Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1602: (*??`*) I love to eat meat

The latest website: In the Ligaru Plain, where the average capture level is more than 20 levels, commonly known as the courtyard of the devil, after fighting a group of monsters and winning, Anne, Uncle Alu and others finally came to this piece of sight. The grassland of the black grass, which is commonly known as the black carpet here.

At this time, not far away, food hunters Alu, Sani, Komatsu, Ling, and a certain reporter lady were picnicking under a big tree. They were pulling up the black grass on the ground and growing on the tree. The juice squeezed out of some weird fruit was eaten in gulps.

"Annie, won't you come and eat some?"

"It's delicious!"

Under the tree, Miss Sister Ling pulled up a clump of grass on the ground, and then waved to beckon Annie to hurry over and enjoy it with them.

"do not want!"


"People don't want to eat grass!"


Yes, although those people say how delicious the black grass that grows on the ground can be directly eaten as a salad, but Annie said that as a carnivorous animal, and prefer to eat meat, just Waiting for some gem meat to relieve her gluttony, she would definitely not eat the grass on the ground without washing it like some guys.

Anyway, in her opinion, the way their group of guys eat is completely indistinguishable from the horses and cows in the distance, so she shouldn't do that kind of thing!


(● ̄?? ̄●)

"Don't want to eat grass?"

"Annie, don't be unsatisfied! This is not an ordinary grass, this is the black grass that is only found in the first reserve in the legend!"

"Outside a handful of grass like this is at least several hundred thousand yuan. It is the most suitable ingredient for salads. Now there are so many here for you to eat at will, do you still dislike it?"

"and also!"

"There is a tree of coco mayonnaise here, squeeze a little bit on top of the black grass, the match is simply a perfect match!"

Ling was still under a tree not far away, eagerly promoting her ‘black grass + mayonnaise’ luxurious vegetarian meal to Annie.

"What mayonnaise, it doesn't look delicious..."


Annie turned her head away, refused to become a herbivore with those guys, and turned to look at the huge monsters that looked like giant mountain giants that she had just defeated easily.

Just now Toriko said that the meat of this rock drum can be eaten. Although they are humanoid creatures, they are actually beasts. They have no wisdom at all. Remove the outer rock shell, and the flesh inside is like oysters. Want more delicious white meat.


Now that Uncle Alu and the others didn't seem to have any plans to deal with this giant creature, it was just that the reporter sister who had eaten two handfuls of grass went over there and fiddled with a video camera.

"Audience friends!"

"You see, behind me..."

"This is the legendary delicious, terrifying monster'Rock Drum'!"

"But you don't have to worry about my safety, because they have now been successfully captured by the gourmets."

"You have seen this kind of monsters that continue to destroy nature for food, there are as many as three, and they are lying behind me."

Female journalist Tina was standing beside the corpse of the ‘Rock Drum’ and talking with a microphone. Next to her was her iconic pet, a pigeon that was able to transmit information and was almost eaten by Annie.


"What are you talking nonsense?"

"This is obviously defeated by Annie. How can you put the credit on Hulu's head?"

At this time, after listening to the recording and broadcasting of the female reporter, Ling corrected her angrily.

Actually, she seems to have always had an opinion about a female reporter, but it's not just because the other party always pestered him, and she was more beautiful and **** than her. Anyway, the reason was very complicated.

"Don't make trouble, I'm recording it!"

"go away!"

"Of course I know that they were defeated by Annie, but no one would believe it in that way, and there is no ratings. Only if the four heavenly kings defeated them will there be a market..."


"Don't touch my camera!!"

"Do not believe?"

"Who told you not to record it when Annie did it?"


"That little guy knocked down three rock drums with a fireball at once, so fast, can I react to it again?"


"That's your problem."


"Go away! Don't get in the way!!"


"Damn fellow..."

Ling and the female reporter entangled for a while. When she saw that Annie didn’t mind being taken over by the captives, she had no choice but to walk to the side angrily, and no longer entangle the man who got the mansam. Long interview with the licensed guy.



"Do you really don't want the meat of rock drums?"

At this time, the food hunter Alu, Sani and others who had eaten a lot of grass surrounded the beast's "Rock Drum" and began to prepare to deal with the extremely rare ingredients in the legend.

Although their main purpose is still the Ligaru Mammoth and the jewel flesh in its body, but now that the three'rock drums' have been eliminated, they will definitely not waste it, and they must take care of it and bring it back. Go to the institute.


"do not want!"

"That kind of meat looks too ugly, it has no beauty at all, and it must have no nutrition. I would rather use the beautiful granite on them to make exquisite tableware and tables."

"This is the most beautiful thing on them, and I want to take them back as soon as possible."


"You don't want meat, but shells?"

Hearing that Sani wanted a shell instead of meat, he couldn't help but feel a little baffling.


"Then it's up to you, you're a weird person, don't want good meat, instead want that kind of useless shell..."

But soon, Toriko walked aside indifferently and began to think about how to deal with this hard-won legendary food.


"elder brother!"

"You want to take them back?"

"But what about the Ligaru Mammoth? We are all on the Ligaru Plateau now. Seeing that the goal is about to be found, you have to go back first?"

"Then I don't care!"

"Anyway, I want to go back immediately, otherwise this beautiful granite shell will change color."

"I want to hire the best craftsmen as soon as possible to process them into a complete set of beautiful marble tableware!"

"Anyway, there are Torii and that little guy, they will be fine."


"You guys are too selfish!"

However, when he heard that Sani was about to go back first, he did not react indifferently from the indifferent reaction of Li, but Ling got into a fight with Sani on the side.


"Okay, Ling!"

"Sani is right. There are also Anne and I here, so there must be no problem!"

"It's just right for him to go back. Let him take the three rock drums back to the research institute to deal with it. With his super power, this kind of weight is definitely not a problem."

Toriko, who was still thinking about what to do with the ingredients and brought them back, heard Sani say that, but he was relieved, and then stopped directly thinking about dismembering the ingredients and leaving only the most essential part.

He saw that only when Sani took the whole back, the rock drum would be best treated. When the time comes, both the meat and the shell can be used completely, without wasting any small amount of ingredients.


"what is that?"

"do not know……"

"No, no! It looks like an inverse dragon, capturing a level 28 beast, and it rushed towards us."

At this time, as there were waves of shaking on the ground, Komatsu, Ling and the female reporter soon ran over in exclamation, for fear of being hurt by the monster that appeared in the distance.


"Liu, it seems that your puppy is here."

Unlike everyone's nervousness, Sani didn't mind.

Because he recognized it, the beast that ran over in the distance seemed to be a pet that Toriko had conquered when he was in the research institute.

"Do not!"

"Not my puppy!"

However, Hulu became nervous instead.

"That is Nilong, with a capture level of 28. It will only obey the stronger than it and treat it as its master. It will obey its orders until there is a beast that is stronger than its owner and will not change."

"It might have been tamed by me before, but now it's running out again, that's not a welcome gesture."

"Director Mansam is right. There must be other people active here. I guess it should be the kind of GT robot they are talking about."

"Anyway, everyone is ready to fight!"

It was really a wave of unrest and another wave. Seeing that the rock drum had just been solved, and now a more powerful and flexible dragon ran out, the food hunter Alu rolled up his cuffs and was ready for a battle.

He knows that the inverse dragon is not easy to deal with, unless he can suppress the opponent with absolute strength, otherwise, a big battle will definitely be indispensable.



"It's the big guy who ran over? Is it delicious?"


Annie doesn’t care about any GT robot, she hasn’t seen it either, so now she only cares about whether the two-headed animal in front of her is jumping at a very fast speed.

"It is not an edible type of food beast, I'm afraid it won't be too delicious."

Alu shook his head. It was not time to care about eating. He felt that they should care about whether they were eaten by the other party accidentally.

"Is that so?"




"If it doesn't taste good, get out!"


When the two-headed and six-legged monster rushed over and was just about to open his mouth to the front of Sani, Annie gave a scream, and then glared at the other side fiercely.

In the next second, something unexpected happened to everyone.

‘! ! ’

‘Wow~! ’

The monster whose capture level was as high as 28, it was said to be extremely powerful, and even the warrior must be treated with caution, sobbed at this moment, then made a sudden stop, and then turned around and fled directly?




Seeing this, everyone couldn't help being a little dumbfounded.

"Ha ha!"

"I knew it would be like this!"

"You don't know, when Annie is angry, even I will be scared to tremble!"

At this moment, a certain uncle Aru scratched his head and laughed. He was not as surprised as the others and showed all hell-like expressions.

"However, Annie, you should keep it and let it be used as a mount for us. That saves a lot of effort!"

After speaking, Alu regretfully added another sentence.

That ‘big dog’ had indeed belonged to him before, and it helped him a lot when he went on adventures and investigations in this reserve with him.



"Then why are you talking now?"


Annie was a little upset, but she didn't mean to bring back the monster that had run out of sight.

"All right!"

"Just as if I didn't say anything."

Thinking that it made sense, Torri had to walk to the side in a jealousy, and looked at Sani who was answering the wireless phone at this time.




"I see."

Soon, Sani ended the call and turned around.

"What's wrong?"




"Let's get faster."

"It was a call from Director Mansam, who brought the baby elephant back to the institute before."

"It is said that three GT robots have reached the adult Rigaru Plateau, and they are haunting the habitat of the mammoth. Not long ago, a black-haired one also broke in. It is as good as you and Komatsu. The one I encountered in the puffer whale cave is very tricky!"


"But why do robots come here to catch mammoths? What is their purpose?"

At this time, Komatsu asked somewhat puzzledly.

"Because of the gourmet cell!"

"Gourmet cell?"


Nodded, Sani didn't explain much.

"what is that?"


"Is it tasty?"


Upon hearing the word "food", Annie became a little more interested and asked directly.


"Gourmet cells, a special kind of universal cells, were originally gourmet cells extracted from dreamy jellyfish that inhabit the deep sea. They have excellent regenerative ability, tenacious vitality and various magical functions."

"If it merges with the cells of other gourmet creatures, it can make magical changes, such as making sweet apples sweeter and delicious beef more delicious?"

"And this is one of the topics that the research institute here in the First Reserve is studying!"

"There is a more important point, that is, if the food cells enter the human body and successfully merge, it will make people become superhuman, and they will also evolve as the amount of delicious food eaten increases!"

"Lu, I still have Coco, and Ling and the director are all. We all have gourmet cells in our bodies!"

Sani said slowly, and while answering Annie's questions, he also answered questions for Komatsu and a female reporter.


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

It turned out to be a jellyfish cell. Annie thought it was something delicious, so after she knew what was happening, she curled her lips and didn't pay any attention to it.


"This is the headline news!"

However, unlike Annie's indifferent, a female reporter went crazy, usually writing down lines of words in her own notebook, writing down all the words that Sani said just now without missing a word.


"The tenderloin and loin of the Ligaru Mammoth are all good things. Of course, the best is the most essence of the'jewel meat' in the heart and liver. That is the Ligaru Mammoth's body. The best delicacy, we must not let the people of the food club get ahead!"

At this moment, the torturer, who had always been careless, began to urge. Obviously, he felt the urgency of the matter.

"The three rock drums will be handed back to Sani, and Annie and I will act as the main force. We must dare to take down Ligaru's hair before the robots of the food club..."


"and many more!"

"Where's Annie?!"

However, waited until the Toriko cheered up and was ready to take action, and when Sani used his super powers to dangle three huge rock drums in mid-air, they soon I found that standing on this black grassland, where is the figure of the tragic little girl just now?



When everyone was looking at each other, Toriko and Komatsu glanced at each other unconsciously.

"I suddenly had a very bad feeling..."

"Me too!"

Then, they quickly remembered the scene they had encountered when they were in the Eighth Reserve. The situation at that time seemed to be surprisingly similar to the situation now?


??°(°??????????°)°?? Ask for a monthly pass at the end of the month~

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