Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1585: ?(???c) Anyway, that guy is still too weak...

Soon, a magical light almost visible to the naked eye lit up around Reinharut's body.

Before the enemy, before his "grandmother" was ready to act, Reinhardt added the protection of the Juggernaut, the protection of dodge, the protection of driving, and the preemptive protection at the moment of the magical power and sword energy swallowing. Basic measures have been taken to deal with the enemy, such as the protection of the enemy, the protection of the first sight, the protection of the second coming, and the protection of the heavens.

After all, he knew that the person on the opposite side was the previous generation of sword saints from the Astreya family of the sword saint family, his grandmother, and an extremely powerful sword saint!

Although for the time being I don’t know what is going on with the other party, how much strength the other party has left, let alone whether the other party has become stronger, but Reinhardt only knows: he must do his best. There is definitely nothing wrong with going there, with a pilgrimage-like attitude and unwavering determination to deal with it.



Suddenly, Theresa Van Astrea started to attack.

There was no sign, and no nonsense to Reinharut, the whole person suddenly turned into a flash of lightning, and the tip of the sword pierced directly towards Reinharut’s throat, killing him with a single shot. That kind of cruel tricks seemed to be determined to kill his grandson.


In the light of the fire, Reinhardt saw the sharp tip of the sword that would definitely not be visible in the eyes of ordinary people.

The "First Seen Care" is launched!

If it is a visible attack, the opponent's first attack must not hit him.

The other's name is Theresia Van Astreya, and I am Reinharut Van Astreya. The two are originally from the same family, and their swordsmanship are in the same line. Of course the Reinharut of the "Juggernaut" knew what the opponent was doing.

Therefore, there was no suspense, he could easily see the opponent's sword move, and dangerously let the tricky and somewhat inhuman long sword pass through his neck dangerously and pierce it into the air.


Ding! Ding!


Cang~! !

Soon, a man and a woman, the two current and former sword masters of the Astreya family, were on this huge but full of corpses and messy square in front of the North Gate Tower. When you come by the side of the waterway, I fought.

This fight is for a few minutes and does not distinguish the outcome!

However, although the two seem to be playing very lively, but it is not difficult to find out that Reinhardt actually did not use his full strength, and most of his moves are mainly defensive.

Known as the'strongest on the ground' and known as the strongest in history, Reinhardt is not to lose his name. He has strong strength, keen intuition and excellent eyesight, and he can use the performance of the weapons in his hand. To the extreme superb sword skills, but also has a special physique that can absorb the magic power in the atmosphere, except for a bad little girl archmage, he has never really lost to anyone in the true sense.

Therefore, it can be guessed that the reason why he is mostly defensive now is just to test his opponent.

Sadly, even if he could vaguely guess and determine what happened to the other party, he still wanted to figure out for himself what was going on with the'grandmother' who was fighting with him and was killing her with a sword. 100% sure, not 100% sure, he must not be ruthless.


"Is that you?"

After a few more minutes, Reinhardt became impatient.

At this time, he has basically determined that the other party is indeed his grandmother. This can be seen only from the other party's appearance and the extremely familiar sword skills. It must not be faked.


The other party never said a word from the beginning to the end, and his expression never changed. Even the look in his eyes and the line of sight did not change. It was like a corpse that could move on its own. It made his heart that had been filled with regret from seeing the other side's face even more stinging.

At the same time, he hated the Witch Cultists, especially those who have all kinds of powers.

Ding! Ding!



"Grandma, if it were you, what would you want me to do?"

"what should I do?"

He sighed in his heart, and while calmly blocking the opponent's fierce attack, Reinhardt asked softly, even if he was sure that the opponent would not answer.


After being silent for a while, Reinhardt launched the ‘Telepathic Protection’, so that the person who can roughly understand the thinking of the opponent in front of him, and the protection of conveying content to the designated object was applied to himself and the other party.

But then...

Except for the opponent's still fierce attack, he didn't get any reply!

The other party's heart is completely blank?

In the other person's mind, he didn't think about anything, and he didn't even respond to his call. There, it was like stagnant water...

And there is only one possibility if there is such a situation, that is: the other party is indeed a corpse now!

Bang! !


Once again, a sword blocked the opponent’s stab and bounced the opponent away by slamming the blade. After he had basically determined everything he wanted to understand, Reinhardt finally completely extinguished the last glimmer of fantasy in his heart. Sighed.



"I think I understand..."

After sighing, his azure blue eyes, which were characteristic of the Astreya family, which was originally filled with doubts, hesitation, sadness, and intolerance, finally gradually became firm.

"Do not worry!"


"I won't let the people of the Witch Cult continue to blaspheme you..."

"They will definitely pay for it!!"



With that said, Reinhardt launched the ‘judgment protection’, and then, those azure blue eyes firmly locked the opponent's body.


"Sure enough, it's ‘Reaper’s Protection’!"

"It looks like a quick fight is going to be made, otherwise, no matter who hurts, grandma, you must be very guilty?"

As soon as the words fell, I have completely figured out the power level of the'grandmother' and the current real state, knowing that it is not my real grandmother who is standing in front of me and fighting with me, but just a villain who has been taught by the witch to use evil. After his magic was given to the controlling puppet, Reinhardt finally broke out.

"It's time to end..."

In the next instant, the endless sword energy began to form a whirlpool and revolved around Reinharut.

A huge amount of magic power began to spontaneously rush toward his body from the surrounding air, and at the same time, the blade of the dragon sword'Leide' in his hand also began to resonate and tremble slightly and burst out. The dazzling light.

Rein Harut’s title of “the strongest on the ground” is not an understatement, although the “grandmother” in front of him is indeed very powerful, and it may even be so strong that there is no one but him and a little girl in this city. It was her opponent, but, after all, the opponent was no longer a swordsman. He had no dragon sword and no soul. It was just a body and fighting with instinct plus the protection of the **** of death.

In comparison, the opponent is still far behind him, the darling of the world who has more than forty types of protections and can obtain and use more protections.


The protection of arrows, the protection of light!

After stimulating two additional protections again, Reinhardt raised his dragon sword'Leide' high, preparing to attack with a long-range light attribute to completely'kill' his'grandmother' And let the other person rest in peace.

"Feel sorry!"

"Dear grandmother, I must do this, please forgive me..."

After a murmured sigh, Reinharut finally slashed that mortal sword before the other party planned to rush up and start a fierce fight with him again.



However, at the critical moment when he was about to be cut off, he abruptly stopped.

Because, at this time, he found that, abruptly, a sideburn with a white beard and a sharp face, but at this time, he looked at it with a hideous pen straight and suddenly held the sword in front of him, forcibly blocking his eyes with his body. The ultimate blow to be cut.


"Are you crazy?!"

After seeing the face of the incoming person clearly, Reinhardt hurriedly stopped the offensive forcefully, and yelled at the other side angrily.

"You are crazy!!!"

"evil creature!!"

"What do you want to do to my Teresia?!!!"

That's right, it was Wilhelm who was ordered by Kursho and brought people to support this city.

He hadn’t noticed the anomaly here when he was fighting against the followers of the Witch’s Cult in the distant street before, but when he saw that his “invincible” grandson was actually given to him by an enemy of the Witch’s Cult. After entangled for a long time and couldn't win, he was a little confused and worried, so he rushed to check it out alone.

But it doesn't matter if it doesn't look at it. He looked like he was blown up, staring round his bloodshot eyes and rushing over with a terrifying face regardless of his face, and finally stopped a certain evil animal grandson dangerously at the last moment. Atrocities.

"I do not have!"

"It's you!"

"You wake up!"

"She is no longer my grandmother, you can see for yourself that she has been taught to control by the witch, and now she is just a corpse!"

"Get out of the way, let me rescue her completely, let her rest in peace sooner!"

Seeing that the ‘grandmother’ on the opposite side was rushing towards the back of the unsuspecting grandfather, Reinharut hurriedly swept across with a sword gas to stop the opponent.

"stop it now!"

"She is Teresia, my Teresia..."

"You bastard!!!"

Anxiously, seeing that his dreaming wife was once again forced back with a sword by his grandson, Wilhelm, who was afraid that the other party was injured, could not think about other things, but instead roared and held the sword toward the Rhine. Harut rushed over and prepared to desperately.

clang! ! !


"Are you really crazy?!"

Although it seemed that he could easily block the opponent's desperate blow, under the opponent's full strength, Reinhardt still had to be forced to step back dozens of steps by the force.

"It's dangerous here!"

"Quickly get out of your way and be sober, sir, she is no longer my grandmother, she is dead, she has been dead for more than ten years!"

"Now, she is just a body controlled by the Witch Teaching!!"

"Let me end it all!"

"I beg you!!!"

But even so, Reinharut still didn't dare to attack. He could only secretly gritted his teeth and explained to the other party in anxious and angrily. Hurry up and finish everything here before the kill is broken.

"Do not!"

"Don't you want to hurt her again!"

"Don't think about it!!"

At this moment, Wilhelm's eyes were full of blood, and his expression was crazy.


When he slowly turned to look at the red-haired woman who was standing up silently and walking towards him again with a slightly stiff pace, the expression on his face instantly changed into endless tenderness, pity, and self-reliance. The obsessive smile inside.


"My Theresa..."

"Is that you?"

Wilhelm put down his long sword and called the other's name affectionately.

He saw that the other party was indeed his wife, and she was as beautiful as before, looking only 30 or 40 years old?


I don't know what's going on. The clothes on the other party are so broken, it looks like they haven't been changed for a long time. Presumably, the other party must have suffered a lot during this time, right?

But it doesn't matter, now he is here, he has found her, everything will be fine, he firmly believes that it will.

"You see clearly for yourself!"

"She is dead!"

"There is no sign of life in her body, no magic, no heartbeat, she has nothing that a living person should have!!"

"wake up!!"

"Like the eight-armed swordsman Anastasia and the others met, she is now a body controlled by the Witch's Educator!"

"Get out of the way!!"

Seeing that his'grandmother' was walking towards his grandfather Wilhelm step by step. Although his relationship with each other has been very bad, Reinhardt still had to explain out loud anxiously, thinking Let the other party quickly get away.

"Do not!"

"She is my Teresia!"

"You want to hurt her again..."

"Unless, you step over my corpse!!"

After watching obsessively for a while, the bad old man Wilhelm slowly turned around, and once again held the sword at Reinharut, his face was full of hideous and crazy expressions.

However, as everyone knows, when he showed his unsuspecting back to his dreaming ‘wife’, the rusty long sword in the other’s hand was slowly being raised.


Looking at my grandfather’s red eyes, hideous expressions and tear marks on his cheeks, then look at the other’s determined attitude, and the face behind him walking forward with no expression, and he is raising his hand to prepare for something. A sword-playing'grandmother', Reinhardt knew that he must make a choice now, he must cut the mess quickly, otherwise, what awaits him today will only be a sadder ending.

"I will!"

"Feel sorry……"

"I have to do that. If it were a grandmother, she would definitely not want her to hurt you..."

While speaking, the ‘protection of the cloud’ lit up on Reinharut, causing him to slowly levitate and fly into the air as if he had lost gravity.

Then, with the fatal slash in his hand, he slammed it down at the moment his ‘grandmother’ stabbed towards the back of his grandfather!

"Do not!!!"

The roaring Wilhelm fought back angrily, trying to use his own ability to work hard to block the bright sword Qi Slash.


While the light from the dragon sword'Leide' was shining in this place, the shocking blow did not injure his body of this horrible old man, but slammed into the one behind him through him. The body of a red-haired woman in a long dress.

Then, the red-haired woman was like a thunderstorm, her eyes slightly rounded and then flew high, endless light bursting out of the woman's body.

Immediately afterwards, when the light gradually dissipated, the unscathed opponent fell like a puppet that had lost the marionette, dropping the long sword in his hand and fell down.

"Do not!!!"

A heart-piercing voice sounded, and Wilhelm rushed towards the woman regardless.


At this time, Reinharut also put away the dragon sword, and slowly landed from the air blankly to the ground, and at the same time removed all the sword energy and protection on his body.

His move just now was harmless, but deadly, enough to erase everything in that body!

However, he didn't know what was going on. Although he won without much effort, he couldn't be happy.

On the contrary, at this moment, his heart is full of heaviness, the kind of unspeakable sadness and complicated emotions.

"Do not!!!"

The old body fell in the distance, and soon a heart-piercing cry rang.


"I did nothing wrong, this is what she expected..."

"I did nothing wrong..."

Reinhardt walked over indifferently.

Then, when the tearful and gritted old man was about to grab his grandmother’s sword and turn his head to fight him desperately, he took a step ahead of the opponent, raised a hand sword, and hit Wilhelm's neck fiercely. The opponent rolled his eyes before he had time to react, and fell on the body of the woman with long red hair.



"Okay, awesome!"

When it seemed that the dust had settled on the north gate, Rem, the twin little maid who was watching the ‘live broadcast’ with a certain wretched little girl, finally couldn’t help but exclaimed, covering his lips.

"So strong!"

"That's his true strength?"


Look at to see that the Juggernaut is so powerful, think about how the opponent fought the enemy for more than ten minutes and was still able to do so, and think about the other night two days ago. With the miserable appearance of the little master beating him with the legs of the table, Rem couldn't believe that it was the same person.


"Lord, master, if he had the opportunity to use that trick that night, how many chances would you have?"

So, after thinking and thinking, Rem, who couldn't figure it out, finally couldn't help it. With a curious tone, he turned to the one beside her and started to look at other scenes, completely not paying attention to the battle just under the north gate tower. Master Annie asked timidly.





When Rem thought that her Master Anne would say a certain number, a certain messy little girl curled her lips and said so and so.


"Not how much?"

Rem didn't react.

"No, there is no chance at all!"


"It's the kind where infinity is always equal to zero, shouldn't it be the same?"


"Anyway, that guy is still too weak."


Anyway, Anne knows that Rein Harut, whether the other party can beat her, depends entirely on her mood, and has nothing to do with the opponent's strength at all!

If the other party finds something delicious to cheer her up, what if she barely pretends to let him win?

And if she is in a bad mood, even 10,000 Sword Saints will not be able to escape her beating!


(● ̄? ̄●)


(?????) Ask for monthly pass

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