Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1607: ?(′‘?‘`)? Swish 1 fly back

The E-Continent has a total area of ​​1.020 billion square kilometers, and the main residential area of ​​the current human kingdom is only a mere 149 million square kilometers. Therefore, this continent is equivalent to ten of the total area of ​​human settlements. Times that big!

And this continent E is just one of the small continents discovered by humans after exploring the food world. It is the third largest area of ​​the continent, except for a few research stations and food hunters’ supply bases. In addition, there is no such thing as a human city or country for the time being.

   And this is the main reason why humans in this world are not in a hurry to explore the wider and more dangerous food world.

   Because there is no need at all!

   The lands that have been discovered and the food on these lands have been enough for hundreds of billions of humans in this world to toss for hundreds of years.

After all, when all kinds of food and other survival materials are extremely rich, and there is no need to worry about insufficient resources, in this best food era, people without survival oppression and sense of crisis are not very determined to develop their desires. In humans The 300,000 kinds of delicacies discovered within the scope of activities are enough for people to enjoy.

   But today, a vertical take-off and landing high-speed jet passenger and cargo transport aircraft has arrived here and landed steadily on a wasteland without much vegetation in this jungle in the northern part of the mainland.

The airplane does not dare to get too close to those jungles, because almost everyone knows that this continent is a **** of plants, and there are all kinds of huge dangers inside, and once it gets too close, the thin aluminum alloy of the airplane The outer shell certainly cannot protect the safety of the passengers in the plane.

   However, instead of waiting for the plane to stop, or waiting for the crew to detect the surrounding environment, a certain wretched little girl cheered and rushed out first.

Immediately afterwards, the relieved food hunter Alu and his family's picky eater, who had been threatened by Annie more than once on the plane to ask Chef Komatsu to deal with and eat them, also followed him from the cabin. Can't wait to rush out.



   "Here is the jungle of Wuzhi continent, right?"

  ?*. ???*.

  Actually, Annie is not interested in the land of Wuzhi and Wuzhijun. What she cares more about is the legendary top ingredient called BB popcorn that she is about to find here!

   If there is really such a delicious food that Uncle Alu said, she will definitely pick up all of them, pack them all and take them away. If you can't eat them, you will have to walk around. There is no one left, so that others will not be able to eat it!

  Ε=)) alas

   "That's right!"

   "There is a jungle in front of you!"

   "This should only be regarded as an edge. After all, the plane didn't dare to stop rashly inside. The animals and plants there were a bit too dangerous."

   stepped off the plane, looked around and stroked his blue hair. The Toriko who had been here before quickly nodded firmly.

   "This way..."

   "You are really useless, someone dare not fly in!"

   Hearing that it turned out to be only the periphery, of course Annie turned her head and cast a contemptuous look at the two crew members who had been so hard to carry them here.



   The two crew members who also stepped off the plane ignored the little girl's reproach. After all, the other party was the major shareholder and director of their IGO, so small people like them didn't dare to be too presumptuous in front of each other.


   "Report to Director Annie, and Mr. Toriko!"

   "We need to return to the nearest IGO base to refuel and maintain the aircraft. In addition, it may take two days for the round trip. When do we need to come here to pick you up?"

   They just pretended that they had not heard, and then stood upright under the chaotic air jets from the plane and asked about the specific time of return.

  Only when they know the specific return time, they can make arrangements. After all, aircraft refueling and maintenance are also time-consuming and labor-intensive tasks. If they can't make it, they can let other aircraft come.


   Toriko started rubbing his chin and calculating in his heart, because he himself did not know how many days it would take to find the legendary place where BB popcorn grows.


   "We may need about four days or five..."

   However, before the prisoner had time to say an inaccurate time, he was arbitrarily interrupted by Annie.

   "You don't use it anymore!"


   "We will go back by ourselves then!"


   Annie decided, and when she finds the place where BB popcorn corn is grown and harvests it, she will go straight back, so she won’t run back here to wait for the plane again!


   "Ann, Annie?"

   "Are you sure? It's more than 65,000 kilometers away from the city where we started!!!"

   "How can we get back without a plane?"

   Alu was shocked, this is not a trivial matter, so he hurriedly asked Annie who wanted to start acting.

   "Director Annie?"


   "Are you kidding me?"

   The two crew members also looked at each other a bit.

   You must know that in order to get here, their super high-speed jet plane flew for almost 20 hours before it could reach it, but now the other party says that he wants to go back by himself, how can he get back?

   is to walk overland for a few months to the nearest food hunter's supply station, and then wait to board the ship, and then spend several months to swim back slowly?

   "No one is joking!"

   "Your plane is too slow. I flew for a whole day before arriving here. I slept several times on the road and got back to sleep. I don't want to take your broken plane anymore!"


   Thinking of the extremely boring twenty-odd hours spent on the plane, Annie's fat baby face couldn't help but look disgusting.


   "This aircraft is already one of the fastest light aircraft in our IGO organization. It can also break the sound barrier. If it is replaced by a helicopter, it will only be slower."

   To tell the truth, after listening to Xiao Annie's rant, the two crew members didn't know what to say.

Of course, they dare not say, because the little girl in front of them is the director and major shareholder of their IGO, and there are several times the salary subsidy when they travel with each other. In this regard, it is too late for them to treat each other as an uncle. Dare to speak serious offenses easily?

   "It's slow anyway!"


   "It's so decided, you go back first, when we go back by ourselves, we don't have to worry about you!"


Now Annie has arrived here, knowing that this is the jungle of Lao Shizi. Next time I use the portal, I will definitely not get lost. Of course, I will not get lost when I go back. Therefore, I really don’t need these guys. We flew the plane again and waited.



   The two crew members looked at each other, and both saw helplessness and confusion in each other's eyes.


"we know."

  Although they said that, they also know that if you just leave an IGO director and major shareholder here, the two of them will definitely not be able to bear that kind of guilt!

   So, after making eye contact, they responded casually and turned to the plane.

They cooperated with the tacit understanding, and they have actually decided to report the matter as soon as they return to the nearest base, and then they will be on standby for 24 hours at the nearest base until a new message is sent to them. Order so far.


   "Annie, are you really sure?"

   "This is really no joke!"

   "Hey! Wait a minute!"

   Seeing that the two crew members were really obedient and re-boarded the plane and steered the plane slowly into the air, the captive instantly panicked, and hurriedly stepped forward and grabbed Annie's arm and asked in a hurry.

He has brought a dog now, without any communication tools or more survival supplies. If the other party does not come to pick them up, it will be very difficult for him to go back then, maybe even Will be reduced to being a savage in this dangerous jungle.

"Do not worry!"

   "Uncle Alu, there is a way to let you swish and you can go back in the blink of an eye!"


   said, Annie was ready to take the lead.

Anyway, she didn’t plan to take that slow, broken plane. The other party didn’t even reach the first cosmic speed and dare to say that it was the fastest plane. She just released a space shuttle faster than the other party. Countless times!

   "How can I be relieved?"

"and also!"

   "Where is there such a way to go back in one click?"

   "Aren't you kidding me?"

   Toriko obviously didn't believe it, but now the plane has left, so he can only persuade the other party to take out the communicator behind Annie, and then set a specific time for the two crew members to respond.




  ? What? What?

   "Uncle Alu, shall we make a bet?"


   Suddenly, without knowing what Anne was thinking of, she turned her head thiefly and looked at the uncle Alu who was following her.


   "What to bet on?"

   Although I thought it would not be a good thing, Toriko still asked subconsciously.

   "If someone has a way to make you swish and go back in the blink of an eye, you can eat your picky, stupid dog, how about it?"

Annie said that she has found better and more delicious substitutes for green onion, ginger, garlic, star anise, cinnamon, grass fruit and so on. Called as soon as it came, now it's almost time to wash and peel the fighting wolf, which is said to be rare, and throw it into the pot.



   In the next second, he noticed Annie's naked hostility. If he was facing a natural enemy, Fighting Wolf Terry hurriedly pulled his tail behind him and whimpered.


   "No way, no way!"

   "This is definitely not good! Terry is my friend, I will definitely not let you eat it!"

   After listening to it, Toriko quickly waved his hand to refuse and began to comfort the fighting wolf behind him.

You should know that Terry is the strongest wolf that has existed since the ancient times, and is also the largest wolf in the world. He has a very strong fighting instinct and crisis awareness. It has the most significant combat IQ, speed, and sense of smell. It is very useful whether it is a gatekeeper or an adventure hunting. Moreover, a sub-adult fighting wolf like Terry can already display a variety of very good fighting abilities. If it waits for it to reach adulthood, it will be worth it?

   So, don’t mention how precious he is, and even thought about taking the risk of entering the food world to find Terry’s unknown top delicacies as dog food. Where can Annie eat it for the real one?

   He is a food hunter Toriko. He is a principled person, and he is not that kind of gambler. He can put his wife and children on the gambling table with red eyes.

Although, he didn't believe that the other party really had the kind of way to make him swish and go back over 65,000 kilometers in the blink of an eye, but no matter whether he had it or not, he wouldn't use Terry to do that kind of boring. And dangerous gambling.


   "Then, let's change another one."

   "If someone can let you swish and you can go back in the blink of an eye, you will get 10% less popcorn, and if they can't do it, let's halve it, how about?"

   That's right, the gambling agreement just now was just that Annie said casually. She knew that the other party would definitely not agree, but what she said now was her main purpose!

   Her Queen Anne first told the other party one that she would definitely not agree to, and then said another one that was not too excessive, and then the other party would be able to get a set, and this method, she has tried repeatedly.



"this is okay!"

After thinking about it, he didn’t think that Annie could make him swish and go back. Therefore, for the good thing that loses only one layer of profit, and if it wins, he will get two tiers of shares. What is the reason for rejection.

   "Then let's pull the hook, that's it!"

  ?*. ???*.

   Cheering, Annie stretched out her little finger towards the other party.

Being able to extract a layer of share from the other’s palm again, there is nothing that makes Annie more happy. Although she still doesn’t know whether the BB popcorn is as delicious as she imagined, she did it in advance. If it is possible to get a little more share, there is definitely nothing wrong with it.

   But in fact, if it weren't for the other party to lead the way, she might have ran away to pick it up by herself, and she won't leave any share to the other party, it's all hers!

   "Yes, that's it!"


   "Annie, why did you stop again?"

   As soon as he nodded his head in agreement, Toriko looked at the little girl who had stopped in front of him in a puzzled manner.

   "People don't know where that corn grows, of course they are waiting for you to lead the way!"

   Actually Corn Annie knows, but there are really more varieties of corn in this gourmet world. Who knows which corn can be made into BB popcorn?


   "Actually I don't know where it is, but it doesn't matter, we can find it slowly."

   As he said, he didn't mind, so he took the lead and walked ahead.


  ! o

   "Want to find it slowly?"


   "That's right!"

   "Come on! Let's enter the jungle of Wu, but be careful, the plants inside are very dangerous."

   Uncle Alu, who was walking in front, reminded him thoughtfully, but the fighting wolf quickly jumped to the front, not wanting to stay with Annie at all.

   "Damn it!"

   "If you have to look for it slowly, why should someone come with you?"

   It turned out that the other party didn't know the specific location, and Annie suddenly felt as if she had been cheated.

   "Hurry up!"

   "There are piranhas in front of them. They don't have eyesight or hearing. Just don't touch them, or they will eat you!"

  , who was leading the way, did not forget to explain some precautions for his actions in the jungle of Wu, although he did not think that ordinary piranhas could eat the extraordinary little girl behind.

   "Dare they?"

   "Look if they don’t burn them!"


   Where is Annie, who is angry now, afraid of those plants?

   And she said, she really caught a ball of fire directly in her hand, and she was going to burn the cannibal flowers that didn't provoke her at! Stop it! "

   Seeing this, Li was so frightened that he hurriedly stopped.



   "They are too ugly to eat, so people want to burn them!"


   However, Annie insisted and still wanted to burn.


   "This is in the jungle. If you set fire indiscriminately, it will cause a forest fire. What should I do if I accidentally burned BB popcorn?"

   There is no way, Torri can only say that.


   "Well then! For the time being, spare them, wait until you find popcorn corn and burn it!"

  Ε=)) Bah! !

   After spitting on the piranhas with their teeth and claws on the side and still emitting a foul smell, Annie snorted and directly followed the Uncle Alu in front of them around them.


   The food hunter Alu, who had some understanding of the little girl's temperament, was a little speechless at this time, so he didn't plan to talk anymore, just continued to lead the way honestly.

Next, going deep into the jungle will become very dangerous. Fighting wolf can protect himself, so can Annie. Therefore, he only needs to lead the way and take care of himself. This is the best adventure combination, which is easier than when taking Komatsu. too much.


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