Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1600: ?'?'? I have to walk around after eating

Latest website: This time, the target of Alu and others is the kind of gourmet animal named Ligaru Mammoth.

They live in the first protected area of ​​the international food organization IGO. It is a magical island where food research is popular and a tourist destination, and it is said that new food animals and plants can be born. People from all over the world generally like it. Call it-Gourmet Garden.

Although, on the surface, that magical island is indeed called a gourmet garden, a tourist attraction for gourmet sightseeing, but in fact, it is known as the largest courtyard of IGO and the first protected area, with an area of ​​up to fifty. The elliptical island of ten thousand square kilometers, the tourist attractions in it occupy only a very small part of the area.

That's no way, because the international food organization IGO can't control this huge island at all, so at the same time, it can't meet the needs of tourists who want to travel all over the island.

On this island surrounded by high mountains, there are countless improved species and cloned species stocked for research purposes. Over the years, a new ecological circle has been formed here, and in some places, terrible food The creatures are even so powerful that even the army of IGOs ​​can't suppress them!

Therefore, this time, in order to successfully hunt the Ligaru mammoth, IGO had no choice but to send people and planes to the small town by the sea, and will be a well-known food hunter who has just finished hunting puffer whales and is also one of the four kings of food. The warrior of I was invited back again.

Yes, it's ‘again’, because the first reserve is not the first time for the food hunter, Torri, to come back here, it’s the same as returning home to Torri.


Since the island itself is very large, there is no doubt that the research institute in the first reserve is also very, very large, looking like a giant gourmet food processing factory, and it also produces and supplies nearly three-thirds of the world. One of the food.

In addition, the institute has been researching, cloning and hybridizing various endangered or extinct gourmet species. As for some more specific and related secrets, it is not for outsiders.

When the plane arrived at the IGO base on the island and saw a bald-headed uncle whom Uncle Alu knew, of course, in a mountain living room of this research institution of IGO, Annie finally had her in the plane. I never forget it, the other party specially prepared a super meal to entertain their group.

After all, this is a gourmet island and the IGO organization is still cultivating countless gourmet animals and plants here. Therefore, the food for the three of Annie and the others is very rich and delicious, in addition to the kind of super high-grade ingredients that are fully roasted "Bacchus Dragon" , There are wine thief snails, wine shellfish soup, Bacchus shark, wine chaotic beef, Bacchus onion, Bacchus melon, and the tide of Bacchus whale.



"Okay, it's delicious!"


"Uncle Bald!"


"The food in your house is really delicious!"


Of course, Annie has never been polite to food, in fact, she never understood what politeness is!

Isn't this?

While others were still slowly tasting, the whole roasted'Bacchus Dragon', which was said to be pterosaurs, was a staple food with a hunting level of 37 that had been eaten by her full two thighs. God knows why her little belly fits so much weight.

"Ha ha!"

"If it is delicious, eat more, eat whatever you want, and let go of it. This is the full set of menus in my life, uncle. Most people want to eat but don't have that opportunity yet!"

The bald-headed uncle who was drinking with Uncle Alu didn't mind waved his hand and said. Obviously, he is very proud that a smart, clever, well-behaved and cute little girl can like his full menu of life.


"Little guy, my name is Mansam, you just call me Uncle Mansam."

"Uncle Bald or something..."

"It always makes people feel uncomfortable!"

As the director of the International Food Agency IGO Development Bureau and director of the Food Research Institute, Mansam waved his hand to correct him.

But in fact, he is not too serious, after all, he will always forgive a little for a cute little girl.


(??~??) Chew!

"Okay, I see, Uncle Bald!"



"Forget it, it's up to you!"

Opening his mouth, Mansam touched his bald head, and in the end he didn't say anything, obviously he didn't want to pester a little girl with such a small thing at such a light-hearted moment.


"I forgot to ask you, where's your ginseng menu?"

"It's been so long, should you decide?"

"I heard that you caught a puffer whale, how about it, that kind of delicious food that can only be eaten once in ten years, does it meet your requirements?"

"Did you decide to use puffer whales for fish dishes?"

Asked, throwing away the empty wine bottle in his hand, Mansam, the strong bald-headed party leader, who picked up the bottle again and blew it at him, stopped taking care of a little girl who was eating too much, but Curiously asked the old friend next to him.


"So far, the menu has only decided on one, it's dessert, and the ingredients are the kind of rainbow fruit cultivated by your IGO."

"As for the meat of the puffer whale..."

"Although it is indeed delicious, and eating it can give me plenty of strength, but I always feel that something is still short, so I didn't rush to make a decision."

Shaking his head, Alu told his own thoughts.

Unlike the old friend Mansam, who is addicted to alcohol and whose life's full menu is all about wine, Luk obviously doesn't want to be too hasty about his life menu.

He thinks, unless he can eat the kind of rainbow fruit like that kind of food that brings him the ultimate sensory enjoyment and makes every cell in his body cheer, otherwise, he definitely doesn't want to make it lightly. decided.


"Can't even the puffer whale satisfy you, a monster?"

"However, speaking of rainbow fruit..."

"Last time, I remember that the eighth reserve said that the rainbow fruit was snatched by the giant ape?"

"That incident is still going viral in our IGO organization. How did you find and decide to use rainbow fruit as the dessert ingredient of your life menu?"

Although the limbs are well-developed and the mind is simple and careless in doing things, no matter how bad he is, he is also the third in command and IGO. Therefore, the bald-headed Mansam can easily find some logic in the words of his friend Alu. Where there are contradictions on the above, I can't help but ask a little strangely.



Scratching his head and smiling awkwardly, Alu didn't know how to explain it, so he could only subconsciously look at a little guy who was eating a lot of food.



"What's wrong, is there any dirt on people's faces?"


Annie looked innocent, and she stretched out her greasy little hand and wiped it casually on her face.

Anyway, she didn't listen to what the two of them said just now, and she didn't know anything about Rainbow Fruit. She would definitely not admit it!


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Ha ha……"

At this moment, Uncle Komatsu with a big nostril on the side also reluctantly pretended to smile.

Then he hurriedly buried his face in the bowl, and pretended to try hard to taste the food, for fear that others would see that his expression was wrong.

"never mind!"

"If you don't want to say it, forget it, I don't want to care about that much!"

Seeing that his friend didn't want to say it, and the bald Mansam didn't want to force it. He waved his hand to expose it, and then continued to drink with the two of them.

He Mansam is the director of the No. 1 Biological Reserve. He does not take care of the eighth Biological Area, and he does not want to take care of it. Besides, the fruit trees are still there. Anyway, after a few years, Rainbow Fruit will still be able to do so. If it grows again, it's not a big deal at all.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"People want it! Bring that wine and shell soup to someone!"




Annie got up from the chair, and unceremoniously asked the big nostril Uncle Komatsu to bring the bowl of soup that no one had touched to her, and then, regardless of whether others wanted to eat or not, she slurped herself first. The basin began to drink.



"What a delicious shell soup..."



(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

Just after talking, Annie hiccuped a big hiccup, and then she exhaled a hint of alcohol?

Then, her little baby's fat and greasy face also started to flush slightly.

"Hey! Hey!"

"Annie, don't drink this!"

"You still continue to eat meat and other things. Don't drink soup or drinks!"

At this time, like the bald head Mansam working in the Institute of the First Reserve, he is currently an IGO exclusive beast messenger. At the same time, the short-haired lady Ling who has a good relationship with the Toriko stood up, and then Take away the soup in front of Annie.

"I said Mansam!"

"You give children these dishes that are all cooked with wine, is this really good?"

"But not everyone thinks you are a drunkard like you!"

Miss Sister Ling glanced at Annie worriedly, and then complained a little bit unhappily at the bald, brawny man on the other side of the table who was still hanging on his shoulders with Alu.


"Didn't she always eat happily?"

It was not annoying to see Annie being taken away. After continuing to gnaw the Bacchus Dragon, Mansam grinned and let out bursts of hearty laughter with his oversized voice.

"No problem, don't worry, Ling!"

"After cooking, the alcohol content of the ingredients is actually very low. Although there is still some wine aroma, as long as you don't drink the beverage with the highest alcohol content, it is basically no problem."

"In fact, I think even the soup should be fine..."

"If it doesn't work, you can let her eat something else. Anyway, there may not be other things in our first district, but there is a lot of food!"

The bald Mansam obviously didn't want to argue about that kind of trivial issue at this time, so he just dealt with a few words, and then continued to chat with the tortur on the side. The two of them hadn't seen each other for a long time. Now that we finally get together, where can I care about a little girl?


"You two guys..."

Seeing that Mansam and Hulu had the same careless and irresponsible character, Ling had no choice but to sigh, and then took the initiative to take care of the little girls brought by Hulu, and tried to choose those No alcohol and delicious food were brought to the little guy.


"Good wine!"

"Mansam, you must have a good time here, right?"

There is no worries about eating and drinking, and there are also a variety of fine wines. According to Toriko, for Mansam, who is addicted to alcohol, there is simply no better job than this.

"By the way, how is Terry?"


"I don't know, but it should be okay. This is what Ling is in charge of. We have been tracking it, and its life signals are still very good."

"It's on the island now. We only know the approximate location. If you want to find it, you have to find it yourself."


"That's good, if it's okay this time, I'm going to take it."


"It likes to follow you anyway, that's yours, I don't want to care about this."

"Thanks a lot!"

"Look at you, why are you thanking you, right?"

"Come on, our brothers continue to drink!"


After saying a few words, the two men continued to drink again.



"Who is that?"


At this time, Annie asked, because she always felt that the name seemed familiar, but it seemed that she couldn't remember it again for a while.

"It's the fighting wolf..."

"Annie, did you forget?!"

Big Nostril Komatsu said it was a little weird, you know, they were taking risks together at the time, how can they forget it now.

"Wolf fighting?"


"Is it tasty?!"



"Oh My God!"

"That's the white wolf when we met you, Nami, and Luffy on Hankelila Island two months ago. Did you really forget it so soon?"

"It can't be eaten!!"

Hearing Annie say that, why doesn't Komatsu know what her condition is?



"It turned out to be it..."


After hearing that it was the kind of animal that could not be eaten, and reluctantly remembered who'Terry' was, Anne quickly lost interest and didn't want to discuss a white-eyed wolf who could only see and cannot eat during this delicious meal time. .

"Ha ha……"

"It was because I was not sure whether it was dangerous or not, so the person who asked IGO to send it back here, just so, this time I will pick it up again!"

"Of course, maybe after the mammoth is captured?"

After thinking about it, Alu quickly grabbed his attention with a high-five.


"Turi, last time, you made a big fuss in the food arena and broke the protective cover. Now we have not finished repairing it. I have been criticized by the above several times."


"That's what you deserve!"

"Who asked you to do that kind of thing, let a female fighting wolf about to give birth to participate in a gladiatorial fight?"


"We didn't know it at the time. It was a clone after all. Although it is a female, who knows that it can reproduce parthenosexually?"


"Okay, okay, it's all the past, don't talk about it anymore, hurry up and eat yours!"

Seeing that the two were quarreling again, Ling, who was taking care of a certain gluttonous little girl to eat, raised her brows and reprimanded the two men who were about to go crazy and interrupted them. Evolve into quarrels and fighting conversations.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"Sister Ling, I want that bread!"


It was a kind of bread that looked like a fruit. After trying to eat one, Annie was quickly caught by its wonderful, soft and juicy, like melting in her mouth, but there was The sweet taste of chewy and refreshing fragrance is! "

"This is western pear bread. The mall outside sells for 700,000 yuan!"

"But don't worry, there are a lot of this kind of things in our No. 1 Reserve Research Institute. If you like Annie, when you leave, I will ask you to pack a little and take it away?"

With that, Ling brought several breads with different colors and tastes, but they all looked crystal clear, and brought them to Annie.

"Really? That's a deal!"


It doesn't count after eating, and seeing that it can be packed and taken away, of course Annie raised her hands and feet in agreement.


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