Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1619: |????) What happened?

Looking at the fruit cake that was just made and passed down by Uncle Sanji before her, Annie was still a little unhappy.

Because, there are so many good things in the food world, and she only read few of those food magazines, but in the end, it was because I ate too much sauce made by Uncle Komatsu last night, and then I didn’t pay attention. , It seemed that he said something **** off, and then he was too embarrassed to go back.


"What's the matter, Annie?"

"Do you not like it?"

Finding that Annie was just staring at the cake without talking, Nami who thought it was unappetizing couldn't help but ask strangely, then picked up the spoon and planned to take a bite.



"Sister Nami, what are you doing?"


"You're an adult, and you still want to **** children's things, aren't you ashamed?"


With that said, without waiting for the other person to utter her mouth, Annie grabbed the spoon that took a bite of the cake, and put it directly into her mouth to eat.


"I just saw that you didn't move. I thought it was against your appetite, so I wanted to taste it..."

Nami smiled wryly.



"Alright alright!"

"I won't fight with you, is this the head office? Really!"

"You eat slowly, there is not enough."

Shaking her head, Nami didn't care when she saw the little look in Annie's eyes, she just made it again in her seat, and then continued to drink her two small wines with Robin.


"Annie, you really don't plan to go back to the food world?"

"I remember, didn't you say that you want to collect all the food? In that food world, I heard that there are many, many foods. It's a pity that besides Hankelila Island, there is that mango and papaya. We do everything else. There is no chance to taste it."

"After I'm free, I really want to be a food hunter like Toriko!"

"Don't be kidding me!"


"There are indeed many delicacies in that world and they are delicious, but that world is also our female enemy. If you stay in that terrible place for a long time, you will get fat!"

"That's not heaven, it's another kind of hell!"


"Listening to you, it seems to be the same!"


"It seems that there is no way to enjoy it for the time being."

At this moment, Robin, who happened to open which pot or not to mention which pot, spoke again, and then talked and laughed with Nami...


Hearing what the two said, Annie's mood that had improved a lot from eating cake became worse.



"People don't need to go to that food world anymore!"


"Look at it?"

? o

As long as her mind doesn't slip, Annie's solution will always be more difficult than it is.

Isn't this?

As soon as she finished speaking, she stretched out her hand thiefly, and then showed off, letting a glass ball appear in front of the two of them.


"Glass ball?"

"what is this?"

"Is it a toy?"


"What does it have to do with you not going back to the food world?"

Nami and Robin glanced at each other, somewhat inexplicable. I don't know why the little guy suddenly showed them such a thing.

"It's a toy!"

"It's still that kind of very important toy!"


Annie made a grimace at the two of them, and then stuffed the glass ball into her pocket.

She would not tell them that the entire planet and the universe of the food world were packaged by her and turned into glass **** for storage. After that, the entire world became her Queen Anne’s private backyard. The people or boats in their world can no longer go to the world of gourmet food through a special plane channel.



"Annie, you just want to be happy!"

Shaking their heads, Nami and Robin, who couldn't figure out what the little guy wanted to express, smiled at each other, and then continued to drink the wine that Sanji had just made for them.



And Annie didn't explain, she continued to eat her own cake beautifully.

It’s fine now, she doesn’t have to worry about collecting food and talking is not counted, and the Uncle Alu and Uncle Komatsu don’t have to worry about robbing them of food. This is great. She should have done this a long time ago, because This is the fastest, best and most perfect ending.




"I always think Annie, you are a little weird..."


"what are you laughing at?"

Nami and Robin were more confused about placing a new order, and asked strangely again.

"I won't tell you!"



In this way, Anne, Nami and Robin stayed in this hall with an aquarium, and the three of them ate and drank and talked and laughed until there was a tumult of noise outside.

"What's wrong?"


"I have arrived in the Chambord Islands!"

Going out of the deck and asking, after hearing Luffy say that she had reached the destination, Nami rushed to the guardrail along the ship's edge.

In the front, it is a magical island full of greenery and full of mist and dreamlike bubbles, emitting colorful rays of light under the sunlight.

Soon, under the cheers of the straw hats, the Sonny gradually approached the island, and soon landed, rounding with the squid Xiaoba and the fish mermaid Kemi who had already arrived on the island early.

"What a beautiful island!"

"Of course!"

"This is the'Chambord Islands'!"

"Its biggest feature is the yarqi mangrove! Its roots secrete special natural resin under the action of respiration, and the resin will form such bubbles due to air expansion, and then because of the bottom The air also contains a certain amount of biogas, which is lighter than air, so it can fly to the sky."

"In fact, the entire island is made up of many big trees, and its ground is the roots!"

"Also, there are also fun bubble cars, bubble ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles, etc..."

"In short, the resin bubble culture permeates every part of this Chambord Island, you will love it!"

The octopus companion Xiao Ba who was waiting for everyone on the island excitedly introduced Annie and others. Obviously, he was definitely not the first time to come to this place, so he was very familiar with the environment and situation here.

"Is that so?"

? ~

"It looks like a lot of fun..."

? ? ?

Annie stretched out her finger and touched one of the bubbles floating from the ground. However, to her a little surprise, its outer wall seemed to be very tough and flexible, just like a balloon. It was not because of her. It is easy to break open if you are good at killing it.

"There is also a talking big star here..."

"But why do we have to come here? Is there anything to do?"

? ? ? ?

Seeing that everyone has some expectation while being curious, it seems that they have already known why they are here. Therefore, Annie couldn't help asking strangely while teasing the bubble.


"Little Eight!"

"What is your purpose for letting us come here to meet?"

However, what made Annie even more surprised was that Luffy, who was the captain, seemed to be the same as her, and didn't know why he came here?


"Luffy! Didn't we talk about it before?"

Nami covered her head with a headache, and then stopped talking to the murloc Kemi and the starfish Papakusyu who had just been called the "Papa Star" by Annie, but walked over with an expression of irritation.

"We are going to find a coating craftsman!"

"In order for the ship to dive to the bottom of the sea!"

"Otherwise, our ship Sonny would not be able to pass that submarine channel."

"Just like bubbles here, after coating, the ship can sail freely on the sea floor. This is the only way we can pass through this sea area."

Sighing, Nami said helplessly.

Actually, there are two ways to pass through the Red Earth Continent, one of which is the conventional method, which is better and simpler. However, since they are a group of pirates and they are all famous on the wanted list, they cannot use unconventional methods. , Intending to avoid the navy’s sight from the bottom of the sea and pass quietly.

"Is that so?"


"I forgot it by accident."

Luffy didn't mind Nami's accusation at all, just touched the back of her head and laughed, and didn't feel embarrassed at all, as if that kind of thing was not something he should worry about as the captain.


"It's late, everyone, let's go!"


"Xiao Ba said, there is a town in front, there should be bubble cars for rent, we can rent a few."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go?"


However, Sanji, Usopp, Brook, and Sauron were obviously already taking offense to Luffy’s temperament, so they didn’t care about that kind of thing, but just followed the Octopus who led the way indifferently. The fish walked forward.


An hour later, the people in the straw hats rented three bubble cars and set off on the road to find the coating craftsman.

At this time, the largest bubble car was driven by Octopus Xiaoba, with the mermaid Kemi, Brook and Robin in the back, while Luffy stepped on the car alone and wandered from the sidelines to the sidelines. Nami's small and exquisite car carried Papagu and Chopper respectively.

As for Annie...



"Are you really not here to play?"

"Come and try it out, this bubble car is really fun!"

Nami beckoned to Annie.

Because, at this moment Annie is lying in a bubble, eating delicious bb popcorn while letting the bubble carrying her float forward with everyone.

"do not want!"


Annie stayed away.

Now she is eating, and it is quite comfortable to lie in the resin bubble like this, she doesn't want to go with them on the human-assisted bubble car like a bicycle!

"Aren't you coming?"


"That's it!"

"Everyone, let's go racing together?"

Anyway, it’s all on the way, and it’s fun. In addition, in order to arouse the interest of a little guy, Nami suddenly accelerates and rushes towards the front, but she still laughs and turns her head towards the back. Lu Fei, Xiao Ba and some lazy little girl yelled and provoked.



"I must be the number one!!"

As soon as he heard that he was about to race, Luffy's mental energy immediately rose, and he slammed on it, causing his bubble car to suddenly accelerate and jump out.

"Hey! Hey!"

"At least you have to call for preparation before you start, right?"

"You are cheating, wait for us!"

Mr. Octopus Xiaoba saw that Luffy and Nami had already rushed out first. He was unwilling to be left behind. He gritted his teeth and stomped on his biggest bubble car with great strength. Carrying Brook, Kemi and Robin, the three also rushed out awkwardly.




Annie didn't mind seeing those guys who dared to race with her. It was just an idea. Soon, when a gust of wind blew, she directly pushed her and her bubbles forward and flew out.

I think back then, in the game world, when racing with the little sister Artemis, in that dangerous track, she rushed forward without cheating, scaring everyone and the bad old man. Jumped.

So, if you really want to race or something, Queen Anne dare to recognize the second, then no one would dare to recognize the first!

It's just that she didn't want to be true to them now, so she just let a gust of wind push herself, and then watched them stepping on the pedal energetically outside, while eating her snacks in the bubbles comfortably.


"Annie is so cunning, she uses magic!"

Nami, who had taken the lead, saw Xiao Ba and Luffy both chasing him up, and when even a nasty little girl lying in a bubble and eating popcorn gradually floated up, she became a little anxious and started. I stepped on the pedal hard again, trying to make my bubble car faster.



Gradually, Annie, who was lying in the bubble with her eyes closed and eating, overtook the three bubble cars at an extremely fast speed, and was still accelerating.

This is the reason why she just didn't want to rent a car, because she didn't need that kind of bubble car at all!


"I will never lose to her!"

Lu Fei was angry when he was overtaken by a little girl.

Then, he actually used his ability on his legs, making his own legs more elastic, like a spring, stretched back and forth and stepped on, and then actually made the speed a few times faster in vain. , And gradually surpassed Nami and Xiao Ba, and chased after Annie in front of them in a forward-looking attitude.



"Annie, I will surpass you soon!"

Soon, when he found that he was starting to level with Annie's blistering and gradually surpassing it, Luffy laughed triumphantly.


"Okay! You forced others!"

~? ?

Of course Annie knew that at the speed of the other party, she would definitely be able to surpass herself very quickly, so she stretched out a hand directly from her bubble, and then shot a little spark with her fingertips and killed Luffy’s car. On the outer wall of the bubble car.



Of course, at the moment Annie’s finger with Mars touched it, the outer wall of the Luffy Bubble Car’s bubble burst directly under the and he staggered. , Just planted one head on the ground.


A terrible exclamation sounded, and then Nami and the slowest Xiaoba caught up.



"You cheated!"

He fell to the ground at high speed and turned dozens of somersaults.

But fortunately, he was not injured because of his rubber physique. Therefore, Luffy hurriedly got up, grabbing his bubble car and preparing to find another suitable bubble, while waving his fist towards someone in front of him. A nasty little girl who walked away protested.



Annie made a face toward the back.



Suddenly, before she was happy for long, she couldn't help exclaiming when she looked back and saw the situation in front of her.


"not good!"

"Annie! Stop it!!"

At this time, after seeing the situation in front as well, before Annie asked and rushed over, Nami and Xiao Ba hurriedly stepped backwards to prepare to brake, but they did not forget to shout at her.

Because, Nami, Brook, Chopper, Robin and others have seen it. In front, there seems to be a group of malicious guys waiting there, holding weapons to block their way?



Hearing Nami's call, of course Annie stopped easily.


!? ?

"Don't come here!!!"

? ?


However, she can stop in an instant, but it doesn’t mean that others can also. Therefore, Nami and Xiao Ba’s bubble car behind her slammed into her bubble, and made everyone noisy. Rolled into a ball with the sound of collision.

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