Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1571: (??ω??) Night Attack on the Mansion

It has been two days since Annie arrived in the sanctuary and entered. So far, she has basically understood the general situation of the ruined place. She has also met and met a considerable number of residents in it, and even visited and He severely taunted a certain uncle clown who was lying on the bed with a wound and a sick number.

That's right!

Annie could tell at a glance, that Uncle Joker, that Rozval L. Mezzas was indeed injured, but the other party’s injuries were not as serious and exaggerated as it seemed, and there was no need to lie down. The bed had a strange appearance with inconvenience.

Anyway, Annie knows that the other party pretended to be that way on purpose, most likely just to be lazy and not to work?


Anne didn’t want to be too nosy about that kind of thing. After all, she came here because of Ram and Rem’s request. She was to pick up the fool Emilia back, but not to see or expose the clown monster. Uncle's tricks.

The only thing that made Annie feel a little helpless now was that after she came to the sanctuary and explained her reasons, that fool, Emilia, was still unwilling to leave here with her.

Because the other party said, want to save all those ‘Diamen’ and ‘Half-Danikins’ trapped in the sanctuary?

Like Emilia, a considerable part of those guys are of half-human and half-devil blood, and they are all targets of discrimination and persecution by humans in the outside world, especially in countries such as Lugnica.

As for the external discrimination against demi-humans or half-orcs and other mixed races, and for those poor people who are trapped in the sanctuary and cannot go out or contact the outside world, Emilia is actually the most empathetic!

Therefore, Convenience rejected Annie's assistance, and still stubbornly insisted on staying in the sanctuary.


‘Since I have decided to participate in the king’s election, then these things happening here are not irrelevant to me! ’

‘I have a responsibility and an obligation to save them! ’

‘At the same time, that’s also saving myself. ’

‘If even going out of the sanctuary in an open and honest manner has to rely on your power to save them, or even save myself, then does it make sense for me to participate in the election? ’

‘So, Annie, you don’t have to persuade me anymore, I won’t go with you. ’

'and also……'

‘I also implore you not to interfere too much with the sanctuary and enchantment matters. This is my trial, my mission and salvation. I must do my best to complete it myself! ’

‘Anyway, please! ’

The above is the original words that Emilia said to Annie just now, and after the other party finished saying that, he turned and walked to the boring tomb and went to try it inside.




ε=(′ο`*))) alas

First glanced at the tomb that was still glowing, and looked at the boring enchantment that could prevent outsiders from breaking into and interfering. Annie couldn't help turning her head in anguish, curling her lips and sighing bitterly.

"Where is there any trial? Isn't that one made by someone who is full and has nothing to do to fool people?"


To be honest, during this period of time waiting here, Annie almost couldn't help but blast the tomb directly with the blasting technique!

She has heard that the kind of trial that Emilia is carrying out in it is said to have failed several times?

Such things, trials, etc., are nothing more than the good deeds done by those boring witch souls buried inside. As long as they are all burned, and then the enchantment is destroyed, the trial will definitely cease to exist!

However, since that idiot Emilia cares so much, Annie has no good way, so she can barely wait for her in the sanctuary for another two days.

However, it must be impossible for her to wait indefinitely!

Therefore, she has secretly decided: Later, if Emilia is still crying when she comes out, and still can't pass the boring trial, she will definitely intervene secretly!

Just like...

Quietly go to the tomb to warn the souls of the witches, let them know better, lower the difficulty of the trial of Emelia a little, or, if you fail to pass, say pass, fail. Also let it pass, and it is better for the other party to pass all the trials smoothly and smoothly within one to two days?

Yes, Annie decided, she would definitely do it like that!

And if they dared to object, she would absolutely mind burning all the souls of their witches and destroying them, and then pretending to be a witch by herself, and personally test Emelia, and let the other party pass three levels in one day. , Directly happily taking those boring half-orcs and Her Excellency Anne Archmage to leave the sanctuary and go home?


(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Thinking about it, Annie grinned, making no secret of her full malice towards that cemetery and certain bad guys in that cemetery.

Later, when this trial is over tonight, if the fool of Emilia still fails, she will definitely do it tomorrow!

At that time, maybe she will feed the souls of those witches to Tibbles the bear to eat?


(● ̄? ̄●)

While Annie was sitting on the crooked stone pillar in front of the green cemetery, with her legs dangling and thinking about how to concoct and punish the witches, one with short golden hair and a cat The fierce vertical pupils and white canine teeth that are unique to the beasts, and there is a cross white scar on the forehead, the body is fine and tough, and the guy like a barbarian came to Annie's and interrupted her unceremoniously. Thoughts.


The visitor walked to the opposite side of Annie and questioned loudly and unceremoniously.

"You guy!"

"I said, what are you doing here in Sanctuary?"

He is Garfiel Tinzel, Flandreka's half-brother, nicknamed "Sanctuary Shield"!

Like Flandreka, he was also an orphan who grew up in the sanctuary. He has a quarter of the demi-human blood, but he doesn’t know why, but he is vaguely hostile to everyone who comes from outside. Is there a great resistance to trial and leaving the barrier?

Moreover, the other party had found fault with Annie on her first day!

But the result...

If it weren’t for Flandreka’s half-brother, or if Emilia appeared in time to stop him and ask Annie to let him go, even if the other party had the power to transform into a big tiger and the “earth spirit” The magical ability that can be restored by touching the ground must have been burned to fly ash by Annie's fire a long time ago.

Since then, the other party has never dared to attack Annie again, but the attitude has not changed much, and it is still as bad as ever.



"Of course they are here to save Emilia out!"


Annie just glanced at the other party contemptuously, and then turned her head disdainfully, not wanting to answer the boring and naive question of the other party, especially when the other party's attitude was very unfriendly.


"Then you are not hurrying to break that barrier?"

"Didn't you say that you are very powerful and can directly destroy it forcibly?!"

Garfiel frowned, then exasperated with some anxiety and sarcasm.



"do not want!"


After taking a look at the guy in front of him, she felt that the other party was a bit duplicity, and she seemed to have deliberately tried to test her, Anne thought for a while, and then turned her head back directly.


"Why, why?"

Although there was a faint joy or strange emotions in his heart, Garfiel continued to walk to the side and stared at Annie's face from the front and asked.

"I have said that they are only here to save Emilia, so they won't save you guys out!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Actually, it wasn't that Annie didn't want to. After all, it was just as difficult for her to break the barrier directly than to save Emilia alone. It was a matter of thought, and she didn't mind doing more.

However, some idiot and stubborn guy won't let it~!

Otherwise, she wouldn't have stayed in this boring sanctuary for two full days, and she hasn't taken any action until now.

Moreover, she feels that it is very likely that she will stay here for another two to three days or even longer?


Garfiel was a little angry, but he could only stare bitterly.

Obviously, if Annie is willing to help out, he might have other ideas, but if Annie is unwilling to take action, and openly expresses in person that he can’t look down on them like the “half-orcs”, then he will think no matter what. I'm going to have a good argument.

"What are you, do you still want to transform into a fight?"


"No, you guys are too weak, people don't want to fight with you anymore!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas




Garfiel clenched his fists and began to exude terrible magic power. He was hesitating and considering whether he should use force to show his attitude even at the risk of being beaten by Annie?


∑(′△`)? !

At this moment, Annie, who was about to continue teasing the other party, suddenly noticed something abnormal. Then, she stood up directly from the stone pillar and began to look up into the sky.


"That is……"

Seeing Annie's movements, Garfiel also raised his head.



"How can it snow at this time?!"


Seeing the icy snowflakes falling from the sky, Garfiel, who didn't wear much clothes at all, couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because it is summer and autumn season, it is impossible to snow here in the forbidden area, and he has never seen this kind of situation now. Anyway, in the sanctuary for so many years, this kind of abnormal situation is still his first. Saw.



Looking at the snowflakes that slowly floated down, no matter what Garfiel thought, Annie directly subconsciously moved in a certain direction of the sanctuary, looking towards the village where the half-orcs were inhabited. go.

Because, she could tell at a glance, it seemed that someone used magic to interfere with the weather and caused heavy snow here?



"It's strange..."


Originally, Annie wanted to stop it directly, but after thinking about it, she remembered that before she came to this boring "Sanctuary", that Flandreka, that is, the big fangs maid, was in the dragon cart. After saying something to her, she suddenly understood something, and then directly dispelled her plan to make a move.

"What does he want to do?"


"never mind!"


"Leave him alone!"


Anyway, Annie is definitely not afraid of other conspiracies and tricks. Therefore, if the other party loves something, she will not believe it. It is just a snowfall. Is it possible that the other party can play other tricks?

After thinking about it, she jumped down from the stone pillar, and then walked directly towards the distance before the snowflakes covered the earth, leaving only shallow footprints behind.


"Why are you going?"

"Do you know what's going on with this snow?"

Garfiel, who was feeling the icy snowflakes, saw that Little Annie wanted to leave, and when he remembered those words that Annie said to herself, he hurriedly yelled.

"I won't tell you!!"


After making a grimacing face for the other party, regardless of the other's expressions of consternation and anger, Annie turned around and jogged away, and quickly disappeared into the icy and snowy world that was beginning to become white.


"Damn it!"

Looking at the direction where Annie left, and then at the luminous tomb that was still being tested, Garfiel felt that Emilia would not end the trial for the time being and Garfiel had no choice but to gritted his teeth and moved towards the sanctuary. Run quickly in the direction of the village inside.

Although the hateful little girl didn't say it clearly, he also saw that the heavy snow came very strange and sudden, so he was a little uneasy, so he had to go back to the village to see the situation.


At night, when Annie was wandering around in the sanctuary with the'artificial' snow falling from the sky, far away in the mansion and castle of her territory, there was someone with black hair hanging down to her waist, and It is **** like a braid, with crystal clear white skin, drooping eyes, slender figure, convex areas on the body, concave areas on the body, and even wearing a cloak, it has always been fascinating. The charming woman broke into her house without authorization.

In the hall, she ran into Petra who was mopping the floor. Then, when she saw the scimitar she drew, the little maid of Petra opened her mouth and screamed out on the spot and successfully attracted the girl who is still in the castle. Ma and Rem are twin maids.



Rem and Ram stood in front of Petra, then silently took out their weapons and stared at the uninvited seductive woman who was still carrying a cold knife in her hand.

There is no doubt that the twin sisters know that the other party is definitely not a serious guest, because no guest will visit at night and forcibly enter the hall with weapons without the consent and invitation of the owner!


"Let me see, the three maids, do they seem to be all here?"


"Where is an orc maid and elf?"

Seeing Ram and Rem's arrival, the woman who exuded a charm to the outside was not surprised at all. Instead, she licked her lips with a charming smile and asked with a smile.

In fact, she asked this deliberately. Before night fell, she had already determined that there were only three maids and one elf in the mansion. As for the half-orc maid, there was no one after the other party left the dragon cart yesterday. Saw it back.


"You go to the village to see the situation and leave it to me here!"

Ram ignored the other party's inquiry, but whispered to Rem next to him without looking back.


"Sister, be careful!"

"If it doesn't work, please ask Mr. Enzos to do it, please don't be too reluctant!"

Nodded, Rem didn't talk about it, turned around, and quickly jumped out of an open window at the back of the hall, and soon disappeared into the night.

"Sister Ram, is there any problem?"

Seeing Rem leaving with the Meteor Chain Hammer, Petra couldn't help but step forward. Ram got closer and asked worriedly.

"Do not worry!"

"Petra, go back to your room first and stay with Betty!"

Ram didn't know how many enemies had broken into here, or where the enemies came from, but she only knew that if the other party felt that the owner could do whatever they wanted if the owner was not at home, that would be a big mistake!

You know, in the ruins cave in the woods not far from the village of Alam, thousands of Faceless Legions can be hidden, and the courtyard of the mansion here is the huge lava giant sleeping. As well as the Mr. N'Zoth that they carry in their backpacks, they will never be afraid of ordinary enemies!

It is a pity that now that the enemy has rushed into the mansion quietly, Ram definitely has no chance to wake up the fire wall enchantment around the mansion and the lava giant.

"Then, sister Naram, you have to be careful!"

"Be careful!"

After finishing speaking, Petra, who knew that he could not help here, might even mess with Ram, turned around and ran into the mansion, not forgetting to run back and warn Ram with concern. .


At this time, the woman who exuded the charm to the outside did not make any movements, and seemed not to care about Rem who rushed to the village to check the situation and Petra who was fleeing?


"Last time……"

"Your master caused me to lose a leg, so I decided to cut off one of your feet before cutting your belly and taking out your lovely intestines?"

"How about it, isn't it fair?"

After Mei smiled and stretched out her scarlet tongue to lick the same scarlet lips, the woman slowly walked towards Ram and chuckled as if she was saying something completely unrelated to both parties.


Ram did not speak, but silently stared at the enemy who came step by step.

"I saw."

"Your feet seem to be fine, I didn't see them as if they were severed."

Ram remained unmoved, only sneered coldly after glancing at the other's intact legs.


"Of course!"

"Because I have the blood of a vampire, as long as I don't die, I can continue to rebirth, even if I cut a foot, there is no big problem."

At that time, in order to escape, she severed herself and cut off her soles of feet, but in the end she was blown up by the blast of flame from the terrible little girl. There was no good place all over her body. NS.

But unfortunately, the little girl must have never expected that Elsa Gramsilt is actually a vampire, so the kind of injuries that are fatal to the average person is not a big problem for her. , At most, it just caused her pain for a while.

"Are you envious?"

"I heard about it……"

"The horn of your ghost race has been cut and, it seems that you can't be reborn!"

While smiling and talking, the black-robed woman who came on, the Elsa Gransilt continued to step forward slowly, and at the same time the scimitar in her hand was also ready to attack.

She was not worried at all, because she had seen with her own eyes that the little girl had already left and the other party was not here, so she could perform as much as she wanted.

The red-haired ghost maid in front of her, the escaped little maid, and the elf hiding in a certain library were all targeted by her!

She would pierce their belly one by one, and admire their wailing on the ground and the poignant look when they were rolling. That kind of picture, now just thinking about it can make her feel excited and trembling...

"A vampire? You talk too much!"

"Al Frau!!"

After that, without waiting for the other party to approach, Ram, who had already held a short wand in his hand, made a decisive decision and used a wind magic to make a crossed wind blade cut towards the opponent’s neck fiercely. !


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