Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1562: °ヘ°)Is there anyone who is not afraid of death?

Latest website: Night is coming, and a thick white mist is filling the plains and dense forests on the border.

At this moment, in the dark of night, at the fork of Libaus Avenue leading to the territory of Hasta, there was a dark green short hair, a small round cap, a barren figure, and his eyes were full of The hideous and funny weird, tilted head, the stooped weird man is carrying a few dark red robes, white gloves on his hands, and strange pointed hats on his head, only a pair of scarlet eyes and forehead are exposed. The entourage with a weird symbol painted everywhere came here, and curiously looked at a small wooden sign that was inserted at the entrance to the original Rozval collar.


"let me see……"

The weird man with hideous funny and weird eyes tilted his head, bent down and smiled and walked to the wooden sign, then almost put his face in front of the wooden sign with the magic fluorescent font very artificially, and began to word by word. Looked at it.

"Queen Anne?"




"It's so funny..."

"This is a very, very, very interesting scene, my head is shaking..."

"Really, really..."

Bang! !

After reading the content on the wooden sign, that hideous and funny weird man suddenly kicked the wooden sign to the ground with a light kick, and then began to hysterically cover his green-haired head monster. Screaming, and chewing on his own fingers, still looking a little hysterical?


"It's lazy enough, a broken wooden sign..."

"Just want us to give up this extremely great and sacred trial?"



"Continue to act according to the original plan and kill everyone in this territory!"

"Let the lazy guy burn us."

After venting out inexplicably, for a long time, the weird man with hideous and funny eyes, tilted his head, and was still bending down suddenly stood up straight, and then held his hands on his back, facing his surroundings coldly. The entourage in dark red robes ordered.




The entourage did not speak, but after bowing to him one after another, they didn't know what magic was used. They were like a pool of black water, or some kind of teleportation skill? In short, they just merged straight into the earth and disappeared in an instant.


In this way, in the misty night, as the body that also wore the dark red robe began to twist, that perverted, vicious, and arrogant laughter began to linger in this quietness in the woods. The road reverberates, in the middle of the night, like a ghost.



And when the wooden sign was kicked down, in the castle-like mansion further in the territory, Annie, who was having dinner with Emelia, suddenly turned her head with emotion, and directly subconsciously moved towards Look out of the window in a certain direction.


Seeing Annie's appearance, Emilia also followed Annie's gaze and looked outside, but she saw nothing.

She just saw the fog outside, and the fog seemed to be so big that the dark woods and the stars in the sky in the distance were no longer visible, and even the moonlight shining on the ground was hazy. , Always made her feel a little unreliable in her heart.

"What's wrong?"


"Are there any problems outside?"

Emilia, who didn't know what went wrong, thought for a while, put down the tableware in her hand and asked cautiously.

Rozval L. Mezzas went to investigate the situation at noon, but he has never come back until now. Think about the wooden sign that Annie asked Rem and Ram to insert at dusk. Emilia couldn't help thinking more.



"That group of annoying bad guys are coming. Maybe everyone can't sleep well tonight..."

ε=(′ο`*))) alas



"Where are Ram and Rem?"


First curled her lips, and then sighed. After a brief explanation of what she had noticed, Annie asked her two twin maids indifferently.


"Aren't they sent by you to protect the villagers in the village?"

"and many more!"

"Annie, you just said...have any bad guys come to our territory?!"

"What do I need to do?"

"Can Rem and Ram take care of an entire village?"

"Do you want me to help them?"

Hearing Anne’s words, Emilia was shocked, and she stood up directly. She was a little worried that Rem and Ram could not handle her, so she hurriedly made suggestions, and was really ready to leave her seat and go out. go.

"Don't go."

"It's not necessary!"

At this time, another person came to the restaurant.

"They have the thing she gave, it must be fine, Emilia, you can just stay in the mansion!"


"Those people are also coming towards the mansion, and the number of them is no less than those towards the village!"

It turned out that it was Beatrice, who was Betty.

While she was talking, she sat straight to an empty spot, then reached out and grabbed the food on the table and gulped.

After hiding Anne for several days, seeing an enemy coming from outside, she felt that a certain messy little girl would definitely not come to trouble herself at this time, so she finally couldn’t recognize her and acted. Looking for something to eat.


"Are they here?"

She was shocked again in her heart, and then Emilia couldn't take care of anything else, she ran to the window sill and began to watch out of the window vigilantly.


In the dark night and heavy fog, she looked out of the bright mansion dining room and saw nothing.


At this time, in the territory village not too far from the mansion castle, Rem and Ram had already contacted the invaders who were obviously unkind.



Looking at the people who did not know when they appeared at the entrance of the village, they seemed to have emerged directly from the ground, and they were growing more and more. They were wearing dark red robes, white gloves, and weird pointed hats on their heads. A pair of scarlet-eyed intruders with a weird symbol painted on their foreheads, looking at the enemies who are deeply in memory, both Ram and Rem's eyes reddened instantly.

However, Rem and Ram barely suppressed their anger and maintained their basic sanity.

Because they knew that the strength of their sisters alone would definitely not be the opponents of those enemies, let alone the need to protect the villagers who were hiding in their houses and closing the doors and windows at this time.

However, their twin sisters did not take the initiative to attack, but that does not mean that those enemies wearing dark red robes will also be indifferent!

Isn't this?

While they were hesitating to continue confronting the enemy, those people suddenly did not know where they took out a dagger, and locked them cruelly with a pair of crazy eyes.

"elder sister."

"There are many enemies, and they are all people taught by the Witch. I'm afraid the two of us won't be able to guard here."


"Rem, what you said is right, we, not only can't keep it, I'm afraid we may not be able to fight if we really fight..."

"Then what to do?"

"No way, I can only find a helper."



"Do you really want to use the thing the master gave?"


"This situation must be used, right?"

"But, sister, I'm a little scared..."

"Are you afraid it won't be able to beat it?"

"Do not!"

"No, I just think that thing... it's a bit too evil..."

"makes sense."

"But there is no way, Rem, we can't beat the enemy ourselves..."


"You can only use it."


"All right, sister, I'll listen to you, use it."

I communicated quietly with my sister for a short while, watching the witch cultists have grinned and threatened them step by step, and the terrible short swords in their hands were shining with cold light. Knowing that they would be thrown over at any time, Rem didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and resolutely nodded and agreed to his sister to use the secret weapon.

That was the "killer's key" they gave when they were dispatched by their Master Anne to perform the task. They said that they would take out the secret weapon when they encountered an enemy that they couldn't beat. Then, can they solve any problems?


"Let's use it first."

Anyway, there was no choice, so Ram took out a large glass bottle from his rucksack behind him.

Inside, it was an unknown monster wriggling, looking like an octopus, but with countless tiny eyes and sharp teeth.


"Come out!"

"God of Nightmare, Demon of Thousand Beards-N'Zoth, remember your promise to your master and help us destroy those enemies!!"

After taking a deep breath, Ram resolutely pulled out the seemingly insignificant small cork, and at the same time shouted loudly, pointing the mouth of the bottle at the large group of witches who were about to encircle their two sisters. Christians.



Soon, Ram and Rem, who were still a little worried, exclaimed.

At this moment, they saw that the octopus monster with an apparently big body could really slip out of the mouth of the tiny bottle as if it were made of slime.


"Brilliant and terrifying..."

Immediately afterwards, as soon as the octopus monster Enzos landed, his body quickly swelled, and with a depressed groan, it quickly became as big as a wooden house, and it was close to an ordinary tree. It was so high that it was directly in front of the two sisters Rem and Ram.


"Wh, what monster?"

"Is it an elf?"


"should be……"


In fact, when the octopus monster was released, the followers of the Witch Cult were also taken aback.

However, the well-informed them quickly calmed down and didn't think that an ugly ‘elf’ was so great.

"Leave it alone!"


"Kill it! Kill them!"

"Empty the whole village, leave no one behind!!!"

Whoosh~! Whoosh~! Whoosh~!

And then, without knowing who gave the order first, a dagger flew swiftly towards N'Zoth, and directly nailed it to its huge body.


I don’t know how many years it has been, and before N'Zoth, who had just come out to breathe a breath of fresh air, had not had time to deliver a speech on his release from prison, he discovered...

It seems to be attacked?

Then, the pair of orange eyeballs on its hideous head and the bright vertical pupils inside looked towards his body one after another.

At a glance, it saw the kind of ridiculous daggers that were being inserted into its body at this time, and they were being inserted into its body at this time.


It's a pity that N'Zoth just shook the octopus body slightly, and then shook all the daggers off its body, and the places where the daggers were inserted just now were just sunken in, there was nothing at all. It can pierce its skin, and it can't even leave a white mark.

"Stupid mortal..."

Seeing that the witch cultists wearing dark red robes didn't count after throwing their short swords, they were planning to cast fire spells, and N'Zoth was angry on the spot.

So, as a last resort, it had no choice but to temporarily skip its appearance speech that had been brewing for a long time, and skip the important paragraph for the time being.

"Come out!"

"Heirs of N'Zoth, for the noble freedom, attack!"

"Kill them all!!"

With N'Zoth shaking again, almost at the same time, countless black mist or energy-like things were projected from his body in all directions.

What is even more surprising is that after the black fog or energy hits the ground, countless octopus monsters emerge from the black fog, and they are still one after another, continuously rushing out of the black fog.

In the past, they all look the same. They look a little shorter than normal adults. They are all the kind with octopus-like lower limbs, human-like bodies,'hands' full of suckers, and an octopus's head. Of humanoid monsters, probably only as tall as Rem and Ram?

Anyway, their appearance alone is enough to make the sisters Ram and Rem feel extremely shabby, weird and scared.

"elder sister!"

"They are terrible!"


"Rem, they are terrible..."

Looking at their identical appearances, crazily squirming tentacles and bumps above them, and seeing that terrible look, Ram and Rem, who originally had intensive phobias, subconsciously clamped their legs and tightened. Hugged each other tightly.





After being summoned, the sons of N'Zoth were not verbose, and directly screamed and rushed towards the same frightened followers of the Witch Cult. The two sides screamed and fought against each other directly on the outskirts of the village and at the entrance of the village. Hacked it up.


Soon, whether it was Ram and Rem, or the followers of the Witch Cult, everyone was surprised to find that the so-called ‘children of N’Zoth’ seemed useless? Because they were quickly hacked and killed or killed a large area, but their results were none. It seems that they are a little bit unusable?


"Mr. Enzos?"

Seeing that the situation is unfavorable, Ram and Rem, both of whom were unsure about the situation, looked at the big octopus monster N'Zoth who had been released by them, wondering why the other party kept summoning those who looked like The monster octopus is not of much use.

"Two distinguished ladies, please don't worry..."

"huh huh huh huh……"

"N'Zoth's heirs are not so easy to deal with. The more they die now, the more powerful the remaining ones will be!"


"Look at it?"

Following N'Zoth's words, and as more of N'Zoth's heirs fell, the two sisters Ram and Rem were soon surprised to see:

Whenever an offspring of N'Zoth is killed, they will turn into black mist in the wailing sound and explode and return to all the octopus monsters who are still alive. Then, every time they get a black mist, those The octopus monster who is still alive seems to be stronger?

But now they are hitting, their bodies gradually become taller, and their arms and those sucker tentacles that look like feet have become thicker and longer?


Name: Heir of N'Zoth

Rarity: Normal

Type: Follower

Faction: Neutral (Friendly)

Attack power: 2

Health: 2

Effect: Death Whisper, make all your followers gain attack +1 life +1



"What kind of monster is this!"

"Why is it getting more and more difficult?"

"not good!"

"They are too many...Uh ah!!!"

"Something's wrong!"

"They are getting better!"

"Hurry up and use magic!"

"No! They resisted!!"


"Quick, rewind!!"

At this time, those witches who were in the fierce battle in the distance also discovered that as the battle progressed, as the more octopus monsters they killed, the remaining octopus monsters would become stronger and stronger?

In this way, when the overwhelming N'Zoth's heirs were hacked to death by them and killed about one or two hundred, the followers of the Witch Cult finally found desperately:

The weak octopus monsters that could have been able to chop down several octopus with a single stab, but now they have grown to be unable to chop, their magic and throwing knife attacks, even the other side's soft skin that looks slimy can't be broken?

And ah, the opponent's speed, size, and strength have changed a lot, and it's even so powerful that an ordinary tentacle can easily shoot flying or shatter the bodies of several of their companions?

"Want to escape?"


"The whispers sounded, chaos is coming..."

"Dream with me!"

Seeing that the enemy couldn't beat him and wanted to escape, N'Zoth began to tremble again.

Then, more black energy was thrown into the forest in the distance.

Immediately afterwards, more and more N'Zoth’s heirs appeared in the woods around the village. They appeared directly from the masses of black fog on the ground, and then surrounded those who wanted to All the retreats of the witches who fled into the woods.

"do not want!"


Afterwards, the fighting became a one-sided trend, and various screams were one after another in the woods, whether it was those who fled to the woods or the witch cultists who fled to the ashes that were previously burned by a bear. They are all surrounded by the heirs of N'Zoth, whose numbers are likely to have broken through thousands.

"Help, help!!!"



"Do not!!!"

At this time, just by listening, Ram and Rem could probably know what the evil witch cult villains are encountering.

Before long, those voices gradually ceased, and the village became quiet again.


Hearing that there were no more fighting and screams around, Rem and his sister looked at each other and had to put down the chain meteor hammer that she had been holding in her hand just now.

She knew that the'N'Zoth' that was just released by the two sisters seemed really powerful. At least the other party's method of summoning helpers was so reliable that there was no such thing as the two sisters in the village. necessary?


"Two distinguished ladies..."

"My sons are searching for the remnant enemies in the territory. There shouldn't be any major problems. The enemies will be cleared out soon, and the two ladies can go back to the castle to rest first."


"That... please remember, in front of Master Anne, what good words for Xiao Xiao?"

Lowering his head, in the slightly nervous expressions of the two sisters Rem and Ram, N'Zoth said to them with the utmost flattery. Then, it shrank and crawled into what Ram was still holding. In that glass bottle, he even thoughtfully rolled up the cork on the ground with a slender tentacle, and re-plugged the bottle holding it?

Although he was released, N'Zoth did not dare to escape, because he knew better than anyone else, no matter what he did, he would definitely not be able to escape the palm of the terrible little girl.

Moreover, at that time, it was the first to respond to the terrible little girl when its brothers were still hesitating, agreeing to all the conditions of the other party, and willing to be the weapon of these two maids for free, for it was just like Today, it's just a chance to come out and let the wind go.

It knows that if it wants to gain real freedom, there is one and only one way, and that is: honestly follow the instructions of the messy little girl, protect the two twin maids in front of them, and then do it. Well, whatever the two twin maids ordered it to do!



Ram and Rem looked at each other and then looked at the bottle in their hands. After seeing that Mr. N'Zoth looked terrifying, but unusually strong and gentle, the two sisters were relieved. Sigh, let go of my heart completely.

"elder sister."

"Shall we go back to the mansion?"

"I don't know what's going on over there, Rem is a little worried."


"Since the enemy here has been beaten back, let's go back!"

I took a look at the heirs of N'Zoth that were still wandering around, and saw that they had begun to corrode and decompose the bodies of the witches’ cultists in an orderly manner. Not daring to come out, there must be no casualties of the villagers, and finally Ram nodded happily and agreed to his sister's suggestion.

So the two sisters put away the bottle, turned around and ran towards the mansion.

Now they are definitely all right here now, but they are still a little worried about the Emily-sama in the mansion and their master. After all, in their opinion, if the enemy is really against Emily If Ya or their masters go, should it be the enemy's main force that is attacking the mansion?

‘What demihuman race is that? ’

'do not know......'

‘I’ve never seen it...’

‘Mom, those people outside are terrible! ’


‘Keep your voice down, don’t let them hear. ’


‘Aren’t they here to help us? ’

‘Whether it is you are not allowed to go out, no one is allowed! ’

'Did you hear that? ! ’



The villagers of Alam Village confirmed that the battle was over and Ram and Rem had left, and then they began to spy on the outside situation nervously and whispered through the window or the gap in the closed wooden door.

However, none of them dared to come out!

For their ignorant and unsophisticated villagers, whether it is the weird people in the dark red cloak just now or the demihumans with countless tentacles, they are all terrible existences that they can’t provoke, so follow The lord's maid, staying in their respective homes according to Ram and Rem's instructions until dawn, is their best choice now.


???(?)???? You know...

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