Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1577: (??~??) Chew~!


"A few distinguished guests..."

"The destination you are looking for is the inn, which has now arrived."

Because the city of water Prestera was divided straight into four equal parts by four huge water channels, and the city’s large and small water channels extend in all directions, so soon, Annie, Emelia, and Ram were on the water dragon boat. Before the four of Rem and Rem had enough fun, they were hurriedly arrived at the destination by the disgusting boatman at a relatively fast speed and announced that they had rushed.

At this time, the bodies of the two twin maids, Emilia, Ram, and Rem were all wet, like drenched chickens in the rain, looking very pitiful and alluring.

The boatman driving the water dragon is naturally no exception!

But he didn't have the mind to look at those young girls. After all, he was past that age, and the boatman at the bottom just wanted to make more money to support his family.

When the boat is stationary, and when everyone stands up from the boat, there is only a certain messy instigator. A certain messy little girl seems to have only a few water stains on the skirt of her skirt. As for what she is How to take care of yourself under the counterattack of the three people is probably a question of different opinions.


"This is the inn you are looking for. Please take care of your personal belongings. Please be careful when you disembark?"

Pointing to the concise but uncommon wood structure building, the boatman of the water dragon boat can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

To be honest, he was really afraid that the four little girls in his boat would overturn his boat just halfway!

And if it wasn’t for the other party, if it wasn’t for the little girl who chartered the boat to give him enough gold coins and the guests were beautiful and cute enough that he couldn’t bear to blame, if it were other guests, it would have been long ago. He confronted him with bad words and even drove off the boat halfway.

"right here?"

"It should be right."

"What a beautiful wooden house..."


"It looks so delicate!"

"Sister, it's true that the master chose to take a boat. This is much faster than imagined."

The two twin maid sisters, Ram and Rem, are obviously out for the first time, and they are very curious about new things.

Therefore, I saw the wooden two- or three-story house in front of me, the beautiful glass gate at the entrance, the courtyard fence covered with green plants, the stone path, and the weird but artistic tiles. On the roof, the two of them had two beautiful eyes, one blue and one red. After they looked at each other, Qi Qi exclaimed and revealed a look of surprise, showing a look of expectation.


"It seems that the other party has been taking care of being invited to such a place."

Holding her arms, Emelia, who was careful not to expose too much of her body's curve on the front of her wet skirt, followed the two twin sisters in awe after she carefully landed ashore.

"Very incredible architectural form. It is also the first time I have seen such a strange architectural style..."

"However, it is indeed too beautiful."

Then, she stretched out her finger to click on her lips, and began to appraise the huge and different style inn in front of her.


(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

"Isn't it an ordinary oriental style building? What's so rare? People saw it a lot during the Song Dynasty, and it was at least a hundred times more beautiful than this!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie knew that this kind of Japanese architecture was nothing more than learning from the Eastern architecture of the Great Song Dynasty and Tang Dynasty, and she was not very good at learning. Many eaves corridors did not have that beautiful riveting structure and carvings, I am afraid only Emilia. They are such a stranger who has never seen the world to make a fuss!

"Let's go! They seem to have received the news, and they are already waiting for us at the door!"


After a little bit of contempt for the three of them, I saw the invitees who were looking at the four of them in surprise not far away, and found that some of them seemed to be familiar with Annie, so she took the lead. Quickly hopped along the steps, completely ignoring the embarrassment and hesitation of Emilia, Ram and Rem at this time.


"Annie, wait..."

"Aren't we waiting for Flandreka first?"

Emilia obviously didn't want to walk towards the inn so quickly, even if she had already seen Anastasia Hexin, the president of the Chamber of Commerce, at the scene.

Because she wanted to wait and see if Flandreka could come in time.

After all, the dragon cart had some of their salutes and clothes. She thought, before going to meet with that Anastasia, it would be better to change your clothes and show yourself a little more confident and decent before passing by?


"How are you..."

"All right!"

However, when I saw Ram and Rem, two twin maid sisters, they did not care about the image, and followed their miserable little master to walk forward, feeling that they would be even more embarrassed if they stayed wet in place by themselves. Liya hesitated again and again, and in the end she could only gritted her teeth and bit her scalp and quickly followed.


"Your Excellency Archmage Anne, and Your Excellency Emilia, welcome to Presterra, Watergate City!"

Seeing that his guests finally came forward, Anastasia, who had already followed his first knight, Rius Euclius, the two deputy commanders of the Iron Fang, and a group of servants, was waiting at the entrance of the inn. · He Xin smiled and politely greeted the visiting guests with their skirts.


"You are..."

Then, Anastasia Hessin covered her mouth as she had just discovered, and looked at Emilia, Ram, and Rem behind Annie with that incredible gaze. I don’t know who the three of them are. What's the matter.

"Did the midway ship capsize?"

Seeing the wet clothes and hair of the three people, and then looking at Emilia’s dress dripping with water beads, Anastasia Hexin felt a little impolite, but she couldn’t help being careful. I asked such a sentence.

She knows that because some of the main waterways in Pratunam City are sloping toward the middle of the city, ship capsizes occasionally happen. Although the probability is small, it is not an absolute thing.


"How to put it, it's hard to say a word!"


"Your Excellency Anastasia, I don't think you should know it?"

Emilia stared at a certain little girl who was looking right and left with a bit of resentment, she didn't know what she was looking at, and then she gave an awkward smile without explaining what the situation was.


"Our dragon cart and the maid, did you see her arriving? We walked separately at the city gate, and we agreed to meet here. Now all our salutes and clothes are in the car!"

Emilia hurriedly asked what she was more concerned about. If Flandreica had already arrived, she would have to change her clothes first, otherwise she would continue to stand here embarrassed, she just felt her face. There is almost nowhere to put it.

"It's not..."

"In Pratunam City, it would take at least several times longer to travel by land. I think your dragon cart and maid must be faster if you didn't take the water dragon boat?"

Anastasia Hexin shook her head regretfully, saying that she had been staying in the inn she had contracted, and during the period she had not seen any notification of the arrival of a maid or a dragon cart.

"How about this!"

"Your Excellency Emilia, and Your Excellency Anne Archmage!"

"Please come in quickly. You have been struggling all the way. You must be very tired now, right?"

"I will arrange for you to go to the hot springs now, and then take a good rest?"

Since Anastasia Hessin is the leader of the Chamber of Commerce, he is obviously more conscious of words and expressions. At present, Emilia and others are in a state that is not suitable for conversation as long as they are not blind. Therefore, she does not For how long these embarrassed guests stayed in front of the inn, they just smiled and turned around, beckoning the guests to follow her in quickly.


"Very good!!"

Ram and Rem looked at each other, and then they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"thank you very much!"

Hearing that there are still hot springs to soak in, Emilia also let out a sigh of relief. Then she dragged her wet body and skirt a little impatiently, and stepped on her shoes. Now stepping on it is as uncomfortable as stepping on a piece of mud. Followed step by step.



"Soak in the hot springs? But, shouldn't you eat first?"


"Hey! You guys wait~!!!"


With that said, Annie anxiously chased those arbitrarily masters and protested loudly.

Because she doesn't want to go to hot springs at all, she just wants to eat a delicious meal first, and it is better to bring all the special delicacies in this city of Pratunam to her!

Of course, if there is really nothing good to eat, you can catch two fish in the big lake outside?


"Your Excellency Archmage Annie, do you want to eat first?"


Look at the little girl who followed behind to protest loudly, and look at the embarrassing look of Emilia and the two maids who also followed her, especially the reluctance and pleading look of Emilia, Ananta West Asia can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

She didn't know whether she should meet the requirements of this powerful little girl archmage first, or should she first take care of the feelings of her competitor and guest, Emilia?

"Master Anastasia!"

"Well, how many ladies do you take to the hot spring first, I will go to the kitchen to let people prepare food, and I will send the servants to the hot spring directly later?"

Did not let Anastasia struggle for long. At this time, Yurius Euclius, who was also behind, was called the “best knight”, Ananta, the deputy commander of the Knights of the Kingdom’s Guards. The first knight of West Asia for a hundred years suddenly suggested wittily.

After all, with so many women going to the hot spring bath of the inn together at the moment, as a man himself, it must be impossible for him to follow in.



Nodded, feeling that the opinions of the little girl and Emilia are very important, and Anastasia, who must take care of both, also thinks that it is a good proposal, so she nodded happily and agreed.

In this way, a certain messy little girl wanted to eat first, but Emilia and the others wanted to take a shower and change clothes first. They were fully satisfied.

After about half an hour.

In the inn hot spring bath in the "Shuizhi Yuyiting" inn in the city of Pratunam Pulistra, which has been contracted by the Hexin Chamber of Commerce, in the mist, at this time, the cheeks have been soaked by the hot spring. Ram, Rem, Anastasia, the host, and Lori Mimi Palbaton, who are the hosts, are sitting in the pool with their eyes slightly closed, revealing only their round, smooth and flushing little ones. Shoulder.

"So comfortable..."

"Very good!"

"Alive again..."


"I really want to sleep well..."



Several sleek young female ghosts, half demons, girls and cat ears were soaking comfortably in the deep water area of ​​the bath, and from time to time they made a seductive moan or bubbling sound or two.

Of course, that kind of breathtaking scene, except for a scruffy little girl sitting in the shallow water leaning against the bath, and a certain bear floating on the surface of the bath and unable to move. No one else can appreciate it.


(??~??) Chew~!




(ˉ▽ ̄~)~~

Isn’t it just taking a hot spring? Annie said that those guys just won’t enjoy it, so they should be soaking while eating, soaking after eating, and then washing greasy in warm water by the way. Don't mention how convenient it is to have her hands and cheeks.

"Emilia, don't worry!"

"I have made an appointment with the Muse Chamber of Commerce. I will trade the high-purity colorless magic spar tomorrow. It will definitely not be a mistake!"

"As for other things, can we talk about it tomorrow?"

At this moment, while relaxing in the hot springs, Anastasia Hessin did not forget to talk to Emilia quietly, but she soon realized that she was in this relaxed state. It was not appropriate to discuss that kind of thing, so the topic was quickly divorced.


At the moment she was all comfortable, and Emilia, who felt that she had recovered, did not want to think about things at this time, so she nodded and was ready to soak for a while.



"Anastasia, don't touch it!"


"What's wrong?"

Amid the exclamation of Emelia, Anastasia Hessing had already picked up the hideous stuffed bear floating on the water, and then tenderly pushed it into the water and completely soaked it. While scrubbing, she looked strangely at Emilia who was exclaiming.



The twin sisters Ram and Rem glanced at each other, then closed their mouths very simply, but continued to soak them in silence, and refused to speak any more.

"What's wrong?"

"Strange, is there any problem?"

Anastasia's doubts in her heart became even worse, because she was not stupid, and she had already seen that the expressions of Emilia and the two twin maids seemed a bit wrong at this time.

"It's like this..."

"It's called Tibbers. It's a powerful shadow bear. Of course, Anastasia, you can think of it as a powerful big elf?"

"Almost the same as my Parker?"

Hesitating, seeing the other person's inquiring gaze, and then looking at a little girl who was eating on her own by the far side of the pool, Emilia thought about it, and then began to explain it carefully.


"Then what?"

Anastasia still felt a little inexplicable, not knowing why the three of them suddenly became so excited.


Emilia flattened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Master Anastasia!"

"Actually, it is like this. Tibbers hates other people bathing it, and it likes to eat people very much!"


"According to the master, Tibbers has said more than once that he would strip off Ram, Rem, and Emilia-sama and eat them in one bite?"

"And so are Flandreka, Petra, and Betty-sama!"

"But, Master Anastasia, don't worry, it can't act on its own most of the time. Even if it can act on its own, it won't be allowed by the owner to do that."

"However, it can sometimes do other evil things..."

"Yes, very evil!"

At this time, the twin sisters spoke and patiently explained them one by one.

Almost at the same time, the hands that Ram and Rem placed under the pool quietly stroked and protected them. The shape, size and roundness of them were basically the same, and they were not as distinct as their breasts.


"Very evil, how evil is it?"

Anastasia blinked, wondering what evil such a stuffed bear could do. After all, the other party is just an ‘elf’?


"It's the kind of "slap", and then you can't walk in Anastasia the next day?"

Suddenly, Emilia on the side was moving away from Anastasia, while empathizing with the maids of the two sisters, she secretly and subconsciously reached out her hand to cover her plump hind buttocks that was still soaked in the water, and then she was timid. He explained that to Anastasia.


"Walk, can't walk?!!!"


Anastasia Hexin, who is knowledgeable and not as innocent as Emilia, seems to have misunderstood something. So, her flushed cheeks instantly became redder, and then she subconsciously took it. Throwing a certain bear away, then hugged his body and sank under the pool, only half of his head was exposed.


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Tibbers silently slandered these stupid female humans in front of especially the one called Anastasia Hessing. Obviously, it didn’t even admit that it would go. Doing the evil things that the other party imagines, it is more willing to do something else, such as... eating the other party's delicate body in one bite, especially the cat ear girl swimming in the water over there. ?)


And when Anne, Emelia, Ram and Rem were comfortably soaking in the hot springs in the inn of the'Hyotei of Water' under the reception of the host, the cart driver Frederica was annoyed. Wandering around in the complicated and narrow streets of Prestell, Pratunam.



"Why come around again..."


"Didn't the guy just say to turn left and then turn right?"

Looking at the dead end in front of her, Flandreka stopped the earth dragon pulling the cart, and then looked at no one left and right, and then looked at the dead end and the flowing waterways in front. In the end, there was no way, she could only hate. He pulled the reins and turned around, planning to return to the original path and find another reliable guy to ask for directions.


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