Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1573: ?(?﹃?*)? The bunny that never finishes

When the twin sister Rem in the village of Alam used N'Zoth's bone flute to summon the Legion of Faceless Ones hidden in a cave in the deep forest of the territory, let those terrifying N'Zoth's heirs take the invaders and bring that When the poor, weak and helpless little warcraft envoy Meili Portelt and her subordinates besieged the village and successfully arrested them, Ram in the mansion was also talking with the black-haired black dress. The coquettish woman fought fiercely.

Ram constantly uses wind magic, uses the ability to manipulate the wind to increase his speed, protection, and uses various degrees of attack to launch a fierce attack on the coquettish woman, while also constantly avoiding the opponent's scimitar from all directions. She initiated the cutting and throwing various flying blades.

Both sides are extremely fast!

In the darkness, most of the originally bright candles had been extinguished, and many candles were cut into several pieces by the attacks of both sides and then scattered with wax oil everywhere.

And the few remaining candles are constantly swaying with the fast movement of the two of them, and matched with the dim light emitted by some magic gems inlaid on the wall, they barely reflect the high-speed movement of the two of them. And the dark shadow that seemed to be a bit shadowy.

At this time, many of the utensils and decorations in the hall of the mansion were broken, but Ram didn't take care of it. He was still working hard to move at high speed and constantly bombarding the chasing enemies with wind magic.


No, it's gone? !

Ram, who was moving at high speed and evaded, suddenly lost track of the enemy, causing her heart to panic.

However, fortunately at this time, she saw the long black shadow on the ground that should have belonged to her, illuminated by the candlelight.

It was originally her shadow, but now it seems to be a little bigger, and what seems to be overlapping with it?

At the same time, she also saw that the shadow of'self', at this time, was still raising her arm and something in her hand?


Ram was quite sure that neither of her hands had been lifted up, so it was already obvious who it belonged to.

"Al Fla!"


Ram’s pair of pink pupils shrank suddenly, and then suddenly turned around without waiting for the other party’s arm behind her to wave down, using wind magic to form a wind protection around him, and at the same time, his hands were early. The short magic wand she had prepared used a spell that had been prepared for a long time in her rage, causing the crossed fierce wind blade to strangle the black shadow behind her fiercely.


This sound was when the opponent's scimitar cut through Ram's protection and stroked her abdomen.



And these two sounds are the muffled noises of Ram's two wind blades that hit the wall of the hall after they failed and left two deep cut marks on them one after another.

Yes, Ram's carbine-like counterattack failed.

The two wind blades were dexterously twisted like an understatement by the other party, and easily avoided at an incredible angle. However, the other party’s cold scimitar did not have a complete protection pillar. After the other party broke through her protection, Still stubbornly cut across her chest and abdomen.


Feeling a hint of coolness between her chest and abdomen, Ram didn't care about thinking too much, and hurriedly used the magic power to make her speed a little faster in vain, and then directly let the wind entrap her, and flew backwards in place. After a full ten meters, she didn't touch her own abdomen for the first time with another free hand until she kept a safe enough distance from the horrible coquettish woman.

Fortunately, apart from the sweaty sweat and smooth skin, she didn't feel anything. Her belly was not cut, and it was not injured. It was just the apron of a maid outfit. Her black skirt was cut off, revealing her belly and the pink fat.

But she didn’t have time to worry too much, but after confirming that she was not injured, she blew up the wind again for the first time, letting the magic run wildly around her body and the short wand in her hand, and at the same time She was still looking at the crazy woman not far away who was smiling and licking the blade.


How good would it be if the opponent's blade was smeared with poison?

Seeing the other party's actions, subconsciously, Ram couldn't help but imagine the possibility that didn't exist.

Maybe it was because the opponent's strength was too strong, that it put too much pressure on her?

But in any case, Ram has already known through this period of fierce battle that the opponent's strength is far better than her, and if the opponent is not obsessed with attacking her belly instead of other parts, I am afraid that she is probably already Injured or even killed on the spot!

There is no doubt that Ram understands that the opponent is an extremely terrifying opponent, and it is also a much stronger opponent than her!

After losing her horns, she can no longer be demonized. With ordinary magical means, she absolutely can't beat the opponent, so she must think of other ways.


"Tsk tut!"

"What a mistake..."

At this time, I saw that Ram had just cut off his apron and the black skirt, and then the exposed white belly did not crack like I imagined and spilled white flowers and buttery intestines. , The coquettish woman couldn't help but sighed with regret.

"Little maid, you have a charming figure. I thought your belly would be fatter."


"But it doesn't matter. Without the apron and skirt, I can clearly see your belly now. The next cut will definitely cut your cute belly. I can't wait to wait~!"

Seeing Ram's chubby pink exposing in the air and the snow-white flat belly that reflected the light in the candlelight, the coquettish woman smiled again and licked her lips.



First, one hand will be cut in half. At this time, the skirt hem that has become somewhat obstructive is torn off directly, so that the smooth thighs wearing white pantyhose on his lower body are fully exposed, and then Ram took out to that. With a scimitar, the coquettish woman who had become a dual wield at this time asked coldly:

"You are a witch's teacher, right?"

"Which teacher are you?!"

While speaking, her other hand reached into the backpack behind her at the same time, grabbing something smooth and cold.

"Witch teaches?"

Hearing Ram's questioning, this coquettish woman was a little surprised now.

"No, no, no!"

"I'm not someone taught by a witch, I am actually an assassin..."

"Intestinal hunter Elsa Gransilt, please remember this name, little maid, though, you won't have to remember it anymore soon?"

Still smiling, the coquettish woman who claimed to be the intestine hunter Elsa Gransilt spoke her name without any hesitation, and suddenly accelerated, rushing towards Ram.


"Al Fla!"

Ram obviously had been prepared, raising his hand was another wind blade and cut it towards the opponent.

At the same time, a larger whirlwind rolled around her, and when the enemy dodges the attack of the wind blade and tried to approach her, before the opponent had time to cut down and land with a scimitar, he directly increased the force and sent the opponent again. It was rolled out.


"Little maid, are you still going to continue to resist?"

"It just so happens that the more intense you resist, the more excited I will be..."

Seeing that she was swept by the wind magic, the coquettish woman, the intestine hunter Elsa didn't mind too much, she swiftly twisted her body in the air and landed on the ground steadily. Forgot to wink at Ram excitedly.


It’s obviously not a good idea to fight in the mansion. Lahm fought hard, and because this is Master Anne’s mansion castle, she has never dared to use too powerful wind magic, so that until now, she basically It is already at an absolute disadvantage, so there is no need to continue.


Looking down at the neat cut in his maid’s skirt, looking at the white and smooth skin exposed, Ram knew that she had to be faster, otherwise, it won’t be long before the other party should really cut it. Opened her belly, and then took out her intestines.

"Are you an assassin?"


"Who sent you here?!"

Therefore, when she took out the bottle containing Mr. N'Zoth and planned to use the power of Mr. N'Zoth, she finally asked such a sentence.


"Little girl, don't think about it, we won't tell you the employer's information easily!"


"What are you holding in your hand?"

While ridiculing Ram’s naive and boring idea of ​​wanting to ask who his employer is, Elsa the Intestine Hunter also curiously moved towards the little maid’s hand that seemed to contain some kind of live food. Look at the bottle.

She was a little curious, wondering what it meant for the other party to take out such a glass bottle at this time.

"Alright, then I will interrogate you slowly later."

"Mr. Enzos!"

"If there is no problem, I want to live!"

Having said that, Ram, who dared not continue to fight with the other party, and did not want to continue to destroy the hall of the mansion, said such nonsensical words in front of the intestine hunter Elsa, and then resolutely pulled out the cork of the bottle. Stuffed.


Soon, a terrifying octopus, N'Zoth, the ancient god, nightmare god, and thousand-bearded demon, was like an octopus without bones, smoothly from the small mouth of the glass bottle in Ram's hand. She slid out, and while landing and growing sharply, she did not forget to use that gloomy tone to whisper to the intestinal hunter Elsa who was a little surprised:

"Your crimes are countless, terrible and glorious!"

"But, trust me, it's a heavy burden... soon, you will be freed just like me..."

When the mansion Liram and the intestine hunter Elsa who did not know which **** hired fought hard and had to summon the bottled ancient **** N'Zoth, in the sanctuary, it was about to sweep the entire sanctuary. The crisis that destroys most people, the "Big Rabbit", one of the three legendary beasts, the terrible natural disaster like locusts, but in the blink of an eye, it is funny that someone who is keeping a Harazi's heart The little girl solved it in twos or twos.

Anyway, when the aboriginal Garfiel and a certain cold conspirator Rozval L. Mezzas reacted, there were originally endless mountains and plains with as many rabbits as the stars in the sky, as dense as the stars in the sky. All of his scary red eyes have completely disappeared at this time.

They saw it with their own eyes, that little girl, that bad little girl Anne Hasta just threw a fireball, and then...

Those huge numbers of rabbits, like kerosene that had touched the flames, spread in an instant, and quickly turned into fly ash.

In the end, except for the two rabbits who were struggling in vain underneath the opponent's eyes and hands quickly pressed by the neck, the remaining ones, within a few breaths, all disappeared, only the vast white snow. The scorched black traces on it can barely prove that they once existed.


"How, how could it be so easy..."


"This is impossible!"

Looking at the last two rabbits that Annie picked up one by one, a certain uncle Rozval of the clown monster and the savage orc Garfiel almost didn't stare at their eyes and chin.

They were shocked, they didn't know what to say at this moment, and they couldn't come up with suitable words to express their feelings at this moment.

"It's actually very simple!"


"You should have discovered it a long time ago?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"The strength of their single body is not high. Although it is a group of monsters, the whole group seems to have only one common consciousness. There is no separate individual wisdom, and there is no concept of the boss. There is just a certain contract magic general. They are linked together, splitting, multiplying, or restoring is also magic at work. That’s why they never decrease. They are like a large honeycomb network connected to each other, and each individual has its own. The backup of the group!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"And people just need to put a fire in their kind of "beehive" magic network based on the kind of connection between them, and then burn all their backups, leaving only specific ones. These two nodes, and then, things become as simple as it is now!"


"Except for the two in front of me, the rest of them were all burned by others!"


Regardless of whether the two of them can understand or not, Annie just tried to use simple words to describe what she had just done.

Now, the magic that they could continue to proliferate has been destroyed by Annie, and in the future, there will always be only the two in her hands!

As long as she only eats one one a day, or only slaughters one at a time, the other of them will automatically restore on the spot and multiply into two. Then, her family will never worry about nothing new and cute. Tutu ate it.


Now, she can't wait to go back to the mansion and let Ram show her cooking skills. After all, Tutu is so cute. You must put more peppers, more seasonings, and less coriander to make it delicious!


ε=(′?`●))) alas



Rozval and Garfiel looked at each other, but no one said much.

Especially Rozval!

You know, the heavy snow in front of you was actually secretly created by him with huge magic power. It is to attract those many rabbits to come in and cause destruction.

Can result...

Well now, after the beluga whale, the "Big Rabbit", one of the three big monsters, has also destroyed the little girl's murderous hand!

According to the current situation, there may be a certain day when the number of rabbits that could have been infinitely multiplied is likely to be eaten by the messy little girl at a certain time in the future, and then directly given to Eat extinct?



"I'm going back for supper now. If you think it's cool outside, just continue to stay here!"


After finishing talking, she grabbed the fur of a rabbit's neck with one hand, and Annie, who couldn't get rid of no matter how much they jumped and flopped, couldn't care about what to say. She cheered and carried the two last big rabbits. 'Run towards her little house in the middle of the village excitedly.

After a few minutes.

A certain wretched little girl actually started to sing a nursery rhyme in that milky voice, and the song of this world with a completely different tone began to spread faintly in this sanctuary village. Come…

"Little white rabbit, white and white, both ears stand up..."

‘After cutting..., cutting...’

‘It’s so cute to be motionless! ’

‘Peel the skin, chop it into pieces, put it in the pot and fry it, add water, cover it, and sprinkle coriander before it comes out of the pot...’

That nursery rhyme is very rhythmic. UU Reading www.uukā However, it doesn't seem to be sung very clearly. People who are a little farther away don't hear it too real, and seem to be missing a few keywords?


That did not prevent a certain tempting smell of meat from beginning to diffuse in the snowy night of this quiet village, causing a lot of demihumans or half-orcs to start tossing and turning, and the glands in their mouths could not help but secrete a lot of them. Their salivation makes it impossible for them to easily stop or fall asleep.

Of course, the one who tossed and turned even more was Rozval who was pulling away those bandages in annoyance!



At this time, sitting in the largest wooden house, he smelled the rich fragrance floating in from the window. After opening a certain book, he had no choice but to find the content he wanted. He lay down on the bed and frowned, staring at the wooden roof and beams.


?*. ?(ˊΩˋ*)??*.

? It's a holiday, and everyone is celebrating?

? Ask for a monthly pass, double?

Shadow Bear Tibbers' Plane Tour https://

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