Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1574: (?????) Everyone is happy

Three days later in the afternoon, a certain arcane archmage basically did nothing, and successfully fulfilled the request of the two little maids in her family, with the witch Emilia who was "trapped" in the sanctuary. With two cages containing small animals, plus a large group of demi-human and half-orc residents who came out of the sanctuary for the first time, returned to her territory.

Those people, those demi and half-orc residents, after Emelia discussed with Annie (in fact, Annie didn’t even think about it at all, and directly waved to agree), they were ready to find a suitable place in the territory to settle them directly. Under the protection of Master Anne, a village where they can live and work in peace and contentment was built here in the border forest.

From now on, they no longer have to be trapped in that small sanctuary, they don’t have to face the problem of insufficient resources, and they don’t have to worry about being discriminated against or expelled by others. It’s just like Flandreka’s leaving the sanctuary. What I have been working hard and expecting in the past ten years.

However, unlike the fangs and sharp-toothed half-orc maid, Fandelica, who did nothing and accomplish nothing in the past ten years, under the guidance of the great Archmage Anne, she just waved a small hand. In the territory, after drawing a circle in the other direction of Alam Village, the problem that had troubled the other party for ten years was solved so easily.

Next, the demi and half-orc residents who came out of the sanctuary only need to build a new road in the forest, and arrange enchantments, level the land, build farmland and houses in the circle If the new "Sanctuary Village" is built, there is basically no major problem.


After several days of tossing in the sanctuary, Emilia has completed that boring trial. Both her individual strength and her state of mind have been greatly improved. By the way, she has also won a large number of demihumans and half-orcs. support.

And a bad little girl who didn’t do anything basically doubled the population of her territory out of thin air. At the same time, she captured the last two'big rabbits' alive and provided everybody in the mansion. The daily recipe adds fresh meat that "can multiply automatically and never worry about eating out".

For the current result, the great Master Anne is very satisfied!

And Emilia, the candidate for the throne, was also very pleased, the barbarian leader Garfiel was also happy, and the maid of the beastmaid, Flandreka, was even more grateful?

This is a happy situation for everyone, and all those who have returned to the territory have smiles on their faces.

Of course, maybe, except for a certain clown monster who likes to pretend to be sick?

The other party rejected the invitation of Annie and Emilia, and did not come back with them, but chose to continue to stay in the sanctuary where the enchantment had been lifted. As for what the other party was messing about, Annie couldn’t And I know, and she doesn't want to know, and she's not curious at all!

Anyway, what Annie knows is nothing more than tossing the tomb of some lustful witch, wanting to resurrect a certain boring witch in it, for such boring things, she definitely doesn’t want to and won’t be nosy. .

"Welcome back, master!"

"Welcome back!"

"Master, you have worked hard all the way."

When Annie first loved Milia and took the dragon cart back to the gate of her house, the twin maid sisters Ram and Rem and the cheerful little maid Petra were already in front of the gate. Waited for a long time.



"You guys have worked hard too!"


Anne doesn't mind if they work hard, but she knows that she must not work hard herself.

After all, during the few days in the sanctuary, she seemed to have been eating, drinking, and having fun. Apart from grabbing two rabbits to satisfy her appetite, she basically didn’t do anything. Almost all problems were solved smoothly.


"It's a rabbit, so cute!"


"Are they the gifts you brought back to Petra?"

Annie had just jumped out of the dragon cart. Petra, the little maid with a red bow on her head, saw the cuteness of the two cages and the two long horns next to Flandreka’s driver’s seat at a glance. Bunny.

Therefore, she naturally cheered and wanted to jump over, and then she wanted to pull them out of the cage and play with them.


Fortunately, at this time, the maid of the beast mother, Flandreka, was still working on the dragon cart and sitting next to the cage.


Therefore, her eyes were quick and she grabbed Petra's hand in one hand, successfully preventing the other party from trying to reach out to the cage to catch the rabbit's stupid and reckless behavior.


"What's wrong?"

"Sister Flandreka, is there any problem with this?"

Petra felt a little inexplicable, wondering why the other party suddenly became so fierce.


"Don't you want to swallow them all by yourself?!"

After looking at the expression of Lauderica staring at her seriously, and then at the two little rabbits in the cage, Petra subconsciously thought that the other party wanted to occupy the only two'gifts', so she He glared at Flandreka ferociously.

In any case, Petra usually has more contact with the two sisters Ram and Rem, and at the same time more of them are taught by them, and the relationship between each other is better. Therefore, for Flandreka It is said that she has been in this mansion for a full ten years before returning to the old predecessor. She is obviously not too concerned about it.

"Swallow it alone?"

"You junior, dare to talk to me like this?"

"do you know?"

"If I hadn't stopped you in time just now, I'm afraid there won't be a few left with your fingers!"

Flandreka shook her head dumbly, then jumped off the dragon cart, and then carefully lifted the two cages one by one.

"You, you don't scare people!"

"Is it possible that they will still bite?"

Although rabbits will bite people if they are anxious, Petra does not think that the two rabbits locked in the cage can have any deterrent.


"Do not!"

"They can eat people!"

"I'm not scaring you, look at their foreheads for yourself, they are two monsters!!"

Flandreka stretched the cage she was carrying towards Petra and the sisters Ram and Rem who looked over curiously, so that they could clearly see the sharp corners on the rabbit's forehead.


"Also, it's really a monster..."

After looking at the cage in Lauderica’s hands, he felt that the rabbit’s body indeed had magical power and the fierce light exposed in his eyes, Ram nodded, knowing that Frederica was indeed out of good intentions. Petra is obviously a bit unreasonable.


"What did you do when you came back from catching these two monsters?"

Before reporting something, Rem plans to ask about the rabbits first, otherwise they won't be able to deal with it.

"Of course it is to eat!"


"But you have to pay attention to Rem. You can only kill one at a time when slaughtered. After the other splits and multiplies into two, you can continue to slaughter the next one, otherwise you won't be able to eat it every day!"


Someone worried that the two little maids would mess up, after taking pictures of the dust that she had contaminated with the bumps along the way, Annie hurriedly kept her face straight and carefully reminded her of the precautions.

She had tasted these rabbits personally. They tasted really good. They were indeed worthy of the reputation of their premium ingredients, even if she didn't know how to cook them, so she didn't intend to let them go extinct too soon.




"Only one can be slaughtered at a time?"

"Can split and multiply?!"

Rem was a little inexplicable, wondering why their Master Anne said that.

In her opinion, there are just two monsters in front of her. Unless they are a male and a female, how can they reproduce?

Moreover, after slaughtering one, the remaining one must not be able to split and multiply, right?

And these two bunny monsters are just enough to eat two meals at most, how can they eat every day? Unless, they have enough time to slowly nurture for a year or a half, so that they can breed countless offspring.

"Rem, don't you know it?"

"They are so many rabbits!"

"It's the Big Rabbit, one of the three big beasts alongside the Beluga and the Black Snake, but now they only have these poor two..."


"You just follow the owner's instructions, and only one is allowed to be slaughtered at a time, otherwise, you will really eat this top-notch ingredient to extinction!"

At this moment, Flandreka hurried to help Annie explain.

When they came back before, Emilia and Garfiel had explained to her in detail, but it was too time-consuming to explain things slowly, so she winked at Ram and Rem. , Indicating that if they want to know more, they can wait to see her when they are free at night, instead of blocking the master at the door for questioning like now, it would be rude, not a qualified maid should do of.

Especially the new Petra, if it weren't for the other party to toss like just now, how could they be so rude now?



"If there is anything else you don't understand, just ask her directly!"

?( ̄??)???

With that, Annie stopped paying attention to them, instead stepped straight on her short legs and jumped to her mansion happily.

However, without waiting for her to go far, Ram, the sister of the twin maids, followed suit. She did not help, but Rem and Petra stayed at the door and were helping Flandre. The card arranges the salute on the car and the placement of the dragon car.



"Ram, what's wrong, is there something happening at home?"


Glancing at the expression of the Ram who followed, and seeing the anxious action of the other party that hesitated and stopped and followed up, Annie knew without thinking, the other party must have something to tell herself, and it should be rather anxious. Kind?

"Yes Master."

"On the second night of your journey to the sanctuary, that is, three days before, there was a person who claimed to be the'Intestine Hunter' Elsa Gransilt and a person who claimed to be the'Warcraft Envoy' Merrie Potter. Erte’s assassins were hired and attacked the mansions and villages in our territory."

"Fortunately, with the assistance of Mr. N'Zoth and the Legion of Faceless Men, we successfully eliminated all the Warcraft and captured their two principal criminals alive!"

Ram didn't dare to conceal it, and directly followed Master Anne to go forward, while carefully reporting what happened the night three days ago.

Since neither herself nor Rem had any great credit at the time, and neither was able to defeat the enemy, she did not dare to take credit indiscriminately, but directly took the actions of Mr. Enzos and the Legion of Faceless Ones. To speak out.

The current Ram, highly respected the humble, polite, low-key and powerful bottled ancient **** Mr. Enzos!

You know, at that time, she fought hard with that "guthunter" Elsa Gransilt for a long time, and the whole hall was in dilapidated battle. In the end, not only did she fail to repel the enemy, she was almost given it by the opponent. Belly cut alive?

After Mr. N'Zoth went out, the situation changed immediately!

Before the evil and coquettish woman, Elsa the Intestine Hunter had time to react, she was instantly curled and controlled by Mr. Enzos’s popping tentacles, and then strangled by those strong and powerful tentacles. The limbs and body of that woman basically turned the other party into their captives without any further effort.

In comparison between the two, Ram himself and Rem, who were almost equally defeated at the time, were really a bit too bad.

"Now they are being locked up in the basement of the mansion, guarded by several heirs of N'Zoth."


"Do you want to see the prisoners now?"


"Rahm remembers that Elsa the Intestine Hunter, she also said that she knew you?"

After walking to the hall of the mansion that had been cleaned up and restored, Ram finally reported on what happened that night three days ago, and carefully asked the owner if he wanted to deal with it now. Two prisoners.

"Intestine hunter? Elsa?"


Frowning for a while, Annie didn't think of it.



"I don't seem to know them..."


Then she thought about it again, but in the end, she still didn't have any impression.

Anyway, she really didn’t know a guy named Elsa Gramsilt. As for Elsa in another world, she knew one, but it would definitely not be the one that Ram caught.’ Intestine Hunter' Elsa is it!



"Master, what do you do with the two prisoners?"

"They are so stiff, they haven't named their employers yet!"

Hearing Master Anne's answer, Ram inevitably began to look a little bit angry.

Three days ago, because she heard the intestine hunter and the coquettish woman said that the other party had known Master Anne and had some kind of'friendship', she did not take the initiative to interrogate or punish the two people without authorization. Let those two people eat and drink to live to this day.

Otherwise, she would have given them two invaders to the Faceless Legion, so that the heirs of N'Zoth would corrupt and break them down!

"How to deal with it?"


Where does Annie know how to deal with it, and she doesn't know those guys, so she loves how to deal with it!

"Forget it!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

"Then wait for people to eat and drink enough, and if you have time in the evening, go and see those bad guys again!"

?( ̄??)???

Now Annie has just returned from the It has been so hot for so many days, where can I take care of the two prisoners who I don’t know?

So, no matter what the matter is, wait for her to eat, drink, and rest, then take a beautiful hot bath, and wait until the evening before going to bed when she has nothing to do, if she still remembers such a thing. , Presumably she will definitely go to see the situation.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Yes! Master!"

"Rahm knows how to do it."

Stopping, Ram bowed deeply towards the back of her Master Anne.

Then, she didn't follow it anymore, just watched the great, respectable and trustworthy little figure leaping and disappearing in the corner of the mansion corridor, then silently turned around and went to her own affairs.


?*. ?(ˊΩˋ*)??*.

Celebrate the whole world?

?It is said that it is still a double monthly pass?

Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Tour https://

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