Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1591: (???`?) If it tastes good, it is doomed to extinction

After a period of hustle and bustle, at this moment, this legendary island of Hankelila is full of various food ingredients, and its existence is itself on a legendary magical island, Annie and Nami. , Luffy, Sanji, Chopper, the gourmet hunter Ari, the big nostril chef Komatsu, and the white fighting wolf Terry Cross and others gathered together to have a lively dinner at the place where they just fought against the whole pig. NS.

The food is grilled and delivered to the door. There are ready-made vegetable protein meat on the tree, the Italian hollow pasta that has grown on the ground, and the woods also have a variety of condiments. It is nothing more than this island. Good camping and picnic site.

Anyway, Luffy, the gourmet Alu, and a nasty little girl who was eating and eating all thought so.

"good to eat!"


"The fragrant high-grade fat, the appetizing vanilla and shiitake mushroom taste, the comfortably salty taste, and the tender meat makes the taste buds explode. There is nothing better than this kind of harmless roasted whole pig. It's a meaty food that people can't resist."

"It's so delicious!!"

"I want more!"

"Nami! Pass me those over there!!"

"What an incredible island..."


"Mr. Komatsu, your soup is very delicious!"


"Sanji, the sauce you just made and the processed roasted whole pig are also delicious!"


"What's wrong, Luffy?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Nami, why can only you and the little guy Annie eat the pork chops that Sanji has processed?"


"Because we are all ladies!"

"Also, Luffy, can't you be a little gentleman?"


"What is that, can it be eaten?"

"never mind……"

After just a few quarrels, Nami retreats directly, and instead of not seeing and eating her own food, she doesn’t go to the match with the strange Mr. Toriko who can eat. More and faster Luffy continues nonsense.


(????~????) Hmm~!

"What a strange world..."



( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Annie also didn't take care of other people, she was also eating her own food.

However, while eating, she didn’t forget to secretly take a lot of roasted whole pigs that had been cut and processed, and put the fragrant high-quality meat pieces into pieces to pretend to be eaten. Tucked into her space pocket.

These things that grow on the backs of wild boars and roast them by themselves are really delicious. Moreover, they are only special products in this world. Since she has seen them, she will take some with them anyway.



While eating, she did not forget to listen to the conversation between Nami and those people, and learned a lot of information about the world, such as:

This legendary Hankelila Island, located somewhere in the sea and in the gastronomical world, has countless delicious foods, and like the long-fleshed trees, spaghetti grass and mushroom sugar they just saw, and the roasted whole pigs they are eating All are just one of them.

Here, there is also the legendary “Hanklira bird” which is very delicious, and this time, Komatsu, a short and frustrated big nostril, and the Uncle Alu are actually dedicated to the “Hanklira bird”. Come on the island.

It is said that the foodie Toriko is also a very, very powerful food hunter. The other party has eaten and personally seen more than 6,000 of the 300,000 foods known to exist in the gourmet world?

Of course, Anne doesn’t care how much the other party has eaten. What she cares more about right now is this world. In this world full of delicious food, there are still 300,000 known'food ingredients' and more. Delicious food that may exist in unknown and unexplored places?

And there are many more things like these they are eating now, or even more delicious and delicious things than these, and there are even some legendary foods that only exist in legends and are delicious enough to prevent a world war, etc. .


Here is a world of fantasy cuisine full of rare ingredients!

Therefore, Annie has decided in her heart. This time, since she is here, she must explore this place well, must eat all the delicious things, and then take away all those particularly delicious ones!

Anything she saw or had eaten and found it to be particularly delicious, even if it is unscrupulous, she must all be taken away, all of which are taken away!



Thinking about it, she couldn't help but glanced at the uncle Alu who was eating a lot of food aside.

Anyway, Annie has decided now. After the things on the island are over, she must find a way to go on an adventure with the man named Uncle Alu and the little man with big nostrils to catch the crocodile that is said to be delicious. As for Nami and the group of pirates who were almost starved to death at sea, so she shouldn't mix with their boring guys!

At least, it won't be until there is something delicious to attract her?


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Tibbers is indifferent...because it doesn’t really like this kind of food. Compared to the cooked pork or the meat that grows on the tree, it prefers the freshness and deliciousness. And it’s very smooth, a female little human who will scream and struggle when she eats it, like the travel witch Irena from before?)


"Mr. Toriko, and Mr. Komatsu, you actually ventured out to find ingredients?"



"We accepted the request. We originally planned to catch the Galla crocodiles. However, Mr. Toriko smelled the scent floating here while sailing, so we came here first."

"Then we discovered that this was actually the legendary Hanklilla Island, and after a little discussion, we decided to catch the legendary Hanklilla bird, which is very delicious."

"Then I ran into Nami, you all."


"Is there another kind of delicacy called'Hankelilla'?"

"I'm really looking forward to it, I don't know, will they be more delicious than the current one-ton, large steak?"

"of course!"

"'Hanklira Bird' is a legendary ingredient. It will definitely be better than this ordinary roasted whole pig. I promise, as long as you can catch it, you will be surprised!"

"hope so……"

"Right! Miss Nami, how did you show up here on Hankelila Island?"

"Are we?"

"That's hard to say..."

At this time, when everyone started to eat special food, Nami on the side began to chat with the chef Komatsu who had adjusted the soup and dipping ingredients one after another.

Then, as Nami began to explain their experience a little bit, Toriko and Komatsu who were present finally knew the whole story.

For example, at first their ship encountered a huge storm, was blown into this unnamed sea and lost its way, then the ship was cut off from food, and then was beaten innocently by a bad little girl, etc. In the end, although the two sides resolved the misunderstanding, they had run out of food, so they had to go to the island together to find food under the eager gaze of other people on the ship.



"The very powerful Anne demon and magician just now is not yours, but just happened to be on board your ship?"

Chef Komatsu didn't expect the experience of Nami and others to be so bizarre, so he couldn't help exclaiming after listening.

Of course, for Lu Fei and others, who had clearly entered the seas of the gourmet world and could break out of a food crisis, and were almost starved to death, he said that he could not understand at all. After all, this is the world's food supply source. , Just need to find an island and land, as long as it is not a non-combatant like his Komatsu, it will not worry about finding food to eat.


"But speaking of it, it seems that we should also go back. We have been out for so long. Nicole and Frankie are still waiting for us to bring food back. Everyone is starving..."



"Luffy, what's the matter with you? Why did you eat all of it? Didn't you say you want to bring food back?!"

"and also!"

"With so many pigs, how do your stomachs grow?!"

However, as soon as Nami turned her head, she couldn't help exclaiming.

In fact, it's no wonder she was bluffing, but she saw that the roasted whole pig meat that was just processed, the most essential parts, were all being eaten by the two shameless men in front of them. Empty?


"So full!"

Lying on the ground, his belly bulged completely, Luffy, who was so exaggerated as she was a hundred months pregnant, didn't mind talking at all and hiccuped with satisfaction.


"You don't know, my stomach is actually rubber long, so I can put it down no matter how much..."

That’s right, for Luffy, who has eaten “rubber fruit”, he can stretch, rebound, or stretch and expand any part of his body at his own will. Therefore, eating an ordinary person’s food for several days is good for him. It's just a piece of cake.


"mine too……"

At this time, the gourmet Toriko who was also lying aside did not mind expressing his satisfaction.

He is not an ordinary person, because he has food cells in his body, which can absorb energy and evolve after eating food. At the same time, his power will exceed ordinary humans and exceed the limits of humans, and the speed of digestion of food will be very fast, so , The appetite is a little bit bigger than the average person.


"You guys..."

"What should I do now, you have all eaten up the delicious food, what shall we bring back to the boat later?"

Nami was a little mad.

Just now, she deliberately saved the portion that she brought back to the boat, so that everyone can taste the kind of wild boar that she cooked herself, but now it’s good. Captain Lu Fei, who came out looking for food, didn’t eat anything. , Totally disregarding the life and death of other people on the ship?


"Mr. Toriko and they just said that there is still a lot of food on this island. It's really hard to wait. Let's mow some grass here, dig some soil and pick some meat and go back."

Luffy, who just wanted to lie still after eating, waved his hands indifferently and soothed, completely not paying attention to the small things that other people were about to starve to death.


"You are here to eat delicious and spicy food, but you just pick up something bad and bring it home. Is that plausible?"


"You are so bad!!"

"You ¥¥#*()&*%#¥#¥!!!"

"alright, alright."

"Nami, why don't we find something else? Didn't Komatsu just say that there is still something called Hankelila on the island?"

"Let's go and have a look together later, and bring some more home when the time comes. It shouldn't matter if you don't have a whole pig roasted."

Seeing Nami starting to explode, Sanji hurriedly persuaded her.

However, in Sanji's opinion, it seems that there is nothing wrong with taking the meat from the trees and the pasta grass on the ground back. Although their taste is indeed not very good, it is not because of the name of Sanji. Does it exist for the'cook'?

As chefs, they have ways to turn decay into magic, and only in that way can they reflect the life value of their profession.

Otherwise, animals all over the world will roast themselves like the ‘roasted whole pig’ just now, and then mix them with spices, then where can they survive?



Annie didn't care about the dispute between Miss Nami and the others, but she received the processed essence roast pork in front of her without a trace, and carefully stored it in her space pocket.

Anyway, she supports that straw hat Luffy's practice, and her Queen Anne has always just fed herself, and she wouldn't care about the group of guys on the boat who are half-starved!

After all, she is not familiar with them, she just met them, where would she care about their life and death?


(● ̄?? ̄●)

"Sanji is right!"

"Do not worry!"

"In addition to the legendary Hanklilla bird, there are many other delicacies on this island, and there are everything around here. If you just want to supplement the food on the boat, there must be no problem!"

At this time, the gourmet Alu, who had eaten his whole stomach, slowly stood up with his arms.


"Since we are almost ready to eat now, then let's get ready to go!"

"Let’s move continue to explore this island. It just so happens that Luffy and Nami, you can also bring some suitable food back to supplement your supply, just like that special-grade food Hankelila bird. Go back and give it to your companions, then it will definitely be a very good choice?"

Originally, Toriko came to this island this time to find that kind of bird, but now it’s alright, they met a large group of great helpers, especially the little girl who claimed to be a magician. He had just seen the other party’s methods. Yes, that way, he will be more confident.

"I'm afraid you don't know yet, do you?"

"The meat of the Hankelila bird is a premium ingredient. It melts in your mouth. The rich and sweet touch is amazing. The mellow and intoxicating taste is never comparable to these roasted whole pigs!"

At this time, the big nostril blame Uncle Komatsu on the side also followed to help the cavity.

"Hanklira Bird..."


"It sounds so delicious..."


Annie has heard those two people talk about that term several times, so now she has completely remembered that she made up her mind. If it really tastes so good, maybe she can reluctantly make a shot once. What kind of "Hanklira bird" on the island to take away?

As for whether that high-end food will be extinct after being swept away by her, so that people in this world will no longer be able to eat anything, that kind of trivial matter is not her concern.




????????(??(??????)??)?????? Monthly pass


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