Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1561: ?(???)??? No threatening warning

Latest website: Two days later, on Lifaus Avenue outside the capital of the Kingdom of Lugonica, Emilia was silently bowing her head and frowning on the dragon cart that was speeding forward. Thinking about her thoughts.


The meeting regarding the election of the king ended yesterday. After being tossed by a messy little girl, the final result is of course not straightforward.

Although, the elders and the Knights of the Guards of the Kingdom of the Sages did not dare to rashly propose to punish Annie or her Amelia, but she could see that Annie humiliated and teased the wise men. After the Zhehui and those of the Knights of Guards, under the house of hate and the black, the eyes of their people looking at her Amelia became even more unfriendly.

Originally, she was not very popular with the silver-haired half-fairy witch, but now she is better, after experiencing that toss, she is even more unwelcome.

This alone gave her enough reason to believe: this time in the selection of the king, it is very likely that her Amelia will be better than the blonde and red-eyed girl found in the slum, and better than the ruthless words to destroy the kingdom. All the unreasonable systems and all the vested interests of Firut are even less likely to be elected?

Think about it, too, the little girl Firut still has the support of some young knights who want to reform the kingdom, such as the young radical reformers represented by Reinharut van Astraea?

And she loves Milia, except for Rozval L. Mezas Frontier and Annie, the lawless little guy, I'm afraid that no one will support her anymore, and the situation is indeed bad enough.

The only good news right now is that after Anne’s trouble, the elders of the Sage Association never mentioned to them about the initiation of the election. Perhaps, in the future, the official election should be a long time. Will not start, she herself should have enough time to buffer and work hard to change her image and certain adverse effects on her?


Emilia hasn’t figured out how to do it.

Because she didn't seem to know what exactly should be done to change people's prejudice against her ‘silver-haired witch’, and she also didn’t know what to do to reverse the bad negative effects caused by Annie's uproar in the palace.



In the first half of the dragon carriage, Ram and Rem were sitting face to face in their own positions with their eyes closed in silence. They did not dare to disturb Emilia’s thinking aloud, nor did they ask their old master Rhodes. Val L. Mezzas, anything.

Their new owner is not here. According to what Emilia and the old owner said, their new owner, Annie, should have been teleported back to the mansion by magic in advance, so there is only Emilia and the old owner. There are only four people with Ram and Rem and their two sisters.

According to the current speed of the dragon cart, it should take at least half a day to return to Hasta territory, so they are not in a hurry, so they continue to sit aside silently with their eyes closed, and wait for Emily at any time. Ya commanded.


"Have you known Annie's strength a long time ago, so you chose to give her the mansion and territory directly?"

Finally, after thinking about it alone for a long time, Emilia, who was constantly cutting and arguing, suddenly raised her head and sat opposite her. At this time, she was looking at the scenery outside the dragon cart, her mouth still faint. Rozval L. Mezzas asked carefully, who had an arc and didn't know why he could still laugh.


"It's really nerve-wracking..."

"Emilia, in fact, Anne and I... let's put it this way, the reason why we can reach a deal, I think, may have nothing to do with the things you think!"


"In short, the reason why I gave her the territory and mansion has nothing to do with Emilia's participation in the king's election!"

"That's not the same as you think."

Rozval L. Mezzas retracted his gaze from the window, and then said this after looking at Emelia for a while.

However, he looked a little hesitant, and he was stubborn when talking. Obviously, he didn't want to tell the real reason for the deal between him and Annie.


"It wasn't Annie who beat you up, and then you surrendered yourself and gave up, right?"

After seeing what Annie did in the palace hall, and thinking about the other party’s usual piety, Emilia felt that the little guy Annie seemed to be able to beat Rozval completely. Pause, and use force to force the other party to surrender their territory and mansion?



At this time, when Emilia said that, Ram and Rem, who were sitting silently, opened their eyes together, and turned their red and blue eyes suspiciously towards Rozval. L. Mezzas looked over curiously.


"Ram, and Rem, why are you looking at me with that strange look?"

"In your impression, your former master, I, is the kind of person who is easy to succumb to force?"

Reluctantly spreading his hands and sighing, Rozval L. Mezzas asked the two of them, somewhat dumbfounded.


"If it's the new owner, it's normal for her to do that kind of thing."


"My sister is right. If the new owner opened the old owner's **** and hit the old owner to surrender, Rem would not be surprised at all."

The two venomous sisters ignored Rozval L. Mezzas's astonished expression and slanderous face, and directly agreed and readily agreed with Emilia's speculation just now.

Now they are the servants of Master Anne Hasta, the arcane magician. Therefore, for Rozval L. Mezzas, the old master who abandoned them for certain things, they did not No longer take the other party to heart.


"Hey, forget it."

"It's sad, Ram and Rem, after you have a new master, you treat me as an old master like this."

Rozval L. Mezzas held his forehead and pretended to be very sad.



It's a pity that the two twin maids, Ram and Rem, didn't answer the conversation, but stared at him with their beautiful talking eyes.

"All right!"

"I admit, I really abandoned you first..."


"Emilia, I did probably know Anne's strength before, and it is precisely because of this that we concluded the transaction. As for the specific content of the transaction, please forgive me for keeping it secret for the time being?"


"I'm really sorry, Emilia, even I didn't expect her to be so messy. I originally thought she would be a great help for your king, but in the end..."

"In short, this time it was really unexpected. You don't know that even the matter of me asking the kingdom for the title of knighthood for her has been put on hold indefinitely."

"Ha ha……"

After speaking, Rozval L. Mezzas grinned directly, ignoring the awkward atmosphere in the dragon carriage.



Knowing that Rozval L. Mezas Frontier is kind, plus the other party is his recommender and has supported herself up to now, so Emilia is not good to say too many serious things, just facial expressions It's just a little lonely.

"A boost is definitely a boost, but the final result is not very predictable..."


"Hope everything goes well?"

Shaking her head, Emilia sighed and said nothing more.

Just as the other party said, Annie’s powerful magic power and all kinds of magic she has never seen and heard of are indeed the supreme help for her to participate in the selection of the king, but... When doing things, she often likes to let her temper go madly, only for this, she doesn't know what to do.

In addition, Rozval L. Mezzas did not know what he was doing recently. It is said that after the other party sends herself back to the mansion, she will have to go to work for a while. Therefore, besides continuing to rely on the guy Annie , It seems that there is no other better way.



Suddenly, when Emilia was about to say something more, Rozval L. Mezzas exclaimed in a low voice, then frowned, and looked out the window of the dragon cart with solemn eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Any questions?"

Emilia was a little unclear, so she also raised her eyes and looked out the window following the other's movements, but unfortunately, it didn't see anything unusual.


"Rem and Ram!"

"You two are responsible for protecting Master Emilia from returning to the mansion until she is safely delivered to your new owner."

"Remember, we must protect her safety!"


"There seems to be some interesting situation here, I have to check it out first."

Rozval L. Mezas Frontier did not answer, he just looked out the window for a while, then turned his head and smiled and exhorted the two maids, Ram and Rem.

"Yes, Ram understands."

"Well, Rem knows."

Although Rozval L. Mezzas is no longer the master of his two sisters, but seeing the other's serious expression and hearing that the other party asked his two sisters to protect Amelia, that kind of order , The two of them will still gladly accept it.

After speaking, the two of them stood up and walked to the back of the car without being wordy, standing beside Emelia, and Rem took out her chain meteor hammer directly.

"Are you okay?"


"Is it the kingdom's revenge action against us?!"

Hearing that there was a situation outside, Emilia subconsciously felt whether it was Anne’s actions in the palace two days ago and her identity as the "trigger witch" that caused revenge from the nobles or The secret punishment of the elders or something.


"Should not be?"

"Anyway, I'm about to arrive in the territory now, I'd better go and investigate first before talking."

After speaking, Rozval L. Mezzas, who was a little uncertain about himself, stood up directly in the dragon cart, and first nodded to the twin sisters, and used his eyes to signal them to do their jobs and protect their honey. After Liya, she suddenly opened the door of the car, and then she didn't know what magic was used, so she soared into the sky on the speeding car, not knowing where she went.

With the departure of Rozval L. Mezas Frontier, the door of the dragon cart was quickly closed again. Then, the strong ground dragon, under the urging of the driver in front, began to accelerate along. Lifaus Avenue galloped in the direction of the territory.


Near the evening, the dragon cart finally arrived safely in front of the gate of the castle courtyard of the mansion, but Emilia, Ram, and Rem discovered that Rozval L. was flying to investigate the situation. Mezas did not come back?

So, as a last resort, the anxious Emilia and the two twin maids had no choice but to find someone who had returned two days ago and are now asleep on the sofa in the hall and there is no one. The sleepy little girl Archmage.



"Someone is coming to trouble us?"


"who is it?"


Sleeping in a dazed state, when I opened my eyes, I saw the anxious faces of the three guys, and heard that bad guys were making trouble in their own territory. Annie jumped up on the spot and looked around, wanting See if it was that lifeless thing who chose to have fun at this time when he was super boring.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

"I don't know yet."


"Rozval L. Mezas Borderman has gone to investigate, but he has been there for a long time, and he hasn't come back now..."

With a worried look on her face, Emilia directly told everything she knew.



"Could it be the group of guys who were bullied by others at the Kingdom Palace the day before yesterday?"


"People just knocked down their idiots without killing them, so they dare to retaliate?"


Like Emilia's guess before, Annie subconsciously thought that it was a good thing done by those guys, or it was related to their group of guys.


"Mezas Frontier said that it shouldn't be them?"

"But who is it..."

"I'm afraid I will know at night."

At this time, Ram on the side added two sentences.


"Sister! You mean, those guys, are they doing it tonight?"

"you sure?"

After hearing this, Rem frowned, stretched out his hand, and subconsciously took out her chain meteor hammer.

"Not sure, but maybe tomorrow night?"

"But I'm sure, if it's really against us, judging from where the Mezas frontier found the situation, they will launch an attack on our territory within two or three days at the latest!"

In fact, Ram had already discussed with Emilia and Rem on the way back. That was the worst situation they felt. But now that the enemy is dark, she thinks the situation is worse and goes to the worst. There is definitely nothing wrong with considering it.


"Do we need to prepare?"

Nodded, Rem, who thought that his sister was right, asked at a certain miserable little girl who had sat back on the sofa and stretched.

"get ready?"


"Then...I will write a sign later. You can just plug in the intersections that enter our territory, and then the bad guys will definitely not dare to come."


Hearing that the enemy hadn't come, but was just preparing to come, Annie stretched a long waist again, and then said indifferently.



"Are you going to set up some powerful enchantments?"

Hearing that Annie said that as long as some brands were inserted, the enemy would not dare to come, Emilia subconsciously thought that it must be some kind of powerful enchantment magic.



"They are just ordinary wooden signs~!"


"But don't worry about Emilia, it's definitely okay, I can assure you!"


Anyway, Queen Anne can easily solve the problem if there is a problem, so now, for those enemies who have not come, Annie only intends to scare it.

After an hour...

"elder sister……"

"Is it here?"


"Further outside is not the owner's territory, it should be here, outsiders want to enter the territory, there is only this way."

"Then I will put it here, is it okay?"



After discussing for a while, the two twin maid sisters, Ram and Rem, who looked hesitantly, finally hesitated to insert a wooden sign at the intersection of Libaus Avenue leading to the innermost side of Hasta Territory. , Then, they all looked at the wooden sign for a long time, and after making sure that anyone could see it, they hesitated and left hand in hand together before it was completely dark.

And that wooden sign is indeed like what a bad little girl said, it's just an ordinary wooden sign, and it doesn't have any magical effect!


On top of it, there is a paragraph of Lugonika Kingdom written in magical highlighter:

"Announce here!"


"The original Mezas collar is now the greatest and the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most most Who will burn it!"


"People are not joking, they just burn it when they say it, don't say it is unexpected!"


Annie Hasta

XXXX year XX month XX day announcement



(*?︶?*).. .:*Seeking monthly pass~?

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