Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1617: ?(????)?Set off! For the stars and the sea...

However, Lu Fei, Lu Fei and others thought it was too simple.

In the end, the facts proved that they did not arrive at their destination earlier than Annie and found the kind of ‘seafood fruit’, a dual-purpose medicinal food called ‘seafood fruit’ on the island.

After all, the place where seafood fruits are grown is so eye-catching that Annie, who flew directly from the sky instead of landing on the island by boat, would not be able to find it.

Moreover, unlike the previous predictions made by Toriko, Komatsu and others, Annie still generously left them the fruit of a whole tree.


It is not difficult for everyone to find that in the walled sea water courtyard, in those ponds with many saltwater plants growing, the rest of the seafood fruit trees are bare at this time, with only leaves and no fruits. It’s not hard to guess what a certain little guy did to them before.

Of course, it doesn't matter!

Because, now that kind of seafood fruit has finally been successfully found by them, and now they only need to feed Chopper quickly, and quickly treat the other party's disease called ‘deep sea fever’.


"Everyone, what are we going to do now?"

"Can you just feed Chopper directly?"

"is not it?"

Luffy stretched out his hand eagerly, extended his arm for several tens of meters, and easily picked several seafood fruits from the only tree bearing fruit and asked.

"Can not!"

"Seafood fruit is actually a kind of bread fruit, I'm afraid the effect will not be very good if you eat it directly."

"Leave it to me, I will find some leaves to steam, and I will eat it soon!"

Chef Komatsu prevented Luffy's plan to feed Chopper's seafood bread fruits, but hurriedly took the seafood fruits from Luffy's arms, and then walked towards the center of the island in the front courtyard first.


"Pick more. That kind of seafood fruit is delicious. It's rare to come here. While treating Chopper, let's have a campfire party by the way, right?"

"As for the ingredients..."

"Just choose the seafood fruit that contains all kinds of seafood essence!"

To treat Chopper’s disease, one or two seafood fruits must be enough, and now, there is still a whole tree of fruits in this weird artificial lake. If they are all picked off, let them be there. It's definitely okay to have a full meal with everyone on the boat.

Therefore, while wiping the saliva from the corner of his mouth, Alu suggested to Luffy.


"Everyone depends on me!"

Because the fruit trees grow in the lake, most people can’t pick them easily, so Luffy did his job, letting his arms stretch and shrink. Soon, the bread-like seafood fruits on the bridge under his feet There are a lot of them and more and more.

"That's it!"

"Everyone has a good meal tonight!"


However, when Luffy was picking fruits frantically, Alu suddenly had some doubts, and then pointed to a big tree in the lake farther away and asked a certain little girl:


"that guy……"

"It should be the plant beast that grows in the water. It can bear the fruit like a steamed bun, right?"

"Although I never thought that the fruits they produce are seafood fruits, what makes me more puzzled now is..."

"Why doesn't it attack us?!"

Taking a look at Luffy, who was still picking fruits frantically and still not under any attack, and then looked at the "Ban Ju Long Wu" with his teeth and claws not far away, the warrior who had been vigilant couldn't help but wonder even more.

"As far as I know, that kind of aquatic plant beast has a high level of capture and a very violent temperament. The artificial lake in this courtyard must be prepared for them to evolve. Now we have broken into their territory. Why is it? But indifferent?"

"This shouldn't be..."

Alu has been vigilant since he first came in, and he prepared to stand up and resist once Luffy was attacked when Luffy continued to pick, but what to think of, the current situation seems to be what he thinks. Something different?

"You say it?"

(? ̄? ̄)

"It was beaten up just now, and now I don't dare to resist."


"Also, the same goes for the pandaman on the fence over there!"


As she said, Annie pointed to the other side. On the wall, there was a panda-like animal sitting there, and with an extremely human expression looking at them pitifully picking seafood fruits, but it could only be on the wall. Drooling there.

"It turned out to be so."

"I see……"

Knowing that Annie had already arranged everything in advance, and after teaching the steamed bun dragon dance how to be a qualified plant beast, Hu nodded and gradually relaxed his body, finally he was completely relieved.


"It's so big here, I found a suitable camper, come on everyone!"

At this moment, the big nostril uncle Komatsu who went to explore the road first suddenly appeared at the second arch opposite the bridge and waved vigorously at everyone.

"All right!"

"I'm done too!"

At the same time, Luffy the Rubber finally stopped, and there were three large piles of seafood around him.

As for the plant in the lake, he had already picked up only the branches and leaves at this time, and there was no longer a single fruit hanging on it.


"Everyone, act quickly, move these seafood fruits away, let's go camping!"

"Komatsu will definitely cook the best seafood fruits for everyone!"

"I can not wait any more."

Seeing that the action was exceptionally smooth, and seeing that everyone was about to eat a lot of delicious seafood fruits, the excited Toriko set an example, took the lead in picking up a lot of fruits, and motioned everyone to follow along. move.

After all, if you don't get a little more, it will definitely not be enough for him and Luffy, they are both big stomach kings!


?*. ?(ˊ▽ˋ*)??*.

Hearing that Uncle Big Nostril would cook delicious food for everyone, of course Annie wouldn't fall behind, so she rushed towards the arch opposite the bridge.




"Wait a moment!"

"You are here to help move a little, there are so many here, we..."

The Toriko hurriedly shouted, however, he just had time to finish. The little guy who just ate but almost never worked, had already rushed into the arch, and ran out of sight all of a sudden.



At night, by the bonfire, the people gathered again were talking and laughing while eating and chatting.


"Luffy, I heard that you guys in straw hats are driving the Sonny against the navy everywhere at sea. The bounty is high, but I think you don’t look like that kind of bad guys. Why are you doing this? Obsessed with being a pirate?"

"Are there any difficulties?"

Seeing that Komatsu was still busy cooking delicious seafood for everyone, Torri couldn't help but curiously asked his friend Lu Fei aside.


"There is no hardship, my dream is to find the legendary e and become a great One Piece!!!"

To the horror, Luffy didn’t have any expressions of shame or regret. On the contrary, he grinned and said his dream excitedly. He didn’t feel that he was a pirate and he wanted to be a pirate. What's wrong with the great One Piece.

"Is that so?"


"Then Nami, how about you? Why are you a pirate with Luffy?"

No way, the Toriko, who didn't understand what Luffy was thinking, had to look at the second important person to join the "Straw Hat Crew", Naomi Naomi.



"I don't have to be a pirate anymore. My dream is to draw a'map of the world', or to be precise, a nautical map of the world. It is with this as the goal that I sail on the sea."

"As for why I became a pirate..."

"That kind of thing is not important now!"

"Mr. Alu, I'm afraid you don't know yet? My current bounty is 66 million Baileys. In order to prevent others from grabbing it to exchange for the bounty, I have to continue to follow Luffy to take the risk."

Nami blinked at Toriko a little mischievously.

She really doesn’t have to be a pirate, but now that she doesn’t want to be caught and hanged on a certain pier, there’s really nothing better than to continue walking all the way to the dark. Way out.

"So it's like this..."

"It's a very great dream to depict the world's nautical charts. Just like me, I want to eat all the food from all over the world, and I want to enter the food world."

Toriko nodded, expressing his admiration for Nami's dream.

"how about you?"

"Mr. Sauron?"

Anyway, being idle is also being idle, so A-rule intends to take this opportunity to take advantage of this opportunity for everyone to relax, and get to know these old friends well.


"My dream is to become the'world's largest swordsman', sailing with Luffy on the sea can meet all kinds of powerful opponents!"

Roronoa Sauron touched the swords on his waist, and said with a look of longing and firmness.

"My dream is to be a panacea!"

At this time, he had recovered from a serious illness, and Chopper, who was continuing to eat seafood fruits, also stretched out his little hoof.

"I am an archaeologist, and my only purpose is to find a blank one hundred years of history and to know what happened during that time."

Nicole Robin also joined in the excitement, and directly spoke out without waiting for Torri to ask.

Of course, she didn't say that she was born in Xihai, nicknamed the "son of the devil", and she carried a bounty of 130 million Baileys on her back, and she was also a capable person after eating flowers and fruits.

"My dream is to become a first-class chef in this era. In order to make the best food, I went out and ventured with Mr. Toriko."

At this time, Komatsu, who was obviously at the bottom of the crowd, was also embarrassed to say his dream.

"It's amazing..."

"Sure enough, everyone has their own goals and dreams!"


"Let's cheers!"

"I hope everyone can realize their dreams!"

Hearing this, Alu knew that he had no need to persuade these friends anymore, because they all had their lofty ideals and ambitions, and they were not inferior to his goal as a food hunter, so he was tall. He raised the juice shell in his hand and motioned everyone to toast.


"For ideals!"

"For everyone!"

"For Chopper!"

"For Luffy! Cheers!!"

Everyone cheered, and the atmosphere of the bonfire party became more harmonious.


"Annie, how about you?"

"Just you haven't said it yet!"

Suddenly, Nami looked a little strangely at a certain little girl who had nothing to say, just eating and drinking.




( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"People's dream now is to collect so many delicious things in this world!"


"That's it!"



"No way?"

"Annie, you are so strong, you have never thought about other things, such as conquering the stars and the sea?"

Without waiting for Nami to ask again, Luffy on the side interrupted and asked.



"I don't want to, because people have already conquered it, that kind of thing is very boring!"


Yes, the second ideal of conquering the stars and the sea, Annie was tired of playing with it a long time ago. Although she is still a little girl in nature, she is no longer the boring little girl she used to be. .

(Now the king of bear children...)

(● ̄(?) ̄●)

Tibbers had just had time to slander in the bottom of his heart, and then he was kicked into the fire by a nasty little girl.


"Annie, you're really kidding!"

"Ha ha……"

"Come on, everyone continue to eat!"

"Be sure to eat tonight!!"

Obviously, no one took Annie's words seriously, and at the same time no one expressed surprise at the fact that a certain stuffed bear was thrown into the fire, because they all knew that the bear could not burn.


"Feel sorry……"


Suddenly, just as everyone was talking and laughing, Chopper, who was already healed, unexpectedly turned a fiery orange all over, then rolled his eyes and fell directly beside the bonfire.




"No way?"

"It's hot!"

"Quick! Hold him aside!"

"what happened?"

Seeing this, everyone no longer cared about chatting and frolicking, they all exclaimed and leaned to the side of Chopper, who had fallen unconscious, and looked nervously.

"Can't that work?"


"It feels like it's been roasted. It's a shame that someone deliberately left the fruit of a big tree."


Seeing that the little deer man fell again, Annie couldn't help but leaned over with some curiosity.

"But Annie..."

"Why don't other trees have fruit, only the smallest tree has fruit?"

Komatsu obviously didn't believe Annie's nonsense, so he exposed her face to face.



"Then you are going to ask them, how do people know why they are not long."


Annie's eyes flickered, she was talking, and then she simply turned her head away.

"Aren't you secretly plucking it all out?"

The big nostril uncle Komatsu first looked worriedly at Chopper, who was being surrounded by the crowd, and then went on to tease him knowingly.

"They didn't secretly pick them all!"


Yes, Annie picked it up after defeating the stupid dragon in a fair manner.




"This is not the time to talk about that kind of thing!"

"What about Chopper?"

After the inspection, Luffy and the others were anxious to see that everyone was at a loss.


It didn't take long for everyone to finally understand the reason after a tumult and the arrival of two stalkers.

It turned out that Chopper’s deep-sea fever has reached its late stage, and at this time, seafood fruits alone are no longer enough. Chopper also needs to eat the four legendary ingredients of spring, summer, autumn and winter with seafood fruits to completely eradicate that. Late deep-sea heat.

"In other words..."

"Need four kinds of ingredients in spring, summer, autumn and winter and the fruit called mango and papaya?"

After learning the specific treatment method, Luffy gradually calmed down and ignited a glimmer of hope.



"what is that?"


In fact, Annie just wanted to say that she could also be cured, but when she heard this, she abruptly held back her words.


Mango papaya or something, it sounds like it would be delicious?


Therefore, she decided that she was not in a hurry to treat the little deer Chopper for the time being, she would look at the situation first.


( ̄?? ̄?)

"But, where to find the four kinds of ingredients in spring, summer, autumn and winter?"

Nami was in a hurry.

It can be seen that Chopper obviously can't insist on the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the other party can't even survive tomorrow's sunrise time.

"Here is it!"

Fortunately, when everyone was about to despair, Aru stood up and explained everything he had read about the island in his books.

"What are you waiting for?"


"Let's go quickly!"


"Go! Find ingredients to treat Chopper!!"


With that said, Annie planned to rush towards a certain center of the island.


"Why is Annie more active than us?"


"Suddenly feel so ashamed..."

Luffy and Nami looked at each other, and then he felt that he, the captain, seemed to have to work harder?

"Let's go!"

"Time is running Let's go!"

Toriko didn't say much, but just walked over.

Now that they have eaten and drank enough, and there are still a few hours before dawn, they should still have a chance.

"Ha ha!"

"In fact, as long as it is delicious, Annie is more active than anyone..."

Komatsu knew that the other party must have had a normal reaction after hearing that there was something delicious on the island, but it wasn't necessarily because of Chopper.


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