Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1584: ?(?)? When chaos progresses

Sword Saint Reinharut, who is known as the'strongest on earth', is indeed not a vain name, although he was defeated at an absolute disadvantage when he was against a messy little girl, whether it was a force attack or a spell attack. However, when facing the miscellaneous fishes of the Witch Cult and even the general sinners, he was still able to do his job well.

Otherwise, the former chief of sin, the "bad eating" in gluttony, the tricky guy who is said to be able to devour the opponent's memory and name, but also gain the opponent's abilities and share the damage will not be given a few swords by him. It's easy to kill.

To be honest, after easily killing the gluttonous teacher Roy Alufarud, Reinhardt finally regained a little confidence and no longer continued to doubt his own strength.

Up to now, he has basically controlled the North Gate area.

He is planning to clear out the enemy in the tower and occupy it here. As long as there is no such intractable sinner here, there shouldn't be much suspense in the battle.

It’s just that there are still many members of the Witch’s Cult in the northeast city they are in charge of. Reinharut himself doesn’t know where they came from, so that the area they just cleaned up is now chaotic. Became a ball.

Looking back from here, I only saw fire lights and shouts of killings everywhere. Although he wanted to turn back and clean up again, he looked at the North Gate Tower in front of him and saw that he was being protected not far away. At the end of Firut, he still had to sigh secretly.

"You guys, are you ready?"

"Bring your spirits up!"

"Anyway, there is always nothing wrong with controlling the Watergate Tower first!"

"let's start!"

"I'm here on standby outside. If you find an enemy you can't deal with, you call me immediately!"


With that said, he glanced at the team composed of knights and mercenaries. With Ryan Harut's big wave of his hand, the troops who had been on standby for a long time clamored towards the hall of the North Gate Tower where there were corpses everywhere. Rushed in.

Their morale is very high. After all, the great sin priest of the Witch Cult has been beheaded by the swordsman Rein Harut, and the ordinary Witch Cultists remaining in the tower will naturally not be too much released by them. In the heart.


"How about it, are there any problems?"

At this time, his face was a little unsightly. When he first came here, he was careless, and almost not being "eaten" by the "bad eating" of the overeating, Firut was finally relieved and strong. He stepped forward and asked Reinharut.


"There should be no other situation here."

"However, this battle is still a bit too hasty..."


"On our way here, that city has fallen again..."

"If we give us more time to mobilize enough manpower, the current situation will not become like this."

Thinking of other people, and thinking of those throne candidates, their actions were relatively smooth, and they were so embarrassed on their own way, Reinharut’s handsome face that was still swollen and bruised couldn’t help being a little bit more. The look of chattering and loneliness.

Single-handedly he has never beaten someone (|?˙?˙) Huh? Forget it, but it's better now. Even the marching and commanding troops are inferior to the throne candidates, which makes him not know where to put his face.


Looking at the northeastern city where the gunpowder was blazing in the distance, and then at other relatively peaceful cities, Ferut could not help but clenched his fists in a bit of chagrin, shame and self-blame.

"That can't be helped."

"Reinhardt, we must first take down this high tower now, and the rest, the city...can only be handed over to reinforcements."

"Only in that way can the worst result be avoided!"

"Do not worry……"

"Didn't your Excellency Kurxiu just say it?"

"They have completed the task there, and now they have assigned the'Sword Demon', that is, Wilhelm of your Sword Saint Family to bring people to support us. If they are there to help, the turmoil in the city must be able to It was cleared out soon."

Filut has long heard of the Witch Cult, and he also knows that they often use all means to achieve their goals, and they will wantonly take the lives of innocent people and cause a lot of casualties.

She didn't believe it all at first, and at one time she felt that it was probably deliberately promoted by the nobles and high-levels of the kingdom to mislead the people?

But now, after seeing the chaos here in the city of Watergate, the people who died tragically, and the actions of the gangsters who burned, killed, taken captive, and did everything, she finally had to believe it, and she finally knew why The "Witch's Cult" has always been regarded as the most evil symbol.

"It will be like that, he, it will be fine to deal with those guys!"


"Firut, in that case, we're afraid we will have to lose out..."

With a wry smile, Reinhardt turned his head and looked at the little blond girl with red eyes who was injured but still stubbornly refused to sit down and rest.

"If you lose, lose!"

"Anyway, I didn't want to choose from the beginning. You forced me to do it?"

"Just do it!"

"If I lose Firut and let more people survive, then I'd rather quit that boring election now!"

"I didn't think I might choose..."

Many people knew that Filut herself was forced to participate in the king’s election. In addition, she really had no chance of winning. Therefore, at this time, she was also a bachelor. After a frustrated sigh, she gave a The big Yanran smiley confessed to Reinharut.


"They are coming!"

"Very good!"

"Now the citizens are saved..."

Soon, Filut swept away the frustration he had just given, and cheered directly.

Because she saw that in the distance, there was a group of people sweeping the Witch Cultists who were vandalizing on the street like a dragon descending the mountain, and the one headed was not the familiar Wilhelm van Ass Who is the old Mr. Treia?


"It's just that, Ferut, you could have become a qualified queen!"


Looking at Firut's relaxed expression, and thinking about what the other party just said, Reinhardt couldn't help but sigh in awe.

Firut was found in the slum by Reinharut himself. He still remembered that at that time, the other party was walking limping on the street with his butt, and then he half-kneeled in front of her abruptly. The method was shocked, and he immediately sat on the ground without standing still, and then jumped up at a faster speed?

At that time, he, who didn't know why, was really taken aback by her surprise behavior.

For this slum candidate for the throne, to this little girl, he and his like-minded young people have always been very supportive, because they know that only those who are born at the bottom of the kingdom and know the suffering of the people Only Ferut can represent the interests of the people at the bottom, and can innovate, save and change this declining and decadent kingdom, and in one fell swoop to reverse the current situation of Lugnica that has accumulated more than four hundred years of abuse!

What's more, he also found out clearly at the same time that Firut's true identity is probably the daughter of Lord Frud, the king's brother who was taken away in the past!

In this way, Filut has the blood of the Royal Lugonica, definitely more worthy of support than the Capella Emerald Lugonica that was announced in the city hall before!

But it's a pity that now the voice of the master Emilia is really too high and too high, so high that he doesn't even know what to do to make Filut win.

Judging from the current situation, whether it is military force, power, merit, or prestige, Firut is too far behind, let alone Emilia, compared with other candidates for the throne. She is also the bottom of the existence.

That kind of gap, if you think about it seriously, can even make him feel a trace of despair?


"Reinhardt, what are you thinking about?"



At this moment, realizing that the knight next to him seemed a little careless, Filut couldn't help but approached him strangely, staring at him curiously with those red eyes.


"No, nothing!"

"I just……"


"There is a situation!!!"

Reinhardt was about to say something. Suddenly, he seemed to hear a certain signal from the tower. Just as he was shocked and ready to respond, unexpectedly, with a sound of glass shattering. With the sound, the group of knights and mercenaries who had just rushed into the tower, unexpectedly, several of them flew directly from the broken windows and walls and fell towards them below?



Seeing the bloodied corpses and countless building fragments and sharp glass falling from high in the sky, Reinhardt could not think too much. He hugged him and rolled into the distance. Dangerously avoiding the danger zone of falling objects from a high altitude.

"who is it?!"


However, just after standing firm and letting go of Filut, Reinhardt, who was about to draw his sword to meet the enemy, just had time to speak, and the next second, the whole person was stunned.

"That is….."


After an exclamation, Reinhardt's eyes widened.

Because, he saw that in the gap of the tower, there was a woman holding a long sword standing expressionlessly. The other person had red hair and azure blue eyes that are unique to the Astreya family.

At this moment, she was standing at the breach with so long hair, wearing a shabby floral dress, and there was no expression on that delicate face, so she stared at them with those emotionless eyes. Below are the people who are sternly waiting.



"what happened to you?"

The two had been getting along for a long time, and they had been familiar with each other for a long time. Therefore, Ferrut found something wrong with Reinharut at a glance.


However, Reinhardt was not in the mood to answer. At this time, his originally handsome and indifferent face had become a bit hideous.


"Bring Firut behind and protect it without error!"


Then, he shouted commands with an unquestionable stern tone to the messed up minions around him.



"Master Filut, let's go!"



"What's the matter?"

"You let me go!!"



Filut struggled and questioned.

However, Reinhardt did not answer her question, and none of the knights and entourages who seemed to have seen the seriousness of the situation listened to her, and immediately stopped her and speeded up to the Kalsten family to support the soldiers. Run quickly in the direction of coming.


It was just too late for the unrelated people to wait for all the staff to retreat. In the next second, Reinhardt saw that the expressionless woman holding a long sword had jumped straight down from the tower and fell steadily. When I reached him, I started to stare at him with his eyes without focus.


"who are you?!"

After looking at each other for a while, suddenly, Reinhardt gnashed his teeth and asked with a grimly face. The voice was so loud that even Ferut, who was being held back by someone, was a little frightened.


Cang! !

Reinhardt pulled out his saber forcefully and let the dragon sword named'Leide' have the highest status in the world. And there was self-consciousness, and the point of the sword that would only be unsheathed when facing the right enemy was pointed at the woman far away.

From now on, Reinharut's bulging arms and back of hands are not hard to guess. He must be holding the hilt very hard and his heart is not calm.


However, the woman didn't answer, she still stood barefoot in place without saying a word, still looking at him with the expressionless face as she did at the beginning, her eyes out of focus.


"Please speak!"

"I can't feel Mana in your body, nor can I feel your heartbeat, who are you?"


"Theresa Van Astraea?!!!"

Almost roaring, Reinhardt exhausted all his strength to shout out the name that he had been carrying for nearly fifteen years, and it was undoubtedly a very heavy name for him.

"What the **** is wrong with you?!"

As long as it is a living person, there is usually Mana on his body, which is magic, and also has a heartbeat, and the woman in front of him who is very familiar to him but is a little strange but has neither of them, that can explain some problems. .

However, even if it was vaguely guessing what kind of existence the incoming person was, Reinhardt couldn't calm down.

After all, the identity of that woman is extraordinary to him.

In fact, judging from the fact that he has red hair and blue eyes that are unique to the Asteria family, and he just called out the other’s name in grief, it’s not difficult to guess that the woman and him and the Asteria family The relationship is definitely not ordinary.

And the fact is exactly that...

Because the other party is Theresia van Asteria, the wife of Wilhelm van Asteria, and her grandmother Reinharut Van Asteria, also It's the Juggernaut of the previous generation!

Teresia van Astraia has always been Reinhardt’s most beloved and respected character. He is the great Lugnica hero who led the Kingdom Army to end the "Diamen War" and his most beloved person. none of them!

Reinhardt still remembers clearly that when Teresia set out to crusade against the Beluga fourteen years ago, the protection of the Juggernaut suddenly shifted to him, who was only five years old. As a result, she eventually lost the power of the Juggernaut. Unfortunately...

And this has also become the main reason for the estrangement between his grandfather Wilhelm and him. Even Reinhardt himself has been guilty of self-blame because of that incident, and has haunted him like a nightmare for 14 years. , So that he has never been able to forgive himself easily.

And now...

That woman, that his beloved grandmother Theresa van Astraia, she actually appeared again, and she stood in front of him with a sword face blankly, and there was no trace of alive all over her body. , Coupled with the fact that he is still holding the sword against him, it seems that he is still on the side of the Witch Teaching, how can this make him calm down?


The woman still didn't answer, she still just stood barefoot in place without saying a word, still as expressionless as before, looking at Reinharut with no focus.


"Don't answer, or can't answer?"


Looking at the other party's face, he first gave a bitter smile, and then exhaled a suffocating breath. Reinhardt finally calmed down, and the long sword that was originally facing the other party also slowly hung down.

"I see……"

"All of this was done by people taught by the Witch, right?"

"My dear grandmother..."

"Don't worry, I will save you, and I will completely wipe out that evil sect, in the name of Astreya!!!"

With that said, while the sword aura was stirring, Reinhardt began to protect himself one by one, just as he did when he was facing a bad little girl.

It's just that this time, it was no longer a competition, and he didn't ask for a victory or defeat, because it didn't make any sense at all!

Now he just wants to use his way to atone for his sins, to end all this...


When Reinhardt was about to launch an attack on his grandmother who had passed away fourteen years ago, what he didn't know was that a messy little girl was still staying in the previous restaurant, eating. Things, while peeping at them with relish through magic lenses.



At this time, in front of Annie, there were screen-like magical images that appeared in mid-air. Inside, there was not only a confrontation between Reinharut and his grandmother, the sword master who had been dead for more than ten years, but also There is a scene where Anastasia and her knights are besieging an undead demihuman "eight-armed swordsman" by Rius and Mimi Palbaton.

Of course, Kursho, Priscilla, Emelia, and other people fighting in various places in the city of Watergate are definitely indispensable.


Standing behind Annie was Rem's well-behaved twin maid with blue hair and blue eyes.

At this time, she still has a lot of blood stains on her body and face, just like that, standing behind her house’s awful little master, and silently following a certain awful little master watching the city. What's happening inside.

Now Rem already knows why her master is not in a hurry, because, judging from the current situation, the five throne candidates and the power they possess seem to be able to defeat the invasion of the Witch’s Cult and stabilize this. The situation in the city, so, gradually, she is not too anxious now.


Rem saw it. In addition to the unprepared citizens and guards in the city, many mercenaries and knights also lost their lives in the counterattack, watching those brave warriors who fought bravely but ended up smashing the streets. , As kind as her, can't help being a little unbearable to remain indifferent.


"Are we really not going to help?"

"If we can help, we can definitely avoid more casualties, right?"

As a result, she hesitated again and again, feeling that she had fully recovered her strength now, and felt that her owner should have eaten up too, so she anxiously began to suggest.



"People won't go!"


"Wait and see!"


"Rem, I'll bet with you. Believe it or not, even if we stay here all the time, those stupid guys will definitely be able to make an ending that satisfies everyone?"


Seeing Rem's frowning nervous look, there was no way, Annie had to turn her head to sooth the other person, but soon she turned her head back and continued to look at it with relish.


"Satisfy everyone?"


"Master, you mean... everyone except the Witch Cult?!"

At first, he was taken aback for a while, but soon, Rem suddenly recovered and grasped a certain point, and then the blue eyes were directly rounded, and he couldn't wait to question.


( ̄▽ ̄")

" you can just watch it, if something goes wrong, it will be regarded as someone else's!"


Although the results have been seen, Annie now does not want to uncover the mystery so early.


"Master, Rem knows..."

Nodded, knowing that his master had made arrangements, the well-behaved blue-haired maid Rem did not ask any more, just continued to stand quietly behind her little Master Anne, blinking her blue Looking at the magical projection screens floating in the air with his big eyes, he waited patiently for a certain result.


?(?ˉ??ˉ?) Ask for monthly pass

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