Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1606: ψ(`?′)ψ Onion, **** and garlic eat fighting wolf

The gastronomy world is a place outside the territory of human living and activities, and is also known as a treasure house of unknown ingredients.

There are countless known and unknown delicacies hidden there!

In this food world, food is equivalent to wealth. Therefore, it can be said that there is a lot of wealth in the food world. As long as ordinary people find an undiscovered food and develop it, it is enough. He got rich overnight.

However, in the food industry, along with wealth, there are often huge unknown risks.

Under the countless terrifying food behemoths and various unknown terrible threats, let alone ordinary people, even the average food hunter would not dare to get involved easily, and even one sovereign country. Dare to stretch out their tentacles.

Because of this, the laws of this world give people the power to "who discover, name and who first develops" unknown foods, in order to encourage those food hunters who are not afraid of death to develop and explore little by little. The larger food world outside the human world, and a little bit of expansion of the place of human life, nothing more.

After all, this earth is really too big. Outside of the human world, there are large tracts of unexplored areas, which are at least tens of thousands of times the size of the area currently inhabited by hundreds of human countries. Under the threat of that terrifying food behemoth, it is not so easy for humans to occupy this huge planet.

But today, after half a month, the food hunter Alu came to the door again and found Annie, the major shareholder of IGO.

"The food world?"


"Why go to the food world?"


"Is it going to the same place as the last time on Hankelila Island?"


Annie is eating.

In the past two weeks, in the gourmet hotel in this city, in the presidential suite belonging to the international gourmet organization IGO, Annie has never left since staying.

During this period of time, she has been here every day for nothing and no need to pay, because she owns 10% of the shares in IGO, and the dividends that should be given to her each year are only a fraction of the estimated amount to deduct all expenses. , Maybe you can't even use up the fraction?

But Annie didn't care about that kind of thing, and those people had never dared to ask her for money.


"Hankelila Island is not actually in the food world."

"That actually belongs to the edge of the human world, but it used to be the food world. After being discovered and human activities started, it can no longer be regarded as the food world."

"I'm going to the food world, where is the unexplored place."

Toriko shook his head. He didn't want to go to Hankalila Island. He had already visited that place and didn't want to go again. After all, there were so many places in the world with delicious food. He didn't need to stare at it. Keep it in one place.



"Then Uncle Alu, why do you suddenly want to go to the food world?"


Of course Annie in the food industry has heard of it, and more than once, she also knows that there are many unknown delicious things there, but now she has not even eaten more than a thousand kinds of known foods. , Obviously not in a hurry.

Therefore, what she is more curious now is the uncle Alu in front of her, wondering why he suddenly had the idea of ​​going to the food world.

"It's for Terry!"

Toriko didn't conceal it, and directly explained the reason.



"Who is Terry?"


Annie said that she seemed to have heard the name several times, but she had forgotten who it was.

But anyway, it wasn't the big nostril uncle. That guy was called Komatsu, and the cooking was super delicious, a little more powerful than the chef in the big hotel where she is currently.


"The desk calendar is not someone, it's Fighting Wolf!"

"The white fighting wolf Terry, after we obtained the gem meat, I found it in the first reserve."

"That white wolf, you forgot so soon?"

Lu shook his head with a headache, and then he felt that the other party was afraid that they would have forgotten Coco and Sani.

"It turned out to be it..."


"Then what's wrong with it? Why go to the food world for it?"



"It hasn't eaten anything lately, or it doesn't eat things in our human world, so I'm thinking about whether or not to take it to the food industry."

Yes, this is the reason why Toriko wants to go to the food industry and come here to invite Annie. He is to take care of the wolf in his family and want it to grow up normally and happily, not because of his master. Starved to death.

"Is it picky eaters?"


It turned out to be such a thing, while Annie exclaimed, she quickly understood the context of the matter and knew why this Uncle Alu suddenly came to her today.


"I can't help it. I can't watch it starve to death, right?"

"So, I want to visit the food world."

The reason for telling Xiao Anni is that it is not that Mr. Li is insecure and wants to find a powerful helper, and the little guy in front of him is the best and most reliable helper he thinks is the best and most reliable helper in front of him!



Annie frowned.

Now she is very comfortable here in IGO’s hotel. After throwing away those boring industrial gold to the other party, she became a major shareholder. Now she can eat all kinds of delicious food every day, and it’s not too bad. , IGO’s uncles and younger sisters will also send a variety of packaged delicacies every day for her to put away in different categories. This little life is not worth mentioning.

Therefore, she really doesn't want to go to the food world where there is nothing wrong with it, at least for the time being.


(● ̄? ̄●)

"Uncle Alu..."


"Is there no other way?"


Annie asked, anyway, she doesn't want to go to that food world for the time being, she hasn't even collected the food in this human world yet!

"Of course!"

To Annie's surprise, Huo nodded.

"What's the solution?"


"Gem meat!"

"Last time, Terry, the gem meat you took out, also ate, so, Annie, if you are willing to take out more gem meat, we can temporarily stop going to the food world."

"How about giving me a few hundred catties?"

Torii stared expectantly at Little Annie’s round face with a little fat baby. If Annie is really willing to give him a few hundred catties of gem meat, it will be enough to feed Terry for at least one or two months, and then he can still take care of it. Rub a bit of'dog food'?



"Uncle Alu!"


Annie straightened her face.


I felt a little bit in my heart, Alu knew that the request he just made was definitely a bit too much, maybe it shouldn't be a few hundred catties, as long as a few dozen catties might still have a chance?

"Mother Amoryn said, she said: No picky eaters are good kids..."




Annie looked serious, but she didn't say anything.

"So what?"

Toriko asked subconsciously, and he was ready to bargain with the other party.

"Your fighting wolf, let it be disturbed, let it starve to death!"

o(′^`)o hum!

Annie spoke very seriously, and didn't go too far.

What a joke!

If it’s something else, it’s fine. She gave it to her when she was in a good mood, but the other party wanted to hit her with the attention of the gem meat that was collected with difficulty, she seemed to be so bullied. NS?

That fighting wolf or something, not familiar with her, starved to death and starved to death, who made it so picky?

You know, Queen Anne had never been picky eaters when she traveled around countless worlds in the first place, and she had eaten a lot of hard and black brown bread, and now this world with a huge amount of food compares From the previous world, it is simply a paradise in paradise, and there are so many spicy foods to choose but also picky eaters. What does that kind of stupid dog raise it for?

It's like Tibbs, the little bear in her family. She used to be picky eaters all day long and wanted to eat people, but now, she doesn't give him anything to eat, so she is hungry, what should I do!


(● ̄? ̄●)

(Tibbs thinks, if it weren't really defeated, or if it wasn't for some mischievous female human being, it would still be a good bear in the petrified forest!)


"Ha ha!"

"Annie, you can really make a joke."

After looking at the extremely serious blue eyes that stared at the little girl for a while, Lu suddenly laughed awkwardly and joked.

"People didn't make jokes with you!"


"Tell you!"


"You can't get used to that kind of stupid dog. If you don't eat this or don't eat it, then it will only get an inch!"

 ̄? ̄)????

"You have to hungry and hungry for a few more meals, and usually beat it a few more times, and then it will quickly become honest, even if you put a pile of grass in front of it, it will eat it!"


Annie said that she is very experienced in this. Although she has not trained a dog, she has trained a bear. Although it is a shadow bear, the shadow bear should be more or less related to the "dog bear", so, Bear training and dog training should be similar.



(However, Tibbers said, he would rather be hungry than eat grass!)

"No way, no way!"

"Annie, Fighting Wolf can't do that. They are very arrogant and must not do that!"

The captive hurriedly waved his hands and rejected Annie's bad idea.

You know, fighting wolf is a legendary creature in the food world, and it is also the strongest and largest wolf in the world. Its strength can even make the world's most powerful food creature fearful. Now, such a good wolf becomes With his own partner, loyal and reliable, it is much better than the twenty-five son Nilong. How could he be willing to abuse it?


(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Annie turned her head away, disapproving of Uncle Alu's statement.

At the same time, she whispered quietly. If she was changed to her, she would be arrogant and picky about eating and not eating. The next day, she would prepare the green onion, ginger, garlic and the cauldron, then fill it with water and bring it to a boil. Uncle Chef Nostril, when the time comes, the other party wants to put down his arrogance and should go to eat grass, but there will be no chance.



(I don’t know why, Tibbers suddenly felt a little lucky that his bear was born, because it is a shadow bear. Its body is pure shadow energy and cannot be eaten. Otherwise, God knows if it can really live to the present?)


"For Terry, I must go to the food world, Annie, do you want to come together?"

Toriko pretended not to hear the broken thoughts of Little Annie, and directly showed a smiling face again and sincerely invited.

"do not want!"


"People don't want to go to some food world just to find food for that stupid dog!"


Annie refused decisively.

She didn't see that that kind of thing was of great benefit to her. Although it was said that it was also possible to collect food, but if it was specifically for a dog or something, then let it go.

"I knew you would not agree!"


"But fortunately, that's just a backup plan for me. Actually, I don't dare to go to the food world outside rashly. I plan to go to other places first."

With a regretful sigh, Hu began to talk about other things.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Annie began to eat her own things, and said that she was not interested in what an uncle said. Anyway, no matter what he said, she would definitely not go to and fro for a stupid dog.

"It's BB popcorn!"

"I think Terry should eat the legendary food, just like gem meat?"

Pretending to be talking to himself, Toriko just sat aside and talked about some of his own plans.



"What popcorn?"


Annie seemed to smell the scent of food, so she couldn't help but glance at an uncle who was eating her own food.

"BB corn!"

"It is a kind of corn with an overwhelmingly rich aroma and sweetness. Just one grain, roasted or stir-fried over a strong fire, it will pop by itself and become enough popcorn for a hundred people!"

"The popcorn popped by the king of corn is the best popcorn in the world!"

"none of them!"

Torri said affirmatively, and at the same time, his eyes did not forget to stare at every move of the little girl next to him.



"So, where can I find it?"


Annie first took out a small book, which was her own list of food items that IGO had already included, and then quickly flipped through dozens of pages and found that there was really no record of BB popcorn in it. She quickly Interested.


′?`●))) alas

"It is sixty-five thousand kilometers away to the west, in the jungle of Wu, called the continent of Wu. It has been explored there, and it is no longer considered a food world."

"However, there are carnivorous plants that even the most ferocious beasts are afraid of. It can be called a plant hell, I am afraid it is not so easy to find!"


"For Taly, I still plan to go to the jungle of Wu first. If you don't want to go, then I have to find someone else."

Toriko pretended to sigh and said, then stood up and planned to leave.

"and many more!"


Annie yelled at each other tangledly.

"If it's for your stupid dog, people definitely don't want to go!"




"If it's for that kind of BB popcorn..."


"I think about it, I'll just go there with reluctance!"


Popcorn Annie has always liked to eat, and the so-called most delicious popcorn in the world, since she has heard it, of course she will not miss it!


"Don't force it?"

He felt a little disbelief, so he asked again.

"Don't force it at all!!"


As long as you find what kind of corn, and the thing is really so delicious to the other party, then you won't force it at all!

However, if the other party dared to lie to her, green onions, ginger, garlic, cauldron, boiling water, and the chef, Uncle Komatsu, etc., it must be indispensable.


"After I find BB corn, I will divide it in half because it will be used as Terry's ration. Isn't that okay?"

Toriko, who was relieved in his heart, suddenly remembered some of Annie's misdeeds, so he hurriedly reminded him solemnly, wanting to get a guarantee.



"No! Why should someone be half like your stupid dog?"


"People want 90%!"


"That way, give you 60%?"

In view of the need for Annie's luck and fighting power, Torri decided to take a step back.

"No! People need at least 70%?"


Annie didn't know whether the popcorn made of corn was good or not, but she only knew whether it was good or not, it would definitely not be wrong for her to take the majority of it first.

"make a deal!!"

However, at this moment, Hulu stretched out his hand and touched the small palm of Annie's outstretched seven fingers, and the matter was settled.





Annie was a little unhappy, because she suddenly realized that if she had been insisting on 90%, the cunning Uncle Alu might also agree?

"All right!"

"Anne, you are now a major shareholder of IGO. Let your people arrange a high-speed plane for us. After all, it's tens of thousands of kilometers. I don't want to go by boat at all."

With a distance of tens of thousands of kilometers, IGO’s high-speed jet aircraft is only about two to three thousand kilometers an hour. They may also have to stay in the air for more than a day, and if it is by boat, God knows how long it will take.

Maybe, Terry really starved to death and hasn't reached the destination yet?



"okay then!"

′Ο`*))) alas

Annie, who always feels that she was given a routine by the other party, originally wanted to say that she opened the portal But she suddenly thought that she didn’t have accurate coordinates and didn’t know the road very well, so I was afraid of being messed up. She had no choice but to give up when the other party was laughing!

"I will call someone for you now..."


With that said, Annie stretched out her hand and rang a bell on the table, and began to summon the siblings of IGO.


(● ̄? ̄●)


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