Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1612: (o???o) There is no beauty that no one can find...

On the icy field where the cold wind roared, the icy ridges spurred and it was almost impossible to see things, Toku and Komatsu, wearing a full set of cold-proof equipment, and even special tights that generated self-friction and heat inside, finally experienced the hardships and dangers. Came to the iceberg with the "Hell of Ice".

The legendary "Century Bisque" was in this iceberg, but before they were going to search the mountain, they encountered a problem that was neither big nor small.



After looking at the left and right, and then looking at the back, there were only two left in the three-person team. After finding that there was indeed a small figure missing, the two of Toriko and Komatsu whose eyelashes and lips were already frozen. Can't help but look at each other.

"How to do?"


"It's really gone, that guy Annie is gone again..."

"Do we need to wait for her here?"


"Go back to the cold wind plain outside and look for it?"

Komatsu with big nostrils thought of the terrifying plain outside that almost frozen him into a popsicle. Thinking of the howling cold wind, he couldn't help but retreat a little. He really didn't want to go through that kind of difficult journey again.

He just relied on the support of the Husband and even carried him to get here. He was even ridiculed many times by a sad little girl all the way, but now it’s alright. When they got here, they found out. On the way, he was not afraid of the cold at all, and there was no tired little guy but somehow disappeared, and there was no signal on the mobile phone, so he didn't know what to do.

"Need not!"

"Komatsu, I don't think it's necessary!"

"You don't really think that Annie is lost or left behind?"

However, after finishing the baggage, Toriko, who was back on his back, had a relaxed expression. He answered Komatsu aloud and refused to mention whether he would wait or turn back to find a messy little girl.


"Why not?"

Komatsu was a little puzzled, but soon he came back to his senses and understood what he meant.

"and many more!"

"You mean..."

"No way?!"

Seeing Alu's determined look, he was stunned for a moment, and Komatsu quickly thought of a certain possibility.

After all, it's not the first time that bad girl has done some kind of bad behavior, and now it's not impossible to do it again?


"I have that ominous premonition again..."

Frowning, thinking about the little girl who quietly left the team, Li's anxiety grew stronger.

Although, after the little guy Annie got the Century Bisque, he would at least divide them into a bowl or something, but he still wanted to see with his own eyes how Century Bisque was formed, and take a good look at the place where it was formed. Have a big drink instead of begging some nasty little guy for charity in the same way as grandpa and grandma.



"Listening to you, I seem to have that bad premonition too."

"Then what shall we do now?"

Looking at the cold wind roaring like **** outside the iceberg, looking at the ice field with mixed snow and almost invisible roads, and looking at the relatively warm and calm iceberg in the middle, Komatsu didn’t know what to do. Just do it.


"Let's keep going!"

"Into the mountain!"

"Be sure to take that little guy one step first and find that century bisque!"

Although Alu thinks that the two of them will definitely not be able to pack all the good things and take away in an instant like a bad little girl, but, at least, if they arrive first, they can have a good drink first, and then take it away. Fill up the incubator that you carry with you?

"Find it one step ahead of Annie?"

"Is that possible?"

"Turi, you don't know, that fellow Annie can be magical. When did she not find food first for us?"

"I think, let's just wait here for her to come out, and then go to her to ask for it."

Think of the other party’s magical methods, and then think about the super backward way of moving only by hands and feet. Komatsu really can’t think of how much they can get ahead of the other in the harsh environment of the iceberg. Find the possibility of bisque of that century.

"do not!"

"Don't be discouraged, Komatsu!"

"You may not know, do you?"

"When Century Bisque appeared, colorful aurora appeared above the sky where the Bisque was located. With the guidance of the aurora, Century Bisque, which had been immersed for a hundred years, appeared in front of the world like a hotel display window."

"But now, as you have seen, there hasn't been any curtain of aurora in the sky yet, so we definitely still have a chance!"

Looking ahead, especially in the sky, he found that everything was peaceful, and Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"I think Annie must not know about this, I'm afraid she is still looking for thick soup now, right?"


After speaking, Torri took the lead and walked forward and motioned Komatsu to follow, and laughed triumphantly.

Fortunately, when he was just on the plane of IGO, he deliberately didn't explain the key point to the little guy, nor did he talk to Komatsu. Otherwise, they would really have no chance at all now.


"There is such a thing?"

"Listen to you, and look at the sky again, it seems there really isn't any aurora..."

Looking up at the dim blue sky, there was indeed no sign of aurora in this polar sky, and the iceberg was still pale, so Komatsu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he finally ignited a little bit of confidence, and began to raise his legs to follow the Torri ahead.

He also wanted to see if he had a chance to find the legendary century soup, see the place where it was formed, listen to the sound of the food when it was formed, and after tasting it, he went back to perfect the recipe of Jie Nai's mother-in-law, or even made it by himself. Make your own century bisque of "100% reduction"?

After all, the "Century Bisque" once in a hundred years is too precious and rare. Not many people can wait for a hundred years. If they can really restore it with the ingredients they have discovered this time, then it will be ordinary Talents also have the opportunity to drink. That is the true meaning of their existence as a chef, and it is also what Komatsu has pursued throughout his life.

"But we still have to hurry up!"

"You know, once the aurora appears, Annie may be attracted, we must find that place as soon as possible before then!"

The Torri who was walking in front expressed his concerns.


"Aru, you are right!"

Komatsu cheered up and followed quickly.

"come on!"

"By the way, I don't have to carry you on my back now, right?"

"Need not!"

"It's very warm here, and I can walk by myself."

"That's good."

"Hurry up, I'm going to speed up..."

"If you don't hurry up, our competitor is not only the nasty guy Annie, but there are still a large number of food hunters behind. They are likely to arrive within one or two days, so we must speed up."


'I understand! ’

Having said that, after cheering up their morale and clarifying their goals, the food hunter Toriko and Chef Komatsu carried their bags together, preparing to arrive first before a messy little girl and the large group of food hunters can find it. Somewhere in the depths of this huge iceberg where the "century bisque" is produced.


What made Toriko and Komatsu never thought of was that although a certain wretched little girl did not know the relationship between'Century Soup' and Aurora, and did not know the specific location, she was still there. Two hours later, I found a very special thing inside this cold iceberg, and carried it back to him in full, and appeared in front of the two of them carelessly.

And that thing is impressively—in the ‘gourmet shop window’ in the extremely cold place, that big prismatic ice block that freezes all kinds of ancient ingredients!



"Hello! How come you got here?"


Using aerospace technique to control the huge'prismatic ice cube' falling from the sky, and also let the ice cube float on top of the three people's heads, Annie happily followed Ah, who was taken aback by her behavior while landing. The two uncles, Yu and Komatsu, said hello.


"That, that is..."

Seeing the huge thing floating in the air above his head, Komatsu was stunned for an instant just looking at it.


"this is…"

"No, no?"

At this time, the food hunter Alu was also a little stunned, because he had already faintly guessed what the thing in front of him was.

"Gourmet window!"

"Gourmet window?!"

Almost in unison, Aru and Komatsu, who hadn't dropped their jaws by surprise, both screamed in exclamation at the same time.

They never imagined that a certain miserable little guy could be so cruel and still use this terrifying method of drawing money from the bottom of the room?

"Gourmet window?"


"What is that?"


"Isn't that this big block of ice?"


"How could it be a shop window? It's just a pile of some special ice cubes!"


Annie looked disbelief, and she didn't know why the two uncles in front of her were making such a fuss.


(● ̄? ̄●)


"Ann, Annie, you didn't know anything, so you moved it back?!"

Torri asked with a dull face.



"People really don't know what it is, but they have traveled around the iceberg and found no Century Bisque, only it looks the most special, so I brought it back easily."


"Although there is still a frozen multi-headed ugly monster in the iceberg, but..."


"People think about it, but still think that this big chunk of ice might be more special?"


Annie said playfully.

She came here to find the so-called "century bisque", but unfortunately, the iceberg is cold, let alone soup, there is not even a drop of water, so, in line with the principle of not going back empty-handed, She took a close look at the icy lump, which looked more peculiar.

Anyway, her Queen Anne had worked so hard to arrive here on a hot plane for a long time. If she didn't bring something back, she would definitely be sorry for her reputation as a gourmet collector.

"Ah, Mr. Alu?"

"It wouldn't be so coincidental, would it?"

After listening to it, Komatsu, who realized what terrible thing a certain bad little girl had done, took a breath, and then used that tremor to look at the same ugly face.


"That's right, Annie, the pile of ice you brought back is indeed the thing that produced Century Bisque!"

"However, before you moved it away, didn't you find any thick soup under it?"

Don't talk about soup now, even the ‘pot’ has been moved back by the other party. There is no way, he has to hurry up and ask, hoping that there is still room for recovery.



"I haven't seen a drop!"


Yao Yaotou, anyway, Annie didn't find in this iceberg the kind of thick soup similar to the kind she had drunk in Grandma Jenai's shop before!

"But, can this really produce thick soup?"


"Are you sure?"


Although she didn't find the thick soup, Annie knew it now. If she didn't go away, she would take away the most special thing in this iceberg. Then she must have done nothing wrong.


"I'm pretty sure, that's it!"

"Because it is the gourmet showcase, the ancient gourmet showcase in this extremely cold place!"

Hearing that there was no soup, and then looking at the huge prismatic ice cube and the thin ingredients in the ice cube, Yu seemed to understand a little bit.

"Is that so?"


"Then how do you make it produce thick soup? Take it back and simmer it yourself?"



"I do not know either…"

Aru shook his head. It was the first time he saw this gourmet shop window, but he couldn't figure out how it produced thick soup.


"What do you two look at me?"

"I do not know either!"

Seeing Annie and Alu Qiqi look towards him, the big nostril chef Komatsu hurriedly waved his hands and said.


"Take it back to Granny Jienai and ask, she must know?"


"How do I bring this back?"

But soon, Komatsu thought of how to use this pile of ice cubes. After all, they have been dug out now, and it would be useless to plug them back in. Just take them back!

"Just fly back like this!"


Annie said indifferently.


"Surely it won't work, right?"

"It will melt halfway!"


Hearing Anne's method, Toriko and Komatsu shook their heads, not thinking it was a good idea.

"Annie, why don't you just put it back in place, let's think of a way to make it produce thick soup on its own?"

Since he couldn't take it back, Komatsu had to tentatively suggest.

"do not want!"


What's the joke, things are in Annie's hands, how can she possibly return it again?

Especially after knowing that this lump of ice is the key item that produced Century Bisque, it is even more impossible to return it.

"People use magic to freeze it, don't worry, it won't melt!"


Isn’t it just a pile of ice cubes? How can this kind of small problem be so difficult for her to be the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the greatest the greatest Queen Anne?

"Really can?"

"Surely it won't work, right?"

Toriko and Komatsu expressed some doubts.

"People say it's okay!"


"Come on!"


"Let's fly back directly on the iceberg!"


With that, Annie made the ice lump drop a little bit, and then signaled the two of them to hurry up on the big ice block, so she could take the two of them back directly.



Glancing at each other, Toriko and Komatsu knew that their adventure had to end.

Of course, they are not the only ones who ended at the same time.

After half a day...


"what is that?"


"A flying iceberg?"


"Someone is up there, look!"

"Really, how did they do it?"


"No, that's a gourmet shop window!"

"The window?"

"What's that again?"

"It's the thing that produces thick soup!"



"It's horrible, how can UU reading take away that kind of thing, hurry up and put it down!"

"My soup..."

"Stop it!"


When a wretched little girl flew a huge prismatic ice cube over a huge ship at high speed, the food hunters who had originally wanted to look for Century Bisque began to explode.

Then, when a guy who knows how to fly and flies up to make trouble, but was shot by a terrible little girl and flew into the sea for a moment, they knew that the soup dream worth 100 billion, It was finally broken in the sea.

As a result, they were busy for nothing, and in the end the bamboo basket was empty, and they had to return with the boat on the same route.


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