Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1595: o(′^`)o What rainbow fruit, I didn’t see it...

In the nearby afternoon, when this huge food market gradually disappeared, and when the flow of people and businesses gradually decreased, a certain one disappeared for most of the day, and has not been seen, and she didn’t know what she had done before humming. Songs, jumping all the way back to the parking place where she separated from Uncle Alu and Uncle Big Nostril.





   From a distance, Annie saw at a glance that the people waiting for her here besides the two familiar strange uncles, there are actually a group of uncles in black and a luxurious stretch car?

"What's wrong?"


   "Uncle Hu, did you two get into trouble? Why are you so careless, you can still be caught if you get into trouble, you are really useless!"


Seeing the dignified faces of the uncles in black and the anxious look of Uncle Alu and Uncle Big Nostril, Annie subconsciously thought that the two of them were in trouble, and then had to wait for her to come back to save or take money to redeem someone. of.

   Therefore, she unceremoniously gave each of them a disgusting look.

   "Don't guess!"

   "Anyway, I'll be back!"

   "We are still thinking about how to find you..."

   Uncle Alu didn't answer the boring question of Annie, but he was relieved.

"bring it on!"

   "Get in the car!"

   "Every big person in the IGO organization is already waiting impatiently, hurry up."

   Then, Toriko didn't explain much, he opened the door of the limousine, and motioned to a little girl who had been playing crazy for a long time to get in the car.

  Because, now they have to hurry up to get their business done. If it weren't for waiting for her, they might have left two hours ago.




   "Don't ask, we will give you a detailed explanation on the way, come on!"

   "Otherwise we won't wait for you."

  While talking, the food hunter Toriko could not wait to reach out and gently push the little girl into the carriage, and then he went in too.

   Soon, the vehicle screamed and galloped towards the road outside the city...


   In the car, Toriko patiently said what they were going to do, and then it was almost as they expected, and a certain little guy who had originally looked reluctant immediately became energetic.


  ∑(�0�7△`)? !

   "Is it the legendary, extinct ingredient rainbow fruit?"


   "Then you guys have a quick talk, what kind of thing is that? Is it delicious?!"


When Annie wants to come, the kind of extinct things in the legend must be very, very delicious, and only very, very delicious will be eaten to extinction. Therefore, she is a little impatient now and can't wait to give this car The broken car clicked on a wing and flew directly over.

   Of course, you can open the portal directly, as long as these guys won't be surprised by this?

   "Of course it is delicious!"

"That will change the flavor into seven-color dreamy fruit hovering above the flesh with the temperature and humidity! It is said that just a drop of juice can turn all the water in a huge swimming pool into thick and mellow juice, and the price of one It can also enable ordinary people to have a lifetime of wealth!"

   "That's an ingredient that has been extinct for a long time. If it wasn't for everyone from the IGO organization to find it, I wouldn't know that there is actually that kind of fruit tree in this world!"

   shook his head, while the food hunter Alu explained the rarity of rainbow fruit to curious baby Annie, he also sighed.

   Fortunately, he is still a strong food hunter, otherwise, this kind of good thing is probably not his turn.

   "So, can the pulp of the spicy rainbow fruit be eaten directly?"


   Annie didn't want to drink the water in the swimming pool at all, even if she turned them into delicious juices, it was disgusting to think about it.

   So, what she is more interested in is obviously about the flesh of the rainbow fruit... Whether the flesh can be eaten directly, and what the taste is, this is what interests and cares about.

   "Of course you can eat it directly!"

   "That is the legendary fantasy fruit!"

   As he talked, the food hunter Alu swallowed unconsciously. He seemed to feel that the food cells in his body were moving around with his imagination.

   " it delicious?"



   "I don't know, because I haven't eaten either?"

   "But don't worry, Annie, as long as we help the people of the IGO organization solve the problem this time, we will definitely have a chance to eat it!"

   Seeing the greedy face of Xiao Anni, Li could only comfort her.

   "Then what are you waiting for, let's hurry up!"



   "What are you doing? Don't make trouble!"

   "Aren’t we passing by now? The speed is so fast, don’t drive the door indiscriminately..."

   Seeing that Annie wanted to cheer and rushed out without hesitation, Alu hurriedly stretched out his hand to hold it and explained it dumbfoundedly.


   "Anne, this time people from the IGO organization came to us not just to pick rainbow fruit. Before that, we still need to help them solve some problems."

   "It is said that there is a group of very powerful giant apes entrenched around the rainbow tree that bears the rainbow fruit. IGO people need to solve them before we can pick them?"

   This is why the food hunter Aru insisted on waiting for the little girl Annie to return.

Because, before, he was thinking about things that even international organizations like IGOs ​​can’t do, he himself may not be absolutely sure to solve it, but if you add the little girl magician in front of him, then it’s definitely It's 100% okay.

   "Giant apes?"


   "Don't be afraid! People are not afraid of anything, they can be defeated in a few clicks!"


   Annie said that in front of food, all monsters are paper tigers!

   Actually, let alone a group of giant apes, even if it’s a group of giant dragons, Queen Anne is going to pick the fruit, they dare to try?

  Also, those giant apes had better not touch the legendary dream fruits before she arrived. Otherwise, if she was allowed to run for nothing but couldn't eat them, they would definitely suffer!


  (● ̄�9�3 ̄●)

   "It's good to have confidence!"

   "Then let's make a deal like that, first go to help IGO people run away the giant apes, and then go pick the fruit!"

   Hearing Annie's answer, Torri shook his boxing palm in excitement and settled the matter.


   "Mr. Toriko, are you sure you want to take this little girl with you?"

"no problem?"

   However, unlike the situation where the food hunter is full of confidence, Johannes, the head of the development department of the IGO agency in the front co-pilot, does not quite understand the practice of taking a little girl with him when he goes to crusade against the giant apes.

"Do not worry!"

   "Anne is great, you will know by then."

   "Komatsu, are you right?"

  Looking at the little girl with an upset look, Toriko could only haha ​​and looked at Komatsu who was aside in embarrassment.


   "I have the same opinion as Mr. John, we'd better not take her."

   However, Komatsu, who was still angry, put his head aside, and at the same time refuted Toriko's point of view.

  Because Komatsu remembered the crocodile meat, and he was not sure that the little girl would try the same trick again, and then let them not get any rainbow fruit pulp?



"what are you doing?!"

   At this time, Komatsu, who had just finished speaking, let out a painful cry and directly covered his forehead.

"All right!"

   "Annie, Komatsu, stop making trouble."

   hurriedly snatched a decorative object in Annie's hand, and prevented the other party from continuing to use it to smash people, and the prisoner hurriedly persuaded the two of them to settle down a little bit and not to make trouble in other people's cars.


   After half an hour, the vehicle finally arrived at the IGO’s ‘courtyard’ plantation, in front of the steel gate of the artificial animal and plant protection zone with a reinforced concrete wall of more than 100 meters in the Eighth Biozone.

   "Open the door!"

"Feel sorry!"

   "Sir, the reserve has regulations. If there are beasts within five kilometers of the door, the door cannot be opened by any means!"

   "This is the rule!"

   "Look clearly."

   "This is my certificate, I'm Minister John, can't even me?"


   "I'm sorry, sir!"


   "What should I do then?"

   "Sir, you must wait for them to leave before they can open, please be patient..."

   "What if they don't leave?"


   "Hey! What a trouble!"

   Looking at the Minister of IGO who was negotiating with the gun guards in front, after listening to them, he knew that things might not go too smoothly, he was also a little annoyed, and then subconsciously turned his head to look at the two companions next to him.


   "Komatsu, where's Annie?"

   Then, where is the place where the two of them should be standing at this time, where is there a figure of a messy little girl?


   "I don't know, wasn't she still here just now?"

   Looking around, Komatsu also looked inexplicable. He remembered that when he got out of the car, the other party was standing behind him. How many seconds was this, why did the other party disappear?


   "I remember she was here just now..."

Outside the high walls of the Eighth Biozone, there is a flat wasteland. In order to defend it, the engineering department of the IGO organization even leveled the flowers, plants and trees. There is no room for people here, so I walked to the car and found Komatsu with big nostrils couldn't help feeling a little puzzled behind the absence of a messy little girl in the car.


   "Not good! I suddenly have an ominous premonition!"

   confirmed it again, and after learning that the little guy Annie was not here and no longer in the car, Huo suddenly exclaimed, and at the same time subconsciously looked in the direction of the high wall.


"what do you mean……"

   Komatsu seemed to think of something bad, and his face suddenly became ugly.


   Looking at the food hunter Toriko who suddenly came up, the IGO official looked surprised.

   "Mr. Toriko, this is..."

"What's wrong?"

   He didn't know what they were doing.

   "Mr. Johannes."

   "In order to ensure the safety of Rainbow Fruit, I suggest that you should open the door immediately and let us in?"

   Alu said with a stern face.

   You need to know that the rainbow fruit is related to his life menu. In any case, he has to pick one before a nasty little girl gets a ‘bad hand’. Otherwise, it’s really late.


"I will try again……"

   Seeing Lu's face, although I don't know what happened, the minister nodded and walked to the two guards again.


   A few minutes later, Toriko, Komatsu and the people in black from the IGO organization finally arrived here in a few ATVs and came to a huge green vine plant.


   "The giant apes seem to have all run away, but..."

   "What about rainbow fruit?"

   "Several of them, why are none of them now?!"

   Looking at the tall and still green rainbow fruit tree, but without any fruit at all, Minister John of the IGO organization lost his voice on the spot and cried out in exclamation with a sad face.

   It's all right now. The giant ape was driven away, but at the same time the rainbow fruit was gone. If the matter is held accountable, he can't afford the responsibility.


   "This smell is..."

   Alu first glanced at a little girl who really was sitting on a giant leaf, then raised her head, sniffing the strong fragrance that is still in the air that cannot be described in words.


   "What about rainbow fruit?"

   "You picked it, right?"

   That smell is right, it must be the smell of rainbow fruit!

Therefore, Toriko is quite sure that the tragic little girl must have picked them all up. His previous ominous premonition is indeed correct. It must be the other party who used the magical means to hide the fruit. NS.



   "People don't know what you are talking about. When they came, they just chased off the giant gorillas. What kind of rainbow fruit, they don't see at all now!"


   Yes, Annie hasn't seen it now, but whether she has seen it before is her own business.

   "You said..."


   "Could it be eaten by those nasty gorillas?"


   After speaking, Annie reached out and wiped her mouth secretly.

   Very good, there is no pulp residue that is softer than pudding, but the weight is heavy, which makes her feel more confident.

   As for the smell, now this place is filled with that wonderful strong sweet smell, she is not afraid of being smelled by them!


  (● ̄�9�3 ̄●)

   (Tibbers secretly ridiculed these male humans from the bottom of his heart, because they were so stupid that they dared to let their wicked little master pick those delicious fruits. Isn't that troublesome?)



   Toriko and Komatsu did not speak, but looked at the innocent little girl in front of them.

"no, I can not!"


   "You immediately go to the monitoring to see what is going on?"

   "Those giant apes are carnivores, I don't believe they ate the fruit!"

   "Hurry up!!"

  So many rainbow fruits have all been plucked now, and none of them are left. For such serious matters, the Minister John of IGO will obviously not give up, and he does not believe it will be done by the apes!

However, seeing that there is no place to hide here, and he felt that the little girl could not move those heavy fruits with the same density as gold, so he didn't have too much doubt, but planned to send someone to investigate first. Know the situation before making plans.



   Soon, two men in black got on the all-terrain vehicle they came in and whizzed away.

   "Monitoring, monitoring?!"


   Turning her head, Annie also found out. Not far away, it seems that there are really a lot of hidden cameras aimed at here?



   Boom! !


Suddenly, a thunderbolt blasted down from a sunny day in the sky. By coincidence, the thick lightning directly struck a large tree with surveillance in the distance. Then, the surveillance and the lines connected to the surveillance were violent. The sparks that started were burned into coke.


   "What, what's going on?"

   "Okay, why did it suddenly thunder?"

   The IGO agency official who was shocked again hurriedly raised his head and looked into the sky.

   There was indeed a dark cloud above, but now the weather was just right, and it was not raining. He had no idea why the cloud suddenly struck a flash of lightning.



   And Toriko and Komatsu once again looked at a certain little girl who was upset.

   Obviously, under the tactics used by a messy little girl just now, they can basically guess what is going on here.

  ‘Report, report! ’

  ‘Sir! ’

  ‘The monitoring equipment’s wiring and the hard disk were all burned out by the lightning strike just now. The data has been destroyed and there is no way to restore it! ’

   Soon, a phone call came, and what came from the microphone was the kind of angrily wailing of some bodyguards in black.



   "There is no evidence that it was right? So, it must have been eaten by those giant apes!"


   Anyway, since her Queen Anne said that she was eaten by those giant apes, she must be, not so!

   There is no room for negotiation and discussion at all for things like   !

   Anyway, those giant apes can't speak and write. Could they dare to stand up and prove her failure?


  (�2�9�6�2�5�3�6�2�2�9) Hey!


  Ε=(�0�7�9�3`●))) alas

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