Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1598: (,,·?·,,) Found 1 bad old...

'According to records……'

'In the far south, there is a forest of salmon roe with large and large grape-sized salmon roe. The bunches of orange-red and translucent salmon roe above will burst out nutritious and delicious juice when bitten down, which can bring to the diners. We have a wonderful taste bud enjoyment. ’

'On the west side of the sea, there is a cave. The tip of the stalactite on the top of the cave will continuously drip super thick milk, and the milk accumulates in the spring below. With the accumulation of time and the fermentation of nature, finally It produces an extremely rare premium butter. ’


   "It must have been developed again, right?"

Annie was bored looking at a gourmet magazine on the edge of this beautiful and clear sandy beach gleaming with fluorescence and crystal light. Then when she saw the salmon roe forest and the milk cave, she subconsciously flipped the magazine to it. finally.

   As expected, she found the words "Salmon Roe Canned Food Trading Co., Ltd., we do not produce salmon roe, we are the porters of nature" at a glance.


  Ε=)) alas

   "Some people have taken over the delicious food, it's really annoying!"

After finishing talking, Annie closed the food magazine and turned to look at the bottom of the clear and visible cave beach next to her. After finding that she hadn’t seen the kind of'puffer whale' she had imagined, she had to leave it alone. Turning his head back, he lay on his backs on this silver sandy beach that reflected fluorescence.

   However, not long after lying down, she sat up again, and looked at a horrible old man with white hair and a messy nose who was coming here carrying a cauldron.


   "Grandpa, are you here to catch puffer whales too?"


   Annie always thought it would be the idiots of Torii and the others, but she didn't expect that such a bad old man would come first. This really surprised her.


   "Yes, I also came to catch puffer whales."


   "Little girl, are you the first to come here, alone?"

   looked around, and then under the clear sea surface of the cave, the old man, who didn't find anyone there, couldn't help but begin to have a look of surprise on his face.

   "Yes! Is there any problem?"


   "No, no problem."


   "It's really surprising to think about it!"

   The old man thought he was the first to arrive, but he did not expect that a little girl arrived here earlier than him. This kind of thing really refreshed his understanding.



   "What's so unexpected about this?"

   "That's right! Old man...Grandpa, do you know what the puffer whale looks like?"


   Yes, the reason why Annie hasn’t done anything until now is because she doesn’t know her!

So far, there are a lot of various fishes under the clear water, but she hasn’t found one if she can catch the word “whale”. This is that she just arrived tomorrow morning. The main reason for this, but has not done anything, has been boring to read a book here on the beach.


   "Little girl, wouldn't you be..."

   "Oh! I see."

   "You don't know the puffer whale yourself, so you dare to come here alone?"

   The old man was stunned.

It doesn’t matter if the other party comes here first. He is not easy to guess what the specific method is. However, he has already arrived here but because he doesn’t know him, he has countless delicacies in front of him, but he didn’t try to start. It really surprised him a bit.


   "Why do people know them?"

   If they knew each other, Annie would have arrested her, and she promised that none of them would be kept for this bad old man, so that he wouldn't be here to tell her.

   "Is that so?"

   "But, remember, the old man, isn't it written in the magazine?"

   "Have you not seen it?"

   Looking at the food magazine in Annie's hand, the old man felt a little surprised.

   If the little girl doesn’t recognize the text above, then the pattern will always be recognized, right? Glancing at the pattern towards the bottom of the clear sea, didn't those puffer whales be recognized at a glance?

   "I don't have this one anyway!"


   once again quickly flipped through the magazine in front of the other person, and then Anne assuredly said that there was really no report about puffer whales written on it.

   "Not this one, I'm talking about the latest issue..."

   glanced at the date on the cover of the magazine, the old man hurriedly corrected it.

   "I didn't buy the latest issue!"

   What's a joke, Annie hasn't even finished the countless issues of the old ones, where would she buy the latest ones?


  Looking at the little girl's righteous look, the old man opened his mouth, and finally he was speechless, but he didn't say anything.

"All right!"

   "Young people now..."


   "The group down there, are they puffer whales?"

No way, after shook his head, his eyebrows were all white, his teeth were still missing, and he was still hunched. The old man who couldn't stand straight walked straight to the beach and stretched out Zou Baba's fingers under the sea. The one that only swims between the rock crevices and corals in the cave, looks round and is about the size of a basketball, said a silver-white fish.

   Look, a large group of puffer whales are right in front of you, but the little girl doesn't recognize it. If this thing is spread out, I am afraid that many people will beat their feet and feel that she is a bit violent, right?



   "Spicy fish, why do you call it "puffer whale"?"


Annie actually saw the group of silver ball fishes a long time ago, and even saw them lay their eggs in caves and rock crevices one by one. However, she has been looking for the'whale' fish, and she has even seen them. Did not take them seriously.

When she thinks about it, the puffer whale that can be matched with the word'whale' is at least as big as a killer whale or a great white shark. "Whale" up?

   "Where do they look like'whales' again?!"


   Let’s take a look now, those little ball-sized fry, they are called ‘whale’. Is there any basic common sense? !



   Seeing the little girl talking so seriously, the old man was startled for a moment, then quickly raised his head and laughed, and also revealed the only two or three big front teeth left in his mouth.

   "Little guy, it's actually like this..."

   "According to ancient records, originally, the body length of their puffer whales was indeed as large as a dozen meters, but after countless years of evolution, later, they became only the size of basketball."

   "But they do belong to a kind of ‘whale’, and you see, they live in groups. Although it’s a bit small, there are at least tens of thousands of them here, right?"

   "There are so many, even if it is not as big as a whale, it doesn't matter."

   said, the old man finally put down the big iron pot he had been carrying, and then stared at the group of puffer whales in the clear water with his eyes, and he had already begun to plan fishing related matters in his heart.

   "It turned out to be like this..."

"All right!"

   "Then, people will start catching it too!"

   found out that those were puffer whales, and Annie decided to do it after she was upset.

   She has been waiting for a long time, and she had seen them when she came, and saw a lot of them wandering away after spawning. If she knew it, where would she wait until now?

"and many more!"

   However, without waiting for Annie to do something, the bad old man suddenly stopped her.


   Annie is a bit unclear, so I don’t know why this bad old man stopped her.

   "Don't worry, little guy."

   "The old man doesn't want to monopolize them. It's just that you can't catch them directly like this. Do you believe me?"

With that said, the old man actually picked up a piece of stone from the beach, then looked at it and threw it towards a certain group of puffer whales. Soon, after being frightened, the small group of puffer whales was suddenly turned one by one. "White Fatty" has become a "Purple Fatty"?

   "Did you see it?"

   "Puffer whales have a large poisonous sac in their body, and once they are frightened or attacked, they will automatically become poisoned and turn purple, and then, they will have no edible value."

   "The toxins will not disappear completely for several months. That is their magic weapon to resist predators!"

   "So, we must catch them before they are frightened and poisoned!"

   "Look, it's like this?"

At this time, a puffer whale swam into the cracks in the rocks at the shallows to lay eggs, and when the old man waited for it to lay eggs and was ready to leave, suddenly he stretched out his hand, and his fingertips quickly moved on his head, and it instantly stiffened. , And then he floated up and was held in his hand by him.


   "It doesn't seem to turn purple, can I eat it like this?"


   looks very simple, isn't it just killing instantly, that kind of trick, Annie said that she can easily do it in 10,000 ways.

   "It's not easy!"

   "Don't worry, you still can't eat this, because it still has a venom sac in its body. The venom sac and venom glands must be removed smoothly, otherwise it will still be like this."


Seeing the little girl's cute and cute appearance, the old man impatiently went to the experiment again. He used a sharp knife to gently cut under the gills of the puffer whale. In an instant, the dead puffer whale It turned silvery white to purple soon.

   "Successfully capture a puffer whale, if it is left untreated, it can be sold for 100 million yuan!"

   "And like this, if the treatment fails and becomes poisoned, it is worthless, because no one likes to take poison!"

   "And if the poison sac is taken out like this..."

Then, the old man walked to the beach and skillfully captured another puffer whale. Then, while blinking with big blue eyes, he stood by the side, looking smart, clever, well-behaved and cute little Annie's face. , While gently rubbing the knife, it took a long time to take out a complete venom sac with the tiny venom duct.

   Then, when the poison sac was completely taken out, the silver-white puffer whale's color quickly turned golden on the spot, very magical?

   "Did you see it?"

   "The puffer whale that turns golden yellow and exudes a tempting fragrance is the puffer whale with the poison sac removed smoothly. At this time, it is safe and edible, and this one is worth at least 500 million yuan!"

   "How about it, amazing, right?"

   Talking, the old man cut the puffer whale in half, skillfully removed the bones and fish heads, and secretly wiped his sweat.

   His success rate in dealing with puffer whales is generally only about 50%, and the poisoning just now was not a deliberate failure, but a real failure.

   But fortunately, this second time he succeeded, so that he would not lose too much face in front of such a cute and cute little girl.

"you try?"

   "This is the freshest and most delicious!"

   The old man cut a few slices, then put half of them on a clean and beautiful shell, and asked Annie to try it.

   "Can I eat raw meat?"

   Generally speaking, Annie doesn't like sashimi.

   However, looking at the creamy white puffer whale meat with a golden skin and a seductive fragrance, she thought about it, and decided to make a slight exception.


  ! o

However, when the slightly frowning Annie reluctantly threw the crystal-clear piece of meat into her mouth and chewed it, it was sweet and had a taste similar to fat, just like the taste buds of raw meat that exploded the taste buds. The ultimate enjoyment, let her frowning brows relax instantly.

   "It's delicious!"


   "It's decided, people will start to catch it too!"


"and many more!"

   Some bad old man stopped Annie again.

   "What are you doing again?"


   "Little guy, it's like this."

"My suggestion is that we only catch those puffer whales whose spawning is over. As long as they don't interfere with their spawning, their offspring will still migrate here after ten years, so that others will continue to eat puffer whales. "

   Of course, the monsters in this cave will always be eaten by living people.

   Just like this time, I don't know how many food hunters will be buried in the cave. From now on, only two people can come to this place to see the seriousness of the situation.

Humans are pursuing the ultimate food and want to eat puffer whales. At the same time, the monsters are holding their once-in-decade carnival feast. Among them, who is the prey and who is the hunter is the most philosophical thing. The wise man is also difficult to sort out.

"Oh okay?"

   "Well, then people don't need one hundred thousand volts, let's use another method!"


   Originally, Annie wanted to directly energize the fish and stun them all in an instant. However, since the fish eggs cannot be destroyed now, she can only use other methods.


   "What are you going to do?"

  The old man looked at Annie and found that she didn't carry any tools on her body. He couldn't help feeling a little strange in his heart.

   However, he didn't mean to underestimate it. In his opinion, if he can come here one step ahead, or even all the food hunters, there must be some means he doesn't know.


  ? What? What?

   "Frost Arrow!!"


Before a bad old man could see clearly, tiny ice thorns formed in front of Annie instantly. Then, a group of puffer whales that had finished laying their eggs and planned to swim back to the depths of the sea were instantly pierced by tiny ice thorns. The brain, too late to react or poison, slowly surfaced one by one.

   Soon, at least two or three hundred puffer whales did not disturb any other kind of puffer whales, and they floated up one by one and Mage Anne carried them to the beach in front of him.


   "You, how did you do it?!"

   Seeing this, a certain horrible old man who had just been triumphant just opened his mouth wide, so shocked that he could hardly close his chin.

   At this moment, seeing the little girl's feat of catching two or three hundred in an instant, he suddenly felt that the puffer whale in his hand that hadn't finished eating seemed to be suddenly not very fragrant.

   "It's magic!"


   Annie didn't explain much, just akimbo, looking at the hill of puffer whales in front of her proudly, preparing for the next step.

   "It's incredible..."

   "But what are you going to do with it?"

   "Although I caught a lot..."

   "But if it is not handled properly and the poison sac is punctured, they will be immediately poisoned, and then they can no longer be eaten."

   "Also, each of them has a different position of the venom sac. Even if the sac is not drawn to the venom sac, it will be poisoned if it is drawn to the sac tube venom gland."

   After finishing speaking, he suppressed the surprised old man and looked at Annie with interest, waiting for her next step.

   He thinks, if the little girl is willing to share his pot, he might be able to help her deal with more than a dozen for free?

   That's right, there are only a dozen, no more. After all, dealing with puffer whales is very energy intensive, and he is not sure to deal with too many at once.

   "Poison sac?"

  ∑? !

   "The poison sac is actually very simple!"


   Annie is a bit disapproving. After all, what a bad old man would do and have personally demonstrated, why would she not know how to do it?


   "Oh! OK, the old man will wait and see..."


   "Do you need me to lend you a knife?"

   As he said, the old man was going to pass the small knife for processing his beloved ingredients.

"do not want!"

   "To cut one by one, that would be too much trouble!"

   "Look at others!"

   "The complete poison sac is flying!"


As soon as he stretched out his hand, under the action of the flying curse, more than a hundred purple poison sacs automatically broke through the belly of the puffer whales piled up in small hills and flew out. 'Fatty' instantly became a golden'Fatty Golden', and he almost missed the titanium dog eyes of a nasty old man.


   "This, this, this..."

   "It's incredible!!!"

   With just this hand, I was shocked that a certain old man said something unfavorable.


   "The poison sac flew out by itself, very complete, almost perfect processing, 100% success rate..."


   "Who on earth are you?!"

   rushed to the puffer whale hill to check a few, and found that there was indeed no toxin remaining and was exclaimed, the old man finally cast his suspicious look at Little Annie again.


   "It's called Annie!"

   Annie blinked at the opponent playfully.

   This kind of little thing is not a big deal, so no matter what the other party thinks, Annie instantly put away the golden puffer whale hills, planning to keep them for later eating slowly.

   Of course, she still doesn't like to eat raw food, but how to cook it, whether to fry or deep-fried, is still undecided. Maybe the big nostril Uncle Komatsu will know?

   "Catch a little more..."


   Seeing the hot puffer whales under the clear seabed, she felt that she had only caught two or three hundred but an addiction, and she planned to try her trick again and grab a bunch of them.

"and many more!"

   "Ann, Annie..."

   "You have caught enough, will you let them go for the time being this year?"

   At this time, a certain old man stepped forward again and stopped Annie, who was eager to try.



   Annie raised her hand but didn't let it go.

   If the other party can't say a reason for her satisfaction, then she will definitely wave her hand without hesitation, and let the ice arrow penetrate the brains of hundreds of puffer whales again!

   "If you catch all of them or catch too much, they may not come in the future."

"and also!"

   "Even if you eat too much delicious food, you will get bored. There are so many delicacies in this world, and there are so many delicious ones. You can't always stare at those poor puffer whales, right?"

   After thinking about it, the old man can only give a far-fetched reason like this.


   "It seems a little bit reasonable!"

   "Okay, then! Let's catch so many for the time being today!"

   nodded happily put down her hand and cancelled the Frostbolt magic.

Anyway, she already recognizes those puffer whales. Next time, if she still wants to eat, she can go directly to the deep sea to find them. You can catch as many as you want. You can catch 10,000 at a time. There is no need to come here for ten years. Wait a minute.


   "That's great..."

   wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, the old man thought it was really not easy.


   "Forgot to introduce, Annie, old man. My name is Jiro. I'm glad to meet you."


   "What about your two companions that I saw on the train? Why don't I seem to see them?"

   said his name, and after seeing the little girl had no reaction at all, he subconsciously wiped a cold sweat, and then looked around again.

"do not know."

   "Maybe those idiots got lost, right?"


   It doesn't matter if those dumb guys come or not. Anyway, Annie has just caught at least two or three hundred. She will wait for them later. When that happens, she will generously divide one or two for the three of them.

Do not!

   It's better to divide it into one, it really can't be more.

   After thinking about it, Annie looked at the bad old man and wanted to see how much he wanted to catch.

  Ε=)) alas


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