Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1599: (??)? Goal: gem meat!


   Annie was lying on the porthole of the plane looking at the outside scenery, while still exclaiming in her mouth.

Toriko, Komatsu, and Annie who had been waiting outside for a long time from the puffer whale cave were soon invited by the international food organization IGO to sit on such a large helicopter, and they were preparing to go to a certain destination. Perform food hunting operations.

Before getting on the plane, Annie didn’t tell Uncle Komatsu and Uncle Alu of the fact that she met a bad old man named Jiro on the beach and that she had captured two or three hundred puffer whales. A processed puffer whale was divided among the two.

   But even that, it really shocked them.

Fortunately, the two of them had enough nerves, and they didn’t ask much, they directly accepted Anne’s gift generously and gave the puffer whale in half, and then each took half, without mentioning them either. A dozen of them were caught and one was successfully dealt with.


   "Is this your first time flying by plane?"

   Seeing a certain messy little girl yelling on the side, the big nostril Uncle Aru took it for granted that it was what he thought.

"Not at all!"

   "People are tired of sitting on spaceships, how could it be the first time to ride your sluggish, tattered thing?"


   "Then why do you keep yelling?"

  I was idle around, and Komatsu asked strangely.

   "People just saw a group of big eagles flying past in the sky just far away. They look so delicious, so that's why!"


   "It should be some kind of migratory bird or wild goose, right?"

   "The eagle is a powerful predator in the sky. It is impossible for it to be in groups. Just like a mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, unless it is a male and a female, otherwise, eagles act alone in most cases."

   looked out of the porthole of the helicopter. Although he didn't see clearly what migratory birds were in the black spots in the distance, Komatsu still analyzed with confidence.


   "People say they are eagles, they are eagles, you can control me!"


   Anyway, Annie looked at those guys just like the eagles she had seen, so no matter what people in this world call them, her Queen Anne said they are eagles, they are, and they are not too!

   After all, the names are given by people, and those birds can't speak for themselves, so why do they say they are something?

"Ha ha…"

   scratched his head and smiled awkwardly, realizing that he seemed to be unable to argue, but Komatsu with the big nostrils had to turn his head to the side in a contemptuous manner, and was not going to continue to be familiar with some unreasonable little girl.


"Finally finished!"


   "The devil snake’s burger is topped with new ketchup, top-quality mineral cheese, and slices of puffer whale meat..."

   "That's how it is done with the Toriko Super Burger!"

At this time, a busy food hunter suddenly cheered loudly, and then when Annie turned her head, she was surprised to find that two burgers appeared on the table, one of which was tall, at least seven or eight floors. The other is much smaller, with only two floors.



   "Have you finally finished the fun?!"

   Seeing that Uncle Alu, who had been busy for almost half an hour, finally completed his masterpiece at this time, Annie hurriedly leaned over, exclaiming, while planning to reach out and hug the tall super burger.


   "Stop it!"

   However, instead of waiting for Annie to grab the big and tall one, some nasty uncle suddenly reached out and blocked her.



   "Uncle Alu, what's wrong?"



   "This little one belongs to you here, and this big one belongs to mine."

The food hunter Toriko ignored Annie’s cute and fat face and her pretending innocent expression. He just gently pushed the small two-layer burger to Anne’s, and then he drew the big one. His side.


  ! o

   "Why is someone so small, but yours is so big?"


   "This is not fair!!!"


   "This is fair!"

   "Children have small appetites and small stomachs, so just eat a small one."

   "And we adults have a big appetite and a big belly, so we should eat a big one!"

   Uncle Toriko ignored Annie’s protest, took the super burger straight in his hand, and kept sniffing with his nose, dripping with saliva.

   "What kind of perversion is this?"

   "People have a big appetite, they want the big one!"


   "It's alright, Annie, stop making trouble..."

   "Am I not even one?"

   "Hurry up and eat, we will get off the plane later, maybe IGO everyone will have another delicious meal to entertain us, you don't have to eat too much!"

   Seeing that the two of them are likely to quarrel in the plane, and may cause an air crash and threaten their personal safety, the big nostril uncle Komatsu hastened to persuade him.


"you sure?"


   "Full of respect for all the ingredients in the world, I am going to start!"

When Annie was about to ask what delicious meals would be available when she arrived, the uncle on the side could not wait to forcibly stuff the super burger into his huge mouth of blood and gulp the juice. Chewed up.

   is also fortunate that he has food cells in his body and a food demon hiding in his body. He can eat a lot of food like a gluttonous food. Otherwise, if he is replaced by an ordinary person like him, he has to be choked to death!




   "People are also moving!"


   Seeing that the other party had already stuffed it into her mouth without paying attention, Annie couldn't continue to struggle, so she had to pick up the slightly smaller and only two-layer hamburger and brought it to her mouth and chewed.



"The taste of various ingredients is different. The meat of the devil snake is very elastic, and the meat tastes excellent. The refreshment brought by the new tomato adds a bit of flavor, coupled with the smoothness of the premium mineral cheese. Finally, And that..."

   "Super perfect scent of puffer whale!"


   "It's so delicious!!"

After chewing and swallowing, the strange uncle Aru yelled and commented on the side. However, since the burger was made by the other party, people who hadn't eaten the burger always thought he was quite a bit. Suspected of self-promotion and boasting?



   Annie curled her mouth in disdain, and when she raised her hand, a small blue flame appeared at her fingertips, allowing her to grill the raw pufferfish covering the top layer of the burger as if it were heated by a spray gun.


   "Annie, what are you doing?"

   Seeing Annie's movements, the chef Komatsu who was the first to spot her exclaimed.

   "I didn't see it!"

   "Didn't you see it? Of course they plan to roast the puffer whale meat before eating it!"

Ignoring the other party’s wide-eyed expression, Annie continued to operate, and soon the thinly sliced ​​piece of pufferfish meat became golden and oily, and then a smell of meat began to diffuse in the cabin. .


   "Can you still eat like that?"

   "Puffer whales are the most delicious when they eat raw. If you do this..."

   Shaking his head, Komatsu, who is a chef, said that if it were him, he would never go to violent things like that.

   You have to know that a puffer whale is worth 100 million yuan, and such a large piece, although thin, is worth at least one million yuan. It's good now, it's so ruined.


   "Is that delicious?"

   However, after eating his share, Toriko didn't think so. He hadn't eaten a cooked puffer whale before, so he was very interested in Annie's way of eating.

   "Do you know if you eat it?"



   "It's delicious too!"


   "It's much more delicious than what I bought from the black aunt in Central Park before!"

   Subconsciously, Annie remembered the situation when she had just started living in another world, and then lucky enough to eat that delicious burger when she was hungry, and took it out for comparison.

  Although, if it is more true, it is possible that the one at that time and the present one are completely incomparable in terms of materials or taste?


"central Park?"


   "Is it a gourmet theme park?"

The foodie hurriedly asked, he thought that what park was a place specializing in food that he didn't even know, and he, who is also a foodie like Annie, would definitely not let it go easily. of.


   "It's actually a very ordinary city, and it's been missed and attacked by aliens all day long, and there are many girls who don't wear clothes in the park."


   "There is nothing like here, there can be so many delicious foods!"

   Annie said while eating, and then she discovered that she would rather stay in this food world forever than go back to that boring world.


   "Miss sister without clothes, is it true?"

   Blinked his eyes, and heard that there were other good things. The full food hunter expressed a little interest, of course, just a little bit, not too much.


   "Tom, what are you thinking about?"

   "Don't talk nonsense in front of children!"


   "Of course I was thinking about the black auntie's burger that Annie just said. What do you think I'm thinking about?"


"of course!"


   "In my opinion, you are thinking about those'lady sisters' who don't wear clothes?"


   "Think about that too..."


  The insincere Toriko and the angry Komatsu immediately quarreled, so that the other IGO man in a suit and sunglasses who was working on the side didn't know what to say.



   Annie ignored the fun of the two adults, and was not interested in listening to the weird things they said. Instead, she was eating while looking at the food magazine she had just put on the table intently.


  ‘Someone once discovered that under the Rainbow Bridge deep in the sea, under the action of the turbulent upward air current, there is a cloud of colorful candies floating. The candies are incredibly delicious and taste like soft pudding. ’


  ‘Above the sea, there is also a mountain of bread-croissant that is the first to see the sunrise. ’

  ‘The bread produced above has the smell of morning light. After eating it, it will make people lively all day long. It is said that it can make the most delicious burger in the world. ’


'On the New World across from the sea, there is a corn soup forest that seeps out from the sun's blessings, where the corn is as big as a tall building, and adults can't move a kernel of corn. But the soup is their most wonderful essence. ’


  ‘Somewhere in the sea, there is a small island with ham and egg grass that blooms like ham and egg leaves after bathing in the morning light and various breakfast ingredients—Breakfast Island! ’




   "Is it the same place as Hankelila Island? People seem to be hungry again!"


   After seeing the breakfast island, Annie closed the food magazine happily. She didn't plan to read it any more, because she was already hungry.

   "Hungry again?"

   "But, haven't you just eaten a burger?"

   Seeing that the plane hasn't descended yet, the big nostril uncle Komatsu, who knew that he was still far away from the destination, couldn't help but spit out.

   "But people are hungry!"


   "By the way, Uncle Komatsu, you said, what kind of cooking method is better for puffer whale meat?"


   Suddenly, Annie thought of the fact that she still had a lot of delicious puffer whales, so she asked about a professional chef.

   "Of course it is best to eat raw!"

   "However, if you don't like it, it should be good if you fry it. Fish and meat are good if you eat it fried."

   "You can't bake it like you just did, you want to fry, or fried night!"

   "But what kind of oil is best for frying. I don't know. You know, a puffer whale is worth 100 million yuan. I don't have the opportunity to experiment."

   shook his head regretfully. For chefs like Komatsu and others, the ingredients are too expensive and cherished, which is a great regret for their chefs.

  Because if you can't fully practice and try, even the best chef can't easily figure out the nature of the ingredients and the proper cooking methods.

"Oh okay!"


  Frying and eating something like that, it must be difficult for Annie, so she already has a specific plan.


   "Annie, do you still have a puffer whale?"

   "Really there are more?"

   "Gosh, how many did you catch?"

   Seeing Xiao Anni's expression, before she could refute, why didn't Komatsu know why she asked like that just now?

   So, he exclaimed directly.

   You should know that the three of them were busy for a long time, and in the end they only caught a dozen of them, and only one of the dozen was successfully processed. The difficulty is not that small!

   But now, the number of puffer whales in the hands of a little guy is probably close to or more than double digits?


   "Anne, do you really have a lot of puffer whales?"

   Hearing Komatsu’s exclamation, the Toriko at UU reading also leaned in with interest.

   "No, I really caught a little bit!"


Yes, just a little bit. Compared to the tens of thousands of puffer whales, the number of hundreds she caught is really not that many. Anyway, anyway, Annie will definitely not tell them the real number. of.


   "Where are we going now?"

   After finishing speaking, before the two of them could say something, Annie asked quickly, trying to distract the two of them.

   "I went to hunt the Ligaru Mammoth, which has gem flesh in its body."


   "We will be there soon!"

   At this time, the employee of the international food organization IGO wearing a suit and sunglasses on the side spoke up, and looked at Xiao Annie with some admiration.

   He just heard clearly, it seems that Mr. Toriko’s puffer whale meat was given by the little girl, and the other party seems to have caught more?

   It's amazing that the average person can catch one or two, and the little girl has caught a lot of them. That kind of thing is really incredible and worthy of admiration for him.

   "Ligaru Mammoth? Jewel meat?"

   "It sounds like it will be delicious..."


   Obviously, it’s not difficult to know by looking at the expression that a certain awkward little girl is starting to make some crooked ideas again.


  ?*. ???*. Monthly pass

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