Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1588: |????)? I heard that there are so many good things here...

The earth of this world is a planet one hundred and sixty-six times larger than the real standard earth (radius), but the gravity is basically the same. God knows why it is like this.


Is the creator of this world a scumbag who only knows when he doesn't listen to lectures in class. Therefore, his physics rules have not been studied carefully, so that he has set the world to look like this?

It is inconvenient to investigate the specific reasons.

Anyway, the earth in this world is so big, and gravity is also so unreasonable at the same time. The facts are like this. Whoever wants to be serious will lose.

On this planet, it is mainly composed of the human world where humans gather and live, and the larger food world that has not yet been developed.

And the land where humans live only occupies a very small area of ​​this planet. In the distance of the wider sea, in that unknown place, there are all kinds of miracles that humans have not seen so far.

You know, the area formula of a sphere is: πR2, so the planet (Earth?) with a radius of one hundred and sixty-six times the standard earth only needs to mentally calculate that its surface area is at least one of that of the standard earth. One hundred and sixty-six times the square, which is 27,556 times as big!

And for such a huge earth with a surface area of ​​27,556 times larger than the standard earth, it is only natural that the humans living here only explore and occupy a small area.

In fact, before that time, the humans living on this planet had brazenly launched a war that was about to destroy the world, and mankind was almost extinct!

Fortunately, at that critical moment, a food **** who claimed to be Acacia stepped forward. By sharing the king of ingredients'GOD' and sharing'GOD' for the heads of countries, he finally barely ended. war.

Because those heads of countries who have eaten'GOD' suddenly discovered that the world is so beautiful and the food is so delicious. If you fight to death, you will never be able to eat it again. Therefore, they quickly reached a consensus. Under the temptation of food, they pulled the world back from the brink of destruction and created a new era of food for mankind!

Through a limited number of explorations in the food world outside of human habitation, humans were quickly surprised to discover that this world is different from what they imagined and already understood. There is actually a huge one full of fantasy. The gourmet world of rare ingredients?

And in the food world, there are all kinds of magical things, such as: beasts whose whole body's meat melts in their tongues and a layer of oil, "trees" that bear delicious shrimp and crab meat throughout the year, and There will be an endless stream of fragrant brandy springs, magical springs, rivers rushing with cream, and so on.

In short, human beings are surprised to find that the world is so beautiful and the resources are so rich. Even if all people can eat and drink for a lifetime without work, real peace will finally come, and war is also at this time. Stopped abruptly.


But today, when a tragic little girl accidentally pulls off in Priest, Watergate, she can’t show her face to admit her mistakes, and she refuses to admit that she messed up, and she doesn’t want to see someone. An octopus monster with a smug expression (actually it was flattering and flattering?), she angrily left the boring alien world and came to this so-called gourmet world on the day that those guys were preparing to take the throne.



"I heard that you have a lot of delicious things here, is it true?"


Annie surreptitiously appeared on this strange ship shaped like a lion's head, and showed up to say hello to the crew.

Just now she has secretly scanned it. This strange ship has a turf deck, as well as a large aquarium room, library, and many other convenient equipment. She also found on the nameplate that this broken ship, It seems that the name is: Wanli Sunshine (also known as Sunshine Wanli, Sonny)?


"Enemy, enemy attack!!"

"who is it?!"

"Why did she get on the boat, and when did it happen?"

"Don't worry, catch her first!!"


"Go together!!"

I found an inexplicable little **** the boat, and the other party was still slowly landing from the air. Just after experiencing a natural disaster, the nervous crew members all coaxed and rushed towards a little girl who appeared inexplicably. .


!? (?\'\'??)?

"What are you doing?!"


"Burn you to death!!"


She was besieged inexplicably. With Anne's temperament, she obviously would not fail to fight back, and she would not explain it first. Instead, she grabbed a ball of fire and started fighting with the weird men and women regardless.


A few minutes later, after a series of conflicts and misunderstandings...

The Straw Hat Crew, the captain of the Straw Hat Ship Group, one of the most evil generations, the rubber fruit ability, and the 1.5 billion bel reward of One Piece (professed) Monkey·D·Luffy is finally regarded as a mess with someone. A certain queen who broke into their ship inexplicably and the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most most The most the most most

Of course, the two sides are not the kind of acquaintance, but the kind of not knowing each other, and they are forced to know each other after a fiasco.

"No, no food?"


"What does it mean to have no food?!"


After the two sides resolved the misunderstanding, Annie naturally put forward her request to the weird and self-proclaimed pirates in front of them. That was:

Hurry up and entertain her with those foods in this world that are said to be super delicious, because she has heard some readers say many times, saying that there are many, many in this world that is still very strange to her. Something super delicious?

But now, she came, and wanted to see it in person to see if there really is the kind of food that can make her addicted to eating it, and then never want to leave again?

If she finds out that's not the case, those guys who make random comments in book reviews will be out of luck!

Her Queen Anne was outraged, she had to deduct the lucky value of the guys who dared to encourage her to come here directly to the lowest point, or even directly deducted to a negative number!


(● ̄? ̄●)

"No food means..."

"Because some guys know about eating and drinking all day long, all the food on board our Wanli Sunshine has been eaten, and we are all hungry for a long time!"


"Annie, I'm really sorry, we can't come up with that kind of delicious food to entertain you..."

Beside Annie, the short orange hair Nami said weakly.

After being hungry for a long time, and then just after a group of people fought with Annie and finally lost, she had consumed a lot of energy, and now she only felt more hungry.


"It's terrible!"

"First the food on the boat ran out, then was blown into this unknown sea by the storm, and finally ran into a weird little girl, and was beaten up by the other party for no reason..."


"Is it my unlucky day today?!"

At this time, Luffy, who had a lot of burn marks on his body, lay on the turf deck of their ship with his hands and feet open, and directly covered his swollen face with his straw hat. Just like that urn sounded arrogantly.

He doesn't want to move at all now...

Because, the little girl who appeared on their boat after the storm just now, that Annie is really amazing!

With so many people on their boats, they weren’t the opponents of the other party. Even Luffy himself was beaten so that he almost became'real' plasticine. Now his whole body is still swollen, so he feels his body and His soul was severely traumatized, and he no longer wanted to be in charge, so he just wanted to lie down and do nothing.

Of course, Luffy didn’t admit that their entire ship couldn’t beat the little girl. He felt that it must be because they had consumed too much energy in fighting the storm, and they were hungry for a long time, which finally caused serious strength. Decline, so that the overall decline in combat effectiveness is the reason?

Sure, it's like that, right?


"The top priority now is to quickly find a place to add ingredients!"

"No matter how bad it is, it's okay to go down to the sea to get some fish..."

Blue hair, an iron nose, a large gold chain weighing tens of kilograms hung around his neck, and wearing a floral shirt, he looked like an underworld boatman, the iron man Frankie, rubbing his nose and giving it out. His suggestion.

His nose was knocked off by a nasty little girl just now, but fortunately, his technique was excellent, and he quickly made a new press on it. In addition to feeling a little loose now, he may need to continue to remodel it later. Besides, there seems to be nothing serious.

"That's a good point!"

"I don't know where this place is yet. How can it be so easy to find supplementary food?"

"Not to mention fishing for fish!"

"Look at it for yourself, the sea near here is crystal clear, and it's not rare to see a few fry. How about you go down and catch it by yourself?"

Roronoa Sauron, with a broken knife in his hand, directly knocked Frankie's words back.

The Three Swordsman who fights with three knives, and who is also the first member of the'Straw Hat Crew', was interrupted by all three scimitars in the fight with the nasty little girl just now. Now I am feeling very upset!

"Think of a way!"

"Although there is still water on the boat, you can't just watch everyone starving to death, right?"

"Sanji, what can you do?"

The sniper of the ‘Straw Hat Crew’, Usopp, nicknamed the ‘King of Sniper’, looked pitifully at Sanji, the chef of their Wanli Sunshine, hoping that the other party would come up with a solution to everyone’s current plight.

As a pirate, he certainly knows the risks that ships face when they get lost in the sea and demand food and fresh water. After all, it can be fatal!

Fortunately, fresh water can be easily obtained from the sea by distillation, but food is really difficult.

After all, they are pirate boats, not fishing boats, but there is no such kind of professional fishing trawl, and those fishing rods are probably not of much use in this sea area, and it is even more impossible to sustain the entire ship with so many crew members. Daily needs.

"What can I do!"

"It's not you, if you didn't know how to eat and drink all day, how could it be like this now?"

"When it's okay, it doesn't matter. Anyway, you can go to replenish at any time. Now that the storm comes, you know the consequences are serious, right?"

It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. Although Sanji himself is a cook on the boat and his cooking skills are quite good, he really can't help it now when all the food is eaten.

What's more, all of this is the result of some people on the ship wantonly. It should be the initiators or everyone working together to find a way to find a way, but they can't all come to him.

"This is over!"

"I will definitely be hungry into bones..."

"Come on, Brooke, you're a bone frame, even if we all starve to death, you won't die!"


"That said, Brooke is so lucky, that kind of yellow spring fruit is really envious!"

"But, the bone frame will also be hungry..."


"Or, let's eat seagulls!"



"But which one of your eyes saw seagulls here?"


Soon, the pirate members on the Wanli Sunshine, these'straw hat gangs' quarreled with each other, but unfortunately, no one found a practical solution to the current Wanli. An effective way to run out of food on the Sunshine.



Seeing the noisy pirates in front of her, Annie suddenly regretted it.

She was beginning to wonder, which **** reader suggested to her that Queen Anne came to this world?

Now let’s take a look at where there is anything delicious here. There is nothing here, just a broken ship with only fresh water and a group of pirates who will soon be starved to death on the sea.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"It's really nerve-wracking..."

Looking at the appearance of her companions, Nami thought for a while, and simply sat directly on the turf of the deck, planning to take a rest and regain her strength.

After all, they just had a battle with Annie, and she herself consumed a lot of strength, and now she feels that her hands and feet are still a bit soft!



"what is that?"

Suddenly, when everyone was at a loss, Nicole Robin, an archaeologist from the "Straw Hat Crew", who was born in Xihai, offered a bounty of 130 million berries and had the ability to eat flowers and fruits, suddenly pointed at the ship's edge. Exclaimed in one direction.




"that is……"

"It's far away, but it looks like an island, and it's not small!"


"Yes! It's an island..."

Hearing Nicole Robin’s exclamation, many pirates who were still complaining about each other and tearing down the platform rushed to the side of the boat, and then straightened their necks and looked towards the sky that Nicole had instructed.



"Where is it?"

"Let me take a look!"

Hearing there were islands, the captain Lu Fei, who had been lying on the deck playing dead, jumped up instantly.

Then, he rushed to the edge of the boat with everyone, and after snatching a telescope for the first time, he stretched his neck to the mast, and began to observe the island that Nicole first discovered in the distance.

"It's really an island, not a mirage!"

"I saw it, there seem to be animals and vegetation, and dense jungles on it!"

"Very good!"

"We are saved!!"

After seeing it clearly, Luffy, with his neck and arms retracted, immediately took the lead and cheered.

Obviously, there are islands, vegetation and animals, then it proves that there is food on the island to supply them, even if no one on it can only rely on hunting, but for them, each of them has powerful superpowers. For them, hunting is much easier than fishing for fish.


"Long live!!"

"Very good!"

"Sure enough, I knew that our pirate group couldn't be destroyed here like this!"

"Thanks to Nicole!"



"Finally don't have to starve to death, long live~!!!"

"Long live!!"

The reindeer that eats everyone’s fruit, the fifth member of the'Straw Hat Crew', looks more like a blue-nosed reindeer of a civet Tony Tony who speaks humans and can stand upright Chopper also cheered with everyone at this time.

Fortunately, it found the island. Otherwise, it is really worried that one day these hungry companions will roast venison or something.

"Jinping, turn around!"

"Goal: The nameless island, go ahead at full speed!!!"


Finally seeing the hope of survival, Lu Fei hurriedly shouted to the helmsman Jinping behind the Wanli Sunshine to give orders, while extending his long arm to show the other party the way forward.



Annie didn't cheer with the pirates who were holding her together. She was thinking about whether to leave here and punish some bad guys who fooled her into this world at the same time.


(? ̄? ̄?)

"Do not worry!"


"We will find something to eat soon!"

At this moment, Nami walked over, and as a consolation, she reluctantly expressed her consolation to the straight-faced Annie.

Actually, she doesn't know if there is food on that island, but no matter what, hope is better than floating at sea and waiting for death!

If it were to be blown into the ocean without any land or islands around it when the food was running out, that would really make people feel desperate.

"hope so……"

′Ο`*))) alas

After sighing, Annie thought for a while, she had to temporarily put out the idea of ​​leaving here, and planned to reluctantly go to the island with these weird guys to have a look.



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