Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1604: ? \? (? ﹃?)? //?

The First Reserve Institute of IGO, an international food organization, in the huge laboratory, a group of people are busy, and in the middle of the laboratory, a Ligaru mammoth cub that has been electrocuted is lying. Quietly on the experimental platform is being scanned by some kind of instrument.

At the same time, a set of data is being displayed on the weight indicator like that of a floor scale: 1,719 tons.

That's right, the Ligaru mammoth cub is as much as 1,719 tons, and compared to the earth in the normal world, the largest animal in the ocean, the creature called the blue whale is only a mere two hundred tons. about.

It can be seen that this planet, which is one hundred and sixty-six times larger than the true standard earth radius, is how terrible this gourmet world is!

However, the IGO researchers present were not too surprised. Obviously, for them, they have seen a lot of similar or larger creatures, and it has long been no surprise.

"In more than an hour, the effect of acupuncture is about to end."

"Have you not found the gem meat yet?"

The bald head who defrauded the baby elephant of more than 1,700 tons from Annie, that is, Mansam, the director of the First Research Institute, came here and walked to one of the supervisors who presided over the experiment. After a while, he urged anxiously.


"Director, we still need some time."

"We will continue to scan for a while. After all, you said that the life of the baby elephant should not be endangered, so we did not dare to mess around."


"Then try to hurry up, the female elephant has been going crazy on the island, don't wait for it to find here!"


"But director, you'd better be a little bit mentally prepared. Your subordinates feel that this little elephant may not be old enough, this time it may be in vain."

"It takes decades for gem meat to grow, and I am afraid that its age has not reached ten years old, it is too young."


"Try to scan it first, if it really doesn't, then let it go!"


After watching for a while and getting a clear understanding of the situation, although there was a not-so-good news from the researchers, the bald head Mansam was not annoyed, so he had to confess and walk aside.


At this time, another black-clothed worker came quickly to the research room.


"whats the matter?"

"Found the situation!"

"The three GT robots that invaded the island don't know why, and now they have lost the electromagnetic signals of two of them!"

"We estimate that they should have been destroyed."



"Did they take the shot, Torii and Sani?"


"It should not be. We just contacted them. They are still somewhere else, and Mr. Sani is on his way back."


"Don't care if the signal disappears, what about the black GT robot that came in last?"

"Is there any information about it?"

"Still moving!"

"However, it is getting closer and closer to the female Ligaru Mammoth, and the signal is estimated to overlap with the female."


"It's possible that it has already entered the body of the female elephant, which is troublesome now."

"never mind!"

"Let's continue to observe, we are useless now, we can only pray that Alu and the others will succeed."



And when the head of the bald head and his subordinates in the first reserve research institute of the international food organization IGO were speculating about the signals of the two GT robots that disappeared, they were in a food club base in a pine forest. Here, the people in the Dark Food Club are also annoyed at the "signal disappearance" of the two GT robots.

"In other words..."

"Zaiba and Quito, your two GT robots were actually destroyed by a little girl?"


"Can you be useless anymore?"

In a mechanical workshop in the food club, an old man with a short stature and still hugged was listening to the reports of their two subordinates.

And those two are obviously the manipulators of the GT robot whose signal disappeared by IGO. At this moment, they are standing in front of the old man only and did not dare to be too presumptuous. After all, the loss of two GT robots caused the mission to fail, right. Food is not a trivial matter.


"I was blown to pieces by a fireball from her. The power is terrifying. The super alloy that can withstand volcanic magma has no resistance at all in front of her flames."

The member of the 6th branch of the Gourmet Club who was just named, a bald man with tattoos on his body, "Zaiba" answered honestly.


"I was crushed by her..."

"I don't know what's going on. She seems to have the same superpowers as Sani, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Food, and even stronger?"

"And her strength is also very strong, the strength of the physical aspect has supported the terrifying grip of my giant GT robot."

The newcomer on the side, Quito, also said with a look of hatred, and told as fully as possible what he saw at the time.


"The fireball and the airborne controller, as well as physical power..."

"It seems that IGO research is already ahead of us?"

"That does not work!"

"This time, we have to get gem meat one step ahead of them anyway!"

After listening to the reports of the two useless subordinates, the old man seemed to realize the seriousness of the problem, so he turned around again and looked at the two other people in the laboratory who were still tasked with heavy tasks.


"I know you two guys are not reliable!"

"Fortunately, Lord Saitoru has already entered the Mammoth's body first, and the Deputy Chief Chef Stakin is also on the way. This time we are determined to win!"

After that, the old man, the guy who seemed to be the GT robotics engineer laughed gloomily.



However, the two standing behind the old man did not speak.

Because they have seen that terrible little girl, although the opponent only showed two hands, they have a weird feeling that even Satori-sama and Stokin-sama might not be opponents of each other?

It's not because they failed, so I hope that the two adults will follow the failure so that they can balance their hearts, but because that is really their intuition, which belongs to the man's seventh sense.

Of course, they are obviously not stupid enough to tell their thoughts directly in front of the old man, so they just glanced at each other, and then saw the negation and...



Soon, the matter was verified, and the facts were indeed as the two gourmet club members thought. The two adults did indeed fail. They also failed to hold on longer than the two in front of the little girl. time.

Anyway, when food hunters Toriko, Komatsu, Ling, female journalist Tina, and the newly arrived Cocoa few people finally found the head, I don’t know why he was lying on the ground and sleeping, like, no, it’s itself. A Ligaru mammoth on a large mountain came in front of him and cheered and entered from the other’s huge (pī) eye larger than the puffer whale cave. When he finally found a little girl who was awkward, In front of her, lies a black and blue GT robot with two heads about the same size.

But at this time, they have been dismantled to pieces. The body, hands and feet, and the steel wool are scattered in various places around, and there is only one movable head still watching someone who is clapping his hands and busy finishing something. It's just a little girl.



"Great, you were here!"

Finding that the little girl who had been missing for a long time was finally found by everyone, Ling didn't want to think too much, so she cheered and greeted her.


"Annie, these robots..."

"They were all wiped out by you?"

Coco, one of the Four Kings of Food Hunters, expressed a bit of surprise. When they just came in from the elephant’s defecation mouth, they thought they would fight a battle with the GT robots of the Food Club for gem meat, but in the end, they saw it. Is it such a situation?



"Because they wanted to **** meat from others, they didn't listen to the warning, and then they had no choice but to tear them down."

☆? (o*?▽?)?

If it is a trivial thing, Annie directly tells what happened here.


"It's amazing..."

"Such scary robots, and there are still two, they are all beaten like this by you..."

Uncle Komatsu sighed, then looked at the remains of the robots on the ground, and confirmed that they could no longer move, then walked over and kicked the robotic arm with black steel wool.


However, at this time, Toriko didn't have time to pay attention to the robots, but used his nose, which was more sensitive than a dog's nose, to sniff in the air vigorously.


"Such a strong taste, refreshing fragrance..."

"it's here!"

"Is it gravy?"

After searching for a while, Suddenly, Toriko didn’t bother to look at the two GT robots or to say a greeting to a messy little girl. Instead, he rushed straight to this chamber in the Rigaru Mammoth’s body. In the middle position, and got to a place that seemed to be a freshly torn tendon, lying directly on the'meat' ground and licking some of the remaining juice on the'ground', and still enjoying the expression on his face?


"Arrived, what are you doing?"

Komatsu, who just wanted to see the two mechanical heads, of course also saw Toriko's movements, so before others could speak, he asked with a puzzled expression.



"Mr. Alu?"

At this time, the two women Ling and Tina also saw Alu's weird movements, and they felt a little inexplicable.



"We came in from the defecation mouth of the Ligaru Mammoth. Who knows if this is still within the rectal area, can you not be so exaggerated?"

Shaking his head, Coco directly covered his face and turned around.

Fortunately, Sani went back with the rock drum before. Otherwise, if Sani sees the disgusting behavior of Toriko now, he will have to be so sick that he can't eat for several days and talk about it for years!


However, Alu paid no attention to the people behind him, and was still lying on the ground desperately licking.

"It's awful!"


However, at this moment, unlike other people's reactions, Annie's expression became a little unnatural, and at the same time her eyes began to flicker, and she looked around, not knowing what she was talking about.

"This gravy..."

"The radiant light looks like golden sand..."

"This residual fragrance..."

"It's the kind of noble and mellow that can't be matched by even the most advanced perfumes, and it also carries a kind of raw meaty fragrance that is as strong as instinct..."

"That's right!"

"This, this is the ancient delicacy, the legendary delicacy!!"

After licking the remaining gravy on the meat floor, until there was no more drop left, and then sniffing the remaining scent in the air, he suddenly turned his head, leaving his mouth full of saliva, and looked at someone who was quietly standing on tiptoe. , Seems to be a bad girl who intends to stay away from everyone.


"This is the gravy of gem meat, right?"

"That gem meat..."

"You must put it away, right?"


"Quickly give me a point!!"

Unable to wait, Alu rushed directly to Annie, kneeled to her in disregard of the image, and grabbed her arm and pleaded.

"You are about to let go!"


Annie was taken aback, and hurriedly broke away the other's arm.


"Gem meat?"

"That's it, I'll just say why the smell here is so good..."


"Did you hide it?"

Hearing Torri's words, everyone finally recovered from the robot and the surprise of meeting Annie, and then cast suspicious eyes at her.

"It must be."


"It's not right to eat alone, please take it out quickly?"

Unlike others' doubts, Uncle Komatsu with Big Nose asked confidently.

He knows that the other party has magic, even the kind of rainbow fruit with a density comparable to gold with a weight of an unknown number of tons can be hidden, and there are enough to hide a few, and now a little gem meat must be There will definitely be no problems.


=???? (\'ヮ\'三\'ヮ\'=????)





"People don't know what you are talking about. They actually just arrived here not long ago. They must have taken away the meat!"


Suddenly, Annie turned around and pointed to the fragments of GT robots on the ground. She obviously wanted the two robots that had been broken by her to bear the blame.


'Do not! ’

‘She is lying! ’

At this time, the black-haired GT robot suddenly spoke. Although there was only one head left, it did not prevent it from speaking.

‘She followed us here and broke us before we were ready to collect gem meat. "

"We saw her take it away with our own eyes..."


‘! ! ’

boom! !

However, the black-haired GT robot with only the head and the movable mouth had not had time to finish speaking. A fireball blasted it to pieces, even with the meat of the mammoth in this chamber. A large area was burned and burned by the fireball, causing the entire chamber to twitch and shake like a reflection.

'what! ’


‘I don’t know anything...’

boom! ! !

Another blue-haired robot just wanted to say that he would definitely not tell the secret like Black-haired, but the little girl did not give it a chance to explain. The second fireball also came almost at the same time, easily exploding it too. It became a pool of red-hot iron slag.


"All right!"


"They must have been lying just now and want to divorce our relationship. Don't believe them!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"Anyway, people really didn't steal that gem meat, they dare to swear in the name of Tibbers!"


Annie really didn't have time to steal it, so she wouldn't eat raw meat!

Not long after she just put it away, these troublesome guys arrived...

Anyway, after extinguishing the last two witnesses, the matter is just like that. There is no gem meat, but there are still a lot of other meat in the gem meat chamber. Anyway, it is grown in one place. The taste should be pretty good. Everyone can cut a few kilograms and bring them, and they can almost go home and go back for business.


′?`●))) alas



However, Toriko and Komatsu, who knew her very well for a long time, were willing to believe that they just stared at her with extremely firm and determined eyes, showing that if she did not hand over a part of the gem meat, she would definitely not give up. manner.




So Under the example of Toriko and Komatsu, even Ling, Tina and Coco, who were still somewhat inexplicable, cast suspicious glances at Annie.

"All right!"

′Ο`*))) alas

"In fact, they didn't get much. You can give you one kilogram per person. It really can't be more."


Seeing that she couldn't hide, she had no choice. Annie had to take a step back and plan to benefit a little by herself. Anyway, she would definitely not say that the piece of gem meat she took was at least several tons as heavy.

What? What?


?(?ˉ??ˉ?) Ask for tickets at the beginning of the month

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