Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1575: ?(*?)? Visitors from afar

Maybe it was because of a certain little girl lord's murderous name that began to spread outside?

Or is it because the territories and mansions donated by the Rozval frontier are too remote?

Anyway, since Emelia returned safely from the sanctuary to the present, it lasted for several months, and there was no major disturbance in the territory and the mansion.

Little Annie, her maid, and some people who ate and drank, finally had a good and comfortable life for a while, during which time they were never disturbed by outsiders or some boring guys.

According to the information obtained by the maids such as Ram, Rem, or Flandreka who often go to the royal capital or nearby cities to purchase supplies, it seems that the reason why their territory is so peaceful recently seems to be because of their Master Anne’s. Why is the'cruel name' outside?

Think about it, their master Anne's record is indeed very dazzling.

Not only did he make a big fuss in Lugnica’s palace and defeated the knights of the entire kingdom, he was able to retreat without any punishment, and then wiped out all the incoming Witch Cultists and wiped them out. A teacher of, he also attacked the Beluga alone, and then captured one of the three big monsters, the "Big Rabbit", and made him directly suffocated and reduced to domestic meat, even the prestigious "Intestine Hunter" 'Elsa Gransilt and her accomplices were also captured and enslaved in a disgraceful attack...

With all of the above terrible achievements and lessons learned, those who want to trouble or want to get involved in relationships will always be a little bit afraid.

However, today, the originally peaceful mansion life without any outsiders to disturb was finally broken by the tall beastmaid maid, Flandreka.

When Rem was wearing a white sun hat and holding big scissors in her hand to mow the lawn carefully in the courtyard, she suddenly saw the other party walking into the house with a strange cat ear lady in a white robe. In the courtyard gate of Di’s compound, he didn’t stop until he came to her.


"Has the master got up?"

After seeing Rem, Flandreka thought for a while, then stopped for granted, then smiled and waved at Rem and asked.


Rem did not rush to answer, but first put down the big scissors, wiped the fine sweat beads on his forehead with his hand, and looked at the bright sun before hesitatingly said:

"I think……"

"It should be not yet, about an hour or two away, right?"

It was only morning, and the sun hadn't risen to its highest point, so Rem was pretty sure that their Master Anne would definitely not get up so early.

Her experience tells her that today their master will at least wait until the sun comes down from the highest point, and when the sun shines through the other window of the room, will he get up reluctantly and accept sister Ram and Petra's service?


"Senior Flandreka, this guest is..."

Looking at the cat lady who is following Flandreka, wearing a gorgeous white robe, with cat ears on her head, and a tail behind her, although she is a little short, she looks very generous, Lei Mu asked curiously.

Because she was pretty sure that the other party was definitely not a villager in Alam Village or Sanctuary Village, nor was any of the guests who had visited before, anyway, she had never seen the other party.


"Okay, then let me introduce you?"


"It's Mimi Palbaton, the deputy head of the "Iron Fang" of the orc mercenary group. She was commissioned by the president of the Hexin Chamber of Commerce to visit Master Emilia and Master Anne. "

Flandreka didn't think about concealing the meaning, and directly told the visitor's intentions.

"and also!"

"Rem, I'm afraid you don't know yet, do you?"

"The president of the Hexin Chamber of Commerce is actually one of the five candidates for the throne of King Lugonika, just like Master Emilia!"

"Although there seems to be no news from Wang Xuan now..."

"But anyway, this deputy head is indeed entrusted by the Anastasia Lord, who came from afar to tell us about some important matters."

As for the important thing, Flandreka didn't say, because she herself didn't know it now, and she didn't even take the initiative to ask. After all, in their capacity, it was very rude.

"So it's like this..."

"The guest, I'm afraid you can only wait a little longer in the living room."

"I'm Rem, the maid here. Master Anne is afraid that she won't be able to meet guests for the time being. As for Master Emilia, she went to the village to visit the villagers in the morning. She probably won't be able to come back before noon."

"I hope the guests don't think that we are negligent?"

Nodded, after understanding the origin of the visiting guest, Rem didn't say much, but politely bowed to him.

"Do not worry about it!"

"Mi Mi has a lot of time. I won't leave until tomorrow~?"

That short stature, even shorter than Rem, the cat-ear girl messenger Mimi Palbaton who still holds a wooden wand in her hand, also hurriedly returned a salute to Rem and used that kind of milk. The strange voice of the foreigner replied.


"Can Mi Mi ask?"


"It's the two rabbits eating grass over there. They should be the'big rabbit', one of the three legendary monsters, right?"

After talking to Rem, I heard that the owner of the mansion did not get up, and the other adult who had to visit was also temporarily absent. The cat ear lady Mimi Palbaton was not annoyed, so she didn't worry much, and planned to take advantage of it. In good weather, chat with these two maids in the courtyard for a while.

After all, these cat-eared half-orcs also have a lot of cat habits. For example, they especially like to bask in the sun, are slightly afraid of the cold, and prefer to eat certain types of food, such as rabbits?


"You can recognize it at a glance?"

Rem was a little surprised. You know, when most people come here and see those two rabbits, they just think they are just pets kept in the mansion, and don't think about other things, but the cat ear lady in front of them recognizes them at a glance. The bottom line, this really made Rem couldn't help but let Gao look at it.


"Don't underestimate our merchant's intelligence network!"

Mimi Palbaton wouldn’t say that they knew all about the mansion in front of them and all the things that happened in this territory, even including the Sanctuary Village and so on!

You know, this territory and the elder Emilia who lives in this territory’s mansion are their president’s strongest rivals. No matter how vigilant and careful they are about this place, it can’t be overstated. It is also normal to arrange a little intelligence spy.

"So it's like this..."

"But your Excellency has one thing wrong. Although they are indeed'big rabbits', also called Duotu, they don't eat grass there. They don't eat grass. They are carnivores!"

After speaking, Rem also turned and looked at the two rabbits lying on the grass in the distance.

At this moment, when they heard the voices of people here, they stood up, and kept their ears erected and looked at this side with their red eyeballs. At the same time, the'ω'-shaped nose was constantly squeezing. Zhang Yihe seems to be trying to smell the strangers who passed by in the wind on their side?

"They stayed there because they had to stay there because they were imprisoned on the grass by magic by their master."


"They are now afraid that they have rushed over to attack you, the deputy commander, you must not underestimate them."

Yes, those two rabbits had already been imprisoned by their Master Anne for casting spells, and they would not and cannot attack anyone in the mansion.


For outsiders, for the cat-eared lady Mimi Palbaton who claims to be the deputy head of the "Iron Fang" of the orc mercenary group, that is not necessarily true.

"is that true?"

"I can't believe that their cute little animals are one of the three terrifying monsters in the legend. It really surprised Mi Mi."

"Mi Mi can't figure it out, how did they become locust-like natural disasters and harm the world for hundreds of years?"

Holding the big magic wand in her hand, Mimi Palbottom was a little unable to move, and she put on an expression that she wanted to continue to study the two rabbits.



"Since the guests are so interested, it's decided that we will eat big rabbits for lunch. They are the top ingredients!"


"Go, remember to slaughter a few more, it should be enough."

Since the guests are so interested in the top ingredients, as a maid, you must find a way to entertain each other well.


Rem didn't say much, nodded directly, and then picked up the cold-lighted handle, which was supposed to be used to cut the grass, and moved towards the two distant ones, still unconsciously moving towards them. Many rabbits spying on the side walked.


"How many?"

"Fandelica, although Mimi is very touched by your enthusiasm, it seems that there are only two rabbits left. How to kill a few?"


The deputy head of Mao Niang wanted to continue speaking, but soon she closed her mouth dumbfounded.

Because she saw it with her own eyes: Rem, the blue-haired maid in front, raised the big scissors in her hand with a "click", and cut the throat of a rabbit, spraying blood on the grass and twitching. Soon after being motionless, it didn't take long for the remaining one, one shivering, and magically split and multiplied into two identical two at an incredible speed, and its size did not shrink at all?

And then……

Rem, the blue-haired maid holding big scissors, instantly turned into a rabbit killer. After the horrible grass-cutting scissors waved several times, the corpses of more than five or six rabbits were left on the grass. There are two more, but because of the shackles of magic, they dare not attack, and can only shrink to the side of the trembling rabbits.

Then, after seeing that the number of slaughtered should be about the same, Rem reluctantly nodded and stopped her crazy slaughter behavior, directly attached to the body, tugging the ears of those rabbits, carrying the **** ingredients and the same. The **** big scissors came towards Flandreka and the guest cat lady.

It's not difficult to know her skillful and unobtrusive movements. She must have done that kind of thing, or she wouldn't be so skillful.

‘! ! ’

'squeak! squeak! ’

Finally, it was discovered that Rem, the'multi-rabbit slaughter', had left with the corpses of those companions, and the remaining two multi-rabbits cheered, screamed and rushed to the grass just now, and began to be excited and excited. Furiously licking the large puddle of blood from their companions left on the grass leaves.

"Really, really incredible!"

"It's the first time for Mi Mi to see such a magical sight..."


To be honest, Mimi Palbottom was really taken aback.

Now, she finally understood why Flandreka was able to say that she would kill a few more animals just now. From the situation just now, let alone just a few, it might even be possible by virtue of them. People who feed an entire city?

And if the owner here is willing to sell them to the Hexin Chamber of Commerce, then they will definitely make a fortune, and they will soon become the largest and richest food supplier association in the world with that special-grade ingredients!


"I'll go back to the kitchen with the ingredients first. Later, you can arrange for Elsa or Meili to mow the lawn!"

"Guest, I'm going to work first."

At this moment, Rem came over, and after talking about such a call and nodding apologetically to the guest, he inserted the **** scissors into the lawn, and then carried the **** one. The ingredients went straight to the gate of the mansion.

Behind her, there was a long series of dripping bright red marks.

But neither Rem nor Flandreka really cares. Obviously, they all know that it won’t take long for those two rabbits to eat the blood stains cleanly, but they are not many. Food.

"Don't worry Rem, I know."

Flandreka answered with a smile.

Elsa the Intestine Hunter and Mei Li, the Warcrafter, have now changed into maid costumes and have become servants of the mansion, and they can be called upon by them. Of course, it wasn't because the two men succumbed, but their Master Anne let Mr. Enzos enslaved the two hapless guys, making them directly a part of the glorious maid corps of the mansion.


"Your Excellency, Deputy Don’t look at the rabbits. Don’t worry. Under the master’s magical confinement, they can only multiply into two at most. They will not split and endanger the world endlessly like before. Understand."

"Bring them back, that was the master's most wise and great decision!"

Yes, there is no livestock that is better than the kind of domesticated small animals that can never finish eating, meat is extremely delicious, slaughtered and eaten now, fresh and reliable, does not need to be raised, does not need to be looked after, and can automatically clean up dirty lawns. .

"bring it on!"

"Let me take you to the living room for a while."


"I will also arrange for someone to inform Master Emilia, and at the same time send someone to receive your entourage and dragon cart, but it will be very busy today."

Soon, under the hearty guidance of the big beast lady Flandreka, the visiting little cat-eared lady Mimi Palbaton nodded obediently, and followed to the gate of the mansion without forgetting to turn back. Frequently looked at the two rabbits who were licking blood on the courtyard grass.



?I wish you all a happy holiday, how good is it to eat?

Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Tour https://

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