing its true appearance and combat posture, Regarding what their new owner said, it likes cannibalism and cruel temperament, she doesn't doubt it at all.


"Sister, Rem knows..."

Although he didn't know why his sister said that, the blue-haired Rem nodded obediently.

In fact, since being here last night, after being caught and beaten by the opponent and unable to resist, Rem has long been unable to provoke that bear.

She is now subconsciously fighting with each other when she sees it, her hip muscles are twitching and there is a little pain. The injury is still not good, and now her **** is still red and swollen. She has to grin on a stool or on a hard bed. , How could you provoke that guy?


"Ram, and Rem..."

"You guys, what do you mean to provoke it?"

At this time, after hearing what Ram said so solemnly, thinking about what happened to the two sisters, and thinking about the strength of a certain bear and the evaluation of his contract elf Parker, the Emilia who was soaking in the pool finally spoke. , And raised her wet slender and white arms, and asked towards the two sisters.



The red-haired Ram in the pool and the blue-haired Rem standing on the edge of the pool did not speak. They just looked at Emilia, blinked again, and at the same time looked at the hanging on the hanger at the same time. A bear with wet fur and dripping water.

And their two pairs of eyes, which had the same hair color as their own, as if they were talking, silently expressed certain information that could only be understood in words towards Emelia.


"What are you doing?"

Subconsciously, Emilia turned her head to look at the place where the twins had just looked together, and then she saw a wet and motionless stuffed toy bear hung on the hanger by her, and at this moment, it Being hung there by the clip, the bear's face that was slowly turning here due to inertia looked extraordinarily oozing.




"Rem! And Ram!"

"You mean..."

"No way, to give it a bath is to provoke it?!"

As a candidate for the 42nd generation of the throne of the Kingdom of Lugonica and agreed to participate in the competition, Emilia is obviously not too low in terms of IQ or EQ. Therefore, she quickly became aware of the twin maids. What the sister meant, she just stood up from the water in exclaim, ignoring that her half-elf body with amazing arc and luster was completely exposed in the sight of the two ghost sisters.

"Master Emilia, please don't worry, I think Master Anne will definitely not let it hit you, because you didn't provoke Master anywhere?"

"Rem is right."

"Now the master wants to teach Master Betty more, she shouldn't mind such trivial matters."

Seeing Emilia with a worried and subconscious face stretched out her hand to cover a certain part of her own back, she could no longer care to cover up the funny and scared look in front of her, Ram and Rem both had a heart-warming heart. Said comfortingly.

"Is that so?"

"Are you sure?"

Emilia looked back at a certain bear once again, but she didn’t know if it was her illusion. The bear’s expression still seemed as hideous and terrifying as before, completely unlike the kind that would not be held accountable. Look like?



"Master Emilia!"

"If you have washed it, please come up. Rem will wipe your body and change your clothes for you. The guests from the capital have been waiting for a while. You should go see you."

"And sister..."

"The master asked you to take Tibbers to her. She is in the corridor on the second floor. She seems to have found the place where Master Betty is hiding."

Rem didn't say anything more, just picked up a big towel and signaled that Emelia could come out of the pool.

Because the guests from the royal capital at dusk have been waiting for a long time, and now the owner of the mansion has just changed, Master Anne doesn’t want to meet those strangers, and Emilia and her sister were too embarrassed when they came back. It didn't mention it, and it didn't even go to inform those guests.

"Guest from the capital?"

"What's the matter?"

Hearing what Rem said, and what just happened to Emilia was quite frightened, so she didn’t plan to stay here anymore, she walked straight up the stairs to the pool, then opened her arms and let her go. Rem asked suspiciously while wiping her proud body.

"Rem doesn't know."

"When I have dinner with the guests later, Master Emilia can ask in person?"

Shaking his head, Rem, as a servant, obviously wouldn't ask about that.

And their own new host has an attitude of being indifferent to visitors. Therefore, for those guests from the royal capital, she does not know what important things are, and can only look forward to loving honey. Liya asked herself later.


"Do you need Rem's help?"

After helping Amelia dry her body and helping to put on her evening gown, Rem picked up another dry towel and looked at her sister.

"No need."

Ram stood up straight from the Then, her big loli, who was less than 1.6 meters long, began to show itself in the air.

But she didn't care, but walked directly to her sister and took the towel and wiped it herself.



However, what Emilia and Ram didn’t know was that when they wiped their bodies and changed their clothes, a certain bear’s eyes kept locked on them, and if it hadn’t been suppressed by a bad little master, I’d be afraid It was so violent that it ate the two of them... and ate them three in one bite. It was definitely not as simple as just a spanking as they imagined!




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