Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1560: (?~?) This is a hard seat

The capital of the Kingdom of Lugonica, located in the center of five large regional capitals centered on it, resembles a pentagon, and the royal capital is where Annie was called when she was called, and then she was offended quickly, and then she had no choice. Burn the three evil villains, and at the same time punish the red-haired sister Firut who dared to run into her.

And now, for some reason, Annie, Emilia, and the two twin maids Ram and Rem have returned to this place again.

The capital of the Kingdom of Lugnica is very large. It is said to have a population of hundreds of thousands. It is divided into five circular layers, and the circular layers are also collectively called districts. These five districts are ranked from top to bottom, like Like the feudal system of the kingdom, it is organized and strictly distinguished from all kinds of people.

In the center and the highest level of the capital, on the plain at the top of the fault-tectonic landform, protected by the wide moat and the inner and outer walls built along the moat, the towering tower is created by nature's extraordinary craftsmanship. The easy-to-defend and hard-to-attack places on the hills and plains belong to the royal family's exclusive land.

The outer second floor of the palace area was enjoyed by the nobles and wealthy members of the kingdom.

The environment on the second floor is very good, the density of the blocks is not large, most of them are mansions where nobles and wealthy people live, and there are also a large number of parks, dense forests, hills and even natural or artificial lakes for leisure. It is second only to good places outside the palace courtyard area, and ordinary civilians are not allowed to enter easily in principle.

The third floor is a bustling commercial area.

The fourth floor is the residential area for ordinary citizens. The building density here is very dense. The densely packed are all kinds of houses built along the streets. It is the daily life and work of most people in the capital of the Kingdom of Lugnica. place.

And the last fifth floor is a run-down slum, where various people live, including the unemployed, refugees, orphans, persecuted people, and others who have completely lost hope in life. Ascending channels can only numbly struggle for survival, and when they encounter foreign enemies, they are also the kind of poor cannon fodder who suffer the first disaster.

It is said that the number of people living in the slums accounted for about one third of the population in the royal city, and they were extremely hostile to the nobles and wealthy businessmen living in the first and second districts, and once someone incited them, they would definitely be serious. Affect the security and stability of the kingdom?

But ah, that kind of thing, Emilia and Rozval L. Mezas Frontier didn't want to take care of it. At this time, the two of them were just anxiously beside the royal gate of the noble quarter, anxious and patient. The earth looked around and waited anxiously.


"Very good,"

"Annie, you finally came back, where did you go just now?"

"Ram and Rem are looking for you, they haven't come back yet!"

In front of the gate of the Royal Palace, beside the Libaus Avenue, which was straight and could lead directly to the capital city, I saw that a sad little girl finally appeared, holding a paper bag of snacks and hopping towards Coming here, Emilia hurriedly greeted her, and then complained to the little girl who was late.

"It's hard to come here, of course they are looking for delicious food!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"Why, is anyone late?"


Looking at the sun in the sky, Annie was quite sure that she should have come back with a little pressure today. She must have not been late, and there should be no mistake.

"It's not late, it's just..."

Emilia didn't know how to tell the little girl in front of her, anyway, in her opinion, the attitude of the other party was wrong, because this time they were going to the royal city to discuss things in the royal palace, but it turned out , This little guy is still thinking about visiting the business district and buying delicious food?

"All right."

"Emilia, since everyone is here, let's go in first."

"As for Ram and Rem, just send someone here to wait for them to come back and tell them. There shouldn't be any problems. Let's get in the car first!"

With that said, I didn’t know what I was doing recently. I rarely saw a trace recently. Rozval L. Mezas Borderman, who didn’t reappear until Emilia came to the capital, was at this time. Urged with a smile.

Seeing that Annie had arrived, he stretched out his hand to signal Emilia and Annie to board the dragon cart quickly, and they were about to enter the royal city, the highest palace area.

Soon, after a messy little guy boarded the dragon cart, the luxurious earth dragon cart with the banner of the Mezas family screamed and ran directly towards the royal city.


Half an hour later, the meeting finally began in the throne hall of the palace.

As Annie, Emelia, and Rozval L. Mezzas finally arrived in the palace’s main hall, and the meeting was announced, they finally knew that it turned out that the Kingdom of Lugonica chose to convene love at this time. Milia, the candidates who have the qualifications of the "Dragon Witch", are actually to discuss about the official election of the king?

A new prophecy appeared on the dragon calendar stone of the kingdom, saying that: five maidens who may become the new king of the kingdom will choose the most suitable one and make an alliance with the dragon. Today, it is to witness the fifth king candidate. The appearance of people and the announcement of the official election meeting?



"It's you!?"


When the meeting was going on, when the guy named Reinharut van Astreya introduced the fifth king’s candidate and brought him to the palace’s main hall, some messy little The girl pointed to the other's nose on the spot and exclaimed.


"It's you?!"

And the ‘Miko of the Dragon’ who was wearing a gorgeous dress and all kinds of luxurious jewellery, but with blond hair and red pupils was unusually obvious, the candidate for the selection was also taken aback by Annie.

Obviously, she was no one, she was the slum slum girl Firut who was caught by Anne bubblingly because she ran into Annie, and then took off her pants and had a good **** hit!

"is her……"

While Annie exclaimed, Emilia also covered her mouth in surprise.

There is no doubt that Emilia was also very impressed by the other party, because when she entered the door, she saw the swollen buttocks full of red palm prints and the crying voice. She still remembers the events of the day ago very clearly.


"Everyone, although it’s okay to keep up with your friends, please come and stand here first. The meeting will officially begin."


"Please move to the side in front of the throne, and prepare to make their own speeches, first of all..."

"Priscilla Vallier-sama and his attendant Al?"

After the final fifth candidate appeared and confirmed his identity with a badge, and stopped the noise of the crowd, the head of the palace knights, Marcos, continued to preside over the meeting, and began to let every candidate and An attendant of their respective choice stepped forward, went to the high platform before the throne, and made a campaign speech in front of all the members of the Knights of the Kingdom and the nobles.


"The so-called election of kings has no meaning at all. The concubine body is the most suitable person to become a king!"

"The nobles only need to surrender and obey the orders of their concubines."

Walking to the throne with his attendants, dressed in a gorgeous red dress, bright orange long hair is pinned to the back with a hairpin, and the chest is plump enough to hold the folding fan between the two peaks. That's how the attitude was unruly and rebellious, the behavior was bold and unruly and condescendingly said to the nobles present.

After speaking, she stepped down, and then a woman with long dark green hair in a military uniform walked onto the stage...


"When I become the king, I will let the dragon forget the past covenants!"


"Lugnica, the pro-dragon kingdom, is not a dragon thing, it belongs to all of us!"

The long-haired green-haired men's beauty, the head of the house of the Duke of Karlstern, and Kurtseul Karlstern, who is quite prestigious in the kingdom, said so.

She obviously hopes to sever the contract between the kingdom and the Shenlong, completely abandon the kingdom's dependence on the Shenlong, and use this to build a strong and self-reliant kingdom.

And with Kursho Karsten's short speech, it was the next turn.

"I want everything..."

"Including this country!"

"I hope it can become my private item~??"

Coming from the free trade city of "Kalalaki" to the west of Lugnica, she is also the president of the Kararaki Chamber of Commerce. She has soft lavender hair, a tender appearance, and a cute girl in a white dress, Anastasia. ·Hexin said so, and she used that kind of foreign accent to explain her own ambitions for the kingship of Lugonika without any qualms.

Then, the fifth candidate for the throne will play...


"I didn't want to participate, but since she wants to participate, I must also participate. I just can't make her feel better~!"

Filut first gave a bitterly glaring look at a disgusting little girl, and subconsciously covered his buttocks, which was still faintly strange, then added:

"However, I have one thing to explain!"

"I hate nobles, and likewise, I hate knights, I even hate the whole kingdom, I hate everything here, I hate all the status quo!"

"In my opinion, a country shouldn't be like this!"

"A country's resources and wealth should not be monopolized by a few people!"

"Everyone is a human being. It is the first time to come to this world. Why are you taking possession of good things?"


"If, one day in the future, I really become a king, I will get rid of all the privileged classes of you!!"

From a slum, grew up in a slum, and then was found and supported by Reinharut a while ago, the blonde and red-eyed girl Firut said without concealing her feelings about all the kingdoms in front of her. The hatred of the privileged and the system.

It is no exaggeration to say that if one day in the future she becomes the king of Lugonika, she will absolutely crush all the injustices she sees now.

By the time……

Or, it was the nobles who overturned her and sent her to the guillotine!

Or, she initiated a coup d'etat among the poor and poor people at the bottom of the kingdom to coordinate with her kingship. Overturn these so-called nobles present, and hang all those who resist and oppose vested interests on the lampposts on both sides of the Kingdom's Libaus Avenue!

‘Arrogant! ’

‘It’s so arrogant! ’

‘Sure enough, an uncultivated bastard...’

‘She will not be a king! ’

'Humph! ’

‘Someday, she will die in the stinking ditch! ’

'Hey! ’


After hearing Ferut’s words, the nobles glared at her, and unabashedly expressed their disgust and hostility towards her in the crowd. Although the members of the Knights did not say anything, But they also looked at her with doubts, surprises and guards.



"Lord Emilia and her recommender, Rozval L. Mezas Frontier, please come to the stage and give a speech!"

First, he stopped the hustle and bustle at the palace meeting, and took a deep look at the girl Firut who offended the kingdom knights and the kingdom nobles at the same time. Marcos, who felt that the other party was unlikely to have a chance to win the throne, first shook his heart. He shook his head, and then continued to invite the last candidate for the throne to the stage with a blank face.


"I have only one wish!"

"That is……"

"Pursue equality!"

"If I can win, I will build a country that ignores race, blood and gender, where all people are equal and live freely!"

In front of the throne, Emilia opened her hands and said her thoughts, and her pointed ears were also exposed between the swings of her silver hair.

'and many more! ’

‘I’m against those two women being candidates! ’

'Me too! ’

'ridiculous! ’

‘Too out of style! ’

‘Orphans and half demons can be candidates for the throne. Let’s talk about this. I’m afraid that our Lugonika Kingdom will soon become the laughing stock of the surrounding countries, right? ’

'and also! ’

‘Look, the silver-haired half-devil, isn’t it just the appearance of a jealous witch? ’

‘Her identity is suspicious! ’

‘You said she is a witch? ’

‘I’m just guessing! ’

'too frightening……'


‘Let them enter this holy throne hall, which in itself is a kind of blasphemy against holy kingship and law! ’

‘Kick them out! ’

'right! ’

‘It’s so dirty! ’

‘Kick them out! Can't let them stand for election! ’

‘Get out! ! ’

One of Emilia and Firut is a half-devil, the other is an orphan in a slum, and one of them wants to make everyone equal, and the other is clamoring to crush all the knights and nobles present and break the interests of everyone. , That kind of thing is obviously not recognized by most of their vested interests.

Therefore, without waiting for the sage’s meeting to announce the official start of the king’s election, the nobles and elders who stood in line in the sage’s meeting all spoke loudly and clamored, wanting to deprive Emilia and Fei on the spot. The qualifications of the two Ruths.

Of course, not everyone is against it. Some people also have different opinions or intend to adopt a neutral principle.

As a result, the nobles in the palace and the elders of the sage association began to argue with each other, and directly quarreled in this palace hall.



"What's so controversial about this throne, it's uncomfortable sitting at all!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

At this time, a squeaky sound rang in the throne palace, and it clearly spread to the ears of everyone present, so that everyone, let them stand neatly on the other side of the hall carpet, with strict discipline. , The members of the Knight Order who were not involved in the dispute at all and stood on the other side. At this time, the nobles who were noisy and chaotic, plus the elders on the seats of the sage elders on both sides of the throne suddenly fell silent.

Immediately afterwards, all of them subconsciously and dumbfounded turned their eyes to look at the place where the sound was made.


They saw: At this moment, there was a little girl with blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a little red skirt, holding a rough and hideous workmanship in her arms, and she seemed to know that it was a cheap stuffed bear sitting on them. On the throne of the king of the Kingdom of Gurney, which represents the supreme power and status?

And that person, that little girl, isn't the little Annie who just came in with Emilia and Rozval L. Mezzas? Who is it?



"Ann, Annie?!"


"When did she sit on top?"

"do not know……"


"Don't come down quickly?"

"Quickly roll down!"

"Take her off!"


"Catch her!"

Seeing someone so bold enough to sit on the throne of Lugonika Kingdom, and after speaking, they stood up and stepped on the throne with those savage little leather boots. It seemed that they wanted to give the throne to the throne. Stepping softer and flatter, this behavior not only stunned the five "dragon maidens" who participated in the election, but also made the nobles and the elders of the sage society exclaimed one by one from their respective positions. Up.

They didn't expect that the kid who didn't know who's family would not count as having entered this solemn meeting place, but would have done that kind of unreasonable thing?




"Take her down and take her out!!"

The head of the Knights, Ma Keshi, the flat-headed middle-aged man with green hair, first looked at Annie in surprise for a while, and then he looked at Emilia and frowning who were equally astonished. Rozval L. Mezzas took a look at the frontier and found that it seemed that it was not the instruction of the two men. He finally made a face. Under the glare of the nobles and elders, he waved his hand to let the two members of the Knights leave. They walked quickly to the throne and let them take the brave little girl out first.

As for what the other party will be charged later, or what punishment will be imposed on the responsible persons, Emilia and Rozval L. Mezas Frontier, it is not what he, the head of the guards, can predict. .


!? (??\'\'????)??

"What are you doing?"


"go away!!"


It’s a pity that the head of Ma Keshi, all the noble elders and the "dragon maidens" present are even more unexpected: the little girl does not seem to want to leave the throne easily, and she stretched out her hand and didn’t know what magic was used. , Suddenly rushed the two menacingly up the throne ladder, and the knight who was about to twist her out flew more than ten meters, causing them to fall heavily on the two pillars of the palace, and then they all fell down. Come and die on the floor of the hall with his head tilted on the spot?


"you dare?!"

"Knights of the kingdom, come on! Take her down for me!"

Seeing that the other party still dared to resist, and seeing that the other party seemed to have good magical powers, that Marcus was furious on the spot, then waved his hand and took the lead by himself, letting all the members of the Knight Order, except for the attendants of the few candidates. Besides, Qi Qi drew out the weapons in their hands, and then Qi Qi rushed towards the throne.



"People are not afraid of you being too many!"


In the next moment, before the knights were about to approach the throne, a dazzling, sun-like light instantly lit up.





"Do not!!"


Kang Dang~!

Bang! Bang!


puff! !

In the strong light that made everyone unable to open their eyes and had to subconsciously stretch their hands to block them, countless screams, exclamations, various collisions, and the dull sound of body landing sounded, and waited until the five "dragon maidens" and After their entourage, the chaotic group of nobles and the elders of the sage society regained their eyesight, they were so scared that their souls were about to emerge on the spot.

They saw that at this moment, in this sacred throne hall, there were all the powerful knights of the Kingdom Knights who were eligible to come here for meetings, and even the head of the guards of the Kingdom, Marco. Shi, they all fell to the ground and still motionless, and they didn't know what the situation was.


"Which witch are you?!"

At this time, an elder of the sages backed back in fear, and stretched out trembling fingers at Annie, who was still on the throne, and then asked in that hysterical and extremely horrified tone.



"I am not a witch!"


"People are the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most, most, most powerful, super arcane archmage!"


Not caring about how bad things she had done, Annie even replied playfully to the bald uncle who was trembling and pointed at her and asked.


"Little guy, I advise you to come down quickly."

"This is not a place for you to make trouble, otherwise, your master is afraid that it will not be easy to explain to the kingdom, what do you think?"


"Do you want to do it with me?"

At this time, the one with fiery red hair and clear blue eyes, a slender and slender figure, is known as the contemporary Juggernaut, also known as the "Knight among the knights". He has the lineage of Juggernaut and countless kinds of protection, and is the strongest sword ever. Saint, known as the'strongest on earth', is a celebrity that no one knows in the capital. At the same time, Reinharut van Astraea, who is also affiliated with the Royal Guards, is seeing those He couldn't bear the tragic situation of the Knights' companions and heads on the spot.

So, he directly pressed the hilt of the sword at his waist, and stared at Annie with a calm face.

As he walked up the steps of the kingdom, he also began to bless his body with various protections, and the magical power around his body, that is, the thing called ‘Mana’ began to tremble crazily.

Obviously, Reinharut Van Astraea is serious now. If the little girl sitting on the throne does not take the initiative to retreat, and does not take the initiative to step down from the throne, he will definitely take action.



"Don't you mean Emilia? She doesn't have any inexplicable masters, she doesn't know her too well!!"


After speaking, Annie pointed at the same time.


Before the strongest swordsman of the modern era, Reinharut Van Astraea had time to make a move, his eyes suddenly opened in anger. Then, he vomited blood and flew upside down, hitting the golden and fiercely. There was a loud bang on the door of the heavy, luxurious palace decorated with a giant dragon, and then it slipped down slowly, and fainted to death on the spot gorgeously.



Seeing that the knight who had just announced his allegiance to him was beaten by the terrible little girl, Filut was so scared that he covered her mouth with his hands on the spot, and wanted to go back and announce immediately. The impulse to withdraw from Wang Xuan.



At this time, no one dared to attack Annie again, which of course also included the attendants of the other three candidates.

The elders of the nobles and the sages are standing in their respective positions in horror, some are very at a loss and don't know what to do.

Because the strongest among the knights are all here, and they have all been defeated by the terrible witch. If they call the guards now, the little girl who has not done anything to them so far will definitely That kind of horrible means was imposed on them, right?

"Ann, Annie"

"Can you please come down?"


"Stop making trouble, I beg you..."


Looking at the chaotic palace palace, Emilia and Rozval L. Mezzas, whose eyes were somewhat meaningful at this time, looked at each other before having to bite the bullet and face the little **** the throne. She made her sorrowful sound almost pleading.

Because she knew that things must have become a big trouble now. After rubbing the kingdom’s face under her feet, Annie had offended all the sages, the knights, and the nobles. Next, I don’t know yet. What will happen!

If she had known this kind of thing would happen, maybe she shouldn't have brought the other person in...




(ˉ▽ ̄~)

"Isn't it just a broken throne? It's not uncommon for people to have never been a queen!"


"Moreover, this throne is actually a hard seat, without a soft cushion, it is very uncomfortable to sit!"


Seeing Emilia’s pleading expression, and she was about to cry, after thinking about it, Annie stood up disdainfully, and then commented, while holding her chin proudly, she walked straight down the throne. The steps came down step by step, finally letting everyone present a sigh of relief

"People are going out to play now, but if you dare to bully Emilia..."


"They will burn you all!!"


First, grinning and catching a fireball threatening everyone, Annie snatched the fireball out in one go. Then, regardless of the knight lying on the ground in the hall, she directly teleported and instantly disappeared in this place. Countless enchantments, protections, and ancient magic protect the palace palace hall, which in principle will not be invaded by magic, and I don’t know where it was teleported to.


"What a How does this make my concubine compete with her?!"


"The concubine is going back first!"

After waiting for a long time and realizing that the little girl won't come back again, the Priscilla Vallier stomped her feet bitterly, then glared fiercely at Emilia, the half devil, before finally carrying her skirt. Take her attendants away.




As for the other three king candidates, the three women also looked solemn at this time, and did not have the mind to care about the conditions of the knights in the hall, but cast their doubts and vigilant gazes towards Emilia.

Because they could see that with the little girl supporting Emilia, that half-elf witch, no one seemed to be an opponent?

Judging from the current situation, it seems that the other party, that half-human, half-elf, and silver-haired witch, is basically determined to win?

And this selection for the throne suddenly became a bit dull and tasteless, like a chicken rib, it has basically been over before it started?


"Come on!!!"

Finally, when it was determined that the little girl would not appear again, a certain bald sage elder screamed in the direction of the door with a stern voice.

Immediately afterwards, a large group of Lugonika palace guards in silver armor rushed from the distant corridor towards the opened palace gate, and then Qi Qi saw the incredible situation inside:

All the commanders of the Knight Order, at this time, have all fallen to the ground, even the fellow Reinharut Van Astraea is no exception.


??(ψ`▽′)o monthly pass~!


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