Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1618: =????(???*) Why do people...

Wealth, prestige, power, the One Piece King Gore D. Roger, who once owned the entire world, said this to all the audience before he was executed:

  ‘Do you want my treasure? ’

  ‘If you want, I can give it all to you, go find it! I put all my treasures there. ’

   Because of this sentence, people all over the world began to flock to the vast sea at all costs, even if they became pirates and wanted for it!

   Among them, many big pirates started to establish hegemony one after another in order to compete for the ‘OnePiece’ that they didn’t know what it was, and they tried their best to fight and fight each other, thus forming the new pattern of the current ‘age of the big pirates’.

   And this is the main and only reason why Monkey D. Luffy will take his companions on the sea to explore and explore and aspire to become a Pirate King.

   Of course, none of the above matters are important.

   What's more important now is that a certain nasty little girl who was sleeping in a daze was suddenly awakened by waves of slight shaking and noise.




   Annie, who woke up from her sleep, rubbed her eyes, but at this moment, the window was bright, and at the same time, there was still a familiar noise.

'Ha ha! ’

  ‘Yeah~! ’

  ‘You are awesome, Chopper! ’

'I am first! ’

  ‘Don’t worry! ’

  ‘Wait and see, my Usopp is about to take off! ’

'Step aside! ’

  ‘I’m looking forward to it! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Wow~! ’

'impressive! ’

  ‘It’s me! It's me! ’

   Annie heard it. The noise outside must be Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp the long-nosed weirdo. She must have heard the voices of those guys.

   Annie who woke up didn't mind their noise, because that kind of thing is inevitable.

   Last night, they successfully found the four kinds of ingredients in spring, summer, autumn and winter in the tower on that island, and what other mango and papaya?

Anyway, the process is not important. What is important is that under the powerful deterrence of her Queen Anne, they finally got everything easily and successfully treated the sick ship doctor Chopper, so now they three It's natural for people to cheer, celebrate and play outside, and it's not surprising.



  Since she had been woken up, Anne of course was not going to continue to sleep, but she sat up straight out of the bed and stretched a long waist at the same time.

   Now she has basically got enough sleep, so the villain has a lot of her, so she doesn't plan to investigate the faults of those guys outside.



   However, after opening her eyes and seeing the surrounding decorations clearly, Anne soon found something wrong.

"here it is……"

  ! o

   From the slight shaking feeling, it is not difficult for Annie to judge, here, it must be on a big ship!

After all, whether it was in the Caribbean Sea or the Ming Dynasty that she had been to not long ago, she had always boarded that kind of large and medium sailing ships. Therefore, she was not unfamiliar with this sense of shaking, but was also very familiar. Familiar.

   "Is it on Luffy's broken ship Sunshine?"

I looked at the left and right of the room and found that Annie, who was on the boat, didn’t think much. She just sat for a while, and when she was completely awake, she jumped out of the bed, picked up the bear who didn’t know when she was thrown under the bed, and turned to Reached out and pushed open the wooden door of this small room and walked out grinningly.


   "Annie, are you finally awake?"

"good afternoon."

   "Little guy, you can really sleep!"

In the Sonny Hall, which is like the Aquarium Pavilion, at this time, Nami and Robin, who were drinking small wine, of course saw a little girl walking towards them with their eyes rubbing at a glance, so, They all laughed, waved to each other and joked.



   "Miss Nami, and Miss Robin, so are you guys..."

   Annie stretched again, then looked around, stood for a while, then turned around dazedly, found an empty chair and sat down.


   just woke up now, she was sleeping comfortably and comfortably, she didn't have any thoughts, she just wanted to sit here for a while and take a moment.

   "Are you hungry?"

   "Would you like Sanji to make something delicious for you?"

   Nami asked worriedly.

   She knows that this little guy has only gotten up now, and has missed breakfast and lunch perfectly, and dinner and other things are still two or three hours away, so she is afraid that the other party will accidentally be hungry.



   "Uncle Sanji?"

   Blinked her eyes and froze for a while before Annie finally barely remembered who'Sanji' was, and remembered that the blond uncle Nami said was actually the cook on this broken ship.

"just forget it!"

  Ε=)) alas

   "Let Uncle Komatsu do it. Uncle Sanji's food seems to be delicious without the one made by Uncle Big Nostrils!"

   After thinking about it for two seconds, Annie quickly selected the chef of the five-star gourmet hotel, Uncle Komatsu, to be the queen chef of her ‘breakfast’ meal.

   After all, whether it’s cooking or the selection of ingredients, the sword-finger blond uncle seems to be less professional than the professional big nostril uncle?


   "You are looking for Komatsu..."



   Nami and Robin glanced at each other sluggishly, and after seeing the embarrassment in each other's eyes, they looked at each other with a smile.



   "What's wrong? Is there any problem?"

  ∑? !

   Looking at the weird expressions of the two, Annie couldn't help feeling a little strange.


   "You need Komatsu to cook for you, of course it's okay!"


   "You are on our ship now, on the Sunny, so..."

   Nami didn't explain, she just said with an awkward smile, and emphatically reminded Annie of their current situation.


"Any questions?"

   "Of course they know that it is on your broken ship Sonny, so what's wrong?"

   asked, Annie turned her head indifferently and looked at the aquarium-like fish pond on the side.

   At this time, many fish, squid, sea turtles and other marine products are swimming in it comfortably, just like a natural sea area.

   This kind of design with an aquarium on the ship made her think it was quite rare.

   However, Annie was relieved soon, because she knew that these guys actually came from another plane world, not some mysterious unknown sea that the Uncles thought.

Their technology is relatively backward, and they don’t have food storage things like refrigerators, so they just built such an aquarium, throwing away the fish that they usually catch that they can’t finish eating, and then catch them directly when they want it. It is fresh and convenient to eat.

As for why their broken ship can occasionally pass through the barriers of the plane and reach the weird things of the food world, Annie didn't go into it, nor did she want to go into it. After all, the world she has been to is so strange, and this kind of mess is nothing good. tangled.

"No problem at all!"


   Nami really didn't know how to talk to the little guy who had just woke up in front of her, so she could only ask for help and looked at Nicole Robin who was aside.

"All right."

   "Annie, it's like this..."

   "Toru and Komatsu have already gone back in the morning, and you sleep on our boat for half a night and half a day. In the morning, you want to call you and you are threatened with a fireball..."

   "So, I'm afraid I can't find Toriko and Komatsu anymore."

   "We can't ask Komatsu to cook for you, but Sanji's cooking skills are also very good, or I will send him a message now?"

   Robin said with some regret, and stood up, intending to ask Sanji in the kitchen through the copper pipe if there is anything good for the little girl to eat now.


  !? ?

   "You mean..."


   "They left me privately and went back?"


   Hearing that this was the case, Annie couldn't help exclaiming.


   "It's not like leaving you."

   "They said, they said you can go back by yourself anytime, plus your persistence, so..."

   opened his hands, Robin looked innocent.

   At that time, they had thought about waking up a sleepy little girl, but as a result, a terrible fireball suddenly flew out of the door, almost not lighting their Sonny!

   "Who let you sleep till afternoon?"

   Anyway, Robin feels that they have no responsibility in this matter. Everything is the fault of Annie, the bad girl, and they will not take any responsibility for it.

   "The main reason is that you are too greedy!"


"I think it may be that the old wine in the old wine fountain made by Komatsu for the seasoning sauce is too much, and you were so greedy at the time, and then became a little drunk, and insisted on staying with us. On the boat, I didn’t go back with Hulu and the others."

   "Then, Toriko and the others had no choice, so they had to go first by themselves."

   After Robin finished speaking, Nami hurriedly added.

Anyway, Nami thinks that besides snooze, gluttony is also the main reason. Moreover, children shouldn’t eat the kind of food that is made with wine. She wrote this down and will explain to Sanji later. , You can't do it again in the future.



   "Has anyone ever said that?"


Annie said that she could not remember clearly, she remembered that she had a big meal last night, and then followed these guys back and found the most comfortable room, and then, just got caught The noise of Luffy, Usopp and Chopper awakened things.



   "Of course there is!"

   "You got into my bed and refused to leave. We couldn't have been waiting for you to wake up on that island, so we had to take you and set off."

   Nami sighed.

   The little guy occupies her bed, and she is also suspected of being in a ‘drunk’ state. She gets up very angry and does not allow others to come near. She squeezed Robin all night last night.



   Annie is petrified.

  Because, she thought about it carefully, it seems...maybe...she actually said that kind of annoyance that she didn't plan to go back?

   That's right, it should be angry!

You know, so far, Annie has collected less than 100,000 kinds of food in the food world. Before she has collected 300,000 kinds and entered the food world to find more food, she would definitely not leave that world under normal circumstances. of.



Suddenly, without waiting for Annie to continue to say something, there was a tumultuous movement in the aquarium beside them. Then, when the three of them turned their heads together, they realized that it was the fellow Usopp who was there. Inside, it seems that you are planning to fish?



   "What are you doing now?!"

   Nami walked over and asked, reaching out and tapping on the glass of the aquarium.


   However, the other party waved his hand in the water, unable to speak, turned around and raised the shovel in his hand and swam elsewhere.

   "Stop asking."

   "I asked the three idle guys to help catch the octopus!"

   "We mainly eat octopus tonight!"

   "There are octopus-boiled octopus slices with rice, colorful octopus cold dishes topped with tomato slices, and delicious pure-meat takoyaki!"

   At this time, the voice of the ship's chef Sanji came from the large cylinder that had just transported drinks and food down in this hall.

   "That's it..."

   "That Annie!"

   "Are you going to go back here after dinner, or go back now?"

   nodded, and then Nami didn't care about the Usopp who was tangling with the squid octopuses in the pool, but turned to ask a little girl who was still a little messy.

   She knows that Annie knows magic, and she will instantly move and fly back with a'swish', and arrive at any place in an instant. This is also the main reason why they will set sail together without consulting each other.


   "People have to think about it first."

Annie is a little about her several months in the food industry, she seems to have collected enough various delicious ingredients, and it is very likely that she can eat it alone for millions of years Yes, then, think about it again, remembering that I was really angry last night and I said to the Lu uncles that I didn't want to go back for the time being?

   So, she didn't struggle for long, and quickly made her own decision.

   "I won't go back to the food world for the time being, so let's go shopping with you useless pirates!"


"That `s a deal!"


Anyway, there are delicious foods here. Later in the evening, there will be octopus rice-shabu-shabu octopus slices made by Uncle Sanji, colorful octopus cold platter topped with tomato slices, and takoyaki. Although it may not be as good as Uncle Komatsu’s, she Queen Anne. The adults would still barely give that uncle Sanji a face and eat a meal he cooked.

Of course, the most important thing is not to let her be the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most , She must stay and stay on this broken ship for a while anyway.


   Anyway, it's probably like that.



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