Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1611: |????) True Century Gumbo?

   "Mr. Toriko!"

   "Have you really made up your mind to find that century bisque?"

   "We at IGO have also heard about it, and it is said that many people have gone now."

   "This time, I'm afraid the competition will be more intense than that of the puffer whale, right?"

In this high-speed plane of the international food agency IGO, which is roaring and flying above the clouds, the one who is assisting the pilot to control the plane is sitting in the co-pilot position, whose name seems to be John, the head of the department suddenly turned his head. Then, with a somewhat uncertain tone, he asked Alu these two sentences.



   "For Jienai mother-in-law, to perfect that wonderful century soup, no matter what, we have to drink it!"

   Alu's eyes condensed, and he said in a very sure tone.

   "This way..."

"I see."

   "But it should be okay. After all, they went by ship, and the speed could not be as fast as our plane. It's just the exact time when Century Bisque appeared. We IGO can't guarantee it."

Looking at Toriko, Komatsu, and the largest seat behind the plane. At this time, she was lying and reading a food magazine while eating BB popcorn and ice cream. The major shareholder, Minister John didn’t say much, but just ordered He nodded, and then turned his head to concentrate on assisting the main pilot to control the high-speed plane heading north.

   Their IGO didn't have much plans for Century Bisque, and they were not sure that they could get it. Therefore, this time they didn't participate much, they could only let Alu and their little girl shareholder act on their own.

"Do not worry!"

   "The Century Bisque is on the highest iceberg, you shouldn't miss it."

   After finishing speaking, Toriko didn't say much, but also subconsciously turned his head and glanced at a certain nasty little girl lying on the seat behind him, then closed his eyes with peace of mind, preparing to rejuvenate.

   After all, the plane still needs more than ten hours to fly, and halfway through to an Arctic base to stop, all they can do now is to rest and recharge.


  ( ̄~ ̄) Chew!



   Annie ignored the two people who were talking in front, and continued to concentrate on her business.

   So, last night, the festival in the Food City was the super delicious "Century Bisque" that the old lady asked Annie, Toriko, and Big Nostril Komatsu to drink. It was not the original authentic "Century Bisque"?

   Moreover, it is said that it is only a semi-finished product made by the other party based on the authentic Century Bisque that the other party has drunk. Is the taste far behind the real "Century Bisque"?

   After knowing this kind of thing, of course, Annie became very, very, very, very interested in the legendary "True Century Bisque"!

After all, the semi-finished soup from the artificial cottage was so delicious that she even took the risk of turning her face with Grandma Jenai and brazenly drew from the half-jar of the cottage that the other party had cooked for half a year, but if it were genuine If you put it in front of her, is it still worth it?

So, at the request of the grandmother Jiinai, Annie readily agreed to take advantage of the opportunity of the "True Century Bisque" that only appeared once in that century, together with the two useless uncles of Toriko and Komatsu. Set off, try to bring back some "True Century Bisque" to Grandma Jienai, so that the other party can perfect the unfinished half-product of the cottage.

   The reason why Century Gumbo is called Century Gumbo is because in nature, it only appears once in a hundred years. At other times, it is impossible to drink it!

   So, starting this time, that thick soup is something that Annie wants to win, because it is impossible for her to stay in this world for another hundred years!

   Of course, no matter what, that is something after arriving at the destination, and before that, Annie still needs to do other things, such as now, reading food magazines and eating delicious food to pass the boring time?



   ‘A long time ago, someone found a magical scallop in a gold mine. It has a supremely rich fragrant taste, and its body shines like a large piece of gold, and it is--’

  ‘Golden scallops, the best of scallops, the gold of food! ’

  ‘It’s said that the noodle soup made from it tastes superb, and the soup gleams like gold? ’



   This golden scallop Annie had eaten in IGO’s gourmet hotel, so she just turned the magazine to the next page.


'It is said that in the southern part of the dangerous Wuzhi Jungle, there are mountains and plains full of colorful and delicious sago. At the same time, they are surrounded by hills made of pure coconut milk into a river. People call it ——Simi Hills! ’

   "That is the best, purest and most natural sago coconut milk tea in the world. It is rich in nutrition, luxurious in taste and does not contain any additives. If it is combined with other fruits, it can also give the taste buds the ultimate enjoyment..."




   "Coconut milk tea? The southern part of Wuzhi Jungle?"


   "Hey! Uncle Alu, do you know where the'Simi Hill' is?"


   After closing the food magazine with a snap, Annie couldn't wait to ask Uncle Alu who was sitting next to her for the first time.

Because she knows that the place where she went to find BB Corn with her partner was Wu's Jungle last time, and if Simi Hill is really in the southern part of Wu's Jungle, maybe she can teleport to Wu with a'swish'. The jungle, and then flying south, looking for the legendary hill, and reserve a little colorful sago coconut milk tea for yourself?

Anyway, she has a lot of delicious fruits in stock now. Except for most of the ordinary fruits collected by IGO, she also stocks a lot of special ones, such as'Sweet Whole Fruit' and'Rainbow Fruit' Wait, if you diced those things and put them in sago coconut milk tea, would you make a super delicious fruit sago coconut milk tea?


  As I thought about it, Annie's saliva couldn't help but flow out.

Although Annie has always been not too interested in the ordinary milk tea on the street with a lot of coloring, sweetener and creamer, but, like the kind of pure natural good things in this gourmet world, like the sago coconut For milk or something, she still has a desire to collect.

   For example, after finding a place, the Simi Hills and Coconut Milk River are hollowed out and moved away?





   "Sorry, Annie, I really don't know."


   "Komatsu, how about you?"

   After thinking for a while, Toriko, who had no impression, turned his head and asked the dozing Komatsu beside him.

   "Simi Hills?"

   "I don't seem to know..."

"I only know that Sago Co., Ltd. will regularly send ships to the mainland to load colorful sago and coconut milk, and then process it into milk tea bags or cans for sale after returning. Our hotel occasionally buys some spares. The taste is indeed very nice."

   "But they have not disclosed the specific location to the public. Every departure is led by the company's executives. The confidentiality is very strong. It is estimated that they will not easily reveal the specific location."

   scratching his head, Komatsu said uncertainly.

Most of the foods published in food magazines are actually like this. Either they are developed exclusively by others, or they are in secret, or even the person who discovers them can't tell the specific location. After all, this The world is really too big, so he really doesn't know where the Simi Hill is.

   "Is that so?"


   "Simi Co., Ltd.?"


"All right!"

  Ε=(??ο`*))) alas

After sighing, Annie decided: I would give some gold to the people of IGO, and then let them help her to buy the Simi company, and then let them bring back the Simi from several ships. And coconut milk, that way, she doesn't have to go and collect it herself.

   That kind of thing is not too simple for her.


  (● ̄(??) ̄●)


   "Annie, don't you still want to go to that continent, do you?"

   "That's far away!"

   "Moreover, we have to go to the north to find Century Bisque. Many food hunters have set off. We can't delay that much time."

Thinking that Continent E is at least eighty to ninety thousand kilometers away from here, Alu hurriedly persuaded him, for fear that the other party would be really willful and run around at a critical time, even if the other party would have the magical method of'swishing' to arrive at once. , He will definitely not rest assured.

   "Of course they know!"


   Annie turned her head away. She didn't explain that she already had other alternative plans, and she didn't plan to go to the Wuzhi Continent by herself.


"That's good!"

   Toriko breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the goal of this time, the pressure of competition for Gumbo of that century is really a bit heavy, and, he thinks, the people of the food club will definitely not miss it, plus the large number of delicious food hired by the rich little old man. hunter……

   Therefore, if Annie is around, the odds of the three of them will be slightly higher.

Of course, while the winning rate is greatly increased, the amount of Century Bisque may also be drastically reduced, but it doesn’t matter. No matter what, it’s better than being taken by others and not being able to drink a drop with Komatsu. Much.

   After all, according to his experience, no matter how greedy a certain little guy is, he will always give them more or less points. He never doubted this.

   ((|??˙??˙)Are you polite?)


   "Annie, you don't know where we are going this time, right?"

   At this time, Toriko who had thought of something suddenly turned around and asked.

Originally, this information was only known to a rich old man, but after Annie summoned the people of IGO, they also knew where Century Bisque was about to appear. After all, IGO is a huge international food organization, regardless of human, material, and financial resources. It's the intelligence system, etc., which are all very extraordinary, and Century Bisque is no secret to IGO.

   "I don't know, what's the matter?"


   Anyway, Annie doesn't matter, she can go wherever she goes, as long as she can find Century Bisque, she doesn't care about everything else.

   "It's the ice **** in the far north!"

   "There is an extremely cold continent that claims to be able to freeze everything. It is called a refrigerator for gourmet food. The temperature is very low. Do you have the equipment to keep out the cold?"

According to legend, in the ancient times when the freezing technology had not been developed, gourmet hunters habitually kept the gourmet prey they caught, and hid the ingredients of their life menu in a place where the temperature was extremely low, and then they could go when they needed it. Take it out and use it directly, eliminating the trouble of not being able to find ingredients at critical times.

   As for the true and false, Toriko didn't want to study it.

But in his opinion, before the refrigerator was invented, the transportation was definitely underdeveloped. A gourmet hunter who traveled so far to store food was not enough to go back and forth. Those with a slightly normal mind would not do that, presumably at most. Can you keep some nearby, more, maybe the ingredients themselves were frozen to death in the iceberg?

   But anyway, anyway, just check it out!

For this reason, Toriko and Komatsu bought a full set of polar warming equipment at the Food City at a high price. At this time, they were placed in the warehouse behind the plane. If Xiao Anni didn’t prepare it, there would be some. It's not easy anymore.

   "Cold gear?"


   "It doesn't matter, people are actually not afraid of the cold!"


   "But, Uncle Alu, don't worry too much. Of course they also have snow clothes. Don't believe me?"


As he said, there was a strong flash of light on Annie's body. When Toriko and Komatsu subconsciously covered their eyes and turned their heads to avoid them, they waited until the light dissipated and waited until they turned around again. A set of blue and white fur skirts, snow caps, The gloves and thick snow boots have been worn on Annie's body perfectly.

"This is……"

   "Magic is so convenient!"

   found that Annie had put on the snow suit that became more and more delicate, and the big nostril uncle Komatsu couldn't help but be a little dumbfounded.

   He never thought that changing clothes could be so fast and so convenient.


   "It's really a magical girl, it's convenient!"

   nodded, seeing that Annie had been prepared, it was not like the first time to go to the extremely cold place, he stopped asking more questions, and turned his head safely.

   "People are not magic girls!"


"People are the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most


   Annie was a little unhappy to correct the other, yes! "

   "Our little Annie is the best!"

   Toriko didn't try to argue with a little girl about that kind of thing, but directly waved his hand to the back of the seat.



   "Ignore you!"


With that said, Annie didn’t change back to her Little Red Riding Hood dress, but lay directly on the back seat of the plane wearing a snow suit, continuing to eat those delicious and appetizing snacks while looking at the delicacy with relish. Magazine.


  (● ̄?? ̄●)


  (O??????o) monthly pass


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