Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1620: (*???`?*)? Walking the rivers and lakes children...

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"Are you all okay?"

At this moment, Luffy, who just fell to the ground because of the bubble burst by Annie, saw the crowd rolling in front of him and was really embarrassed, he laughed and caught up, slowed down and asked. They are supporting each other's friends who are getting up from the ground.


"What's the matter with them guys?"

Immediately afterwards, after his new bubble car was completely stopped, he jumped off the ground and saw that everyone seemed to be okay, so he had time to look forward to the big group holding swords and guns and blocking them unkindly. Strangers here.


"it hurts……"


"No, nothing!"

"Everyone, be careful!"


"Luffy, these guys, they seem to be pirate hunters!"

After everyone was standing firmly, Nami rubbed her swollen head and touched the careless Luffy with her arm to remind them to be careful of the guys who set up an ambush here and block them.


"It turned out to be a bounty hunter..."

Nodding, Luffy knew why everyone suddenly rolled into a ball. It turned out to be such a thing.

However, he did not pay attention to those people. After all, he saw a lot of hunters who specialize in capturing pirates and hand them over to the navy to obtain bounty. People give it to heart.

Of course, except for Sauron, that guy was originally a pirate hunter, and he was also very powerful. If he encounters a guy like Sauron, even he himself must be careful.


"it's here……"

"Straw hat Luffy, bounty 300 million Bailey, yes, that hat, and the scar on the corner of his eye, it is him!"

When Luffy and Nami and others stood together and whispered to each other, the group of people who blocked Annie and others here also shook up a bounty announcement and saw Lu Fei’s profile picture and the reward. The amount of gold.

"Three hundred million?"

Seeing that those people actually took out a few rewards and pointed them at herself and Nami, plus what the other party said, Luffy knew it without asking, the other party was undoubtedly the kind of reliance. Pirate hunters who make a living by hunting and killing wanted criminals and earning bounty.


"Your reward order is out of date!"

"Now my bounty is far more than 300 million, really!"

Therefore, he kindly reminded those guys that he, the straw hat pirate, Monkey D. Luffy, had already earned more than 300 million rewards.


"Are you still in the mood to say that kind of thing?"

Seeing that it was all at this time, Luffy was still in the mood to correct that kind of thing, and Nami was so angry that she barely kicked the other person's ass.

"Hum hum……"

"Then there is nothing wrong, it must be them!"



"The wanted order also said that regardless of life or death, it is 300 million!"

"Also, they are all in the same group, and the two women also have bounty. Add up together, at least there are more than 100 million, right?"

"Get rich, get rich!"


"Life or death!!!"

After confirming their gazes and finding that Luffy was the person they were looking for, the pirate hunters were not wordy, directly brandishing the swords and other weapons in their hands, and directly crowded them.



"Kill them!!"


"Don't keep one!!"

Seeing their excitement, this group of pirate hunters seems to have eaten Luffy's few people, and also intends to take advantage of their large number of people to target Luffy and others and successfully intercept them here. The list of thieves to catch all in order to earn that lucrative bounty?


"bring it on!!"

Lu Fei has never been the kind of fearful master. In fact, not only is he not afraid of things, but he always thinks that things are not big enough. Therefore, he saw the pirate hunters rushing towards him brandishing their swords. , Seeing them look like they wanted to cut off their heads, he became excited.

Rubber pistol!

Therefore, he also shouted excitedly, and at the same time, using the reaction force of his rubber fist when it stretched and retracted, he slammed at the pirate hunters who rushed towards him, and immediately used the elastic force of the rubber fist. , Using the kind of attack he named the "rubber pistol" to easily smash into the air.

"Yo ho~ho~ho~!"

"It hasn't been long since I joined them. There shouldn't be much bounty. Thinking about it seriously, this fact is really sad and tearful, although my eyes won't shed tears at all..."

Revolutionary dance music, assault!

Although Brooke, the skeleton in a gentleman's outfit and with an explosive head, said that kind of funny words, he was very vicious and vicious.

Isn't this?

He was just a dash, and then he quickly drew his sword from the cane sword and issued extremely sword-cutting moves, and easily cut off the hunters who were frightened by his crippled appearance. On the ground.


"Don't underestimate us!"


"Kill them!"


And Nami, Robin, and Chopper were not willing to be left behind at all. When Luffy and Brook easily defeated their enemies, they also tried their best. With the cooperation of Chopper, who became human, they did not have much. The admiral also defeated the enemies that surrounded them.



"The little girl and the mermaid over there seem to have little resistance. Go ahead and take them hostage!"

At this time, a hunter leader who organized and coordinated at the back found that not only the straw hat Luffy headed by him was very strong, but the other pirate crew members were also better than one, and the dozens of experienced hunters they brought After Shi had fallen nearly halfway down, he was finally afraid.

Ever since, he could only hit the wrong idea on a little girl and a mermaid who had been watching the show nearby, intending to catch the two hostages first, and then coerce the pirates headed by Straw Hat Luffy into submission. .



"What's the matter with others?"


I was happily watching the show, but at this time, Annie was unwilling to be spotted by bad guys inexplicably.

"Hey! Uncle!"


"They are not pirates, there are no bounty, you should go and catch them!"


Sitting prone on the resin bubble, Annie, who was floating about a meter high in mid-air eating popcorn, raised her hand to express her protest.


"good idea!"


"Catch them!"

However, the pirate hunters didn't want to listen to her explanation, taking advantage of the opportunity that others were still entangled with Lu Fei and the others, they rushed directly at the little girl and the mermaid.

"not good!"

"Kemi, be careful!!"

Seeing his comrades being spotted by these fierce bounty hunters, the Octopus Xiaoba became anxious and planned to rush to the rescue regardless.



However, Lu Fei and Brooke, who originally wanted to continue their attack, were not in a hurry after hearing the words of the pirate hunters and seeing the actions of the other party. Instead, they stopped with weird faces. At the same time, Lu Fei even grabbed the anxious Xiaoba.

"Ha ha!"

"Little Eight! There will be nothing wrong, you can rest assured as soon as possible!"

"There will be a good show soon."

If there is only Kemi over there, what Luffy didn't say, he will definitely use his powerful rubber skills to rush over and rescue him immediately!

However, there is no need now, because he firmly believes that the pirate hunter will definitely not succeed.

"I was scared to death. I thought they were going to catch someone!"


"very pitiful……"

"Yes, it is!"

"Oh ho~ho~ho~"

And Nami, Chopper, Robin, and Skeleton Brook stopped one after another. Like Luffy, they didn’t intend to face the sorrowful little girl and the mermaid Kaimi who were about to fall into the hands of the enemy. Rescue, just stood on the side and talked coldly.


"What's the matter with them?"

"do not know……"

The behavior of Lu Fei and others was of course very confusing, and of course it made the pirate hunters who had rushed to Annie and Kemi and the ‘Pai Daxing’ to take hostages a bit at a loss.


"We are going to take them hostages, is this your attitude?"

Finally, seeing that Luffy and others were still being blocked by his accomplices, and after confirming that the enemy would not be able to rush in a short time, the leader of the pirate hunter who had already stood in front of Annie and Kemi, this was a little different. He yelled affirmatively and asked.

It stands to reason that in this case, the Straw Hat Luffy gang should not rush over in a hurry, and then want to stop them, but in the end, they were held hostage by the safety of the hostages, they had to stop frustrated and resisted. Obediently, let them catch, and finally let them grab them, send them all to the navy headquarters and successfully receive the large bounty, right?

But now, those people are standing far away regardless, and being stopped by their people indifferently, that kind of thing is a little too strange.

"Ha ha!"

"If you are going to catch Kemi, then we must stop it!"


"If you want to catch Annie, please feel free to!"

"We definitely don't mind. Anyway, we are not very familiar with her, and we don't care if you are going to take her away."

Touching the back of his head, Luffy said with a grin.

Moreover, the tone when listening to him was like he was deliberately provoking those hunters with aggressive tactics, wishing them to carry out the kind of actions that hijacked little girls and threatened them to submit?

"Luffy is right, we totally agree!"

"Me too!"

"And I!"


"This joke must be very funny, and I'll laugh so hard that I won't close my jawbone later."

At this time, the companions standing behind Luffy, such as Nami, Robin, Brook, and Chopper, also nodded or raised their hands in agreement.

They also acted like Luffy, standing directly aside, without any intention of carrying out any rescue operations.

"You guys!!"



"Hey! Hey!"

"Are you sure?"

However, the person who doesn’t know whether it is an octopus or an octopus is still very anxious for Kemi’s safety, because he obviously doesn’t know Annie’s details, and he doesn’t even care about it. Luffy and the others just want to wait and see. The kind of mind that the excitement is not too big.

Anyway, he only knew that Kemi and the little girl who didn't know why the resin bubble could fly was surrounded by a few fierce pirate hunters, and those hunters did everything. Coupled with the fact that they are now in an unscrupulous zone that nobody cares about, God knows what terrible things those guys will do to Kemi later.



"Are they crazy?"

"Strange, didn't these two women come with them?"

"I still talked and laughed when I saw them racing..."

"I saw it too."


The hunters couldn't help but hesitate at this time, so the atmosphere on the scene gradually became a little embarrassing.



"Ignore them! Catch them first!"

However, when the hunter leader saw Xiaoba’s anxious face and uneasy movements, he quickly reacted, and then, thinking that it was probably the enemy’s suspicious trick, he grinned and made a decisive decision. With a wave of the ground, the person directly reached out to catch the little girl and the mermaid.

"Whatever it is, they have no chance!"

The hunter leader said with a grin.

He was already thinking about it, and later, catch the little girl and the mermaid, especially the adult mermaid, and put a knife across the delicate necks of the two of them, and humiliate them in front of the group of pirates. Intimidate the mermaid a bit, and you will not be afraid that those people will not subdue when the time comes!



However, when the hunter leader's hand was about to touch the neck of a nasty little girl sitting on the bubble, he suddenly saw that the other's innocent and scared face suddenly became stiff.



"What, what?!"

Then in this hunter team, he was the largest and strongest, but he was suddenly flew by the opponent. He flew high towards the sky and crashed into a certain bubble, which made the bubbles sway. After that, she fainted gorgeously and didn't know anything.



"What, what's going on?"

"do not know……"

"Okay, it seems that the little girl was beaten away..."


"A little girl is so good?"

Although not many people could see exactly what was going on, but when they saw the leader of their own and others who were inexplicably knocked flying and lying in a bubble in the sky, the other hunters stopped in fright. , Suddenly messed up.

"Ha ha!"

"I forgot to tell you: we pirates, all of us are not as powerful as her!"

Luffy showed off loudly and grinned, as if he was saying something glorious.


"How, how is it possible?"

"What a joke!"


However, most of the chaotic pirate hunters are reluctant to believe Luffy's words, because they did not see what happened just now, so they are more willing to believe that it was just used by Luffy and others. Somehow they didn't know it and knocked their leader into the air.

Bang! !

However, without waiting for those people to say anything, suddenly, one by one bubbles fell from the sky like cannonballs, and when they collided with the pirate hunters, they exploded. That powerful kinetic energy, One by one, they screamed and vomited blood and flew out fiercely.




After a few seconds, there was no pirate hunter standing in this place.

At this moment, they either lay on the ground all the way, or passed out and were carried by bubbles one by one and flew into the air to float there.


"so smart?"


Xiao Ba's octopus eyes were almost staring out, and Kemi who was holding Paidaxing and Paidaxing who was held by Kemi were so shocked that they couldn't say a word.



"Why do people always take it for granted that little girls are the kind that is best to bully?"

(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

Clap your Annie walked proudly to the side.

The bubble she was sitting on just broke out, so now she must find a new and beautiful bubble of the right size for herself, and then continue to lie in and go on her way.

She likes it very much, because there are magical bubbles to play, you can lie inside or lie on top, and sway around when you are on the way. It is particularly comfortable and comfortable, and there is no need for cars or carriages and other troubles. The shock absorption system.


(● ̄? ̄●)


(*?′?`?*)? Double change 4D for monthly pass

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