Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1610: ?(●`??●)? Eat 1 country in one day

The satiety city, also known as the food city, is a consumer tourist city with food as the main body and entertainment as a supplement. It is deeply loved by people in this world.

Today, the food hunter Toriko and the chef Komatsu of the five-star hotel came here together, and after a tour and a few big meals, they arrived at the Jiunai canteen on time in the evening.

At this time, the gourmet hunter Toriko and chef Komatsu in formal attire were sitting on a small round stool waiting patiently, waiting for the grandmother of the shopkeeper of this'canteen', waiting for the grandmother Jienai to prepare meals for them two .

The owner of the grandmother is extraordinary. The other party is the top chef in the world. The world chef ranks second, and is also known as the national treasure of the gourmet world. So, they dare not want to be here casually.



"Liu, didn't Annie go with you to find BB corn in the jungle of Wu? We heard about it when we went to find the seasoning."

"Why, she didn't come back with you?"

During the waiting time, Komatsu, who remembered something, suddenly turned his head and asked to the side.

"Of course I'm back!"

"Speaking of, Komatsu, I'm afraid you still don't know, that nasty fellow Annie, she picked the biggest corn!"

"It's terrible that you didn't give me a pill!"

Clenching his fist, Alu said bitterly, obviously he was very upset at the kind of evil atrocities that a messy little girl sat down.



"No? Is it possible that it is bigger than the two five-meter-long corns you brought back?"

Komatsu knew that Toriko brought back two super BB corn cobs, and after he cooked them carefully, he let the guests in his five-star hotel have a full meal, and directly caused them in that city. In addition to the sensational effect, the publicity effect and taste are not to mention how good.

And now, the other party actually said, there is a bigger corn?

"I am very sure of that!"


"The root she snatched, at least tens of meters high, looks like a building..."

"Almost as big as your five-star hotel!"

To be honest, Alu missed the BB popcorn popped by the other party that night. The taste... It was even more mellow and rich than the popcorn popped from the two corn cobs he brought back. Full-bodied.

Unfortunately, that little guy is still too stubborn and greedy.

A corn cob of that size has at least hundreds of thousands of grains, and he begged the other party to give him dozens of super corn kernels.

Even, in the end, he was turned away by the opponent and had to spend the night on top of the leaves in the jungle with Fighting Wolf Terry.

But fortunately, in the end, the other party kept his promise anyway, and directly gave him the universal capsule house. That was the biggest receipt in his trip to the jungle of Wu.

"BB corn the size of a building?"

"I really want to see..."

It was said that, but Komatsu also knew that it was extremely difficult to take it out again after entering the pocket of that little guy Annie.

For example, sweet whole fruit, rainbow fruit, and gem meat, etc. In the future, maybe I don’t know how many good things will be taken away by that little guy!

'Hello? ’

‘Jie Nai, old lady, I’m here on time! ’

At this time, when the two were just discussing a messy little guy, a familiar voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

Then, the wooden door of the Jienai canteen behind him was arbitrarily opened, and when Alu and Komatsu turned their heads in astonishment to see who broke in directly regardless of the wooden sign outside the door, It turns out that the person is not the messy little girl they just discussed. Who is it?


"Ann, Annie?"


So, of course, Alu and Komatsu exclaimed.



"You two idiot uncles are also here?"


Seeing the two, Annie was also slightly taken aback.

"Oh My God!"

"Uncle is uncle, why add the word'idiot'?"

Alu held his head with a headache and expressed his protest, although he also knew that maybe it was of no use?


(? ̄?? ̄??)??

Annie ignored the other person and looked directly at the old woman on the counter who glanced at her and then turned to the busy old woman.



"Jie Nai old lady, they are here again!"


It is not difficult to judge from these words that Annie is not here for the first time, and this is the main reason why she dared to ignore the refusal wooden sign hanging outside and come in.



With that said, Annie quickly stepped forward and jumped onto an empty round stool next to the two of Toriko and Komatsu and sat down.

"Is it here?"

"Sit down when you come, and it will be done soon."

The busy mother-in-law Jena at the counter didn't say much, just nodded, and then commanded without looking back.

Obviously, she knew little Annie, so she didn't mind if Annie broke in.


"Annie, are you familiar with Granny Jienai?"

"When did you meet?"

Looking at the reaction and the dialogue between the two, how could he still not know the relationship between the two? Therefore, he tentatively asked.



"It's just been a while since we met! It's only a few days ago, right?"


Annie replied casually, then moved the small round stool, and leaned directly on the clean counter, waiting boredly.


At this time, without waiting for Annie to continue to explain, the old man who was busy at the counter spoke up.

"A few days ago..."

"She ran to the food city, and then, in just one day in this food city, she spent more than ten trillion yuan!"

"That kind of earth-shattering thing, of course, also attracted my old lady."

"IGO's Diamond Supreme Card, if you know that this little guy can spend money so much, I'm afraid it will be a headache, right?"

"Then we met."

The old woman Jie Nao sighed and shook her head. She was a little bit dissatisfied with a messy little girl who spent money indiscriminately, and spent almost one year on other small countries' budgets for clean things.


"One, more than ten trillion yuan was spent in one day?"


"What the **** did you buy?!"

Suddenly, his eyes widened, Komatsu turned his head in fright and asked loudly in exclamation.

You know, this food city only has more than 20 million tourists a day. Based on the average consumption of 100,000 yuan per person, Annie’s consumption per person in a day can be as good as a whole food city for several days or even half a month. Turnover!

"Of course it's for food, what's the matter?"


Annie's face was taken for granted and the rare and weird look of contempt, and she didn't care about her own kind of things that cost more than one trillion a day.

"Eat, eat?"

"More than tens of trillions of dollars bought food. What kind of food did you buy? Can you finish eating?"

Komatsu couldn’t figure it out. He didn’t know what was worth tens of trillions of dollars, but if it hadn’t been known that Annie was a shareholder of IGO, and at the same time the force value was still on the table, generally no one would dare to deceive her, he would probably start to wonder if it was right. Someone is cheating her money.

"If you can't finish it, people can take it away!"


Originally, Annie didn’t eat it all on the spot, she just tasted it, and if she thought it was delicious, she bought all the food in the entire gourmet shop, and then swept several streets like this, and finally she asked for it. I just had to stop.

If it weren't for someone to stop her, she would have to buy all the delicious food in the entire Food City by herself!


Komatsu was speechless.

He doesn't have the habit of storing food, because he knows that food is only delicious when it is fresh, but he opened his mouth when he thought of Annie's magical pocket, and in the end he didn't comment much.


"The old lady advises you to stop spending money indiscriminately."

"Otherwise, those IGO guys will have to reclaim your card someday."

At this moment, the old lady Jienai at the counter sighed without looking back and said quietly.

Last time, her partner Jiro ran into Annie when he was going to catch a puffer whale. When she came back, she told her about the other party. Now, when she saw it with her own eyes, she knew that Jiro was right. The other party was indeed a favorite. The messy guy.


"Mother-in-law Jienai, this is not true!"

"Because Anne is a major shareholder of IGO, she owns 10% of IGO's shares, a mere ten trillion, not to mention the shares, she can easily pay the quarterly dividends alone."

Although ten trillion is indeed a lot, Alu did not take that kind of thing too seriously. He also has an IGO gold card with a high amount, but it is not as exaggerated as Annie’s. Thousands of billions have not been stopped so outrageous.


"Ten percent of the shares?"

Regarding this, the old lady Jienao hadn't thought about it, so she couldn't help but turn her head and stare at someone who was lying on the counter.

"Where did she get so many shares?"

"Isn't it the princess of which country?"

After thinking about it, I was originally a top chef and ranked second in the world. The old lady Jienai, known as a national treasure in the world of gourmet food, can't imagine why such a little guy has so many shares in IGO.

You know, 10% of IGO's shares don't seem to be so much even in the largest country.


"Then you have to ask my master. Of course, you can ask the guy Mansam?"

Toriko knew that Annie gave IGO a huge amount of gold. The exaggeration of the weight was said to have caused the foundation of the IGO First Reserve Research Institute to sink. Therefore, he dared to be sure, even if Annie spent IGO in this gourmet city. One million billion, their master and IGO will still treat her as an ancestor.

Even, as far as the Toriko knows, IGO is still diligently collecting the 300,000 kinds of ingredients for her, waiting for her to regularly go to various bases, protected areas, hotels and other places to receive them after receiving the notice.

"That's it..."

"Then I don't care, let her go!"

Somewhat surprised, she glanced at Annie, thought about it, and then the old woman turned around and was busy with her own affairs.



"Mother Jienai, what shall we eat today?"


After waiting for a while, the somewhat boring Annie dangled her feet, and then asked cutely, wanting to know the answer in advance.



Alu Komatsu glanced at the counter, and gave Annie a thumbs up in his heart.

Because she finally asked the question that they both wanted to ask, but they didn't dare to ask, for fear of being driven out by the shopkeeper's mother-in-law.

"Please sit down and wait patiently."


"Today is a special menu, the legendary soup"

"Century Bisque!"

The old man at the counter didn't conceal it, and directly spoke the answer quietly.



Both Alu and Komatsu exclaimed in exclamation.

"Century Bisque?"


"Is there only soup?"


However, unlike the exclaims of Toriko and Komatsu on the side, Annie also felt a little depressed, because she was here for a big meal, not for soup!

Now, she wants to eat meat, eat big meals, eat desserts, anyway, the more the better, it is definitely not a mere bowl of soup that can kill her.


"Don't worry, I won't leave you hungry. Anyway, the soup will be boiled for a while, so let's make something else for you first."

After speaking, the old man at the counter didn't explain much, just continued to busy himself.

"Is it fleshy?"



The old man answered very firmly.



"What is that?"


Annie said she was a little disappointed, she thought, now only a large amount of delicious meat can soothe the wounds in her heart.

"It's'garlic bird parent-child meal'."

If other guests have been kicked out long ago, but for a little girl, the old man is obviously more tolerant. Isn't it the case that the other party is smart, clever, well-behaved, and cute?

"Parent-child meal?"


"Is there anything special about that?"


Annie continued to break the casserole and asked to the end.

"It's bird meat and bird eggs, a rice bowl made of the tenderest wing meat from the garlic bird and the ten yolk eggs under this bird. That's what Jienai is good at!"

"I can't wait!"

As he spoke, the saliva of the man in the suit and leather shoes on the side was about to flow out.

"So this is the meaning of parent-child meal?"

(? ̄? ̄?)



"Boiled the bird and its eggs, it always feels cruel..."


"All right!"

ε=(′ο*))) alas

After a few whispers, Annie sighed, as if she had made some kind of decision.


"What's wrong, Annie, don't you want to eat it anymore?"

Komatsu asked strangely.

"There is no such thing!"



"Didn't you just say it was cruel?"

Komatsu was puzzled. UU reading didn't know what the expression and sigh of a sad little girl just meant.

"It's just talking, what does it matter to you?"


"Although it is cruel to eat the bird and the bird's egg together, but if it is delicious but not eaten by others, isn't it even more cruel?"


"Furthermore, the meat grows on the small animals, it was originally eaten."


Annie doesn't care about cruelty or cruelty. She only cares whether it tastes good or not. If it is delicious, she will eat at least ten bowls!

Then pack a, pack a thousand bowls?


"That's it..."

Komatsu was speechless and didn't know what to say.


"Komatsu, Annie is the cruelest guy. As long as it is delicious, no animal can escape her palm."

"I'm telling you, she said more than once that she was going to eat my Fighting Wolf Terry, but she was so scared!"

To the side, Toriko added teasingly, and laughed heartily.




(ˉ▽ ̄)

Annie said that she was more than just talking. If the other party said that the wolf fighting was not delicious, or if there were so many choices of food in this world that she could not care about, she might have done it early. , Threw the white-eyed wolf into the pot.

(● ̄? ̄●)


At this time, the old lady Jiannai, the owner of the shop, was still busy at the counter for herself and skillfully, not minding the discussion of the three people behind her at all.

?(ˊ?ˋ)? Monthly pass

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