Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1590: (?~?) Weird world

When Annie looked curiously towards the dense forest in front, as a certain tempting scent became stronger and closer, soon, a large group of people steamed and scented all over their bodies. The half-roasted pigs whose meat was still charred on the outside and tender on the inside rushed out of the dense forest fiercely.

In addition to the pigs, there was also a strange combination of two men and one wolf that emerged from the pile of herbs on the other side.

However, now Annie, Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Chopper and others are all attracted by the group of "roast pigs" who can walk by themselves. Didn't take it too seriously.

"Okay, it smells good!"


"What the **** are these guys?"

Luffy, who just picked a few large pieces of meat from the meat-bearing tree, was no longer attracted by the meat at this time, but kept his saliva looking at the roast pigs who had brought him to the door.

Just now, they have been worried about whether there is food to supplement on this desert island, and whether their ships and crew can get enough food and get out of the predicament. But now, it is clear that their previous concerns are completely. Is superfluous!

Because, the food on this weird desert island is so plentiful and rich that they exceed their imaginations. What they need to worry about at this moment is what they need to do to make the amount and weight of these horrible. Delicacy is successfully carried to the ship?


"So, what's that?"

Nami who saw the wild boar instantly rounded her eyes and exclaimed at the same time.

"Aren't we really dreaming?"

"Cooked pig?"

"Why, how could there be such a thing?!!!"

Now, she only felt that the animals that appeared in front of everyone were really beyond her imagination, even more difficult for her than the flesh on the trees, the noodle grass on the ground, and the mushroom marshmallows. Believable.


"I have no idea……"

"Me too."

"This is the first time I have seen this."

Sanji and Chopper also looked a little dumbfounded, so that suddenly Qi Qi felt that the meat on their hands was a bit unsavory.

"Huh? Don't you even know this?"

"This is a roasted whole pig!"

At this moment, the man with short black hair and big nostrils from the two men-wolf combination that just appeared suddenly spoke.

"They are roasted whole pigs with a catch level of ‘1’ and mainly eat herbs and monster truffles!"

"It is said that they mainly use spices as food, so even if they are killed and eaten in this way, the taste is very delicious, but the capture level is very low, which is a rare delicacy!"

Compared to the consternation of Nami and others, the short and frustrated man with big nostrils was obviously much more calm.

Because there is no surprised look on his face, he is obviously familiar with this kind of "roasted whole pig". Therefore, his face is more worried about his own life when facing danger. It's not other things.

"Roasted whole pig..."


Speaking of it, Annie herself is well-informed, and she has gone to all kinds of weird worlds.

Of course she also knows what roasted whole pig is. She has eaten a lot before, and even roasted it by herself, but she knows how to mix it with spices like this, and she roasts herself and sends it to the door. This is the first time she really saw the live'roasted whole pig'!

Therefore, at this time, the sense of horror and surprise in her heart is no less than that of Nami, Sanji, and Chopper!

Of course, except for the straw hat pirate leader who only has food in his heart, and is drooling at the group of pigs, who seems not to think with his head?

"It always feels a little weird..."


Of course Annie herself has no resistance to delicious food, but she will not easily try out the things that she hasn’t understood in front of her, at least, until she has figured out everything. Can.


(● ̄?? ̄●)

"Capture level?"

"What's that again?"

Although I don’t know what happened to the two men and wolves who jumped out, but when they saw that they weren’t enemies, they also stood up with myself and others to fight against the group of “roasted pigs” that came up. Nami couldn't help asking curiously.

"The catch level is stipulated by the international food organization IGO, and is a reference value for the difficulty of catching gourmet prey."

"But that's just a category. The capture level does not represent combat effectiveness, but the difficulty of capturing. For example, the current'roasted whole pigs', their capture level '1' means that capturing a hunter requires ten professional hunters to hold it. A shotgun can barely capture the difficulty."

"But it's okay. Although there are many of them here, it should be no problem for Mr. Toriko, a food hunter."

As he said, the short man with big nostrils looked at the man who came with him, and he was standing at the forefront facing the strong blue-haired men who were ‘roasted whole pig’.

Obviously, the tall and muscular guy over there is what he called the food hunter Mr. "Arrived."


"looks very tasty……"

"Hello everyone!"

At this moment, not far away, watching the blue-haired strong man with roasted pigs drooling with Lu Fei not far away seemed to have noticed that Nami and others were looking at him, so he turned his head generously. Lai waved his hands at everyone.


"How do you eat these, do you just lie on their backs?"

Lu Fei didn't care about what everyone said just now. What he cares more about now is how to eat the fragrant "Roasted Whole Pig".



Annie is also very curious about this question.

After all, it was the first time she saw this kind of barbecue that was cooked on animals and was automatically added with spices. It was strange.

"That's not necessary!"

"You only need to be killed and you can eat it directly."

Undoubtedly, the food hunter ‘Ahu’ is very familiar with this kind of ‘roasted whole pig’, and he can tell the correct way to eat it in one bite, which is obviously not the first time he has eaten this kind of food.

"But pay attention..."

"Now depending on the situation, we seem to have broken into their territory. With so many roasted whole pigs, it is a bit tricky to deal with, and it can't make them angry. They need to be dealt with in an instant. Otherwise, they will be on their own. Breath yourself up until it's burnt."

With his waist in his waist and a suitcase on his back, the "Food Hunter" Toriko said so confidently that he didn't know what he was doing on this island.


"What a weird island..."

"The meat matures on the tree, the noodles can grow from the ground, so are the desserts, and the pigs will roast themselves. If the whole world is like this, we chefs will be unemployed..."

After probably figured out some things, the chef on the side, Sanji, was eager to prepare for the battle, and he muttered a little bit unirritably.

"This is the legendary ‘AllBlue’ sea area, right?"

"If that's the case, then I regret coming here, and you have seen it. It seems that we don't need our profession as a chef here!"

Sanji talked a little bit nonsense.

ALLBLUE is the legendary sea. According to the legend, it has all the ingredients in the four seas and four seas, which is very mysterious. Now, this unknown island in this unknown sea has all kinds of weird and magical ingredients. Think more.

"In other words..."


"As long as you knock them down all at once, there will be no problem, right?"


Seeing that there were no more ‘roasted whole pigs’ and they were shrinking their encirclement to start an offense, and perhaps figured out some things, Annie finally stepped forward and was ready to take action.




"Boy, what are you going to do, come back quickly, it's dangerous there!"

He subconsciously responded, but when he turned his head and saw a blond and cute little girl who was talking and came out, the blue-haired strong man, the food hunter, the prisoner exclaimed that he wanted to go forward. Prevent.

"Do not worry!"

"She will have nothing to do..."

However, before he waited for Torri to act, Lu Fei, who was drooling on the side, stretched out his arm to stop him.

"She is a strong person who single-handedly defeated all of our'Straw Hat Crews'. How could she be afraid of these roast pigs?"

Luffy still had lingering fears about the one-sided battle earlier today.

Think about their straw hats who have traveled north and south across the oceans for so long, but they have never suffered a big loss. Each bounty is more than one, but they are never afraid of it, and never think that there are people. How can I get their team.

But the result...

Today, they have just finished fighting the storm, and they have not yet figured out which sea area they were in and they were wiped out by the little girl who appeared inexplicably... The sea overlord Lockes and others are even stronger, right?


"Let's just wait and eat today!"

Holding his straw hat, Luffy said directly and grinningly.

However, while speaking, he was secretly paying attention, planning to see what the little girl was going to use to deal with the group of "roasted pigs", and then he went back to find a way to target each other, no matter what. Recover the lost place.

"Is there really no problem?"

"These roasted whole pigs, don't think their hunting level is only 1, but their strength should not be underestimated!"

In Toriko's view, even if the average food hunter is holding a rifle, if he doesn't find a suitable method, he can't deal with any of them!

And now, the little girl in front of her, who was only eight or nine years old, looked like she had a delicate skin and tender flesh, and she didn't look like that kind of power. How could he be relieved?

Therefore, he pushed Luffy's arm away, and asked why the other's hand became so long, he was ready to rush to help.



However, as soon as he took a step, he was stunned, had to stare his eyes and stopped abruptly.

"Chain of Lightning~!"


At this time, a bolt of lightning jumped at Annie's fingertips.

Then soon, in everyone's eyes, when the'roasted pigs' were roaring and kicking the dirt on the ground, and they were about to launch a fang assault on everyone, a thick lightning was directed towards the head of the head' Roasted whole pig's head blasted over.


Crackling~! ! ??????

Then, the lightning quickly spread to the head of the next "roasted whole pig" without stopping, and in an instant, all the "roasted whole pigs" on the scene were electrocuted to the ground with smoke from the eyes and black mane and hair. , But it didn't even affect the right and fragrant barbecue on their backs.

"All right!"


"nailed it!"


"Look, this should be ok? They must not be able to regenerate now, and the barbecue on their backs hasn't got any soil on it!"


She clapped her hands and instantly resolved all the roasted pigs. Annie turned her head generously and gave everyone a cute and charming smile.



"Strange, what's wrong with you?"


"Any questions?"


However, looking at the expressions of the people in front of her, Annie couldn't help being a little inexplicable. She was just putting on a simple lightning chain. Why did these people have such a strange expression?


(● ̄?? ̄●)

"Okay, awesome!"

"What was it just now, was it some new type of electric shock hunting equipment?"

Finally, the short and frustrated man with big nostrils took the lead in exclaiming.

Obviously, different from the solemn expressions of Luffy, Sanji, and Toriko, he subconsciously believed that it was Annie’s body with some of the most advanced food hunting equipment, just like the electric shock used for acupuncture points in Toriko’s hand. Like a gun?



However, no one answered his question, everyone just stared at the whole roasted pigs lying on the ground and a little girl who was walking to a certain roasted whole pig and was eager to try.


"Who is she?"

"Also, what exactly was that lightning just now, and why is it so powerful?"


The food hunter Alu approached Luffy's ear and asked mysteriously, but he was shocked again just after the question!



Because, as soon as he turned his head, he found that the little girl who had electrocuted all the whole pigs with a flash of lightning did not know when to come over, and stared at them curiously?

"That should be magic!"

"She claims to be an Arcane Archmage!"


"We don't know her very well, hahaha..."

As he said, Luffy scratched his head and laughed without feeling embarrassed.

In fact, it is exactly what he said, if it weren't for no reason (it was obviously the first attack by their straw hats) and was invaded and beaten by the other and finally the whole army was wiped out. They really didn't want to meet this terrible little girl at all.

"Magic? Archmage?"

"what is that……"

He was thinking, holding his arm and rubbing his chin. He obviously didn't quite understand what Luffy meant.

"never mind!"

"I don't want that anymore, now that the food is in the air, let's get ready to start!"

Hu put his hands together, doing his habitual movement.

Although these whole roasted pigs are not solved by himself, since they have been perfectly processed by the little girl, he must go and taste them.

"How on earth do you want to eat this?"


"Go straight up and bite?"

(??_??)? !

If the meat that grows on the tree makes Annie feel a little incomprehensible and suspicious, then the meat that grows on the back of the pig in front of her makes her feel more relieved, after all, they grow on the animals. , Although it’s a little weird to cook something, but at least it should be a little reasonable?



"Just cut it carefully and you can eat it, but you need to prepare some big leaves in advance."

"Do not worry!"

"I'm a food hunter, and Komatsu is a chef. This kind of thing can't trouble us."

Patting his strong chest, the blue-haired man spoke without embarrassment and was about to openly rub the food that the little girl had beaten.



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